She took over the complete tent surface!! Bearly have place to keep humidifier and heater. I am thinking never again to go with more than one plant as this way she will give her full potential. And tent is 80cmx80cmx180. She seem super healthy however I did found several leaves with brown spots. Not enough nutrient, too much nutrients? No idea...will need to google and ask you guys. I have disconnected her from the autopot after 5 days and will wait until root is dry. Need to leave her for 6-7 days again and the plan is to give her 10ml of BIO PK 5-8 and 8 ml of orgatrex diluted in 1,5 lit of water. Also I ve diluted 8 ml of orgatrex in tank with 18liters water added, hopefull she will use all of it at the time I am back and strart drying the root. Did some defoliation to pass down the light for lower flowers and spayed her with BOOM BOOM spray. Let see how next week will turn out. Cheers!
Buena planta la dichosa Hulkberry. La técnica de doblar el tallo todavía no está muy conseguida. No me gustaba el aspecto que tenían esta vez. Contra todo pronóstico, han dado más cantidad de lo que parecía a primera vista. En todo caso los resultados son superables. La planta más pesada ha dado 22 gramos, y la que menos, 6 gramos de cogollos.
Like I touched on previously, I am only going to be using ILGM for One or two strains in the future. I’ve had a run of Hermies and or bananas from so many of their seeds lately it’s just not acceptable at this point. I really truly believe they have some solid genetics in some cases, but maybe they’re rushing on some of the newer strains they’re putting out. I don’t know but I’m moving towards using different banks at this point. Aside from the issue during the grow I also noticed the last round of seeds I got from them maybe 30-40% were visibly immature. No striping, which I know is normal and some strains but the real obvious sign was they were not dark enough like they were super light green almost approaching a white color. I’ll use them for pure indica which is a power house, gold leaf and maybe blue dream. Then again I’ve got a tent full of those clones anyhow 😉
In Conclusion guys I just wished 2 out of the 3 ladies didn't stunt on me so I could have had more to harvest. But I am definitely getting alot better with my grows a definitely feel more confident in giving you guys reviews on my next strains that I have coming. Thanks for Watching & Happy Growing guys, any questions just ask 👍🏾
It was overall a very very fast grow, definitely in the room im growing in now. I had 2 different lights on her and she still decided to be done within 10 weeks!
Girlscout is doing great looks and smells perfect I reckon I can get another few days in before flush updates of others will be up later
I’ve come to the end of my grow. Big thanks to Barney’s Farm for the potent plant. I have dried the plant out for roughly 8/9 days. It has now been curing for another 5 days so far. Probs will need 2 weeks at least. I think I trimmed it too early because if you look at the pictures I left 1 or 2 buds at the bottom of the plant 🌱 They have ripen and grown much bigger in size. They also smell a lot better. I hope my next grow will be even better. Good luck everyone and thanks for taking the time to read. ✌️🏼
Grow diaries has been a new and fun way for me to keep track of my grow, learning heaps through the questions and answers, theres some real knowledgeable growers that are helping who they can with a positive community surrounding. Good stuff. Cheers guys
The ladies are looking good 3 had a rough start but it was either ph or nitro deficiency using nftg#4 for base soil and building a living soil...I topdressed 1/4 cup craft blend and 2 tbls Bokashi...
The ladies are looking good 3 had a rough start but it was either ph or nitro deficiency using nftg#4 for base soil and building a living soil...I topdressed 1/4 cup craft blend and 2 tbls Bokashi...
The ladies are looking good 3 had a rough start but it was either ph or nitro deficiency using nftg#4 for base soil and building a living soil...I topdressed 1/4 cup craft blend and 2 tbls Bokashi...
Ну вот и закончился наш короткий путь выращивания сатива-доминантного сорта. К сожалению, размер бокса не позволил полноценно включить лампу, так как растение сильно вытянулось и стало получать световые ожоги, плюс еще сыграл недостаток кальция. Изначально хотел 8 больших, толстых и симметричных колл, но пришлось гнуть дополнительно. На фотографии видно, что все ветки закручены по спирали - это пытался решить проблему сильно низкого освещения. Давно не растил сативный сорт и забыл, что в начале цветения растение ну очень сильно вытягивается. В итоге, из-за LST во время цветения, нижние этажи тоже вытянулись и вместо 8 колл получилось в 3 раза больше. Все-таки мне мой метод больше нравится, чем ML, так как времени уходить меньше, стресса меньше, а результат такой же. Снял 607 грамм больших веток и около 100 грам всякой мелочевки. Немножечко пересушил. Так бы вышло грамм 200 чистых шишек. Придется чуток их увлажнить. Вцелом очень доволен собой и результатом. Спасибо что заглянули и порадовались вместе со мной.
High quality autoflowers guys! Very happy with this 3 gelato auto by fast buds, the smell it's very pungent and there are a lot of trichomes in early flower, very good strain to grow, let's see how this 3 ladies keep developing those stinky flowers! 💚💓👨‍🌾
We were flushing at this point, aiming for a Day 60-64 harvest. Was super impressed with Ayahuasca Purple and LSD genetics for our environment. The Cookies Kush could have used a few more weeks to reach her full potential but still put off decent weight nonetheless. Shoutout Barney's Farms for putting out high quality, affordable genetics! Respect.