Week 9 flower is coming to an end and the Sour Diesel still has about a week to go. I could chop it down now with no complaints I think, the heads are mostly cloudy, no amber, but I’d like these foxtail like growths to fill out, if possible, now that they popped out. Think I had the light intensity to high and far along into flower and that’s why the GG#4 had a few nanners pop late, just displayed the stress in different ways, but what the hell do I know lol 😂. Flowers seem hard and dense but look a little weird with foxtails and the tips are stretched strangely and can see a bit of the centre stalk on a few lower and further from the light. The foxtail growth is also happening lower down as well which makes me think genetics, I dunno? Stripped most the large leaves that I could easily get at and just watering still letting the soil stay a bit on the dryer side, but consistent. Steadily lowering the humidity the best I can and manage, but it’s a bit difficult as I took down the humidifier to clean and get ready for harvest and got the dehumidifier going, but got another cold snap coming through and it’s dry outside and the house heat is running, don’t have a clean filter for the humidifier now, trying to get it right, right to the end, but Mother Nature is making my unnatural grow difficult lol. Thanks for the view and long read if you made it to the end! Keep calm and grow on!
Week 3 is here and again thank you to all you fellow grower’s that have stopped by to show the love 👊🏻✌️ a massive thank you to James @RQS for trusting me with this grow. A link to their website below go check them out 🙌 . Well we are at the start of week 3. Moving along nice and steady. Starting to really struggle with RH yesterday was down to 40% for most of the day. Managed to get it back to 50%. I think I will top them all towards the end of the week but I need to see more growth before I do this. Day 17, watered last night. Started to train the first plant. I’m going onto the back one either tonight or tomorrow. Turned the heat Matt off as I think the roots were getting too warm 🤷 we carry on. ✌️👊🏻 Day 18, adjusted the ties on this lady gone in fairly hard so we shall see how she handles it. Topped the other weeding cake today too. Let’s see how they look in a couple days. ✌️🙌 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Sorry again for the poor media content. The project was coming to an end and I was starting with another one, my first hydro grow. Pollen was kept fertile and used after with great results too. Sadly I don't think I have the notes where I counted how many seeds came from this plant, but well see, I'll keep digging.
More plant porn hehe... Not sure if that pollination was from the last week or the one before cutting. Either way this was the las week before chopping it down!
Hey there growers!! Sorry for skipping flower so bad.. here are some videos of the ninth and tenth week. No excuses, but someone stole from me back then and I didn't feel like making videos for a couple of weeks. But the experience went on, the female plant reversed and it's pollinating itself with my help like you see in the videos. Sorry again for the Spanish audio 😅
Day 28 week 4 of flower plants looking good I dropped a 3L water bottle on a string which snapped a whole branch from the bottom 😳 on right plant 😭
Questa ztrawberry lo caricata sul diario in ritardo.ha cominciato già la prima settima di fioritura.. boh
Hey there! Welcome to this diary! I made it easy back in 2021. For my germination method I always use both the glass of water and the paper towel. Let me explain, the glass of water only goes for 6 to 12 hrs, it's just a soak that also contains 3-4 drops of hydrogen peroxide, this way we kill all pathogens that the seed may have on the outside. Then to a warm, moist and dark place with the paper towel, this seed sprouted pretty fast using this method. Then, once it has that tiny mouse tail of it goes to the pot, I keep it moist by putting a transparent cup upside down.
So, eventful week. Prior to putting my seeds into my system, my light and rdwc system was left on as I was dialling in the growing environment before placing the seeds as a final home. My only issue was I had a light leak BEFORE putting the foil top covers on the clay pebbles. Long story short, I got algae which ended up turning to root rot. I spotted it very swiftly and did a res change adding beneficial bacteria to the system along with the base products of remo nutrients. A few days later new growth and recovery is taking place. Day 16- Fully back on track, new roots shooting out into the water and the growth rate has picked up as it should. Foliar feeding twice a day for a little boost until the root system establishes a bit more. Huge changes in just a day. Can't wait to see what a week's growth looks like. Really loving the sunset/sunrise feature on the trolmaster, something I got to experience watching recently! Watching by closely to make sure everything stays in track. Stay tuned for the next one 😉
Hey there again! Just a couple of videos of the week, the treatment has been going for over a week now and it's almost over.
Alright Week 4 and end of treatment , start of flower... Maybe it's not just there for calling it flowering week one... But still... Videos still in Spanish. See you next week!
Yes! It reversed, now it's going to self and create more feminized seeds, the selfed ones probably be like clones if the strain is stable enough, if not, it'll show 1-3 phenos in my experience.
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The OG KUSH started to show a Cal-Mag Deficiencie. Other than that the plants are growing fine and responded very well to my last defoliation before harvest.
Popped 2 of each and had 100% germ and sprout rate! Didn’t take a picture of any specific genetic popped that day so here’s a video!
Frost is all over and she smells incredible. The buds are getting bigger and bigger. Cant wait to sample her 😋 She got a little defoliation on day 66, nothing crazy.