New week starts. __________________ 🌞19.04 Spraying by the 'Sea Weed' solution, but it's usual. Waiting for crone forming, doing nothing. It's a last week of vegetation, next one will be 12/12 hrs of light. 🌞20.04 Nothing today except clean water spraying. I was thinking about HST making to lower a middle brunches of my 'stack'. But I'm too scared to cause a lot if stress to my girls. They can become hermaphrodites, it's too risky. Theoretically, I can wait one more week them to be healed from the lasd defoliation and then break some brunches. But I don't want to wait more. 🌞21.04 Nothing today, we just growing. 'RG'#2 has alot of yellow tips on its yong leaves. It's definitely a feeding deficit, but I already giving them nutrients in 80% concentration. Next feeding (two days later) will be 100%/full dose and then light schedule will be changed. 👉Upd: I made HST (Supercropping) to eight middle branches of 'HB' and 'RG'#2. They were too tall compared to others. Now they have five days for healing before light schedule will be changed. It will be a great experiment for future grow cycles. 👉Upd_2: All eight broken future colas turned themselves to the 'Sun'. HST procedure was successful. Now my garden is as flat as an 🌊🌊🌊 (almost). 🌞22.04 Nothing today, even spraying. I want them to heal faster, not to rot... Broken branches of 'HB' and 'RG'#2 feels great. Leaves aren't withering, their stems are hard. They'll be OK after a few days. I think I'll made one more defoliation on wednesday. Wright after that I'll turn on 12/12 light shadule. 🌞23.04 Today I measured drainage water. There are too much sault was gathered in pots: 2.8Ec I drained 60 liters of nutrients solution (20l each pot). And EC fell to 2.6 only - it's too damn high numbers! In wednesday I'll water my plants with 'GHE Pro Clean' before light schedule changing. It will clean them well. Upd: 12hrs after this procedure they look much larger then they were before. I'm starting to run out of space in my box. 🌞24.04 Nothing today. A soil is too wet, Ec is too high, the broken branches haven't healed yet. I'll wait for two days, then flush my girls with a 'Clean' solution. Upd.: Light defoliation (~40 leaves total) was done at the evening to all except 'HB'. It was a last leaves cutting before flowering time. Details on photo. 🌞25.04 It's a last day of vegetation light schedule. I'll turn my lamps to 12/12hrs tomorrow. Also I will turn on a third 100W lamp in the box. This was a normal week. ____________ Week ends.
Halfway done. TRIM JAIL IS REAL! Big fat black colas. Couldn't as for better looking buds!!!! Definitely my biggest yet!! Will update more once done trimming, drying and curing, _______________________________ Finally finished!!!! Needed a bit of manacuring to get it the last home stretch but the lemonade stand is open and the reviews are raving!!! Gonna be a nice treat for EVERYONE with 1 1/2 pounds to share!!!! Greatest yield, Prettyiest buds!! Complete Success!! Thanks Again Fastbuds!!!
Durch mein ADHS sind die Beiträge leider etwas knapp geraten. Aber ich habe es geschafft mit der Medizin eine neue Arbeit zu finden.
Well i will just be hoping that these girls will be quality with the audio frequency. I know from the first place that my lamp to light distance when veg state it was too high i noticed it after 6 weeks. And forgot again cause im stupid and flipped it on 7th week. 😪 mistakes mistakes. Mdfckr me😩😩😩 wish they are 1 hit kill 😂
Very satisfied with this week girls looking strong and healthy going into Bloom also ethos genetics get back at me I need to know if you ever had a problem with one of your seeds just won’t to know no fussing it’s all lov
Good growth on them little bit of nutrients burn on the northern lights. Won’t get much out that small one but I just couldn’t let it go
The carmalious auto liked a the soil ph around 5.8 I noticed when growing. The Pineapple Express auto didn’t care for much nutrients. They both started off pretty strong but had some issues with the Pineapple Express during early flowering, but figured out the problem and fixed it. Both plants were grown in 2 gal flower pots and yielded roughly over a ounce a piece.
Chopped and drying some nice big dense smelly buds
Last week I tried to fix the calmag issue, since it was my first time using calmag from biobizz, I didn't know how to apply it and got the nutrient deficiency. This week was time for the base plan from advanced nutrients, and I could saw a sign of nutrients oversode, hence I used 1.5ml/L of each base plan (micro, grow, and bloom), and I set 200 µS/cm as base for the solution. Then I used some befetial bacteria as usual from the "Colectivo cientifico" (scientific hub) from Chile. I gently watered my girl and applied some leafcoat to prevent plagues. Next week I want to apply other natural anti-plagues, since I had plagues in my prior grow. I also decided to apply LST, the plant has more branches and it's ready for it. I really like how LST improves the yields and helps the plant develop several "colas". I final note is that the plant now has a strong smell compared to, lets say, my prior grow (think different from dutch passion). Please let me know any thoughts about my girl, the nutrients or the LST technique.
So much stretching going on this week. I think we are just about done though. Which is good because I do not want to have to move the exhaust and all. Really upped the nutrients this week. Burned em just a tad but I think I found her sweet spot. 1300-1500 ppm. Seems strong but if I even go down to 1000ppm #3 starts getting yellow. Finally some nice flowers forming. Aromas are starting to fill the room when I open the tent each morning. I thought this was supposed to be an 8 weeks strain but I'm 17 days in and it's feeling more like a 10-11 week strain.
Will update after smoke. Fuck a wet weight
Being a wook i missed out to capture last few weeks on my diary, but sure enough that didnt stop planties getting bushier. Quick one and Royal kush entered flowering with Bright pistons covering future big buds. And they keep getting bigger :3 Northern lights is biggest one now reaching 17 cm is beggining to show signs of flowering with first pistons so does speedy chille, which was surprizing, now im wondering what caused it? Maybe it was few times we slept through 4.20 not turning on light for few hours or maybe it was something to do with nutrience ¯( - _-) /¯. Well all to ze moon family is looking happier and happier. Finally ph strips and water ph meter came. We measured soils ph and tap water ph, they were too high so we mixed water with a little bit of vinegar makin the right ph, watered the plants amd waited for signs >-< Planties liked the water and now look green and much healthier :3 Jah bless
Despues de leer creo que el problema puede ser de los LEDs+Calcio, añado calmag y bajo potencia hasta 250w, ahora esperar. La planta que no tenia problema empieza a tenerlo.