Some trichomes are clear others are turning cloudy , still no Amber. I'll lower the feed from now with a view to harvesting in the next week to ten days .
Over Pollinated? Male Afghan/Khalifa Kush crossed with Female Amnesia Haze.
💩Holy Crap We Are Back At It And Loving It💩 Growing in a 11 ounce pot 👈 👀 👀 👈 Growmies we are at DAY 49 and she's just killing💀it👌 TALK ABOUT FROSTY 👈 Amazing results thus far for the Tiny Pot 😀 👉Added straws within the Tiny pot to help watering in week 4 👈 So I'm starting to see she needs watering every single day and now need nutrients 🙃 Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍rain water to be used entire growth👈 WATERING SINGLE TO TWICE DAILY 😋 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
💩Holy Crap We Are Back At It And Loving It💩 Growing in a 11 ounce pot 👈 👀 👀 👈 Growmies we are at DAY 49 and she's just killing💀it👌 TALK ABOUT FROSTY 👈 Amazing results thus far for the Tiny Pot 😀 👉Added straws within the Tiny pot to help watering in week 4 👈 So I'm starting to see she needs watering every single day and now need nutrients 🙃 Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍rain water to be used entire growth👈 WATERING SINGLE TO TWICE DAILY 😋 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
She is all seeded up and maturing nicely...survived two tropical waves turned hurricanes. Anxious to grow those seeds!
Back to plain water, seeing some foxtailing and I love it. Dense dense nugs are no good for making hash I hear. My s/o and I are super excited to get her harvested and squished but am waiting for the 20% amber to chop. Thanks for the feedback on harvest time indicators. PLEASE COMMENT your go-to method/indicators for harvest time! Would love to see if everyone solely depends on trichombes or other methods such as pistils or leaves. *I am growing 4 plants here, but only tracking one.
I enjoyed it and will doing it again shortly!
Did a top watering this week with some nutes added. Then back to plain RO water in the SIP. Seeing some light burn so lowered the PAR from avg 650 to 550. Tried a Co2 canister but without a proper lung room for this 10 x 5, it was pretty useless. Really getting into this hobby, love the abundance of free knowledge and different techniques available. Starting to resent those who I see bragging about "trade secrets". I've been spending more time in hash making discords, hash making twitch streams, and grower instagrams. It never ceases to amaze me what we can learn for free with some motivation and the internet. *I am growing 4 plants here, but only tracking one.
Pretty resistant to wpm but still susceptible. I'd like to breed in more resistance but that may lower cbd content. So we will see what she taste like and go from there and
Pretty resistant to wpm but still susceptible. I'd like to breed in more resistance but that may lower cbd content. So we will see what she taste like and go from there and
Pretty resistant to wpm but still susceptible. I'd like to breed in more resistance but that may lower cbd content. So we will see what she taste like and go from there and
Pretty resistant to wpm but still susceptible. I'd like to breed in more resistance but that may lower cbd content. So we will see what she taste like and go from there and
Hey wie ich finde sind die Pflanzen ein gutes Stück gewachsen ich werde die heute in der Blüte schicken und freue mich schon darauf , die in voller Blüten Pracht zu sehen .,.ich hab hohe Erwartungen von den Grow 😉
Hey bin mal gespannt obwohl ich nicht all zu viel erwarte der Wuchs bis jetz hält sich in Grenzen aber ich denke durch den Kleinen Topf ist das Wuchs Wachstum stark eingeschränkt Aber mal sehen ich lass mich überraschen 😂
The 34 street seed Cookies had Lot’s of LST and training this week! The girls did very well overall after being topped, and have recovered very nicely. I also finished up my drying my last harvest, so after a cleanup session, my big tent was ready to go again! This week was pretty easy, just watching the girls and adjusting the ties to keep the side branching going. I like to come in regularly and bend and twist the shoots between my fingers encouraging healthier stems. While I’m in there I’ll adjust the wire ties a bit to keep things even. After 2-3 days with the tie downs on, I’ll take them off and let the plant recover. With the environment dialled in at 79 degrees and 63% RH, it’s giving me a VPD of 1.0-1.1 , great for optimal growth. 💪 I think I am going to split the girls up, 4 (2 of eachin the one tent, 2 in my small tent, both with a Scrog in place. I’ll be transplanting this weekend, It won’t be long before these girls are ready for flower, October is a busy month for me so I may wait until the beginning of November to switch to flower light timing. Happy Gardening 🇨🇦❤️🌱😎💨
The 34 street seed Cookies had Lot’s of LST and training this week! The girls did very well overall after being topped, and have recovered very nicely. I also finished up my drying my last harvest, so after a cleanup session, my big tent was ready to go again! This week was pretty easy, just watching the girls and adjusting the ties to keep the side branching going. I like to come in regularly and bend and twist the shoots between my fingers encouraging healthier stems. While I’m in there I’ll adjust the wire ties a bit to keep things even. After 2-3 days with the tie downs on, I’ll take them off and let the plant recover. With the environment dialled in at 79 degrees and 63% RH, it’s giving me a VPD of 1.0-1.1 , great for optimal growth. 💪 I think I am going to split the girls up, 4 (2 of eachin the one tent, 2 in my small tent, both with a Scrog in place. I’ll be transplanting this weekend, It won’t be long before these girls are ready for flower, October is a busy month for me so I may wait until the beginning of November to switch to flower light timing. Happy Gardening 🇨🇦❤️🌱😎💨
Bienvenidos cultivadores de marihuana clandestinos, y también, a los que tienen la fortuna de no serlo!🖐️👨‍🌾👍 Cepa: PUЯPLΞ ØG PUИϾH (Purple Punch x Star Killer). Índica/Sativa: 80/20%. Floración: 7-8 semanas. THC: 18-22% Esta cepa ha estado hermanada en riegos, maceta, sustrato, luces, productor y tiempo de vida con 3M ✠ S₭UИ Ձ.Օ ► ƒϑ. He cosechado esta planta después de nueve semanas desde el paso a floración y seis semanas de crecimiento vegetativo. El último riego lo he hecho sólo con agua pura de manantial de montaña, el único de estas características que hago durante un cultivo, el resto de riegos siempre llevan alguno de mis Bio nutrientes, mi estrategía se basa en crear un sustrato ligero sólo con minerales variados, pocos nutrientes, buen drenaje y aireación, aplico Bio Fertilizantes solubles en cada riego porque busco cultivos de alto rendimiento. La planta, por accidente, tuvo un periodo de oscuridad total durante 4 días, esto provocó un envejecimiento prematuro, después, la tuve 10 días con periodos de luz normales y la planta consiguió recuperarse bastante. Estoy contento con la producción, teniendo en cuenta el tamaño de la planta y la maceta. Una cepa a tener en cuenta. La planta creció debajo de la lámpara Spider Farmer SF 1000 colocada muy cerca del dosel y al 100% de potencia (92w), las colas han crecido con gran densidad y vigor... los días de sol, aproveché y expuse la planta durante 2-3h a los rayos del sol de verano y el fantástico espectro de luz solar! 🌞💡 Hasta la próxima... SALUDOS A TODOS!!🖐️👨‍🌾💧💦🌞💡 =================================
The buds are about 50% denser than my main auto crop. A bowl of wet auto bud might weigh 200 g but the same volume of Hash Bud is 300 g. There are a minimal number of leaves and trimming is the easiest ever. This should be considered a strong commercial plant because it ticks all the boxes: robust, cold tolerant, potent, fast, big, and easy cloning and processing. I’m looking forward to making hash in a few weeks.