9 weeks and 5 days to harvest. Will update later when it's all weighed and cured.
I switched the timer on 12/12, i will do not defoliation for 2-3 days and after i will do it, no too massive but i want have as much light i can in the second bloom week. Half week: I modified the layout of grow room, I putted the vertical net behind the tube to earn more space for plants. End week: I did the first of the last 3 defoliation . The plants has a lot of shoots, it hard to arrive to cut the 3 plants on the back, i decided to cut only the leaves and try to have more shoots possible
I dunno I just work here. This week I have mostly been eating Death Stars. If you have grown morning glories you know how indiscriminate they are to wreath and coil around as they grow, I had expected to be fighting off and hacking at it to leave the Mary J alone, but to my surprise...... it's as if they have an understanding, leaving it alone. The ladybug I found outside in the cold a few weeks back happened to be a female, I have only seen 1 larvae so far which is now a light orange ladybug with spots and all. From what I read up on lady beetles they dump eggs and are done with it and can lay several dozen at a time. I could have sworn she and her baby were working in tandem though I had seen them one morning on the vines, they seemed quite content to live here, the tent being wide open for long periods, and they seemed uninterested in flying anywhere. Seems odd she only had 1 beetle baby though, maybe I just haven't seen more than 2 at a time. I love them though, efficient little Duracell terminators that never cease, apparently, the main breed that many garden stores sell is a species prone to flying away. Thank you Terrance for all your diligent work in helping to keep the garden clean and pest-free. It turns out, the ladybug isn’t named for any particular female trait it possesses. Rather, it is named for a specific lady- the Virgin Mary. Why? This isn’t precisely known. One of the leading theories is that the name came about as a result of the ladybug’s bright red shell, which is not too dissimilar from the red cloak Mary is often pictured wearing in biblical paintings. There’s also an old European legend that states that farmers many hundreds of years ago prayed to the Virgin Mary asking for help to save them from the pests devouring their crops and in return she sent a swarm of tiny beetles bearing her trademark coat to eat them. In truth, ladybugs are known to dine almost exclusively on insects we humans consider pests, like aphids, something old-timey farmers without pesticides or other easy means of keeping their crops protected from destructive creatures were no doubt incredibly thankful for. Since back in those days it was common to thank God for almost any good fortune, it’s not hard to see how this legend popped up, and perhaps this gratefulness really did contribute to the name. Starting to see a white mass of fungi/bacteria all across the top 1" of medium. Lovely jubly Light burn on central leaves starting to appear but expected. ( No one said life would be easy ) Plant starting to lightly defoliate its lower leaves.
Date: 07/04/2024 Illumination Activated! Anticipating your contemplative response 🤔, it is evident that a larger vessel is imperative for her growth trajectory, considering her current confines within a 19L container. The imminent requirement calls for a spacious 60L receptacle, especially for accommodating the root expansion of this 100% sativa cultivar, akin to cultivating three distinct plants. Rest assured, I am diligently addressing this necessity. My cognitive acuity now far surpasses any previous state, a veritable testament to heightened clarity and focus. Maybe more common sense than my pervious brain dulled 😑 Mid-day: The Train of Disframe I am perplexed by the presumptions some individuals harbor about their own identities, a realm from which I am keen to distance myself. I exemplify the valor to be met with disdain. I abstain from soliciting your allegiance or appreciation towards my creations. Subsequent to the fruition of these cultivation endeavors, their merit shall resonate independently. Should you be inclined to express admiration and allegiance, it brings me joy; conversely, indifference does not perturb me. My aspiration transcends superficial accolades; I envision forthcoming cultivators beholding my endeavors with awe akin to stargazing. "I have the courage to be disliked I'm beyond it" - End of Story 08/04/2024 I find myself amidst the transition to the flowering phase of cultivation, a process I previously jestingly referenced. In humbled reflection, I seek divine forgiveness for my momentary lapse in candor. In pursuing optimal nourishment for my botanical charge, I have meticulously curated a regimen involving the gradual escalation of Sensi Bloom feed to a maximum dosage of 4ml per liter, attuned to the specific needs of the plant. Embracing the role of a discerning steward, akin to a 'Plant Whisperer,' I am dedicated to orchestrating a harmonious symphony of growth and vitality within this verdant realm. 4inch Extractor Fan installed. "The Recurrence Vid" In the compelling narrative title, the strain Forgotten Haze Cakes, classified as a pure Sativa, luxuriates in ample space for vertical expansion during the inaugural fortnight of transitioning phases, courtesy of the employed cultivation methodology. By delicately excising the initial set of lower big fan leaves, it anticipate encouraging branching and proliferation within the plant.
Vamos familia que ya actualizamos la cosecha de estas zkittelz de Mafia seeds. Vaya flores que se han marcado repletas de tricomas, parecen escarcha y las flores se marcan aromas bien dulces. Es una variedad bastante fácil de cultivar pero al tener un periodo de floración algo más largo, hay que estar pendiente de alimentarlas bien, gracias Agrobeta en mi sala es posible. Temperaturas máximas en 24 y mínimas en 20 y una humedad estable en torno al 36%. Las mantuve 10 semanas, ya las vi bien maduras y ya tenía tricomas ambar así que les di matarile. Agrobeta: https://www.agrobeta.com/agrobetatiendaonline/36-abonos-canamo Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ Espero que disfruteis este diario, buenos humos 💨💨💨.
Vamos familia que ya actualizamos la cosecha de estas zkittelz de Mafia seeds. Vaya flores que se han marcado repletas de tricomas, parecen escarcha y las flores se marcan aromas bien dulces. Es una variedad bastante fácil de cultivar pero al tener un periodo de floración algo más largo, hay que estar pendiente de alimentarlas bien, gracias Agrobeta en mi sala es posible. Temperaturas máximas en 24 y mínimas en 20 y una humedad estable en torno al 36%. Las mantuve 10 semanas, ya las vi bien maduras y ya tenía tricomas ambar así que les di matarile. Agrobeta: https://www.agrobeta.com/agrobetatiendaonline/36-abonos-canamo Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ Espero que disfruteis este diario, buenos humos 💨💨💨.
Beautiful Pheno. Stacked with trichs! Definitely huge appeal! With a slight sour worm/super c terp profile.
MACK AND CRACK 30 % THC / Hidroponia (TERPENO A LIMONELO) Lo mas clave de la Hidroponia es el CLIMA PERFECTO - EL AGUA NO DEBE SUPERAR LOS 24 GRADOS !! Saludos de Argentina
Auto Maxi Gom is growing really well. She is looking healthy. She should start the transition to flowering very soon. Everything is looking great at the moment. Ph is stable, and she is getting trained regularly. Thank you Xpert Nutrients, Medic Grow, and Seeds Mafia. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
Jour 63 : Tout se déroule comme prévu. Les bourgeons gagnent en densité et poursuivent leur processus de maturation. À ce stade, les changements sont subtils mais essentiels. J'ai opté pour une alimentation à 75% de la dose conseillée, et je me tourne désormais vers le produit "Final Part" de Terra Aquatica, avec l'espoir que cela aidera ma plante à atteindre le stade parfait de maturité dans les prochaines une à deux semaines.
Day 39 flower!! Not a whole lot to report, just watering every 2-3 days ph 6.5 tap water Top dressed with gaia green bloom 284 with about 2 tablespoons per gallon and then about 2 cups of worm castings. I didnt use All purpose this time around as Im trying to taper off the nitrogen. Hopefully that doesnt come back to bite me Hopefully the girls are done come May is what im hoping for
Au 63e jour, tout semble se dérouler sans accroc, à l'exception d'une de nos gorillas qui, de manière inattendue, a vu ses feuilles jaunir et se flétrir en seulement trois jours. Cet incident mystérieux reste inexpliqué, surtout que sa consœur, bénéficiant exactement du même traitement, prospère sans le moindre signe de mécontentement. Heureusement, notre protagoniste végétal se décide enfin à concentrer ses efforts sur le développement de ses précieuses têtes, marquant le terrain avec l'apparition des premiers trichomes. Cette attente, teintée d'impatience, ouvre déjà les portes à une nouvelle aventure qui se profile à l'horizon d'ici, je l'espère, 2 semaines. Remarque : engrais au 3/4 de la dose recommandée. Une gorilla a vu toutes ses feuilles jaunir rapidement que j'ai defolié. L'autre se porte très bien. Peut être un champignon 🍄 Arrosage a l'eau claire pour voir le comportement des 2 par la suite.
Lamentablemente dos plantas comenzaron a mostrar el estancamiento y al medir EC de salida se encontró en un nivel de 3.4 por lo que se dará una semana de riego con solo agua. Las de mas atrás están hermosas, siguen engordando aunque no se escaparan de la semana de agua para prevenir alguna futura carencia
Well I said I was leaving her untrained but on day 56 I gently tied back a few branches to open up the canopy. This is looking like it's going to be my best grow yet.
Temp, Humidity & VPD are all controlled by a Mycodo System to reach a VPD Range of 0.5 - 0.7. Light is at its lowest setting 04.04. I started to add nutrients to the water. 2.5ml of Plagron Terra Grow per 1L.