NOTES: I stopped using the root stimulator as I fill the tanks, next full nutrient solution change to mid-bloom phase is at around 3rd to 4th week flowering. I'll I stop using the Grow nutrient and will increase Bloom the same amount. A lot of training on upper parts with the net and some light defoliating on lower parts of the plants. Day57 (12.12.) Day58 (13.12.) Defoliated and pruned my plants a bit more. Removed some big fan leaves covering large areas of becoming bud sites but mostly focused on lower leaves growing inwards, blocking growth, airflow etc.. Added a video afterwards. Day59 (14.12.) Day60 (15.12.) I continued doing the same as before, light defoliation mostly under the canopy. Day61 (16.12.) Day62 (17.12.) Everything looks good and my teenagers are finally beginning to flower, also no signs of any males or hermaphodites so that's good. Filling the net and keeping the tops and bud sites at the same level is a lot of work since they've stretched a lot. They've also needed some pruning and defoliating but I've tried to not remove too much before they've finished growing bigger. After that, propably on 4th week of flowering I can decide better on what to remove and what to keep for the rest of the grow. Day63 (18.12.) I started the last heavier defoliation process which includes removing around 50% of the upper leaves blocking airflow and light to the developing bud sites. I'll continue the process propably a couple days so I don't stress them too much. It's pretty time-consuming to dive in to each plant and remove anything that's unneccessary for the rest of the grow, keeping that in mind I don't even have the time to do everything at once. This includes the bottom nodes and branches that aren't going to reach even close to the net, the leaves that are blocking the light on top, and the leaves at the bottom of the canopy that aren't getting basically any light. Thanks for the tips! ๐Ÿ’ช
Just take a look at the amount of bud sites. Water only grow.
Thricomes starting to move from transparent to white ones, my idea is to harvest when I find any ocurrences of ambar Starting from 2.2 EC and lowering to 0.5, then I will flush with tap water (50ppm) in 3 days before harvest.
I had alot of issues with my environment, tools, auto-watering, So I did alot of mistakes, but I could take some clones that I'll use in a next run but I wont create a new diary for it. ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹
I did the flushing on Mimosa on day 88. I am now watching the trichomes to see around 30/40% amber to cut it down.
So, eventful week. Prior to putting my seeds into my system, my light and rdwc system was left on as I was dialling in the growing environment before placing the seeds as a final home. My only issue was I had a light leak BEFORE putting the foil top covers on the clay pebbles. Long story short, I got algae which ended up turning to root rot. I spotted it very swiftly and did a res change adding beneficial bacteria to the system along with the base products of remo nutrients. A few days later new growth and recovery is taking place. Day 16- Fully back on track, new roots shooting out into the water and the growth rate has picked up as it should. Foliar feeding twice a day for a little boost until the root system establishes a bit more. Huge changes in just a day. Can't wait to see what a week's growth looks like. Really loving the sunset/sunrise feature on the trolmaster, something I got to experience watching recently! Watching by closely to make sure everything stays in track. Stay tuned for the next one ๐Ÿ˜‰
Its been a pleasure, Looking for the best weed ever? Go and grow OMG the name says it
Hi this week I feed her with .5 silica 2ml root juice .2 ml bio grow 150ml each Plant and feed them every 3 days 1 plant I just seen bit yelloing in leaves very tiny so I think maybe light stress 80cm far from 300w led light. So I decide to put he but more far from light for couple days or it can be overwatering coz day 5 i feed them with 150ml water and its alot for tiny pot and tidays day 8 and its 3 days gone soil still wet and i still dindt water them after 3 days maybe feed them tomorrow will update what happen Update day 9 only 1 day after she looks very healthy and happy just little bit smaller than other Day 12 and they ready for repot but I can't due lack off space I need to wait coz other tent use for drying atm but will finish in 3 days so I will repot them day 14 or 15
This strain my favourite I love her orange smell and lots resin on sugar leaves lots off them I let her grow atleast another week or more and still feed her with nutrient maybe start flush next week will update every other day new pic or videos thanks everyone Update I think she is bruce banner coz she slow flowering and take over 11 week to grow witch is and also smell and bud shape Today I seen most steam bend down and they need support so I try my best I will feed her till day 84 then I give her just ph water for week and hopefully around day 90 she is ready
Deep watering on Sundays (buildaflower compost tea) Moist watering on Wednesdays ( vitamin c water & jay plantspeaker ) Cut down 3 hermies from light leak 2 charmz 1 Apple fritter
The plant is developing well after pruning. its branches grew well. I removed the first node as they were small.
The plant is developing well after pruning. its branches grew well. I removed the first node as they were small.
The plant is developing well after pruning. its branches grew well. I removed the first node as they were small.
Day 28 week 4 of flower plants looking good I dropped a 3L water bottle on a string which snapped a whole branch from the bottom ๐Ÿ˜ณ on right plant ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Hoping by the end of this week to see a decent bit of vegative growth. I also had a speed burst in growth after sprouting but has slowed down decently. Plants leaves started drooping down and one edge of leaf turned a lighter green, leaves also look wrinkled, but donโ€™t feel dry. I was advised it was nothing to be concerned of but I want other opinions. Also started a little LST today 2/15/24
Yoo itโ€™s kofi cultivate welcome to my garden