NOTES: Keeping the pH between 5,8-6,0 and EC at around 1,4-1,6 depending on system. EC at 1,5 seems to be optimal and my measurements are staying pretty steady at that level. Humidity is lowered to around 50% if I can. The tops are now at around 45-60cm height from the soil. Continuing the last heavier defoliation/pruning process that I started yesterday at the end of 2nd flowering week. I saw no signs of mold or any other issues as I went through the plants. After this week I'm going to change the nutrient solutions on the tanks and fill them with fresh nutrients with minor changes: Dropping the amount of Grow from 1,5ml to 0,5ml and increasing the amount of Bloom from 1,5ml to 2,5ml. After the change I'm only going to refill the tanks without adding any Grow and will instead increase the amount of Bloom to 3ml. Propably a one more change of fresh nutrients until flushing with Final Solution prior harvesting. Day64 (19.12.) Some more defoliation focusing on the upper growth revealing bud sites below them and keeping off the moisture. Already got a trash bag almost full of leaves since they've been pretty bushy plants on average. Day65 (20.12.) Continuing the last defoliation process. Day66 (21.12.) Continuing the last defoliation process, pretty satisfied with the results so far. Light penetration and airflow have increased greatly so I don't have to worry that much about humidity or possible mold any longer. Each strain has started flowering, all plants are females and buds have started to develop. Defoliating didn't seem to stress the plants as much as I thought it would. Day67 (22.12.) Day68 (23.12.) Refilled and added some nutrients with a stronger Bloom/Grow -ratio (~4:1) and left my girls to enjoy the Christmas Holidays as I did. I'll be gone for around three days, after that I'll change to new fresh nutrients as I mentioned before. One Ayahuasca Purple seems to be ahead of others, and a few other ones have clearly started to develop some buds too, rest of the plants are following closely behind. Each strain has some truly astonishing individuals, and I think Ayahuasca's have shown most variety between different plants. Overall everything looks pretty good I think. Hopefully can say the same after a couple of days as I come back. Happy holidays everyone! Day69 (24.12.) Day70 (25.12.) I added another Led light to my tent just before the lights turned off. Everything looks amazing!
I did some mistakes but i was still setting everything up, still happy after 5 without growing a plant, pretty dense buds i will do better in the next grows.
Désolé je me suis trompé sur les filles en faite ceux sont des ( banana blaze de dutch passion). Comme vous le voillez elles sont loin d'être près
11/21 Mother#1,2 D85 13Week  #1Clone☓2 D63 SD42 #2Clone☓4 D53 SD32 #3Clone☓4 D52 SD28 Grow 1ml / Bloom 3ml/l Max 1ml/l = 1l #5 Clone☓12
I love this strain i got it from them a long while back and some reason. It made seeds every time but gives me a female every time also so cant complain and i love the smoke really great taste grows easy all around good buds!
It became my night strain. Need to let cure for longer though
Absolute nightmare grow.. It all turned out great in the end, but it's the first and last time i'm growing full size plants in a Aeroflo 40 system. Water leaks due to root clogging the system. Stems that had 1cm to the edge in a 7.5cm pot. Everything basicly went ballistic from the time it went into flower. I removed and cleared leafs before flowering, but these ladies kept growing. Aeroponics is the sickest thing i grown in so far, i just wish i was a bit more prepared for it.
the girl remains firm I aplied lollipopping and defoliation at the day 21
Buds looking alright. Leaves have seen better days & I feel like she's dying on me... Swapped the light because my friend who 'claims he's an expert' told me too. Flushed 20th will go for a 2-week flush even with this flawless finish. (if they make it that long) My tap water is 360ppm & runoff is 415 after flush (30+L of PH'd water) I am definitely going to do a 48-hour dark period before harvest with no watering. Anything I'm doing wrong let me know!
Lkve this strain and will revist in the future. What can you ask for in a strain??? Strap in for a quick bloom. 54 days and ready to chop!!!! She can handel a good shot of nutes and can handle fluctuations in ppm well. Week 3 is always a fun week as the floweres swell at an incredible rate and seem to eat the stem they are attached to. Great strain fun fast grow. Oh and forgot to mention how fast the clones take root, 5-7 days "wow" Thanks for checking out my grow, hope you have success and best wishes growing forward!!! ✌️
Week 8. P Biddy. She's got the least foliage out of the 4 but the buds have come along nicely. Few of the big fan leaves and upper / newer leaves are showing signs of (I think) N deficiency; yellowing quicker than expected and getting crispy / papery. Top fed with some all mix and a healthy dose of biogrow and hoping it's the right call.
Hola cultivetas! Estas chicas siguen creciendo! Sigo con la técnica de Main-Lining a una de ellas y esta respondiendo bien. Los mantendré al tanto de cómo sigue todo! Saludos y gracias por leer mi diario!
I love the buds, short and stocky. Covered in crystals, plant didnt get any aphids, and the other 3 growing in the same tent did.
Ya visteis , cultivo fácil, de principio a fin, pocos errores una pérdida tan solo de 4 ejemplares y por dejadez. Pero enserio si todo se hace correctamente vais a flipar lo rápido que van y después lo buenas que están. Humedad en el secado por debajo de 45% y temperatura media de 23 grados. Hasta aquí es todo fumetillas, que paséis un final de año de lujo entre buenos humos.
Vamos que os explico un poco critical es una variedad indica con una floración rápida, sus flores son compactas , y bastante resinosas, tiene aromas fuertes. El ambiente en el secado estuvo en 23 grados de media y 40% de humedad se pasaron rápido al bote de cristal, 7 días en concreto. Hasta aquí todo familia, espero que os agrade un saludo y buenos humos💨💨💨