Week 2: The adjustment Hello dear growers and groweresses, it’s time for an update on my grow. My plants have completed the second week and have continued to grow. But they also faced some challenges that I will tell you about. The adjustment My plants have adapted to the new conditions in my room this week. I realized that I had my lamps too close to the plants and that they got too much light and heat. This resulted in them not developing as well as I had hoped. I therefore hung my lamps higher and reduced the intensity of the light. I lowered the PPFD (Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density) from 400 to 280, to give the plants a more comfortable environment. The PPFD is a measure of the amount of light that the plants receive per square meter and second. The higher the PPFD, the more light the plants get, but also the more nutrients and water they need. The plants accepted the change very well and recovered quickly. They started to grow stronger again and formed more leaves. They also got a nicer color and look healthier. One plant that suffered a lot was the Frosty Nightmare. She was overwatered and had trouble developing. She was smaller and weaker than the others and had yellow tips on the leaves. I therefore gave her less water and moved her away from the other plants, to give her more space and air. She recovered and grew again. She is still the smallest of all, but she has potential. I also increased the temperature in my room by 1 degree, to give the plants more heat. I set the temperature from 22 to 23 degrees Celsius, which is still in the optimal range for the plants. The plants liked that and showed me that by their growth. I let them vote democratically, by observing the plants and interpreting their reactions. :D The water filter I also want to introduce you to my water filter from Watertrim, which I use for my grow. It is a great product that saves me a lot of time and money and is also better for the environment. The water filter has only two connections: an inlet and an outlet. So it has no waste water, which would otherwise go into the drain. It has different options of the filter, depending on how much water you want to filter and how high the EC value of the tap water is. The EC value is a measure of the electrical conductivity of the water, which depends on the dissolved minerals. The higher the EC value, the more minerals are in the water, which are not always good for the plants. My filter filters at an inlet EC of 1.0 1000 liters, before it needs to be renewed. Since my tap water has an EC of 0.5, I can filter 2000 liters with it, until I have to renew it. That costs about 100 euros and works easily and quickly via the post. The flow is almost 1 to 1 in speed, so no more waiting. I can tap the water directly from the filter and use it for my grow. I use the filter as follows: I tap water at the filter. I pour normal tap water on it, until I have an EC of 0.3. I add fertilizers etc., depending on what the plants need. I check the EC again and adjust it if necessary. I also adjust the pH value, which should be between 6.2 and 6.5, to ensure optimal nutrient uptake. I give the water to my plants. The water filter is really a great product, even if it is not very cheap in the purchase with once of 240 - 390 euros. But it pays off in the long run, as it saves me a lot of work and costs and also improves the quality of my water. u can find it here : The outlook I am very satisfied with the result of the second week. My plants have adapted well and recovered from the problems. They have grown further and formed more leaves. They have recovered well and showed a great growth. I am very excited about the next week, where it goes to the repotting and the ladies can try fertilizer for the first time. I will fertilize this run only a little late, even if I use osmosis water this time. The soil from BioBizz is really great and can carry the first weeks well alone. I look forward to your visits and the next weeks. I will continue to provide you with information and photos and let you participate in my grow. I wish you a nice day and a good grow! 😊
This girl is coming along really nicely I'm really pleased with how she had turned out for my first ever grow. I have noticed this week she is starting to get a lot more of purple colour to her stem and branches she looks amazing. Her buds are are looking really frosty and are nicely dense I can't wait to try them! This week I have started the full flush by doing a full reservoir change to just water at ph 6.2 - 6.5 and will continue to add just water untill harvest. Happy growing 🌱
She started out rather slowly, and waited pretty long to get into preflower. After some patience feeding and doing foliars, she turned into a behemoth! I can’t even count the number of times I had to defol or the amount of larf I had to remove. She produced a massive amount of semi-dense, fragrant, and frosty buds. Not the craziest I’ve ever seen, but very nice for lower THC genetics. Smells of strong earth with undertones of sweet berries and skunk.
She started out pretty slowly, but blew up around preflower. Soon her side branches has matched the canopy, and soon after that every flowering site had matched the canopy. Crazy density and trichome coverage, all the buds turned either a deep purple or pink hue. Smells like fruity candy and floral cologne. Will not train her next time around, just let her do her thing since she’ll stay naturally short.
Bumped up the nutrients this week. not by much, though. Just enough to top off. I prefer to make gradual increases and underfeed rather than overfeeding. To me it's easier to correct problems of underfeeding than to correct the problems from overfeeding.
this is @fastbuds entry for tik tok contest, a constant loop or longer?
Stopped using tiger bloom and just using spring water probably going too flush them next week
Had great results, especially when i upgraded to RO water.. if theres one thing i could of changed it would of been using the reverse Osmosis water sooner. The rest of the grow was pretty easy, didn't even plant train as this was suppose to be a hassle free run. It was just that. Some good genetics from seedstockers too. Good stuff!
&&&&&&&&&&& Week 1 -FLOWER- / TRANSITION &&&&&&&&&& +++ 03.15.2021 +++ <---NOTES--->Started transition and changed light schedule on 3.15.2021 to 12/12 time @ 26" Light spectrums are set to max on all. First nutes applied 3.18.21. Took Pictures confirmed settings. (((((((((((((((((((((((( CONDITIONS ))))))))))))))))))))))) *Nutes: CaliMagic GHE 1.75ml / Gal, FloraFlex B1 3g - 0.75 tsp/gal, FloraFlex B2 3g - 0.75 tsp/ gal, pH Down 1ml/ gal, RapidStart 0.5ml/ gal, ArmorSi 0.5ml/ gal (((((((APPLIED 3.18)))))) *Ph: 6.0 *Ec: 2.06 *Light: Mieemclux 1500W LED Veg+Bloom@ 26" 12/12; Mieemclux1500W LED Veg+Bloom@ 26" 12/12; Parfactworks RA1000W LED@ 22" 12/12 *Rh: 70% *Temp: 78F <-------- END --------> +++ 03.18.2021 +++ <---NOTES--->Started Bloom nutes 3.18.21. Started nutes durring transition as looking at FloraFlex feed charts it does not have a transition. I mixed and transplanted with only 1 week of nutes @ week 4 so I figured there would be little buildup. Started RapidStart. Roots should be all the way stretched out. ADD a little silicate for plant vigor. TOOK VIDEO. (((((((((((((((((((((((( CONDITIONS ))))))))))))))))))))))) *Nutes: CaliMagic GHE 1.75ml / Gal, FloraFlex B1 3g - 0.75 tsp/gal, FloraFlex B2 3g - 0.75 tsp/ gal, pH Down 1ml/ gal, RapidStart 0.5ml/ gal, ArmorSi 0.5ml/ gal *Ph: 6.0 *Ec: 2.06 *Light: Mieemclux 1500W LED Veg+Bloom@ 26" 12/12; Mieemclux1500W LED Veg+Bloom@ 26" 12/12; Parfactworks RA1000W LED@ 22" 12/12 *Rh: 70% *Temp: 78F <-------- END -------->
Hi everyone. This week has been easy, shes in autopilot now. The nuggets are definitely getting bigger with nice density. I gave the main cola a little squeeze and shes was very sticky and smelled amazing. The citrus smell is strong but right behind it comes a nice soothing pine smell, if you like outdoors that is. Thanks for the advice @budxs💪🏾, I've adjusted my temps accordingly.
One of the most colorful buds I’ve ever grown
This girl is a little behind her big sister. But she is looking great.
How do y’all think for my baby, brothers? This is 9 weeks of my baby. Actually I can’t wait to hit this cuz of my first time. But I’ll. So let’s wait...