18.01.2024 Tag 79 - Woche 12 / Tag 2 Licht: 40cm – 90% Lichtzyklus: 12/12 Luftfeuchte: 55% Temperatur: 26°C VPD: 1,5 kPa Höhe: Apple Fritter - 45cm Purple Punch - 65cm Gelato - 75cm Bemerkungen: Miss Purple Punch wird jetzt unten ziemlich gelb. Ansonsten sieht sie hervorragend aus. Ich weiß noch nicht, ob es einfach nur Nature oder ein tatsächlicher Mangel ist. Ich beobachte noch und gieße am Wochenende einen Komposttee. Wir werden sehen und es bleibt spannend. Lady Apple Fritter: absolut herausragend die Dame. Die hat einfach keine Probleme und macht ihr Ding großartig! Ich weiß jetzt schon: die werde ich wieder growen. Madame Gelato: unverändert. Steht da wie eine Diva und lässt sich nicht locken. Sie ist nach wie vor weit hinter den Anderen zurück oder braucht einfach nur länger. Kann nur für die Qualität der Buds sprechen… denn das werden definitiv die Größten und Dicksten von den Dreien. Wir werden sehen, wie sie sich weiterentwickelt. ############################################################################################################################################################## 20.01.2024 Tag 81 - Woche 12 / Tag 4 Licht: 40cm – 90% Lichtzyklus: 12/12 Luftfeuchte: 55% Temperatur: 26°C VPD: 1,5 kPa Ich hab die letzten 24 Stunden einen Komposttee, vor allem für die Gelato und Purple Punch, gebraut. - 5 Liter chlorfreies Wasser - 100g Wurm Kompost - etwas Great White Mykorrhiza - das Ganze 24 Stunden lang aktiv belüften (siehe Video) Ich verspreche mir davon, dass einige Nährstoffdefizite an der Purple Punch noch ausgeglichen werden können, vor allem aber, dass es die Gelato nochmal richtig pusht. Der Komposttee wird 1:1 verdünnt mit chlorfreiem Wasser gegossen. Terp 💪😎
Bueno pues aquí tenemos la segunda semana de está increíble variedad como es la WhiteDomina de Kannabiaseeds. Está semana han ido creciendo poco a poco les he segido echando un poco en enraizante y ya comenzare a agregarle fertilizantes de crecimiento 💪
Here we go into flower. If what they say is true, we're in for a nice color show.
Er gået over alle former for forventninger. Glæder mig til og se mere til mine børn 🧒 når jeg har været i behandling er væk i mindst 6uger hvor fruen passer dem. Men JEG UNDSKYLDER MANGE GANGE FOR JEG HAR FØRST MULIGHED FOR AT OPLOADE OM MIN 6UGER IGEN. DESVÆRRE
21 st day of 12/12. Defoliation. Try smaller containers or longer veg. Plants should be able to drink at least its pots water holding capacity once a day. Will try 5 liters of medium. Somę of them drinking more than 2 liters a day.
Har aldrig oplevet noget lignende denne strain er en af de bedste, jeg skal helt sikkert prøve den igen når teltet og haven er tømt. Terra bud gør virkelig noget godt og plagron også det fulde udbytte fuldstændig sindsygt godt. Men der stadig 4uger igen. Ved det bliver kæmpe buds på hende.
Er igen blevet en del af min top 3. 😉 Hun dufter så sødt og frugt og stadig lidt jord agtig. Hun bliver glad for mere varme i næste uge og sol og hun har fået masser af kærlighed 😍
Er bare lavet for sjov men den gør det godt nok super godt afllgevel. 😉. MEN JEG håber at den bare kan bærer sine buds. 😉 Ved at der er andre der også laver samme forsøg for at tjekke rødder osv. Plus det bare sjovt at se hvor lidt der skal til af plads til at lave bare 25gram
A little trim and nutes. She's filling up my little make shift grow tent. Growing great!
Chugging along week six licking my wounds and biding my time all is well though I ain’t mad leasons learned no reason to cry over spilt milk
Just a little spray of water nothing else she looks more alive this week. Her leaves are growing broader each week that passes by. No five fingered leaves but more growth she is about 10 cm above the soil.
Lots of grass, in a very short time with a sure success without equal. This is the Watermelon Candy F1 Hybrid. No joke guys, no false advertising, here we are doing serious tests, I am a good grower but what I can do you can do too nothing humanly alien here the aliens are the vegetables. Here we should try to understand what a great job the breeder has done and notice the differences from the common mortal plants. The first is the speed, guys the plants were born the night between the sixth and seventh of April and were both harvested on the eighth of June. Do some calculations, it is very little really very little time. What is not little is the grass, look at the result on the scale, cleaned to the maximum of all the stems trimmed well. The scent is fruity, sweet and inebriating, the resin is really abundant despite the harvest in June with 35 degrees in the growbox... These plants resist very well to heat and probably also to cold other plants would have made open flowers, airy without sense... Here they are tough guys, very tough and heavy, compact. I am very happy with these two plants, one is slightly more mature but you can see from the trichomes that more or less we are on both. I am not one who likes to harvest the super mature plant, but before teams of big growers arrive to explain the rule of trichomes to me I tell you: there are many milky trichomes, some amber and purple in the areas where there was a bit of foliage and still some transparent but few and all milky. So here we are guys we have many plants to harvest we also have to decide what to do first. The similarity between the two plants is evident, they are not identical, exactly twins, but that would have been disturbing, here we have great similarities in height, type of flower and many little things in their place. For me, a successful experiment, try to grow these plants respecting at least the basic rules of cultivation and even if you are a beginner you will be happy. You can come and look for me or talk to me at any time, now I have grown these plants and I know how they behave I can give all the answers you want. I waited to try as you can see before speaking and on these plants I put my signature. Very suitable for: growth with topping, given the speed, it is recovered very well, rapid growth and infinite continuous cycles (do some calculations, how many cycles you can do with a plant that you harvest in 60 days, it is not difficult!), beginner (little fertilizer in the veg phase and a lot in the flower swelling phase, they swell quickly, it is normal), indoor and outdoor. Really fast and profitable plants like I had never seen before. I have to compliment Zamnesia I am thrilled with these performances, autoflowering plants are getting better and better guys don't be afraid and don't listen too much to the wise old hippies or at least learn to take them with a pinch of salt, cannabis has gone light years ahead of the first super worthy anarchist research. Now we are ahead let's adapt to the times. In flowering I used Plagron fertilizers because with other brands I was going into deficiency, so the health in addition to the good genetics that gave us beautiful and healthy girls is also thanks to those who make the food. I recommend to everyone these plants have a fast growth and if in any case they do not need a lot of fertilizer in the vegetative phase, when they swell the flowers like crazy they really need fertilizers for flowering give them right in the quantity recommended by Plagron and you will have no problems. Fertilizers and soil are therefore Plagron The light is wonderfully functional and powerful and is made in The growbox is not sponsored but I love it, I love the brand and especially the Ducting Flange air circulation system best of all. You can find these Watermelon Candy seeds, all the F1 Hybrids and much more on the Zammi website N.B. Collaborations with all other seed brands are stopped at the last plants that I am finishing, kindly do not ask me for sponsorships for seeds, all other forms of collaboration are open (Lights, growbox, fertilizers, soil, tools) thanks. Follow me on instagram @bread_n_buds Music of the week +++ 432 hz frequencies to keep in line my Girls to Gaia. Site Description ZAMNESIA SEEDS - WATERMELON CANDY F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC: BUDS BURSTING WITH FLAVOR If you've been looking for a flavorful strain with superb genetics that's effortless to cultivate, the hunt is over. Thanks to reliable F1 hybrid genetics, Watermelon Candy F1 Automatic showcases the highest degree of productivity and efficiency. This strain takes everything you know and love about the original, and packages it in a plant with even greater potential. GROWING WATERMELON CANDY F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC Derived from Watermelon, Candy Kush, and ruderalis, Watermelon Candy F1 Automatic is a finely tuned medley of genetics. This cultivar is fast to flourish and reliable to grow, no matter where you choose to grow. Taking just 9–10 weeks from germination to harvest, she provides a uniform growing experience culminating in a huge haul of buds for her size. Reaching heights of 65–80cm, Watermelon Candy F1 Automatic stays pretty grounded, making her perfect for smaller growing areas where space is a commodity. It also means you can fit more plants in if you have the room! Once ready to yield, growers will see a return of 400–450g/m² indoors and up to 100g/plant outdoors. Moreover, Watermelon Candy F1 Automatic is highly resistant to pests and disease, making it an ideal strain for newcomers and fans of low-maintenance cultivation. AROMAS, FLAVORS, AND EFFECTS OF WATERMELON CANDY F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC If we haven't already sold you on the power of F1 hybrid genetics, the proof is in the pudding. Watermelon Candy F1 Automatic is teaming with terpenes and cannabinoids, making for a lively high coupled with huge flavors. Just one hit is all it takes to sample rich fruitiness mixed with sweet candies and a slight earthiness to back it up. And with an average THC content of 23%, the effects are euphoric at the start but settle into deep relaxation soon after. Whether you're chilling alone or with friends, Watermelon Candy F1 Automatic will see you right. So seeds of all brands, in addition to these great F1 Hybrids and the entire Zamnesia line, fertilizers and everything related to the world of cannabis, you should buy them from the best online store in the sector
First attempt at FIMing, so hopefully it worked... only because of the colder weather, the growth slowed down...🌱🙏
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D57/B20 - 11/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 6.1 🌡️ T: 25°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D58/B21 - 12/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 6.4 🌡️ T: 25°C H: 80% 🌊 8 L 🍗 Calmag - Bloom A-B 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D59/B22 - 13/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 6.6 🌡️ T: 25°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video
Week 7: Branching Out & Embracing the Unknown 🌱🍍 Okay, I'll admit it: This whole FIMing outdoors thing is uncharted territory, but hey, isn't that half the fun of growing? The FIMing worked like a charm! Three sturdy branches are shooting out, and the original main stem is actually the runt of the litter. 😅 I guess that's a new one for me. Normally, my outdoor girls turn into towering 2-meter trees with popcorn buds galore. But this year, I'm after quality over quantity. A few strong colas, please and thank you. Am I following any hard science? Nope. Just going with my gut and the good vibes my pineapple is giving off. She's still in veg mode, so I did some more defoliation and LST to keep her energy focused. Feeling good about this experiment so far. Who knows, maybe FIMming outdoors is my new secret weapon? Time will tell!
Casey's Rollex OG has made good progress over the week. She had a solution hangers a few days ago. I added extra cal mag. I believe she has been having calcium issue. It looks like it stopped. Time will tell. She got some lst today, and the center of her defoliated. Everything else has been going great. Thank you DutchFem Seeds, and Spider Farmer. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱