21.02.24 BT 32 Mahlzeit Buddy's 🙂 Den Lady's geht es Wunderbar Sie haben alle beide auf gehört sich zu Strecken. Jetzt geht es langsam los und die Buds Plustern sich auf. Jeden Tag bis Dienstag werden noch da und da ein paar Blätter entfernt aber ohne Sie zu stressen max 2 pro Pflanze am Tag. Es sind auch nur die Blätter die Bud's verdecken Heute gab es wieder lecker Futter 😋 Hesi Blüh Complex 5ml auf 1L Wasser , Hesi Booster 2ml auf 1L Wasser ,Hesi Phosphor + 0,4ml auf 1L Wasser und Hesi SuperVit. Alles zusammen ergab ein Super Nährstoff Trunk der Sie jetzt erst mal für 4 Tage versorgt . Skunk #1 riecht sehr stark aber das war klar und immer sehr sehr fein. Der Typische Skunk Geruch wird von einer schönen Zitronen 🍋 note abgerundet. Tangerine Sugar riecht sehr süß und fruchtig. Tricome bilden alle beide sehr gut, der Nodien Abstand der Skunk #1 ist definitiv kleiner somit gehe ich stark davon aus das sich fast ein dicker kolben zeigen wird und das an allen Haupt und Seitentriebe. Tangerine Sugar wird auch schöne Bud's zum Vorschein bringen aber halt keine durch gehende kolben 🙂 Ihre Triebe sind definitiv nicht so kräftig gewachsen wie die von der großen Schwester aber verstecken brauch Sie sich auch nicht. Mögen all eure Lady's Gesund und brächtig Wachsen und euch mit schmackhaften Stuff versorgen 😉 Danke für vorbei schauen bis zum nächsten Update✌️😊
Pablo Escobar has grow a lot in the last week. I did top her a few days ago, and removed the first node branches. I left the 2nd, 3rd, 4th node branches. She did experience a ph fluctuation, which lead to a few spots. It gas been corrected, but she is likely due for new solution. As the whole grow room is due soon. She has gotten a lot stronger since the over stretch in the beginning. Nothing more to report. Thank you Spider Farmer, and Divine Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
RSV11 is growing great. She was topped a few days ago, leaving the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th nodes. She has a really long roots system going. She has been doing great, and nothing more to report. Thank you Spider Farmer, and Terpyz mutant Genetics. 😉🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
Casey's Rollex OG is doing a lot better then last week. She has found the solution, and has started growing. She is looking good, and will be up for training soon. Nothing more to report at the moment. Thank you Spider Farmer, and DutchFem Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
Gorilla Jealousy F1 is growing great. I just did her first lst training today. Getting her spread out and center opened up for future growth. Everything is looking great. She is eating and drinking a lot. Nothing more to report at the moment. Thank you Spider Farmer, and Seedsman. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 https://www.seedsman.com/?a_aid=Mrsour420. This is my affiliate link to seedsman. Thank you Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
This plant was amazing from start to finish. I will update a final comment soon as well as final weigh and a review of the smoke once sent out to a group of testers.
Divine indica is growing great, and has been. She has been absorbing a lot of nutrition and water. She is starting to bulk now for sure. She has a nice layer of frost Starting as well. She is super happy, and growing strong. Makes me hesitant to really do anything. I don't want to disturb her harmony she has going right now. Thank you Spider Farmer, and Divine Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
The Mandarin Squeeze sisters have made contact with the solution. They are both looking healthy, but are a bit behind the others in the grow room. I plan to lst them apart from one another they get bigger. Nothing more to report. Thank you Spider Farmer, and Terpyz mutant Genetics. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D43/B06 - 28/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.1 pH: 6 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D44/B07 - 29/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 6.7 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 Seaweed 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D45/B08 - 30/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 6.7 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video
Exquisite 24% THC! A deliciously powerful effect for those with a high tolerance. My best strain to grow outdoor. shes gonna look good.
Exquisite 24% THC! A deliciously powerful effect for those with a high tolerance. My best strain to grow outdoor. shes gonna look good.
- LST continues by stretching the plant outwards. - Both plants are progressing healthy. Kings Kush is still slightly lagging a little due to several accidents. - Defoliation continues. I am trying to remove fan leaves shadowing potential bud sides. - Light intensity is still at 90% which is still causing increased temp. I plan to increase inline fan speed on 2 week of flowering which will decrease temp. - VPD fluctuated this week with extreme spikes when I opened the tent between 0.8 and 1.8 kPa this week, but was generally more stabilized averaging at 1,34 kPa. This week, I stopped using the humidifier. - Temperature is stabilized at 22 at night and 28.5 Celsius at day time, averaging at 26.3. A little higher than last week due to increased light intensity. But the plan is to run the growth 2 more weeks with higher Temps around 27-28 Celcius. 2nd week of flowering, I will increase inline fan speed which will hopefully both temp and humidity. - Humidity is much more stabilized between 50-68%, averaging at 61%. - Removed one of Scrog Nets on 26.05. - Last defoliation before Flowering was applied on 27.05. - Increased pot height of King’s Kush to keep the same height with Chemical Bride - On 29.05, switched to 12-12, Topped the soil with Light Mix Plagron and added 50 gr of Greenhouse Feeding BioBloom in both pods which is the only nutrient support I will be doing through the whole flowering phase. - Also, on 29.05, I measured the Soil Ph and I realized that it dropped from 6.1 to 5.8. Increasing the water Ph from 6.3 to 6.5 gradually now.
On to week 2. This is interesting to say The least. VS-1 has a strange mutation. These will be sex tested this week. I was delayed because the USPS lost my farmer freeman kits. They came in 10 days late😭😭
Origin:Afghanistan Type:Indica Flowering:59 days THC:23% Harvest:800-1000 g/m2 Height:170-200 cm