Finally harvest time arrived 🤗 It’s been a great run, though I had to improve a lot along the way. But as usual there was a way to get things done and finished up😎 After a long heatwave I decided to chop the whole tent, just a bit before I actually wanted to. But I see amber trichomes and heavy buds, so I think it’s safe to chop now, so here we go. 🤩 Can’t wait to taste this after so long watching over it🤤 More details to come.
Es ist schon ein ganzes Weilchen her aber ich erfreue mich immer wieder an diesen blühprächtigen Pflanzen😍
She is still stretching a bit, so here ant there I still have to reposition a couple of branches. Apart from this she don't need much attention. DLI 45 Watering 3L in every 3 days
6.4. Die 3 Babys wurden jeweils in 15l Stofftöpfe von Zamnesia 1,5cm unterhalb Erdfläche eingelegt und mit Erde bedeckt. Als Erde wird die 420Grow Erde von Gardenboss verwendet und es wurden jeweils 10gramm von Rhizobacter (RQS) der Erde beigefügt. Im untersten Teil der Stofftöpfe wurden Blähtonkugeln ausgelegt. Die ersten 2-3 Wochen sollen die Pflanzen auf der Fensterbank zur Südseite wachsen und dann in einem Foliengewächshaus (Kesser) auf dem Balkon (ebenfalls südliche Ausrichtung) bis zur Ernte bleiben.
the bud start to fat really fast and the trichomes production is over the top the smell is really sweet n creamy
A perfect end for a perfect plant. I harvested her after 13 weeks and she looks great! She smells strong and i cant get enough from her smell. She taste like tropical fruits with a little hint of gas.
Used Gaia Green Bloom to Top dress about Week 3 of flower Introduced a couple Pluto runtz Plants in the front Cause they accidentally Flowered 🤷‍♂️
Been an ok week just counting down the days till flip. This update is a bit late and should have another soon enough. Found one leaf that was giving me some camo print. Kinda cool. Would be neat if the entire plant did that, would look amazing on the deck. makeshift bamboo. My butterwort plant is starting to thrive again in the shade of the bigger plants and the peppers are also doing the same, the light was just to much for them. the butterwort is also eating lots and lots of the gnats in the tent and doing its job, I'm going to try and propagate it and give some to my grow shop guys and see if they want to sell them. They told me to make a bunch of clones of it and bring them some so we will see. I let my pots get nice and dry before the next water and saw some of the leaves on the underside of the canopy were wilting so the gnats might have been knocked back by a week or so from it being to dry on the soil level. Plant is also fully showing its sex on two of them, waiting on the middle one to pop some pistils. Fed them all the same with an addition of some seaweed extract from GaiaGreen. They are really liking the fulvic acid powder I'm using. this is 100% a new thing going into all the grows moving forward. I also went out and purchase some bubble has bags for cheep and decided to try and make some bubble hash out of a bunch of outdoor plants I had, comprised also of trim/shake from all the other diaries I did. One weird thing was the 25u size was the bigger yielding and that not so normal from what I have been told by my friends. I have a strong feeling it was from me shaking and hitting the bag like it owed me some money. I wanted to see how much keif/crystals would fall off of it in the freezer and my orginal plan was to make keif hash with it and that's part of its processing. vs bubble hash you don't want to do that. The results where ok. I did 3 washes and honestly I should have done more but it was late and I was just going to throw it out anyway if I did not make hash from it, so win win. 1st wash about 15min 2nd wash was about 15-20 min 3rd wash was closer to 30 min. used a 220u work bag and then went into a 160u and 73u down to a 25u as final, I don't know its yeild yet but I will soon find out as its still drying. used 213.4g of trim and shake and some buds. My ideal outcome is 10% of that weight in hash so 21.3g 220u160u73u25u u=micron I feel like im forgetting something but IDK what it is, till next week, and that should be in a few days. Friday if I get my shit together. Big shoutout to Medic Grow for sponsoring the lighting in my tent, They have provided me with 2x Mini Sun 2's in the 240w configuration, They use the v1 growing spectrum that is a all purpose seed to harvest spectrum so their is no hassle of switching it mid grow. If you interested in learning more about Medic Grow products please visit the web link below.
This week has been descent, plants recovered just fine from the LST issues from before. Its like they never were really phased by it. and that's impressive for the strain it really can take abuse and grows well. I was away for a extended weekend and tossed in 1Gal of ph'd water to the plants and hopped for the best, So far so good. Will need to water them again tomorrow. Had a bit of burning on some leaves from the soil/transplant so its good to know the stuff is feeding em well. I really think the fulvic acids are helping them take in the nutrients as I'm using less of it compared to other grows with Gaia Green. I topped all the plants this week and this should set them back a bit in vertical growth. I think they will be ready for flip in a week or two, they should have established themselves in the new pots with all their roots by now. Maybe give them a bit more and then pinch them all into the SCROG net, Might need a 2nd net to support the colas if they grow really tall. Aim for week 10 flip as of now. Clones are also doing well, one of them dried out a bit more and can see the growth was stunted. I also gave away the 4th plant that was a runt, they will be keeping it in a window still till its time to transplant them outside in the spring and let it grow into a monster plant outdoors hopefully if it does not get stolen. Hard to tell what will happen to it. Lota dumbasses in their neighbourhood. Other then that not much else to report on, Big shoutout to Medic Grow for sponsoring the lighting in my tent, They have provided me with 2x Mini Sun 2's in the 240w configuration, They use the v1 growing spectrum that is a all purpose seed to harvest spectrum so their is no hassle of switching it mid grow. If you interested in learning more about Medic Grow products please visit the web link below.
April 8th - Day 51 : They doing f*cking great. Defoliated a bunch and starting to take good care of the babies, re arranged the net, the lst's etc.. They had a slight problem with water but I've watered them good and they looking healthy again
This week has a fun surprise, Of the two seedlings I operated on as they where growing sideways in the medium one of them survived. It is quite small and is is going to be playing catch up all grow so may move it outdoors in the summer and just clone the shit out of it if I like the way the other plants go. Also if it bounces back fast I could try and incorporate it into the SCROG. but I kinda have my mind set on just three plants. Also starting a lot of my hot pepper in this tent with the Honey Mints, hopefully they will pop up in the next week or so and get good sized before they need to be transplanted outside in 8-10 weeks. Their seeds always take so long. Other then that plants are looking good and healthy. The bigger one has a bit of leave warping, nothing to worrying as its not progressed or gotten worse, likely from me giving it a bit to much water trying to flush out the high EC from before. Other then that nothing else to report, thinking of doing an early top on them to mainline all 3 of them. Big shoutout to Medic Grow for sponsoring the lighting in my tent, They have provided me with 2x Mini Sun 2's in the 240w configuration, They use the v1 growing spectrum that is a all purpose seed to harvest spectrum so their is no hassle of switching it mid grow. If you interested in learning more about Medic Grow products please visit the web link below.
just continuing my SCoG, no water today but probably tomorrow, again with fert and maybe myco supreme. I'll probably order some copper wire to shape the plants better. Any tips or comments always appreciated! -
03.04.24 Startet soaking them in Water, all of them fell to the bottom.💧 Transplanting them later on the day into cups.🥤 05.04.24 Transplanted them into their cups, now waiting till the 4 girls show up. 🌱 07.04.24 Banana and GG #4 showed up first and pretty much at the same time. The other are still underground.🌱🍌☀️ 09.04.2024 Sunset paradise showed up, now just waiting for the Runtz.. 🌱 10.04.2024 They all doing well, besides the runtz. Still no sign, but it surely comes🌱
Harvested a little early because of the diseases in the plants nearby (botrytis, mildew, a little bit of spider mites), didn't wanna risk the whole crop so I just cut everything down and gave it a good cleaning with water and hydrogen peroxide for the first time ever. From my point of view I lost quite a bit of trichomes doing that, but do I regret it? Not a single bit, the trichomes that you actually lose by doing a bud wash are already degrading and aren't holding onto anything, so they would make the flavor worse (also from my pov) if they stayed there, also I didn't have a roof over them for almost 5 months so they had a lot of debris so I rather not smoke all of that
11/04/2024, as the radiant light enveloped my botanical haven, I observed a subtle phenomenon of "canoeing," a gentle curvature in the growth pattern induced by the presence of a heater in the ambient environment of the room. Anticipating this minor deviation from optimal growth, I remain confident that with time, this effect will naturally subside, allowing my plants to flourish unhindered. Few hours later canoeing diminished! Defolled Banana Clouds,; She's the slowest grower out the bunch!
Date: 07/04/2024 Illumination Activated! Anticipating your contemplative response 🤔, it is evident that a larger vessel is imperative for her growth trajectory, considering her current confines within a 19L container. The imminent requirement calls for a spacious 60L receptacle, especially for accommodating the root expansion of this 100% sativa cultivar, akin to cultivating three distinct plants. Rest assured, I am diligently addressing this necessity. My cognitive acuity now far surpasses any previous state, a veritable testament to heightened clarity and focus. Maybe more common sense than my pervious brain dulled 😑 Mid-day: The Train of Disframe I am perplexed by the presumptions some individuals harbor about their own identities, a realm from which I am keen to distance myself. I exemplify the valor to be met with disdain. I abstain from soliciting your allegiance or appreciation towards my creations. Subsequent to the fruition of these cultivation endeavors, their merit shall resonate independently. Should you be inclined to express admiration and allegiance, it brings me joy; conversely, indifference does not perturb me. My aspiration transcends superficial accolades; I envision forthcoming cultivators beholding my endeavors with awe akin to stargazing. "I have the courage to be disliked I'm beyond it" - End of Story 08/04/2024 I find myself amidst the transition to the flowering phase of cultivation, a process I previously jestingly referenced. In humbled reflection, I seek divine forgiveness for my momentary lapse in candor. In pursuing optimal nourishment for my botanical charge, I have meticulously curated a regimen involving the gradual escalation of Sensi Bloom feed to a maximum dosage of 4ml per liter, attuned to the specific needs of the plant. Embracing the role of a discerning steward, akin to a 'Plant Whisperer,' I am dedicated to orchestrating a harmonious symphony of growth and vitality within this verdant realm. 4inch Extractor Fan installed. "The Recurrence Vid" In the compelling narrative title, the strain Forgotten Haze Cakes, classified as a pure Sativa, luxuriates in ample space for vertical expansion during the inaugural fortnight of transitioning phases, courtesy of the employed cultivation methodology. By delicately leaving the initial set of lower big fan leaves, it'll anticipate discourage within the plant from branching and proliferation. In the vibrant realm of my sativa tent, where the verdant sentinels of growth flourish under the radiant canopy of light, a unique challenge presents itself – the absence of a means to monitor humidity levels. Despite this limitation, my steadfast dedication to the well-being of my botanical charges remains unwavering. As the sativa strains bask in the nurturing embrace of their environment, enveloped in a tapestry of vibrant hues and resplendent foliage, I adapt my stewardship with a blend of intuition and experience. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ⏸️ ▶️ "HUMIDITY" + "HUMILITY" = MILITARY! - This saga; can NOT , continue in the Military realm of Sativa" In the captivating narrative of cultivation, where the seeds of growth are sown with care and nourished with intention, a poignant reflection emerges – the distinction between "humidity" and "humility" reverberates with profound resonance. Within the intricate tapestry of botanical stewardship, the ethos of humility stands as a guiding principle, shaping the ethos of caretaking and nurturing. However, as the whimsical wordplay unfolds, the realm of the military - a stark and regimented domain - starkly contrasts with the delicate intricacies of the sativa realm. The sativa tent, with its vibrant tapestry of growth and vitality, thrives in a sanctuary where the essence of humility permeates the air, fostering a symbiotic relationship between caretaker and plant. Yet, the rigid confines of the military realm, with its structured hierarchy and discipline, stand in stark juxtaposition to the organic fluidity of the sativa's journey towards botanical magnificence. In this divergence of paths, the saga grapples with a fundamental incongruity, a dissonance that renders the blending of military precision with the ethereal essence of sativa cultivation an untenable pursuit. As such, the narrative must veer away from the militaristic paradigm, embracing instead a narrative that celebrates the organic harmony and symbiosis that defines the cultivation journey within the sativa realm. With reverence for the intrinsic beauty of growth and a deep-seated appreciation for the interconnectedness of all living beings, the saga pivots towards a narrative that honors the essence of humility, nurturing, and respect that underpin the art of cultivation. Through this recalibration of focus, the sativa tent emerges as a sanctuary of growth and renewal, where the ethos of humility reigns supreme, guiding the journey towards botanical excellence with grace and wisdom. In this realm where empirical data gives way to intuitive guidance, I rely on a finely tuned sensibility cultivated through years of tending to these green companions. Attuned to the subtle cues and nuances of their growth patterns, I navigate this uncharted territory with a blend of caution and ingenuity. While the absence of direct humidity readings may pose a challenge, my keen observation and intimate connection with the plants allow me to discern their needs with a heightened sense of awareness. As the delicate ballet of growth unfolds within the confines of the sativa tent, I embrace this unique opportunity to deepen my symbiotic relationship with Forgotten Haze Cakes. I will adapt my Military training skills with attentive care and a deep-seated understanding of their botanical language, I strive to create an environment that nurtures their flourishing without the aid of conventional metrics. This journey of cultivation, guided by intuition and nurtured by experience, embodies a union of art and science that transcends the boundaries of empirical data, fostering a connection that transcends the limitations of instrumentation. Feed Schedule ATM: 3.5.5ml/L = 66.6 Currently drinking 6L/24hrs 09/04/2024 Effective immediately; all photos taken during the flowering stage must only feature the plant with the lights on. Exceptions may be made in the case of serious incidents or issues that require documentation with the lights off or during mid-day. This protocol aims to ensure consistent monitoring and assessment of the plants' growth and health during this crucial stage. Thank you for your cooperation and adherence to this new guideline. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - "The Singularity Expansion" - The Singularity Expansion in the realm of my botanical cultivation practices embodies a concept of unification and harmonization. Through meticulous research and thoughtful contemplation, I have elucidated a methodology that leverages singularity as a guiding principle. At the outset, the elements of my grow technique may appear disparate and disconnected, akin to a fragmented mosaic. However, as the cultivation journey unfolds, each component seamlessly converges towards a singular, coherent endpoint, transcending the initial chaos to manifest a harmonious and bountiful fruition. Singularity serves as the transformative force that orchestrates the convergence of diverse elements within my cultivation process, culminating in a cohesive and synchronized outcome that epitomizes unity and balance. 10/04/2024 ...... as the lights illuminated the verdant expanse of my botanical domain, I meticulously undertook the task of adjusting the colas. Engaged in a strategic battle of balance and precision, I ensured that the lush growth on both the left and right sides of the scrog remained impeccably level......currently still in PROGRESS of this battle! - "In navigating the realm of visual representation within my botanical narrative, a distinct dichotomy emerges between the untreated authenticity of unedited photographs, characterized by a vibrant green hue and crisp clarity, and the studio-enhanced counterparts which exhibit a washed-out white palette. Delving deeper into this juxtaposition, I find myself strategically oscillating between these two visual paradigms, recognizing the nuanced interplay between natural realism and heightened studio effects on my S23 Ultra device" - WATCH OUT the Kangaroos About! Never mind that Double-O,7, I'm Double-7,0. 707. Amidst the luminous glow, as I embarked on another day of nurturing my botanical companions, a significant milestone unfolded within the realm of my cultivation journey. The arrival of pre-flowers signaled a crucial juncture, prompting a pre-warning to elevate the nutrient feed to meet the escalating demands of this transformative phase. With precision and care, I made meticulous adjustments to the scrog, ensuring the optimal positioning for these burgeoning blooms. The act of "fluffing her" symbolized a tender gesture of support, further enhancing the growth trajectory of my botanical charges. "The Recurrence Vid 2 -Pre Flowers"