May 3, 2024 Day 78 This week is what seems to be the last week before flushing and a light intensity drop. Both ladies look really nice and coming along swimmingly. More orange pistils, more amber trichomes. Not enough of either, but they are getting there. Probably the next week of nutrients and a week of flush. Speaking of nutrients, I decided to cut the whole regimen in half. There's clearly nutrient burn and I can't seem to get rid of it. I also believe the plants aren't taking in as much water as they were before. The containers are holding more water and that tells me it has nowhere to go besides in the soil and the ants aren't keeping up. Nutrient lockout? Age of plants? They are an 8 week strain while we are starting week 11 today. I'm sure I'll find out. So I'm guessing about a week and a half left before harvest. I'm not sure if it will be 2 weeks or not, but I've been saying 2 weeks for over a week now. We are definitely close to comfortably call 2 weeks or earlier. Hopefully earlier. Banana Purple Punch A is getting heavy. Branches are starting to lean and buds are covering buds from the weight. Apparently these branches aren't as strong as Banana Purple Punch B whose branches are stiff as boards. Very healthy though. Although, she did take a hit from the nutrient burn. Not much and definitely not as bad as the Tropicana Cookies did. Banana Purple Punch B is a thing of beauty. She is small and compact, but her buds are fat and she smells amazing. Tons of trichomes and lots of bud throughout the plant. She'll definitely need a trimming before I harvest. I think I've decided to do a mostly wet trim and leaves just the sugar leaves on the plant. Anything with a stem I can reach will be cut off. Same with Banana Purple Punch A, but her buds to leaf ration is fantastic. I won't have to do much trimming on her. Banana Purple Punch B, on the other hand, will need a whole lot of trimming. I've got this week's first set of trichome pics. One for each plant. Looks pretty good. A bunch of cloudy, a bunch of clear and some amber. Definitely not ready. No watering today as I topped off the reservoirs with a half gallon of plain water. PHed at 6.2 which took a bit of PH down. Apparently my water is really low in acid. The lighting will be staying the same for most of the week. As these ladies have only a couple of weeks left, I'll try to time the light intensity drop accordingly. The environment is still messed up. SMH. The temp is still fine, but the humidity is still high. Now only 55%, but still too high. I'd prefer 40% now, but I'll take 50% somehow. It stopped raining and the weather is really nice, so I don't see why the humidity is still high. Last night the temp was averaging out at 67.9° with a low of 65° with the humidity still being high at 55.8%. At least it's staying the same. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.2° RH: 55.0% VPD: 1.23 kPa May 4, 2024 May the 4th be with you! Star Wars all the way! Not a lot going on today. Both ladies got a full gallon of half dose nutrients. I think it's time. They have about a week and a half left to go. Maybe less. Hopefully less. Banana Purple Punch A was rotated today. Her branches are so top heavy now that the whole plant jiggled when I moved it. Honestly, kinda funny to see. Her reservoir was almost empty. She's definitely still thirsty. With the half dose of nutes, I expect to start to see a fade. At the end of the week I'll start the real flush with Flawless Finish. Only for the first watering though. Also, I don't top flush. All of the nutrient buildup on the top soil will just poison the plants. So I continue to run the reservoir. Afterall, that is the place where the nutrients get absorbed. So Flawless Finish blocks some sort of beta things that prevent the plant from taking in nutrients. I've used it for the last 3 runs and I have no idea if it works or not. I very rarely get a good fade. Too many nutrients at the end? Maybe. Banana Purple Punch B hasn't changed position at all. She fits perfectly in the tent where she is. She had a little bit more water than her sister, but still low enough to fill the reservoir with a whole gallon and not overdo it. She also has about a week and a half left. Her buds are huge now. The very tops are the huge ones, but the lower buds are all dense. Should be decent popcorn for pressing. Her leaves are a deep color of green. Not so deep to be a concern for toxicity. However, FastBuds says the leaves should turn light green at the end. We shall see. Also, I'm not seeing purple at all. Hence the half dose and flush next week. The lighting of course is going to be dropped to 70% power in a few days. Then down to 60% at the start of next week and will be brought down to 50% for the final few days. The environment is bad today. The humidity is back to 60%. I can still control the temp though. I think I need to drop it to 74° for the day and try to keep it at 65° at night. A tall order, but I think I can pull it off. I just wish I could get rid of this damned humidity. Not that I think anything will get ruined. I have 3 clip fans running at half power each, so airflow is fantastic. These also quite a bit of open space for Banana Purple Punch A. Not so much with Banana Purple Punch B. But she still has a decent amount of open space. Definitely enough to not get any issues. At least that's the theory. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.0° RH: 57.9% VPD: 1.19 kPa May 5, 2024 Trichome day! I got a couple of decent trichome pics from each plant. They aren't perfect, but they are pretty good for what I can do. No watering today obviously. That won't be for another day or 2. Banana Purple Punch A looks great! Her colas are getting heavier and slightly fatter. I'd say I'm on point with when she will be done. I say another 10 days. Flush will start at the end of this week. That should leave me a good 5 to 6 days of flushing before harvest. She's also getting more and more orange pistils and some amber trichomes. I still see mostly clear and a good amount of cloudy. Definitely not ready yet. Banana Purple Punch B also looks great! Her buds are just as fat as her sister plant. They aren't nearly as far along though. I'd give this one 2 weeks. But maybe the same 10 more days. They are different phenomes afterall. Her branches are like SUPER stiff. No leaning, no anything except the jiggle when moved. Such a strong little one. Neither plant is showing signs of fade yet. I expect it will start to show up in the next week. The buds are also still quite green. I'll also be expecting purple in the next week. We shall see. Light power will be dropped at the end of the week I think. I was going to drop it tomorrow, but I think these two need a bit more time. The environment is still messed up. It's mid spring now and it's just getting humid. I can expect to have a lot of humidity for the next 3 weeks. I will just have to do my best to fight it. Currently, the temp is at 76° and the humidity is still at 60%. It just refuses to drop down. I had the humidity in my room all the way back down to 50% and it did absolutely nothing. I'll have to periodically open the tent until this humidity levels back out. No big deal, I'm always home. I also keep trying to get the temp down at night. I can't seem to get it below 67°. I'd really like it at 65° and the day temp at 74°, but it doesn't seem to be working. The problem is I can't get the humidity down without cranking the heat. But if I crank the heat, the temp goes above 77° and gets dangerously close to messing up the trichomes. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.1° RH: 59.7% VPD: 1.10 kPa May 6, 2024 Not much going on today. No trichome pics, no watering, no light changes. The only thing I have to mess with is the humidity still. It should go down today. I have my room at 47%. Banana Purple Punch A looks great! Super heavy colas and dense... Very dense buds. Solid. She has a few more orange pistils, but that's a good thing. She should be finishing up in about a week now. Banana Purple Punch B is stunning. For a small plant, her structure is wonderful, bud are huge and solid. She is pretty bushy, so I will be very happy when I can trim all the foliage off before harvest. She should need about another 10 to 12 days. The aroma coming off of these has changed since that last time I said something about it. It's more pungent now and smells of sweet fruit and something heavy. I'm not getting much or any banana smell, but I'm a smoker, so my sniffer is a bit off. It's still strong enough for me to smell the essence of this strain. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone who doesn't smoke and will be willing to smell my weed. Lol And the one person I know who would smell it smokes more than I do. As before, the lights will stay the same for the rest of this week. Then I'll drop them down to a DLI of 36 mol/m²/d. The environment is still kind of wonky with the temp being around 75° and the humidity being still high at 58%. But as I said earlier, I have my room back down to 48% humidity, so I should be able to get the tent down to 50% sometime this afternoon, and hopefully it will stay that way for at least another week. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.8° RH: 62.3% VPD: 1.06 kPa May 7, 2024 Watering day. Both ladies got a full gallon today. Other than that I took some pictures. I'm not bothering with trichomes for the next few days with these 2. They clearly aren't ready, so no point in checking clear trichomes. When I see more orange pistils, I'll start checking them. Both ladies have super heavy buds. They are making the tops sway a bit when moved. So big, so dense, so heavy. I look forward to harvest. The lighting is the same as always. It'll be dropped by the end of this week I think. I'm planning on dropping it down to 36 mol/m²/d for the last week of flower. It should work to bring out purple and to help tighten the buds up. I'm also considering cutting the nutrients off at the end of this week and go for plain water. It's just about time for flushing as it is, so in 2 days, I'll do one last nutrient dose and that's it. The environment is starting to readjust to a normal level, it's just taking a long time. Currently the temp is at 76° and the humidity is at 54%. Still high humidity, but better than 60%. My room has 42% humidity, so the humidity should eventually drop below 50%. I'll try to drop the temp as well. I'd like to see 74° for the rest of the grow. I'm still having issues with night temp. I cannot get it to go down enough. It sat at 68° and 55% humidity. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.6° RH: 54.6% VPD: 1.25 kPa May 8, 2024 So I have been doing a bit of image research and have found that these two should start showing purple anyway now. At least that's what it looks like. These ones have super green buds. Nowhere near ready for harvest. Still another week and a half or so. No water needed today. I will note that the reservoirs are still nearly full. Interesting. Banana Purple Punch A looks great. Her buds are super fat and smell great. They are dense and when they are ready will be hard as rocks. Her leaf to bud ratio is perfect. Not too many but no bare. I was more worried about her getting super bushy. Nothing of the sort. Very nice. I'll be trimming her down before harvest, but I'm not bothering with the sugar leaves until after drying. They will help give more of an even dry. Banana Purple Punch B has caught up in bud size with her sister plant. Although, she has more leaves. Trimming will be a nightmare with this one. I plan to do it in 2 sessions. Once before harvest to clean out all of the stemmed leaves. Anything I can reach at the base of a leaf is gone. After drying, I'll complete the trimming session with basically a manicure and that's it. The lights are staying as they are for a bit longer. I can't really tell if these two are actually done yet or not. I'll do a trichome check tomorrow and post pics. The environment is a nightmare. It's still 60% humidity with the temp being a bit high at 77°. I'd rather it be at 74°, but the humidity gets higher that way. I'll just have to keep opening the tent as I have been for what seems to be the last week. Either way, I will not get mold. Not if I can help it. Now drying in such high humidity is a concern. Very little airflow. Hopefully I can keep the temp in the low 60's in there. I highly doubt it. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.0° RH: 57.6% VPD: 1.19 kPa May 9, 2024 Some noticable things today. First off, neither plant is taking in as much water as they were. A sign of either nutrient lockout or they don't need as much water because they are finishing up. Finishing up makes the most sense. Banana Purple Punch A was rotated again today to keep the plant from growing mold and keep the lights hitting all the buds from every angle. She's definitely closer to being done than her sister plant is. I'd say about 5 days difference? Maybe slightly less. This is kind of a blessing and kind of a curse. I have 4 other plants in 3 gallon containers that need to go in the tent asap. If I can clear at least 2 of the 4 plants currently in the tent, including this one, I could fit all 4 plants in the tent with the last 2 plants. Then I can harvest those two separately kind of. Banana Purple Punch B has huge buds now. Some are a little bigger than her sister. They seem to have the same amount of bud, just structured differently. This plant has the super compact structure with buds all up and down, but it's only like 19" where the other one is closer to 23" and has more space between buds. But it's a larger plant, so there is the roughly the same amount of bud. At least that's what it looks like. I'm seeing no signs of fading yet. I'm guessing this is one of those strains that waits for the last week or so before showing color. Although, other diaries I've seen show different. The weird thing is that the majority of the other plants I've seen all have purple buds. Mine are still bright green. But they are definitely not ready. So I'm guessing another week and a half. Frankly, I have a lot of trouble timing harvests. I don't know what the plants do or are doing, for example, I've never had a plant finish up based on breeder specs. I've even had an autoflower go well over 15 weeks. Granted it was HUGE (understatement), but it still took over 15 weeks. But then I have strains that finish up in 12 weeks. But I couldn't tell if they were done or not. Disadvantages of not having the proper equipment. This time around I have a microscope, so I can get a really good idea of when to harvest. As for trichome check, I was supposed to do it yesterday. Then I thought maybe today. But then I realized tomorrow is a new week, so I'll take my trichome pics tomorrow. Plus, they clearly aren't ready, so no point in checking yet. The lighting as I said will stay the same for now. These 2 are showing no signs of needing it and are definitely not ready for it to drop. Not for another few days to a week anyway. The environment is kind of calming down. I can keep the day temp down to 74°, but the humidity is still high at 55%. I'll be spending the day opening it up periodically... again. I did manage to get the average night temp down to 66°, so that's something. It messed up my Sour Diesel seedlings in my 2x2 though. The temp in there went all the way down to 62°. I really need to get them in this tent. Grow System Environment: Temp: 72.6° RH: 58.7% VPD: 1.11 kPa
W12.D1(81) 🌞🌱✂️🔍💡Good day! 🌞 Opening the 12th week of grow (and the 4th week of flowering), I continue to meticulously and gradually remove the fan leaves 🌱 that block the light from penetrating deeply ✂️. I do this gradually 🔍, aiming to minimize the reduction of photosynthesis and stress for the girl 💡. She seems to be feeling quite well, in my opinion 💡. W12.D2(82) 🌱🍂🌞🌿💦 Good day! Today, I continue my struggle 🍂 with the deep shadows 🌞 caused by the oldest fan leaves. 🍂🌿💧 Additionally, I've discovered that one of the fertilizer components forms "foam flakes" 💦 which settle at the bottom and float on the surface. 🌊 Suspicion falls on Big Bud Coco. 💭🌿 W12.D3(83) 🌞🌱⏰📅🔝 Fantastic day to everyone! 🌞 Today, 📅 two days after the last increase, I'm boosting the light duration by 10 minutes for the second time. ⏰🔝 🌿🌱📦🚮 Additionally, today, I cleared out unnecessary items from the grow-box 🌿🌱 to make some extra space 📦🚮. W12.D4(84) 🌱🌿💧🔬🚫 Today I decided to add Big Bud Coco 🌱 separately from all other fertilizers, because I discovered that when it mixes with the others, it forms flakes 🚫. 🌿🍃🌳🔦🚫 Continuing the clearing of undergrowth deep within the foliage 🌿... Inside, there are quite a few dried leaves and unviable branches that will never reach the light 🔦. With much regret about the size of the grow box 🚫, I am gradually removing them 🍃. W12.D5(85) 🌱🌡️🔦📏🚫 Despite the buds slowing down in growth, they haven't stopped altogether 🌱. Currently, the tallest cola has reached 89 cm 📏. Considering that there are no more than 20 cm left to the light sources 🔦, I'm starting to monitor the temperature of the upper leaves with a pyrometer 🌡️ to avoid thermal and light burns for the tallest ones 🚫. 🎵🌱🎶🔊😊 Growing with music definitely, if it doesn't affect the plants (since they lack the means to perceive air vibrations, which is sound), it certainly fills the grower's space with sounds that create a positive vibe 🔊🎶😊. W12.D6(86) 🤔📸📖🌿✨ No new thoughts 🤔 for now, so I'm just dropping some fresh photos 📸 for the diary. 📖 Let's appreciate the simplicity of this moment 🌿 and enjoy the journey. ✨ W12.D7(87) 🌿🔍🛠️✨😌 Time to summarize another week: - This is my first SCROG (even though it's 3D) and I've come to appreciate the ease of maintenance within the foliage 🌿 - all the colas are very conveniently shifted for maintenance 🔍. - 📈🌸⏳👀🌱 Gradually increasing the duration of the light day during flowering did not lead to a revert to the vegetative state 📈. We continue to observe 👀. - 🌼💧🚫🛠️🌿 It was discovered that adding Big Bud Coco to the other fertilizers (I'm currently growing with Advanced Nutrients) led to the formation of flakes and clogging of the automatic watering system 💧. I have now started giving this component separately 🚫.
5 Fullgas féminisés de chez Green House Seeds 400w hps ampoule Phillips Green Powers 30% de bleue en plus, black box silver 80 x 80 x 1,80 intracteur winflex 125mm 185m3/h extracteur winflex 125 mm 220/280m3/h ventilateur clip 16 w, un ventilateur clip oscillant 20w, 2 filet scrog 8x8
Planted the Seeds in moist peat pellets. Had them sitting at 25*C in an almost closed plastic box. After they popped out I planted the peat pellet into these 12L fabric pots.
One starting week 3 the other starting week 1 I’m so impressed!! So excited!!
Chopped on days 78 and 82. One yielded 2.31 Oz, the other 2.52 Oz.
Lots of smells have become their own... The fried banana has this crazy skunk smell with a real earth dirt smell once the skunk fades... The orange cake NO kidding, smells like a fresh peeled orange and some kind of batter smell... It's nuts... The big Z has the immediate Skittles blast with a earthy afternote... And the paint is just like the last one and smells real chemical like! When u say the name it makes u smell the paint... Is that just me???? Hahaha anyways... Thats what I got .. everything is going amazing and for day 37 I think they've filled out real nice... Now hopefully they fatten up in the next 20-30 days!!!!
Week 4 the right plant shows a deficiency... no idea what that is. the light from the lamp was too strong at first but it shouldn't be... I don't know - I'll keep an eye on it... I think the left plant looks good... growing splendidly - sativa genes are showing... the right plant is growing more bushy 👉Defoliation and exposing the shoots👈 I removed all the leaves that were or would soon be covered with scissors ✂️ - I started in the middle to give the plant more air flow
Die Pflanzen erholen sich sichtlich von den Strapazen der letzten Woche und zeigen nun eine gesunde Farbe sowie zahlreiche neue Blätter.. Ich gieße Aktuell mit 1L Wasser pro Pflanze und treibe sie nach Außen via Low Stress. Wenn diese am Rand sind lasse ich die Pflanzen an höhe gewinnen um eine schöne Krone zu erhalten.
Week 2 of the gorilla gas and I started feedling a light mixture of base nutrients. All 3 plants are growing nearly identical so it should be fun to see the differences each plant shows throughout the grow. I have the light set to a out 60% right now at 3 feet aboulve the canopy. Its been a little tough to keep the humidity up so I'm running a humidifier outside the tent and having the carbon filter pull the humidity through the bottom vent into the tent. I will post a timelapse video soon when it's done recording.
Week 1 in the books and starting to give her a little nutrients. Starting off light and gradually increasing nutrients each time. Im going to feed every other watering until I have enough to get runoff and then I will be constantly checking with the ppm meter. She's off to a great start. Light got moved a little closer and dimmer is now at 60%.
Hi@all, it is the end of the fifth week, I started some low-stress training to bend the lower branches towards the light. It worked really well. Three days ago, I topped the "head". I hope she's recovering from it in the next days/week. So far, everything seems to be going well and it’s really enjoyable. 😎🌿 My only concern is the 40x40 cm tent – I think it might be a bit tight in there... Greetings ✌️
High morning growmies Runtz is enjoying the sunshine today! she was on my windowsill almost the whole week, now and then she could go outside when it was warm enough.. She only gets 15H of daylight but she is the only one who is not showing stress becouse of that.. leaves are nice and flat, colour is beautiful green.. so all is good! she hasnt even streched much (yet) I put her on my windowsill tonight again, so she will not have to feel the cold night air.. F1 strains are really something else👌 im excited to see how she is gonna bloom🙏 think im gonna top her tomorrow 👍 happy growing for all✊
Rolling into week 7. Time to dial down the nutes and start my UVB regiment. I use Reptisun 10.0 bulbs due to LED UV's giving far less than optimal performance. Reptisun 5.0 bulbs work 2. I only run them from week 7 to flush and for only 3 hours a day within the current light cycle. Update day 45: After doing a trichome check, it finished EARLY!! Time to do a quick flush then harvest. I was going to add the nutes to the fresh water today 😂😂
She is really taking her time. There are more and more pistils showing all over the place but she did not switch completely. Went easy on her and just evened out the canopy a bit. Our bondage days are over, we're in a vanilla phase right now Since last time I defoliated her twice.
She is getting so dense and very sticky freaking covered in trichomes
She is tiny and is refusing to grow big but is starting to stretch a little
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D22/V18 - 07/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.7 pH: 5.3 🌡️ T: 22 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D23/V19 - 08/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.7 pH: 5.3 🌡️ T: 22 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 Topping and LST 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video of grow and one of the topping ______________ 📅 D24/V20 - 09/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.9 pH: 5.4 🌡️ T: 19 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video