Last run of the growing season. Biscotti Mintz by Barney's Farm. I wasn't satisfied with the last crop's yield so i wanted another crack at it. This time I'm armed with a digital Lux meter so i can better dial in the light without the guesswork. Looking to start the clones off with between 5000 and 7000 LUX at the canopy. But i didn't like the brightness at 8000 so i upped it to 15,000 Lux. I think the 5k to 8k Lux recommendations for clones was for clones in the process of rooting. Recommended Lux values for vegging plants is between 15,000 and 50,000 Lux. They were very lanky with long internodal spacing which I thought might be insufficient lighting. Because the other Biscotti Mintz grows and research i've done, shows a very bushy indica trait growth pattern. So either i have a shitty pheno, or my lighting wasn't good enough. I'm guessing it was the light because preliminary testing with the Lux meter showed that my canopy was quite under lit last run. Again using 3 gallon pots, this time i am crossing my fingers with the substrate because it is reused coco that i washed and buffered myself. I've never done this before so i have no idea what's going to happen. For all i know they will all be dead in a few days lol. Anyways, i tested the coco pH last night, and after buffering with 2x strength calmag and soaking the coco in a 6.0 pH for 48 hours, the pH is sitting around 6.8 in the coco. Not where I wanted it, but it's doable. I believe the coco brand new out of the bag measures at 6.8 so... I will be watering in 6.0 pH to try to achieve a balance. Treating the roots before planting with Azos and dusting the planting hole with Mykos. The nutrient solution is very mild to start off. About 450ppm. Hygrozyme will be added to the mix and watered in to help break down the old dead root matter that wasn't able to be sifted out of the coco. The cellulase will break those roots down into usable food for the plant to uptake, and clean up the dead roots at the same time. Hygroben will also be added because i have some left from the last crop. And after seeing the results of using bacteria, i'm pretty sold on using it. Today is March 4th, 2024. I like to start on the first of the month but i like starting on Monday's better for keeping my weed soaked brain organized a little easier. I'm thinking to do half strength doses 2x per week instead of full doses 1x per week. It's twice the mixing, but that's ok. There will be 7 plants in total, and the experiment i am running this time, for anyone that wants to check out, is 1 of the plants i will do a seriously severe defoliation on while leaving the rest untouched. And we'll see how it plays out yield wise. I'm sure of the outcome already, but I'm tired of the babbling dummies all over the place that preach fan leaves fan leaves... So we shall see! I had the pH of the nutrient solution set to 6.0 but after adding the enzyme and liquid bacteria, the pH dropped to 5.78, so beware of that if you use those products, even though they claim not to affect the pH. The light dimmer is set to 6 of 10. The clip fan is set to 2 of 10. Temps set to 74F and humidity set to 70% humidity. The light is 18 inches from the canopy at a dimmer setting of 6, which gives the canopy 15,000 Lux. Each plant was gently watered with about 300ml of nutrient solution, which was carefully and gently dispensed with a 140CC syringe Hope they like what i've done with the place lol. P.S. I realized that the 5000 to 7000 Lux was for clones that are rooting. So I had the lux at 12,000 at 18 inches from the plants at a dimmer value of 5. I've now upped the dimmer to 6. Tomorrow i'll check the lux and see where it's at. The clones have just come out of the dome today so i don't want to push them too aggressively too fast. MARCH 5, 2024 I just tested the Par light reading on BM #1 and the BM right in the center. BM #1 Par reading is 247. Center plant is 270. Light dimmer is at 6 and light is now 13 inches from plant canopy. MARCH 9, 2024 Fed again today. There is some progress in growth. 1/2 inch increase. The clones have been upset getting adjusted to their new environment. I've upped the dimmer to 7 and the PPFD and DLI numbers are good. Humidity remains set at 70% and temperature is set to trigger the fan at 78F Light remains where it was so the plants have grown 1/2 so the light will be 12 inches above the canopy. Mixed up 2 liters of nutrients and the ppm was 555, and the pH was adjusted to 6.15. 2ml Per liter of hygrozyme and hygroben were also added. Clones have curled leaves and a perky/droopy stature. The leaf edges are browning a little bit. I'm not sure whats happening with them other than it's just the effects of transplanting and drastic environmental change. What i'm wondering is how they will/are reacting to the used coco underneath? We press on with fingers crossed! 🙏😁
16th of April day 37 some defoliation done to open up the inner nodes let them get some more light to grow up
16th of April day 37 some defoliation done to open up the inner nodes let them get some more light to grow up
We have liftoff! NOTE- the strain I’m growing isn’t listed yet, but it is in fact “Ice Cream Cake” Photo from SNS
-4/9/23 Start of Week --Week 3 -4/9/23 (Day 22) --Changes: lowered the light and move the pot about 6 inches closer to the middle of the light (light intensity not changed). --Diary Enter; harvested half of the other plant that is in the same space, allowing me to drop the height of the light. will be watching for problems because light intensity was not changed (about 60%). -4/12/23 (Day 25) --Observations: Branch node are forming at the spade leaves at the first level shade leaves, also the third set of shade leaves are forming. growing quicker now that the light was lowered, also looks darker than at the beginning of the week. --Diary Entry: started growing faster after lowering the light and looks like it has increased chlorophyll production. will be changing the light cycle at the beginning of next week to 18/6 light/night, it will get that light cycle for 3 weeks then change back to 12/12 because of the fast flower competition. Fast Buds information on this cultivar clams that the flowering cycle takes 7-8 weeks so that's what I'm accounting for, leaving 1-2 weeks for hang dry and the start of curing. -4/15/23 (Day 28) --Observations: branch nodes doing very good, growing at good rate. --Diary Entry: will be changing to 18/6 light/night cycle beginning tomorrow, will also be transplanting and starting training soon. -4/15/23 End of Week
4 for 4 seed to sprout. They were germinated in a starter mix of coco loco and extreme mykos WP and will be insta-transplanted here in the next couple days. Off to a great start! This cycle is a showdown of 3 different feed routines featuring some tasty genetics from my friends at Tastebudz Genetics and Super Natural Seeds UK. It’s a mixed cycle, 3 autoflowers and 1 photoperiod. Might train or I might let everything grow natural as I try to keep everything on track and recorded lol. Fingers crossed for another great run!
I would have let her go for another week but the other plant was more than done and I had no other drying space left. Amazing grow, should be a solid harvest and the buds smell and looks amazing. Very sweet, creamy and gassy artificial cherry terps. Very excited how they smell and taste after drying and curing!
2 weeks since they went in the ground and have doubled in size. And wow, the 2 weeks they had. 2-2.5 inches of rain, 15 mph wind a few days and about 8 days of clouds. Check out the video from week 6 and this week to see the change. Or the pics of course.
Bueno pues hoy lunes 17/04/23 empezamos la 7ª semana de floración y son en total 86 días desde que empezamos a germinar todo esto. Las plantas no paran de pedir mas y mas comida, vamos por 2.0 de ec y pienso subirles mas... quizás llegamos a 2.4 ¡veremos! Están siendo nutridas con la gama completa de Boom Nutrients y voy aumentar la dosis de Floración BOOM, de Candy BOOM y de BIG BOOM. PIENSO EXPLOTAR TODO ESTO JAJAJA También hay 3 automáticas de CBD que se llaman Purple Wookiee CBD como ya sabéis, pero esta semana no las he fotografiado, en la próxima os las muestro. Y bueno, en 2-3 semanas mas empezamos a lavar raíces y a cosechar en breves!!
Super excited for these to finish. The gassyness is just unreal, in flush, next week should see a ton of colors coming out
She's in flush, bulking up and smelling citrusy
Esta planta estuvo dos semanas en etapa de enraizamiento, tres en crecimiento y ocho semanas en floración. No tuvo ningún problema con nada, me resultó de fácil cultivo. En esta cosecha obtuve ciento cuarenta y siete g en total. Utilice una maceta Root House de 10L. El sustracto que utilice fue de Nube Verde, en su composición se incluye turba de categoría, perlita, humus, compost, tierra, dolomita y vermiculita. Sin duda volvería a probar esta genética otra vez, supero mis expectativas.
Esta planta estuvo dos semanas en etapa de enraizamiento, tres en crecimiento y ocho semanas en floración. No tuvo ningún problema con nada, me resultó de fácil cultivo. En esta cosecha obtuve ciento cuarenta y siete g en total. Utilice una maceta Root House de 10L. El sustracto que utilice fue de Nube Verde, en su composición se incluye turba de categoría, perlita, humus, compost, tierra, dolomita y vermiculita. Sin duda volvería a probar esta genética otra vez, supero mis expectativas.
Esta planta estuvo dos semanas en etapa de enraizamiento, tres en crecimiento y ocho semanas en floración. No tuvo ningún problema con nada, me resultó de fácil cultivo. En esta cosecha obtuve ciento cuarenta y siete g en total. Utilice una maceta Root House de 10L. El sustracto que utilice fue de Nube Verde, en su composición se incluye turba de categoría, perlita, humus, compost, tierra, dolomita y vermiculita. Sin duda volvería a probar esta genética otra vez, supero mis expectativas.
Esta planta estuvo dos semanas en etapa de enraizamiento, tres en crecimiento y ocho semanas en floración. No tuvo ningún problema con nada, me resultó de fácil cultivo. En esta cosecha obtuve ciento cuarenta y siete g en total. Utilice una maceta Root House de 10L. El sustracto que utilice fue de Nube Verde, en su composición se incluye turba de categoría, perlita, humus, compost, tierra, dolomita y vermiculita. Sin duda volvería a probar esta genética otra vez, supero mis expectativas.