Here I am again with an exciting update on my amazing plant's growth during this crucial week of flowering!💪👽 The plant continues to thrive thanks to Plagron's exceptional nutrient line, displaying healthy buds and robust growth that continues to amaze me week after week. In fact, in just seven days, it is incredible to notice how the buds have grown in volume and the resin has increased. The TrollMaster "TENT-X" environmental control system once again proves to be fundamental in my setup, allowing me to maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels for the plants. This stability is critical to growing success and plant health. 💪🚀😎 The MEDIC GROW MINI-SUN 2 240W LED light continues to provide perfect light conditions for my plants, ensuring they were receiving the right amount of light for maximum growth potential. Viewing detailed temperature, humidity and VPD graphs gives me valuable information about the growing environment, allowing me to optimize conditions and create the best environment for plants to thrive. I shared a video showing the live graph of temperature, humidity and VPD of the entire week of growth, demonstrating the effectiveness of these technologies in ensuring an optimal growing environment for plants. As I enter my eighth week of flowering, I'm excited about the new obstacles and discoveries that await me in my grow room. With the support of Plagron nutrients and the precise control system offered by TrollMaster, I am confident that I will achieve exceptional harvest quality. I appreciate your continued support on this journey of growth and exploration. I continue to prepare for another successful week in the world of plant breeding! 💪👽🚀
So this is the time where after week 3 my account required a password change and I couldnt open the email to change it for over a month. Luckily my brother took this and sent it to me. Ignore the crocks lol. But at this time I tried mainlining like before but had two plants tops break off. This was on NOVEMBER 5TH so 30 days from seed. At this time the stalks were so thick already it made it hard to work with. I think its cus the strains were different or the magnets lol not sure. Also I transplanted the one buy the door late. I had to buy more dirt. It was rough then came back. So it breaking and looking rough I slacked on the training. Just keeping it for hopefully an oz.
Harvest went great but couldn't be happier with 12 oz of off of this girl. I did take a clone that I'm going to try to reveg. I think it's awesome that she turned out to be a photo. At 50 days she was selling those signs of flour until I say River in to 1212 flower lighting and she took off
pH was important as expected and a bit of light burn later on in the grow but ultimately it was pretty smooth sailing. I used a very common nutrient (GHE) and not overly strong. Buds were thick, dense, and moderately pine smelling. The plant did not grow excessively tall thanks to LST, and the LST did not seem to have any ill effects at all. Foliage was thick, and I let it go for a very long time before doing any sort of defoliation. Even then it was modest and just to get light to the lower colas. Still in trimming mode and will continue to update :) Also, other plants in the house got spider mites. Not this one. Could have been that it was in hydro and others weren't but hard to say.
Hat mir alles sehr schön gefallen hab jetzt noch mehr Lust noch mehr zu machen hoffe es klappt alles auch in der Zukunft
So one thing about this strain that was kind of a bummer was the smells were literally all over the place in a great way. Sour gummies worms from the keef, diesle/gas from the leaves, and lemon hard candy/carrots/dab carts from the buds but when smoked it, the floral taste was so rounded that the other smells never came thru except the purple one that had tight smaller buds, had a lemony taste still. (Remember had to cut early from braking). On the other hand, the way this plant grew had me in a state of personal amazement. I was actully super excited telling my friends that it got TOO BIG for the branches. Buds stacked perfectly on every plant. The topping and recover time went smooth. She shaped nicely right before flower. And back to my negative statement that I had..... the smells were INCREDIBLE!!! I recommend it to everyone soly for the smells.
La planta en prefloracion , no ha crecido demasiado , he tenido que retirar hojas en mal estado y la planta no bebe como debería hacerlo. Vamos a ver cómo evoluciona esta semana . Dejar vuestros consejos ,gracias !!!
Here is a video tour of my back yard jungle. I am in the process of a huge clean-up now that the plants are ripening up and the buds are getting heavy. I'll post some photos tomorrow once the work is done. Some of the fan leaves are coming down now to promote light penetration and air circulation... don't want mildew.
*increased ppm from 1050 to 1100 *i don’t see a lot of bud production but they do show a lot of heavy frost. *one of the strains has long colas while the other ones remain short.
*Increased ppm from 1050 to 1100. *seems like this might be a 9 week strain or maybe 10. *not a lot of resin production, but flower stacking is long on this one.
my favorite grow to this day it was last grow in a historic facility i had some great runs there but this next one...all i can say is new beginnings new chapter but i ended this one off with a bang!!
I add a half of teaspoon of Epsom salt with every feeding because its straight coco except on days I feed plain water. I do this from beginning of veg up until the last week before harvest when I flush
This week is going well ,Ive seen a video on youtube where they wearing training and spreading out the canapy to get an even spread on the lower leafs so I thought I would give it ago and see how it goes to give the lower flowers more light to grow Take care ✌️stay safe👊and stay stoned🍁
Mas que satisfecho con el resultado!! Nunca había cultivado una autofloreciente en interior, seguro que repetire. Ha sido un cultivo facil, sin plagas ni complicaciones.