Eccoci anche qua ragazzi questo nuova sfida per me provare questa genetica particolare ed esplorare anche antri tipi di cannabinoidi, come il cbd, in questo caso equilibrato dato che il thc arriva al 8-10% quindi sarà in ogni caso un esperienza più completa e soddisfacente, che dovrebbe rilassare e allietare il sonno, ma soprattutto ridurre l ansia, e non per forza avere il cervello devastato da alti livelli di thc. Mi piace circondarmi di varietà diverse per avere esperienze positive sempre, durante ogni momento diverso della giornata, un medicamento per ogni periodo che tu stai vivendo, questo è un upgrade di possibilità di riuscire a curarmi molto più efficacemente perché ho più "armi", che sarebbero i diversi tipi di concentrazione e diversità dei cannabinoidi, alle quali posso ricorrere per curare la mia mente e c centrare impegnare, totalmente la mia essenza nella giusta direzione per riuscire a creare plasmare più efficacemente la mia vita e la realtà che mi circonda! Grazie dea cannabis che mi accompagni in questo percorso di vita stupenda che mi stai regalando! Se volete supportarmi vi lascio il mio link qui sotto che potete utilizzare per acquistare sul sito di Grower choice seeds, e per ogni acquisto che fate attraverso il mio link di affiliato come sapete mi arriva una percentuale sulla vendita, quindi supportare tutti i miei progetti futuri, per avere la migliore erba del mondo nella mia umile casa, in una patria che è il miglior posto sul pianeta dove vivere l Italia, ma purtroppo quelli che hanno la mia passione sono perseguitati come criminali comuni.. Grazie a tutti voi che mi seguite vi auguro un buon 420 a tuttihttps://www.growerschoiceseeds.com/ref/445
Going to grow strand again but let plant grow larger. I will not put the plant in flowering two weeks into veg
Well some learning curves on this one. My first auto, put in too small of a pot. So I had a bonsai plant. Organic fertilizer and coast of main platinum make this plant a breeze. The Humboldt seed company product is top notch. Super resistant when growing in 94°-100° while Budding for a few weeks. Managed to get bud rot in one place but removed and peroxided the area. I hope I have another seed because I would grow this strain again. Super resistant to humidity of New England.
Very fun grow. Taste is on point feels like a sativa.
Last week of flower I will be harvesting these three females Friday night . Been a fun grow glad it’s coming to an end so I can finally dry, cure , and taste. Really excited to try each one they each have unique smells. I’m letting these girls goto day 63 , I’ve been checking the trichomes and I feel like the BBxPBB could be a 8 week strain , ima try another grow with her after my Ethos Forbidden Zkittles run, I love the way the BBxPBB did in veg and flower I feel like I can get a little more out of it i missed a few feedings for 2 weeks had a newborn and wasn’t up on the feeding like I should the buds on the BBxPBB are a little airy and they have packed some weight at the end last two weeks . I will be upgrading my light next grow and will try to run them one more time , looking around November for the next BBxPBB run . I have a few buddies growing some outdoors so I will update this entry in October when they are harvested . The Ethos Punchberry Cookies was easy grower , finished really well , buds are rock solid and have great structure , each one has different small , one has a fruity sweet tart smell the other smells like a rotten banana with a hint of fruit punch on it , the BBxPBB seems to have taken on more of the blueberry smell has a hint of gas smell or rubber, smells great
24.5 grams wet harvest it smells like earty,musky,nuts
266 grams out of all 4 plants, roughly over half elbow. Went with grove bags. Did 5 day dry then put into totes for few days and bagged after trimmed. Sticky buds with the piney nose to it with heavy gas .
Week 9 is here and we are looking at harvesting! After checking the trichomes of just the top colas, I decided this week I was going to harvest. I am updating this post after I have dried and harvested the plant so do not have much more details. I flushed the plant this week with Flora Kleen along with terpinator and microbes. I cut down the plants and hung them up in the tent to dry using a clothes hanger with clips I got off of Amazon. It took 10 days to dry the bud and my temps and humidity would fluctuate throughout the day and night. I stayed in the mid to low 70s for temperature and humidity was at 50% at first. Then I added a humidifier and had it dry in 60% humidity. Will update the rest in the harvest update.
Alr guys, this banana was my first auto ever, I experimented with her a lot, did all type of mistakes, at first she was on a window getting not light at all, I move her to a different house 3 times, transplanted her like 4 times broke the rootmass, almost burned with nutrients and on top of everything I HST her like a mofo 😂 tried to mainlining but she overcome all my mistakes and thrive like a champ she was, beautiful sweet smell and taste even tho 80% of the buds were microwaved OMG im sorry for all but I learned a lot, need to try again with her with all the experience and proper equipment that i have now
Sometimes watered only with water, three plants were already ready in the seventh week from germination. A week of watering with only water and I cut them down
Very happy with the outcome just as good as the first time I grown this strain!!!!
Week 11 of veg day 76--------------------------7/30/22-----------------------Week 5 of flower day 34 Got new lights for my Veg tent (viparspectra 1000) and flowering tent (viparspectra 1500) the 1 Runtz in flower the buds are plumpinging up nice and with the new light should do even better Everything in veg tent is doing great as well and with 3 -4 more weeks of veg, upping the pot size from 3 to 5gal, and the new viparspectra 1500 light the buds should be way bigger then any other grow I've done
Completely forgot to update like an idiot, but these videos were taken two days ago. Pheno 1&2 are both male, so I'm just hoping this last one is female. I might flower when I get back from vacation to just speed this process up but I guess well see.
This was a good harvest for 9L pots, good root structure. The plant pulled out some real nice colours at the end of its life, if I could have lowered temps a bit I bet she would have looked stunning with the fade. Smoke report coming up in a few mins.
This strain was a mystery from the beginning. I planted 6 plants and got 4 drastically different phenos. Surprisingly they all have similar aromas but visually they’re much different. She stretched a lot and needed two layers of the sCrog net. One plant had 2 random seeds so I’ll probably be planting her again. Next time I’ll use a low stress method to see her at her full potential!
This week was cool I did do a compost tea like I planned to. Took them out of the greenhouse for a couple days and I’m guessing that’s how the pollen got stuck on them. P.S I be outside having whole photo shoots with them 😂