Some of you may have wondered: Why do I use CO2 at average 950 ppfd Ī¼mol/m2/s (moral flow)? The answer is quite simple. Because of lack of space in some regions of my cultivation area, I simply cannot keep the ideal distance to my Sanlight high-performance lamp, due to some height growth of various strains. And so some of the main colas have ppfd values of 1250 Ī¼mol/m2/s and even more... So this is how I manage to achieve and compensate for such high radiation levels even with a CO 2 balance. And I have to say, my strategy to avoid various light stress symptoms works just fabulously. In combination with CO 2 implementation, my babies are simply unbeatably insensitive to light. Thats it! Beginning of 3rd week flowering: Again feeding my babies by 36 hours fermented potions of Bio Tabs Kompost Tea PK-Booster (15 g pro Liter) and added: 5ml Orgatrex/Liter 1 Spoon of Bactrex 1 Spoon of Mycotrex 1 Spoon of Mycco-Vital 1 Spoon of Dynomyco A little tip for those who are interested in small modifications that have a big difference or influence - on the result - effect - beauty - health - taste! Before adding microorganisms or beneficial bacteria or Mycorrizae and Trichodermas, please use oxygen-saturated water. On the one hand, unwanted chlorine gases evaporate and the small world of the microbiome becomes even faster and more rewarding in compost tea to sprout. Last but not least for this week, I would like to introduce my reasons, why I prefer growing biologically and sustainably. First of all, itā€™s something which suits very well in these times/days we are living now. Sustainability is a big need and task for our planet. šŸŒŽ Nature means life. Our home, the air we breathe and everything that surrounds us. Not just today. Hopefully tomorrow as well. Maybe I'm starting to protect our environment on a small scale, but maybe I can also make a big difference at all. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change... I thought about whatā€™s the difference, between Mineral Feeding and Super Soil Feeding. Itā€™s very easy. Biologically Growing is a similar process than the natural soil activities out there in the lap of natureā€™s. So plants has to work and interact with the microorganisms and microbiomic communities in the soil. So the plants will never get lazy like the lazy ones of mineral feeding growers. If you grow biologically, you will feed the soil first and the microorganisms will support every parameter next to your plant conditions. And that will generate an unbelievable spectrum of Terpenes and Trichomes you will never forget. Itā€™s the same comparison, when you daily visit McDonalds and you eat only fast food. How does your body and mind react on this shit for money?!?! May I invite you to think about itā€¦ See you next week dear Growmies! Have a nice Weekend and take careā€¦ Peace out! Addendum for Day 53: At the moment we unfortunately have another winter onset here in Germany. This means that I am forced to take additional heating measures due to structural facts in order to be able to keep the temperatures constant. After all, just tonight the thermometer climbs again to -1 degree Celsius. In addition, my exhaust air system runs out of my bedroom terrace and I therefore grow winter and summer with the patio door open. Well, sometimes I experience real weather-related challenges. But all in all, no problem... "Where there's a will, there's a way." Addendum to pouring out the fermented PK tea: I always administer half a liter of lukewarm aerated water with 3.5 ml of cannazyme per liter to each plant. This means that the "root machine" is not supplied with supplies unprepared and the nutrient solution can thus also be better distributed in the soil. Since I also work with cloth shoes, I spray them evenly moistened everywhere with water that is also warm before pouring them out from the outside. This has the advantage that the moisture stays where it should: in the pot! šŸ½ ā˜®ļøšŸ•Šļø
I have been away for a week but thanks to my flat mate the plant had all the nutrients it needed. Well for the most part there were definitely a few yellowing fans leaves close to the bottom, which I think however was a result of underwatering due to being away and trying to water as less as possible
This is the 2nd MSNL strain I have tried and the genetics are great. She got the longest time in the tent as she is a standard photoperiod and the rest of the grow where fast flowering photoperiods. I trimmed her after 16 days of drying and got 35g of decent buds and 9g of ok buds. Power used for whole grow in 114 days. Lights=201.7Kw (201.7Ɨ0.25)(=Ā£50.42) Rad=212.23kw (212.23Ɨ0.25)(=Ā£53.05) 201.7Ć·114=1.769kw per day light average. Average 100w for veg Average 150w for flower. Light average for grow 125w. Stats for the grow. FFNA2410=42g FFNA2411=45g FFNA2412=43g Acapulco Gold=44g Expected hash from trim 28g Total=174g 174Ć·125=1.39g/W
Was going to chop beginning of week 9, waiting is all.
Tag 4 der Trocknung Heute habe ich die FƤcherblƤtter entfernt
First days of flowering time everything is good some problem with humidity but everything good
Lights sponsored by gottagrowsometime, thanks bro šŸ™ Into flowering we go, tents full. Starting to water till runoff now
All in all this was an amazing strain to grow and looks and smells insanely delicious šŸ˜‹ i cannot wait for her to cure up so i can get a proper session in!!!
Leaf tucking, minor defoliation, spreading plant / laying down by hand(lst) & Planning to take a clone when I do the top this week plant on right is Sugar Rim by Dirty Bird
06/04/24. Going into week 5 flower. Not much to say here this week. Everything is pretty much same as last week. Seems like things are slow going. I feel like the buds arenā€™t doing much really and should be bigger. These are a longer going strain than my other so maybe that makes a difference. Maybe Iā€™m just impatient. Guess weā€™ll see. Only thing aside from that I find concerning is #2 seems to have some pistils turning color. Seems way too early for that. I keep checking for hermie crap or pollen or something lol. If this was just its thing it seems like both plants would be doing it, but I guess you know what they say about assuming. Thanks for lookin & have a good week.
LAST WATER 6/4 6/5 The sun has been relentless and has caused some bleaching and burns on some older leaves. It seems that the gmos ate having the hardest time (except one). It's been extremely hot though. It's overcast and we are supposed to have thunderstorms and a few more mild days. Plants loved tje water yesterday. I hope it does rain. Plants are growing and seem to be surviving. Burns are on old growth. If I notice more I'll put my back tarp up which will block the sun in the afternoon and put them in shade. I wish I had done that earlier. Oh well. With what these girls have encountered and overcome I think I'll be OK. EDIT: IT WAS IN THE 80'S TODAY. PROBABLY HIT 90. I HAD TO GET MY CAR INSPECTED AND WAS GONE EXPECTING IN THE MORNING THAT THE THUNDERSTORMS WOUKD START. INSTEAD WE HAD A VICIOUSLY SUNNY HOT DAY UNTIL 4PM. AT 4PM SHIT HIT THE FAN AND IT RAINED SO HARD I WAS UNABLE TO DRIVE. I LIVE IN MAINE SO I KNOW HOW TO DRIVE IN INCLIMENT WEATHER. THIS WAS ANSOLUTE ZERO VISABILITY. I WANTED TO PUT A TARP UP TO SHIELD THE GIRLS FROM THE SUN BUT I WASNT ABLE TOO. WHEN I GOT TO THE GROW RIGHT BEFORE THE STORM IT HAD RAINED A LITTLE AND IT SMELLED SO GOOD. LIKE SOIL. I THINK THIS DOWNPOUR WILL REALLY HELP THE GIRLS. ONLY TIME WILL TELL. 6/6 Plants faired ok through the storm. The 3 earliest transplants and what WERE the nicest looking gmos are getting some burns and bleaching. It's all on old leaves though. I think they're pulling out of it and will grow through it. Some plants seem to not be stressed at all. With tje elements being the way they have I'm suprised they aren't far worse. I was going to put up my back tarp to block sunlight later in the day but I didn't. The burns are on the other sides of the plants and it's supposed to be overcast with showers for a full day. It's clear right now but the new growth and tops of the plants seem fine now. When I got there a few were limp. As soon as the sun came up though they all perked back up. Only time will tell.
PiĆ¹ alta e magra di tutte...da vedere l fioritura ma molto molto bella !!!
2024-06-06 Finally Weather turned to sunny and warm So i placed the Outdoors 2 days ago. they are quite stressed because of the changed conditions, but ia sure they will look fine soon i kinda under watered them the last 10 days and i fertilised them, so not enough water and fertiliser- they are burned. shit happens iam sorry Girls.
Penso diventerĆ  enorme come la sorella !!! Divineseeds best auto!!!!
šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ DIVINESEEDS best auto!!!!!!
Mega spannende Woche LST auf hƶchstem Level. Die Sublimator reagieren wie ein Biest darauf.
Just water mollasses and fruit water from here on