Once again she passes my expectations, late to the show with trichome production. I'm surprised there is purple on the bud, maybe Purpinator does work :) I thought I could see hints under the grow lights and thought my eyes were deceiving me, I was just being hopeful. But nah 2 of the 3(under the UV) has got a beautiful tone of purple. I was never going to bother with a deep freeze but maybe the whole bud will. change given conditions, that would be something, fingers crossed. Rule of thumb is never to surpass 60% RH in the flowering phase and try to progressively reduce it down to 40% in the last 2–3 weeks before harvest. The plant will react as it seeks to protect its flowers, responding by producing denser buds and a higher concentration of resin. Cannabis plants are sensitive to sudden temperature changes, especially in the flowering stage. Extreme heat or cold can impact bud density and overall yields. In nature as a defense mechanism from cold, the plant sensing sudden dips in temperature will attempt to remove the pockets of air within the bud, it achieves this by compacting itself in doing so to better protect itself from cold snaps which are normally indicators in nature that worse weather is on the way. The script to come. Removal of 660nm wavelength is the signal that triggers the plant to accelerate terpenes/flavinoids production in flowers, this is the mechanism the higher plant uses to attract potential pollination from further afield, survival of the species is no joke for the plant, it senses the sky around it has removed all the 660nm, the plant starts to focus on terpenes and flavinoids production if she has not been fertilized by this point she must attract pollination from a further afield. 3-day treatment, ZERO 660nm initiates accumulation, RH kept below 20% (harder than you think)(Dropping temps helps a lot). The plant can sense the humidity drought, the plant will close its stomata to prevent the release of moisture given the conditions. Two highly specialized cells, the guard cells that surround the stomatal pore, can integrate environmental and endogenous signals to control the stomatal aperture and thereby the gas exchange. The uptake of CO2 is associated with a loss of water by leaves. Control of the size of the stomatal aperture optimizes the efficiency of water use through dynamic changes in the turgor of the guard cells. The opening and closing of the stomata are regulated by the integration of environmental signals and endogenous hormonal stimuli. The various factors to which the guard cells respond translate into the complexity of the network of signaling pathways that control stomatal movements. The perception of abiotic stress (RH less than 20%) triggers the activation of signal transduction cascades that interact with or are activated by phytohormones. Among these, abscisic acid (ABA), is the best-known stress hormone released that forces closed the stomata. Terpene levels are the highest just before the sun comes out. Ideally, you want as many terpenes present in your plants as possible when you harvest. Cannabis plants soak up the sun during the day and produce resin and other goodies at night. The plant is at its emptiest from "harvest undesirables" so to speak right before the lights on. Boiling cannabis roots during harvesting slows down the drying process. When you boil cannabis roots, it shocks the plant, closing the stomata on the leaves. This prevents massive moisture loss through the leaves, leaving only the floral clusters actively losing moisture at a reduced pace. I've always run a strict 60/60 and it took almost twice as long to dry to a snap than previous grows where I didn't boil for what it's worth. Chlorophyll is good for the plant but not for you. When you harvest the buds, even after you flush them, if you flush them, they’re still filled with chlorophyll. Freshly cut buds are greener than dried buds because they still contain loads of chlorophyll. However, when rushed through the drying process, the buds dry but retain some chlorophyll, and when you smoke it, you will taste it. Chlorophyll-filled buds are smokable, but they aren’t clean. Slow drying gives the buds enough time and favorable conditions to lose the chlorophyll and sugars, giving you a smoother smoke. How the plant disposes of the chlorophyll and sugars by a process of chemically breaking them down and attaching the decomposed matter once small enough to water molecules which then evaporate back into the ether. Time must be given to the process to break down the chlorophyll and sugars. Think of it like optimizing the environment for decay. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/01/140124082656.htm The word “alcohol” is said to come from the arabic term “Al-khul” which means “BODY-EATING SPIRIT” (also, is the origin of the term” ghoul”). In alchemy, alcohol is used to extract the soul essence of an entity. Hence its’ use in extracting essences for essential oils, and the sterilization of medical instruments. By consuming alcohol into the body, it in effect extracts the very essence of the soul, allowing the body to be more susceptible to neighboring entities most of which are of low frequencies. (why do you think we call certain alcoholic beverages “SPIRITS”). That is why people who consume excessive amounts of alcohol often black out, not remembering what happened. This happens when the good soul (we were sent here with) leaves because the living conditions are too polluted and too traumatic to tolerate. The good soul jettisons the body, staying connected on a tether, and a dark entity takes the body for a joy ride around the block, often in a hedonistic and self serving illogical rampage. Our bodies are cars for spirits. If one leaves, another can take the car for a ride. Swazzeneger was to the bodybuilding community what Diddy was to the rap Industry.
64 days since switched to 12/12.Time passed really quick. I decided to keep these for 1 more week since they just bloomed for one more time.Trichomes are showing mostly cloudy with a little clear left.Looking for %90 cloudy %10 amber.Hopefully will get it this week.Size of the buds are getting bigger everyday.Buds are really dense and smelly .Expecting to harvest on friday.Plant will spend his last 24 hours in complete darkness and will be cut down before light come up.I will flush on last watering.Hoping for it to be enough.Since l have to dry in the room that i grow,i will cut them all at the same time.
The buds are looking really nice and frosty I hope they really start to fill in and bulk up these last 3 to 4 weeks
I would highly recommend using shortstuff seedbank imagine what they would have been like without problems or more light and not grown by a novice i was feeling the high and all pain going away with each toke just gutted about the yeild cuz of my expertise lol defo got a try gona do a jedi kush maybe or 1 of the other mix seeds i have its a must try for the stealth growers
It's my second grow of this baby.... and I'm in love 😍 so easy and with big buds hard as stones 💎 The tasting is fcking goooood !! Do yourself a favor and try this 🌳 Soon ill grow another of this strain again.... PEACE ✌️🏼
The soil was still feeding them strong no nutirents but they were added very soon.
Just started the 12-12 with carbon load and this thing sprouts like crazy...
Week 5 and all 6 Autos are kicking out white hairs Auto ultimate still the biggest out the lot tallest being just over 3ft tall the rest are around 2/2.5ft tall and still stretching
I will say I stressed out this darling pretty bad in the beginning of veg. Sadly my furnace went out for two weeks while I was trying to veg her and so she wasn't as big as I intended before I had to put her in the flowering tent just cuz it was much warmer. So I don't have as much I intended when I popped that bean. But I'm glad that at least she didn't die on me and I didn't get anything at all. Getting more of these beans when I make my next order for sure and I'll do right by those girls lol. I loved the structure of the plant though she had very tight internodes with nice beautiful buds
the smell now is unreal! this pheno is going to be labelled #ScrewballPheno as the smells of raspberry ripple ice cream, cherry & fruits with a pungent undertone really gets the senses going..... big plans for this girl in the future!!
Girls are growing nicely, this week ran nice and smooth, no issues. My soil is a bit compact now, and water is not penetrating so well, so i tried to te compact the top layer and mess a bit with the textile pot, that improved a lot… Next time will ad some clay pellets, as i always do… They are in the edge of nutes and i will have to be careful next week. The cal mag is been added one a week, 2ml per l in water only day. Ec is around 2.5. The SKR is developing nice flowers really fast, she looks around one week ahead, top leaves are starting to look more sativa some how, she is packed and dense, did just some leaves tucking nothing else. I decided not to defoliate. Is looking like i will outgrow my space, they are developing really nice.
Hello fellow growers and user of the lovely lady Mary Jane. It was last week harvest time. I was busy with an experiment with the light schedule. I went from 18 hours of light to 12 hours by turning the clock back and make the light time shorter. And after a week on 12/12 I put them in the dark for two day’s. the though behind this is that the ladies will react by making more trichonomen and compacter bud’s . after I harvest the cola’s I cut them and lay them to dry. After 9 day’s they were ready. I weight the bud’s and harvest 167 grams. That’s about a halve gram per watt. I thought that it would be more, and because I didn’t have a control plant it’s a guess if the experiment works or not. I do not think it harms the ladies but there also no great yield. The next time I do have auto flowers I’ll try to doe it again but then with a controlled lady in a different tent. I like the White Widow Autoflower. It’s an easy plant and can handle some stress. I growth them under the Budmaster II UK HPS 9 and it’s a very good lamp for growing and flowering. As nutrition I used Mills Nutrition’s and I have to say it’s easy to use and to prepare. I use lemon juise to get the PH level down but do not use it when you have a feeding system it cloud clog up your system. I wish everybody a nice week and my new adventure will be the CBD Spliff Berry and I already started that diary. Smoke on!! Barney Green.00
Will post bud shots this evening. Overall royal queen seeds critical kush is a great strain! Would grow again. 0
I decided not to flush her, since I mixed her last food too strong and ended up with lots of leftover. She's also my only plant blooming at the moment, so I'll just keep using the leftover prepared water to top her buckets until she's done. ;) ----- The leaves turning yellow tell me I need to get ready to harvest her, probably this weekend. I'm sure I could do it already, but I'm really pushing for a couchlock...
Now super steady! I need to add way less water than last year (over half a liter a day then), because the eweather is just so cloudy. Just 20°C, max during the day, rarely above and not for long... But it doesn't prevent them to grow fast! Lazarus is a baby that I had put in the filter tank in spring. He spent the autumn and winter in the living room with his bros after I found eggs by september. I thought they had disappeared but there he is! Or maybe it's a joke from a friend...
Only one picture this week! Nothing much to say. I reorganised the compost.