Week 1-3 250watt metal halide Week 4-13 250 watt hps 5 gallon living soil in fabric pot Red clover living green mulch Alfalfa sprouted seed tea (seedling stage) Spinach fermented plant juice ( during vegetative) Calcium phosphate from charred bones ( added during transition to flower) Lacto bacillus (once every 4 weeks) Fermented fish amino acids (during early flower) Top dressed with gaia green powerbloom. (Early flower) I decided to top this plant really last minute 10 days in to flower( yeah I know, probably not the best idea) and it didn't even phase this girl at all. What I learned this grow: Some plants smell more than others( by a lot). Use a filter even when venting outside. The Green mulch was nice until I wanted to top dress. Need to find another form of mulch that I can move. Lay off all the additives a bit. Not sure if any of the things I added really did anything but I like to experiment, and she took it well. I will definately be growing this sexy little plant again💚
My hybrid is growing nicely .. Sorry i have not been posting data problems😂🤣😂 but she is coming along nicely.. Yes she is a hybrid lol
Day 106. Joe is well behind, trimmed her a bit, catching up, but only 8 days left till harvest, will be week or so too early for normal time i guess... smells of rubbed leaves reminds very specific strain, cant recall yet ... very sticky already, bottoms miss light and penetration a lot ! But bulks ;) i see signs of fade starting too. Watered today, one more left. No work needed, just waiting ;) Mars TSL2000 is a bit too far in my mind, but stil gives enough power for Joe to have nicely stacked bottom parts. Good light , no doubts ! Happy Growing !!!
Day 106. Joe is well behind, trimmed her a bit, catching up, but only 8 days left till harvest, will be week or so too early for normal time i guess... smells of rubbed leaves reminds very specific strain, cant recall yet ... very sticky already, bottoms miss light and penetration a lot ! But bulks ;) i see signs of fade starting too. Watered today, one more left. No work needed, just waiting ;) Mars TSL2000 is a bit too far in my mind, but stil gives enough power for Joe to have nicely stacked bottom parts. Good light , no doubts ! Happy Growing !!!
Day 106. AK is going to end, i start to see ambers. Will push 8 more days. Watered today, one more left and then chop. Sweet smell is everywhere from her, very nice ! Mars TSL2000 has far reds integrated, so i expect a bit more coat ;) Great light ! Happy Growing !!!
Mimosa cake is growing beautifully, the next week I’ll feed her up and hopefully she’ll take off .
Apricot is going fantastic, she should take right off this week with her feed . Herself and the mimosa cake look like the pick of the bunch so far .
Looking nice and healthy, starting nutes now and trying to keep the humidity up
Once the drying process is done I'll be coming back to update the smoke report. Her terps are off the charts and she looks very resinous to the naked eye. UPDATE 02/02/24 The dry and curing process left with some of the most amazing nugs I ever seen and the most is like none other. A pungent smell of lime, diesel, piney and sweet. Pulled 13G worth of kief which wow I'm impressed by all means.
Hello growmies 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾🌲🌲, 👋 Girls have a great stretch and coming along nicely with hedgehogs 🦔🦔 Weather is better 👍 💪 Continue training, Working on the scrog. 💧 Give water each 2/3 day 2 l Water + Roots + Bloom + Zym + Sugar Royal (1 + 3 + 1 + 1 ml/l) 2 l Water + Roots + Bloom + Zym + Sugar Royal (1 + 3 + 1 + 1 ml/l) PH @6 💡Mars Hydro - FC 3000 50% - 40 cm Mars Hydro Fan kit Setting 7 Have a good week and see you next week 👋 Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Mars Hydro - Smart FC3000 300W Samsung LM301B LED Grow Light💡💡 Mars Hydro - 6 Inch Inline Fan And Carbon Filter Combo With Thermostat Controller 💨💨 Fast Buds - GG4 Sherbet FF🌲🌲
It's been more than ten years since my last grow. Back then it was still old school under 600W NDL. I'm curious what the difference is compared to LED. Have fun with my first report. 02.02.2024: Germination in a paper towel with RO water and 0,75g/L BioEnhancer - Greenhouse Feeding 03.02.2024: Unfortunately, I've already made a mistake. Only three out of four seeds germinated. I have now added the fifth seed. On the next grow I will germinate five directly and continue growing with the best four. Three germinated seeds planted in 0.4L pots. Biobizz Lightmix Soil 1L RO Water (026ppm) 0,75g Bio Enhancer 6,9 PH Pot with Soil 110g Pot with Soil and 60ml Water 160g
Habe in dieser Woche gut entlaubt und die kleinen Zwischentriebe ausgegeizt. So sollte die Kraft in die Haupttriebe kommen. Ich muss immer noch die Temperatur gut im Auge behalten durchsieht Natrium Dampf Lampe. Habe den Zyklus so eingestellt,dass die Lampen nachts an sind und Tagsüber Ruhephasen sind. Versuche weiterhin die größeren Triebe im netz entlangzufädeln. Ist etwas tricky. Aber 4 Pflanzen im 1 m x 1 m Zelt müssen gut gelenkt werden. Die CO2 Tabletten nutze ich immer noch. Kann nicht sagen ob sie viel verbessern. Ich bin bemüht alles zu tun was ich tun kann ohne zu viel Technik zu implementieren aus finanziellen Gründen. Die Pflanzen werden mir schon zeigen was ihnen gefällt.
In realtà ho coltivato 2 semi di questa pianta una l'ho raccolta e seccata mentre un altra è ancora in flush e verrà raccolta tra 5-6 giorni. I fenotipi sono quasi identici e predilige un odore di gas e og! L'effetto è devastante molto narcotica e a breve pubblichero qualche foto di qualche estrazione a freddo! Spero che piacciano a qualcuno i miei lavori e che qualcuno di voi si possa ispirare a tutto questo. Ringrazio ogni singola persona che è passata di qui a lasciare il suo like o commento e ricordo a tutti voi che potete trovarmi anche su Instagram 😘
Pues empezamos a dar crecimiento a las semillas tanto femi como auto que se plantaron entre el 28-12 y 06-01 . Y nuevas plántulas de cachalote y ak x gea Seeds,algunas de las cachalotes me vinieron con dos raices lo que es igual a dos plantas en algunas ocasiones . Un saludo a todos es un placer . Y que contento estoy con mi cultivito. Nuevas cepas plantadas día 1-2 gelato kush gorila glue y somango gea seeds
Questa settimana lei si è dedicata all'indurimento delle cime! I suoi Bud sono estremamente duri e pieni di tricomi ! L'odore è veramente molto particolare, puoi sentire ogni faccettatura di arancia caramellata con un sottofondo di barattolo di vernice appena aperto! È uno degli odori più particolari che abbia mai sentito ecco perché è diventata presto una delle mie preferite 😍 Veramente una grandissima e bellissima cultivar!
Hi everyone I chop her down day 86 and let her dry in 19° temp and RH 65 % I'm going to slow drying for best results 7 to 8 days She is very dense and sticky bud and so heavy too I think she yield over 150g plus but the bud are not 100% purple its mix with light purple and green ass you can see in pic or video but still I'm very very happy and already germinate another purple lemonade 💜 next week I will update smoke reviews and final dry weight 😀
Day 35 from sprout, wk 4 Veg for these girls. This being my first grow I obviously need work on my LST techniques lol. I Am am trying to let them grow naturally for the most part and just trying to pull them higher branches aside to allow the lower growths meet the canopy. Im not sure what to do with the sour diesel as it has become like a damn hedge and so dense that im just gonna let it go until after the stretch to defoliate since i like the natural canopy it has going. They been doing really well and they are drinking alot more water now almost double what they were drinking last week. But mostly just water every other day now. I am considering on a 6 week veg depending how this next week goes.