girl scout crack was a monster to grow she grew well and easily tripled in size during stretch the light issue could have had something to do with it did think she was going to turn out poor but she surprised us and filled in pretty well and buds formed well would recommend to anyone to try as iv also seen a few different phenos of this strain thanks for reading happy growing guys
Sie sieht soweit gut aus, aber spargelt ein wenig. Vielleicht liegts daran, dass sie erst gegen 11 Uhr direkte Sonne bekommt.
Hey everyone! Welcome to our second grow journal! We're growing the same strains as in the first journal, but this time, we plan to only top the plants. They're in 18-liter pots, and you'll be able to follow their progress here as well. These plants are 20 days younger than the ones in the first grow, so it'll be interesting to compare their development. Stay tuned for updates!
Techniques acquired!! Guys... we really need some rain. The area were in is experiencing record high temperatures and its getting hotter and hotter everyday. :( Nevertheless the girls have prevailed and come out strong! A moment of silence please for ben, she will be missed..... Now it's time for techniques. The LST is the main technique we are trying to go for and it seems to be working well for them. The HST was not intentional lol I just accidentally bent Osaka's stem and she started to flourish so I tried it on Prince and it seems to be working very well. Don't you just love how resilient plants are?? Were still keeping the watering to the same and the nutrient level did go up a little but only for the ones that are still standing...
The plants were repotted in their final pots of 7l. Growth has continued to increase strongly and I will top them all tomorrow. I have decided to keep all the plants. I haven't fertilized them yet but I will start this week. The watering water has only been slightly adjusted with Epsom salts and CalMag and the pH value lowered from 7.5 to 7.0.
Shes really the slowest of my 3 girls. Defoliated and removed some bud sites on the lower branches.
Side branches are looking really awesome.. one is very heavy already :)
Bei jedem 2ten gießgang wird mit dünger gegossen 100% beleuchtung Die Ersten richtig schönen gerüche entstehen
Hey everyone, I meant to post this update yesterday, but I was really busy. Anyway, here she is! She's doing great, although still a bit darker than I'd like, which might just be her genetics. Overall, I'm really happy with how things are going for my first grow. There are definitely some things I could have done to improve this run. The top buds aren't as fat as I hoped, probably because there are so many tops and bud sites under the canopy that aren't getting enough PPFD. This seems to be causing the plant to direct quite a lot of energy to the lower buds, leaving the top colas not getting 100% of the energy they need. But hey, we learn as we go, and this first run has taught me a lot. I'm aiming for at least 4 ounces, but honestly, she doesn't look like she's producing that much weight at the moment. Fingers crossed these buds juice up and double in size within these last two weeks! Thanks for following along and for all the support! 🌱✨
Hey everyone, I meant to post this update yesterday, but I was really busy. Anyway, here she is! She's doing great, although still a bit darker than I'd like, which might just be her genetics. Overall, I'm really happy with how things are going for my first grow. There are definitely some things I could have done to improve this run. The top buds aren't as fat as I hoped, probably because there are so many tops and bud sites under the canopy that aren't getting enough PPFD. This seems to be causing the plant to direct quite a lot of energy to the lower buds, leaving the top colas not getting 100% of the energy they need. But hey, we learn as we go, and this first run has taught me a lot. I'm aiming for at least 4 ounces, but honestly, she doesn't look like she's producing that much weight at the moment. Fingers crossed these buds juice up and double in size within these last two weeks! Thanks for following along and for all the support! 🌱✨
She's done! Whew! I can say that this wasn't my easiest grow. She had some issues in the beginning, due to over fertilizing (see diary) but she managed to produce some beautiful crystallized nuggets. I flushed her for a week but she looked so ready, and she's so loud, I had to chop her down. Stay tuned for the smoke report.
She's done! Whew! I can say that this wasn't my easiest grow. She had some issues in the beginning, due to over fertilizing (see diary) but she managed to produce some beautiful crystallized nuggets. I flushed her for a week but she looked so ready, and she's so loud, I had to chop her down. Stay tuned for the smoke report.
She is on day 7 of her outdoor life. For the first couple days she was purple. On day 3 she started to lose the purple and became green. She is a tiny little girl right now only 1 inch tall. Weather for the first 4 days was a mix of sun,clouds and cool temps. Day 5 was a rainy and cold so there was no need to water her this week. Day 6 was overcast and cool. Day7 is a mix of sun and clouds the temperature right now is 64F. Issues for the week: Cool/cold day and night temps. 😍
She is looking good growing bigger and bushier! I am working hard to get her nice and big!
Topped only 1 plant that is ahead of other in growth.
Have these girls sitting outside 24/7 Have these girls sitting outside 24 seven whenever they are not in the sunlight I have them under a 200 W supplemental LED light Both Durban poisons from premium cultivar did not germinate for me I have a amnesia skittle from fast buds, soaking in a cup of water tonight will go into a container tomorrow morning And on one of the strudels, the bottom part of the plant got a up by a bug Been spraying every day with neem oil since