
Window Sill Auto Grow

18 days ago
Auto Gelato Seeds of Spain
Room Type
weeks 5
weeks 6
12-12 From Seed
weeks 7
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 2
24 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Commented by
Bili_R Bili_R
3 months ago
Beginning of Week 2, Day 8 everything is looking good. Auto OG berry seeds 3/3 did not sprout. Dead seeds. everything else came within 2 Days after soil plantin Day 9 We noticed some weird leaf spots. Maybe ph off... we can' treat ph yet. Added low dose Grow nutes 1ml/l to at least counteract the water ph a bit. They grow super fast and the soil was a 50/50 mix with light soil so We figured maybe a few nutes couldn't harm them. Transplanting will be in about 4 Days. Day 11 some spots on the first real leaves , probably just burnt, because of myco powder on the leaves on Day 4... Still growing fast. Lamp was raised to 30 cm. we would like to have a bit more stretch.. They also have a bit too much water imho, but we had to water one time before transplanting, which would be the 12th or 13th day. Only minor problems so far, if any:) Day 13 today we transplanted the plants into their final 5l containers. roots are looking amazing. mix is 75% composana and 25% lightmix. we also mixed more myko's in the soil around the old rootball about 1/3 up and topped off with soil. watered about 1.5l per 5l pot, ph'd water about 6.4 We are now gone over the weekend, and raised the lamps to about 40cm. monday new picures. they were looking real good the next morning after transplant and kept growing. We will see if everything is fine on monday when we get back. hopefully lots of new healthy growth.. we had to add about 5ml ph- (phosphoric acid 10%) to 10l tap water to get ph from 7.8 to about 6.4. no fert was added. only canna magnesium. hopefully the cheapo ph meter worked. next week topping will be happening between Day 18 and 21
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Grow Questions
Bili_Rstarted grow question 2 months ago
worried about the leaves. ph problems or lack of nutrients? darker plants=indicas yellow plants=sativas.. ph drain 6 to 6.5. tap7.5. did not check the ph of the feed. our ph pen sucks. Week 3 is most problematic every grow for me... I would guess high ph normally..
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 2 months ago
Hello Bili_R, You did answer your own question. Order a new pH pen, the cheap chinese ones will do for cannabis. Make sure to water till at least 20% runoff when you water the first time with the right pH. And one more thing, measuring the runoff from soil is useless. You need to do a slurry test if you want to measure the pH from the soil. Just google it and you will find how to do this. Happy Growing Buddy! 💚
modmyplantsanswered grow question 2 months ago
Hey mate, yes your guessing right. Thats a slight nutrient lockout due to a wrong pH. Your plant cant take up the nutrient it wants, because your pH is out of range. You can use citric acid to lower it, when i dont have ph-regulator i simply use lemonjuice. a teaspoon lowers the ph for around 0.5 on 1Liter. Happy Growing, dont stress it👍

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oldskoolkoolweek 7
There's a lot to be said about PH and organics, you should check it out.If you start off good good soil with a good population of microbes with good stable food then it shouldn't worry unless you see something drastic. I rarely worry about the PH with my organics.I use a cheap soil probe. Never test the run off but I never have issues with PH.With synthetic I use PH Perfect Sensi from Advanced Nutrients and Iguana for organics along with guano, ash and seaweed. Your plants look fine, I'd let them do their thing.
@oldskoolkool, hey thanks. That's the thing.. We are not sure if our soil had good micros going on.. that was our worry.. because ph becomes a problem with weak micros and hard water over time... the soil is good soil but I guess packed with chemical nutes. That and about 25%biobizz lightmix.. idk if lightmix contains a good biome. today We tried to brew a worm castings tea to boost the organisms in the soil. Yeah but they still look pretty fine.. we figured a bit more micro life couldn't harm them.. very hard water here..
oldskoolkoolweek 7
They're clearly healthy. I'd go dig some soil and roots up from under an old tree for your next tea.The microbes are in the roots as well as the soil.Add a dose of grow and top max for food,they love humic acid, top max.That should sort your PH out There's some great posts on collecting microbes on you tube,chris trump is the man with his KNF farming.Id add some PK to fatten those buds up. Wood ash works great for K and shite for P.bat guano really helps with taste as well. Or a cheap bottle of organic PK,10 euro. Top Max is just Humic acid I think which is great but they need some K Potassium to build the cells.
Krisisweek 13
Beautiful colors ❤️ enjoy your harvest
Mud868week 3
You got some big stems mane.