
Blue Dream Auto (FastBuds) Outdoor Grow

4 months ago
Room Type
Grow medium
Grow medium
Germination Method
Glass Of Water
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 23%
Blue Dream Auto
Avg. success
Fast Buds - 93%
Blue Dream Auto - 90%
Commented by
shlappah shlappah
4 months ago
FIRST EVER GROW! So I did a TON of research while I waited for my Blue Dream Auto seeds to come in from FastBuds. Took 7 days to come in (Ordered on Friday came in following Thursday). The reason I chose this strain was because I so vividly remember being about 18 years old smoking on Blue Dream and experiencing that “body lag” and “uplifting euphoria”. It was one of the best highs I’ve had (an honorable mention is wedding cake) and I’ve been on the search ever since. So, I decided to go with Blue Dream Auto by Fast Buds because of the great reviews I’ve read. I know auto-flowers can be tough for beginner growers because of the minimal room for mistakes but I’m ready to take this journey with a lot of excitement. Also keep to note, I’m going on a trip in a few days and will be having a friend watch it for the 2 and a half weeks I’m gone so I’m hoping she stays growing strong while I’m gone. Medium: For my medium, I chose to go with 60% Fox Forest Ocean Forest and 40% Pumice (which my local grow shop recommended since they were out of perlite). I looked into Happy Frog but they were out of stock at my local garden store. Germination: I placed (3) seeds in a washed out Gatorade container with some tap water from my kitchen sink and put them in my closet in darkness without a cap on. Note, I also didn’t check the temperature of the tap water before putting it in so I have no clue how cold or hot it was. I checked them at 21 hours and saw tap roots on two seeds. I dropped one seed some bushes while trying to plant so that was a lost cause, I was able to plant one seed in my 5 gallon fabric smart pot and placed a humidity dome on it made from the Gatorade bottle. The other seed that didn’t have a tap root was placed in a wet paper towel and is now sitting in a dark cabinet and I will check on it tomorrow. For my first ever start in growing outdoor cannabis, it was pretty nerve racking and i definitely overthought a lot of things in the beginning such as which pots to use and what soil to use. However, I’m hoping that within the coming days I see a sprout and will update this diary as she grows :)
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shlappahweek 0
UPDATE: Third seed that I had in the paper towel grew almost an inch long root stem. Unfortunately, I don’t have a pot for it yet and will plan to plant it tomorflw
resi_maxweek 0
Good luck and happy growing! 😁
@resi_max, thanks brotha!
jwh_heroweek 0
Congrats on your start! Happy growing and good luck, bro!
@jwh_hero, thanks brotha! love the GC you got going on, looking into those for the future!
shlappahweek 0
UPDATE: Third seed that I had in the paper towel grew almost an inch long root stem. Unfortunately, I don’t have a pot for it yet and will plan to plant it tomorflw