
Purple Star Killer / Dosidos / Cement Shoes

5 days ago
Cement Shoes
Room Type
weeks 1-14
weeks 1-14
weeks 1-14
weeks 1-14
Pro-Mix HP
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 4
18 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
9+ conditions after
4+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
connormcleod47 connormcleod47
2 months ago
***UPDATE 07/14/24*** The Purple Star Killer is looking much better today! Underwatering seems to be the root of the problem! Will continue to give each plant 4L of water throughout the week & nutrient mixture listed above every other feed although I may do 6L per plant during regular water for some runoff Tomorrow I am gonna defoliate & LST all 4 plants, they are in the process of growing that 3rd node & I will be topping soon for 16 tops per plant I might shoot for 32 tops per plant & keep the Purple star killer at 16, will decide upon that over the next few days, does look like I might have enough room to do 3 @ 32! ***UPDATE 07/15/24*** Early morning defoliation & LST today! Left the 2 branches off the main alone on the Purple Star killer where I broke the branch Want to give the Dosidos #1 & Cement Shoes a couple more days to catch up before I top all 4 plants to 16 Raised the light up a bit so it is 16" from the tallest plant ***UPDATE 07/16/24*** Unintentionally created some problems for the Dosidos #1 bumping my feed up to 4L per plant on the 13th... The close left & far right corners of my tent do not recieve much air circulation & I noticed some leaf tips were starting to turn brown when I took a peek this morning to see how things were doing... Still a lot of water/nutrients in there roughly 72hrs after feed & have burnt the plant a bit as a result... To combat this, I moved the fan I have on the lights drivers down onto the Dosidos #1 for now, I also opened the closest tent vent & placed industrial fan on full blast directly outside of the tent, lucky in the sense most of the air coming into the tent is hitting the air pot directly & i will rotate the airpot every few hours throughout the day to ensure it dries evenly Also noticed a split on 2 of the mains when I was moving the Purple Star Killer Around... Not 100% sure when I would have done this but I don't think I did it yesterday because I left the main with the broken branch alone entirely & it is one out of the two that has a split Strategic placement is now in effect xD I could water the Purple Star Killer today, the Dosidos #2 & Cement Shoes are almost ready for another 4L as well but I'm gonna wait until tomorrow morning & see where the Dosidos #1 is at... From here on out am gonna keep the Purple Star Killer in the back right corner with the least amount of air circulation since it is drinking much faster than the other plants, Prime day today am gonna grab another 6" clip fan so I have better air circulation on the plants! Temps with the industrial fan on full blast through the vent brought me down to a steady 24C but I don't think I can run that daily as it will dry out whatever plant is closest to the vent much faster than the others I need to grab a dehumidifier at some point before flower as well, I average 75% RH during lights off most nights Am hoping to have everything back to normal by tomorrow afternoon! Worst case scenario will flush the Dosidos #1 ***UPDATE 07/17/24*** Early morning I gave the Purple Star Killer 4L of distilled tap water mixed with 0.63ml/L CalMag PH 6.1 & the other 3 plants got 2L each Really should have waited another day before watering 3/4 but wanted to dilute/push whatever nutrients remain in the soil down a bit to where the roots havent touched yet asap vs potentially needing to full on flush at a later date I'm gonna switch up the feeding schedule a bit over the next week or two until all 4 plants will happily accept 4L of water each Will continue watering the Purple Star Killer 4L at a time but am gonna keep the other 3 at 2L & gradually up the amount when they are ready for it Repositioned the two clip fans I have below the light to where the air is mainly focused on hitting the soil so the pots will dry out quicker, still have the industrial fan pointing at dosidos #1 from outside the tent during the day for now Am gonna go nutrients, plain water, plain water for a bit & see if that will help dilute whatever may be trapped inside the pots nute wise When plants hit the point they can drink 4L at a time I may only do 2L or 3L per plant on nutrient day & 4L to 6L on plain watering day to ensure I don't run into any problems nutrient wise Temps & humidy have been great today! Max of 27.3c/62.6% RH Average 26.9c/61.9% RH & this is without clip fans on the lights drivers! Ordered 2 more clip fans for the top half of the tent & a dehumidifier, they should be here Saturday :P I also ordered a cut to size 1/2" thick sheet of carbon filter, is a breathable black material that should block light, am gonna attach velcro strips to it so i can cover the floor vent/vents from inside the tent & permanently remove the cover/covers from the outside of the tent, should stop the exhaust from sucking the tent walls in + more fresh air exchange Am gonna defoliate the dosidos #2 tomorrow afternoon & might top all 4 plants again if the Cement Shoes is ready ! ***UPDATE 07/18/24*** The Dosidos #1 is looking pretty rough... Not 100% sure if it's burnt from overwatering or nutrients, could be a bit of both but do think overwatering is the main issue (looks much worse in person)... Noticed the lower growths on the 2nd nodes & the 3rd nodes where I willl top at for 16 tops are completely unphased for now where as new growth up top just coming in already has burnt tips, the plant is still praying... Turned off oscilation on the closest clip fan & have it blowing air directly on the plant & I still have the industrial fan on full blast outside of the tent blowing air through the vent at the pot which I'm slowly rotating every couple of hours until lights out... Am gonna leave all 4 plants alone for now, keep those lower growths shaded & defoliate/top them all at a later date once the Dosidos #1 has recovered some & the pot is light ***UPDATE 07/19/24*** Decided to defoliate & top 3/4 plants today instead of waiting for the Dosidos #1 to recover The pot Dosidos #1 is in is taking a long time to dry out despite my efforts so I removed the fan leaves on the 5th node in hopes more air gets to the centre of the pot from the clip fan I left the lower growths alone on that 5th node, plant is burnt pretty bad but all of the lower growths on the 5th & 6th nodes are still in pristine condition, is the only part of the plant that is not burning! Hope it doesn't come to this but was thinking I could use them as backup leaves if everything else is gonna continue to burn to the degree the fan leaves did on those 5th nodes, plant to me looks much worse in person vs photos! The Purple Star Killer wants to go 12/12 atm! Noticed some white pistils as I was defoliating this afternoon! She's preflowering but I may still push veg 3 more nodes so I can top them all to 32! ***UPDATE 07/20/24*** Fed 3/4 plants today using the nutrient mixture listed above, 3L for the Purple Star Killer & 2L for Dosidos #2 / Cement Shoes, PH of 6.1 Topped the Dosidos #1 this morning, am hoping these lower growths all remain in tact! Pot still needs time to dry but didn't want it falling too far behind the other 3 Raised the light up a bit so it is 16" from the tallest plant Got my 3rd clip fan today & I have it oscilating on the lights drivers. still waiting on the 4th one, it should be here Thursday! Temps & humidity have been pretty good today so far! Average of 26.6c & 53.6% RH, am not running the humidifier atm because of Dosidos #1 Grabbed a Vivosun dehumidifier for lights off/flower but haven't put it in the tent yet, need a short extension cord if I want to place it close to the tent door, will also install light blocking carbon filter on tent floor vents same day
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resi_maxweek 0
Good luck and happy growing! ๐Ÿ˜
@resi_max, Thank ya thank ya! Checked out your Mimosa Cherry Kush very well done! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
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Hattiwattiweek 0
God Luck ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ™
@connormcleod47, it was pretty good grow. High hopes with that 4 x purple punch.
@Hattiwatti, Thanks man! Peeped your featured journal, great job on that OG! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
Legendaryseedthumbweek 11
Hey, This looks fantastic!, nice to see your page! Please come by mine and say hello if you have time, would be fun. /LST ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฝโ€๐ŸŒพ๐ŸŒฑ