Seed is a personal gift from an Official Fastbuds Country Manager, first growth was stunt, mutation leaves and asymmetrical nodes, stretching a lot to reach light, as it was surrounded by powerful vegetation; despite that produced a good amount of green mass in explosive growth around 3rd week.
During the hottest summer period, as it is an automatised growing system, due to my absence, an intense overheat area located in the centre/core of the Homebox, could not be controlled generating a remarkable damage to several portions of plants.
Specifically, this one has been removed, pruned and put to a windowsill 2 weeks long.
As new signals of life sprouted out of the remained branches, the plant went back to her original position, adjusting the lighting setup decreasing the Main and the Blue Spectrum, raising the Red Spectrum.
Final dry product consists of total 3.0 grams of A grade flowers.
Level of satisfaction is high as the buds quality itself.