

6 days ago
Germination Method
Glass Of Water
Method used by growers
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Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 23%
Papaya Cookies Auto
Avg. success
Fast Buds - 93%
Papaya Cookies Auto - 97%
Commented by
MrFriday MrFriday
21 days ago
DAY 1 The seed is in the cup. DAY 2 We have a little tale. I can't believe how fast is happening while submerged in water cup, from now on ill use this method only 🤣I have moved the seedling directly in to the coco. This will be it's first and final pot only 2 liters 70/30 coco/perlite. I'm still not that skillful to try with 1L or less pot, but micro growing looks fun for me. It's already day 3 and I can see the sprout. The boys from Fast Buds and their seeds are no joke. I chose this strain becose is basically the shortest in fast buds collection. The general idea for this run is to be quick. 75 days at its best and longest. I don't plan on fimming or topping the plant. Generally I don't plan even to train it, the only think I want from.this run is to to see how quick it can go in coco with athena and how quickly it will flower. we have a real seedling over here still hiding in the shell, but this one looks great in his little 2L pot. DAY 4 RH 70% PPFD 180 Room Temp: 27C the shell fell off and now my little Papaya is getting direct hit by the grow light. DAY 5 RH 70% PPFD 180 Room Temp: 27C EC 240 PPFD 220 My small papaya is doin grate. I started to add a little fertilizer in the water just to keep the cube charged a little bit. It's time to feed a little bit light so now the PPFD is around 200-220 and it will stay like that probably until veg. DAY 6 Room temperature 27-29 C RH 60-70% EC 1.0 PPFD 220 EC 1.0 So far my favorite plant this run. I'm really excited to see my micro run if it is successful. It will need a lot of care becose small pot means a lot of hand care, but this will be good for my connection with the plant. DAY 7 Room temperature 26-27C RH 70% EC 1.0 PPFD 220 EC 1.0 No watering today the coco is pretty wet so probably tomorrow morning. My micro is showing significantly nice grow for now i beleave it will be in veg until next week. DAY 8 Room temperature 26-27C RH 70% EC 1.0 PPFD 220 EC 1.0 Slow but steady. The small one looks happy, few more days and ill start Athena nutrients by their feeding chart. DAY 9 Room temperature DAY 26-27 Room temperature night 22-23 RH day 70% RH night 60% EC 1.0 PPFD 220 EC 1.0 My little cowboy is doing grate it's still far from veg but I'm not in a hurry. DAY 10 Room temperature DAY 26-27 Room temperature night 22-23 RH day 60% RH night 55% PPFD 220 EC 1.8 A little bit of Cal mag is never too much, so I increase the feeding EC to 1.8 and probably from Monday I'll move to 3.0 with blended line. DAY 11 Room temperature DAY 26-27 Room temperature night 22-23 RH day 70% RH night 60% PPFD 220 EC 1.8 VPD 1.5 Nothing more dan a good picture. Minor grow of leaves but nothing impressive for now. Not like I expected much, after all it's coco, it's not RDWC. DAY 12 Room temperature DAY 26-27 Room temperature night 22-23 RH day 70% RH night 60% PPFD 300 EC 1.8 VPD 1.5 Strange but PAPAYA is going faster dan gorilla in coco. It's interesting race for me in the coco media. DAY 13 Room temperature DAY 26-27 Room temperature night 22-23 RH day 70% RH night 60% PPFD 450 EC 2.5 VPD 1.5 I have increased a little bit the cal-mag and I have added some Silica from one old xpert nutrition bottle left from previous run. I do believe soon this little champ will be in to veg. DAY 14 Room temperature DAY 26-27 Room temperature night 22-23 RH day 70% RH night 60% PPFD 450 EC 2.5 VPD 1.5 We are in the big boys club even a little early but anyway now we are directly under the new light 1500W GML TARANTULA VOYAGER. Nice shot of 400-450PPFD for 20h a day. DAY 15 Room temperature DAY 26-27 Room temperature night 22-23 RH day 70% RH night 60% PPFD 450 EC 2.5 VPD 1.5 All good we are almost in VEG. DAY 16 RH 55-60 RH Night 55-60 Room temperature day 26C Room temperature night 21-23C EC 2.8 pH 6.0 PPFD 400 Light cicle 20/4 VPD 1.3 Welcome to veg, I'll not start week one veg today I'll start it in Sunday, bit obviously in less dan 10 days this flower is already in veg. I do like to count everi day from the seed but if we look rational its only day 10 days. And just like the gorilla, Papaya is showing amazing results in no time, it's just amazing. DAY 17 RH 55-60 RH Night 55-60 Room temperature day 26C Room temperature night 21-23C EC 2.8 pH 6.0 PPFD 400 Light cicle 20/4 VPD 1.3 I started foliar feeding with Athena Stack. With or without my wish, tomorrow is going to be day 1 Veg. Amazing speed it's time to bring the real deal with Athena, let's see how blended works for Coco on their feeding program 1:1. I have pretty amazing time in germination and most importantly this genetic shows true power and obviously is pretty tolerant.
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Fast_Budsweek 0
Hi there, Thank you for running this diary. We will be looking forward to your updates. Happy growing 🌱🌱 & Good luck 😃
Fast_Budsweek 0
Hi there, Thank you for running this diary. We will be looking forward to your updates. Happy growing 🌱🌱 & Good luck 😃