It's getting exciting.
I did a little defoliation at the start of the week, since some of the undergrowth didn't even get proper light anymore.
As always I go until I feel I cut of to much and by now I think I could have taken more.
The screen is starting to fill in nicely just as the bushy girls start to switch to growing buds. I can actually see a little bit of frost on the first buds.
Stretchy girl is still growing, but she is airy af so I think I can just keep tucking. Her side of the screen could use some more bud sites.
And to finish this week of strong I did a little top dress, to get them girls a little more minerals.
I'm also trying cardboard as a mulching component, since I have a ton and where I live it's completely biodegradable anyway, so no toxic ink, etc.
An interesting observation I made with automatic watering, the girls are not drinking at a constant rate. I had two day last week where they put away almost 15l in two days, and now they are back to just shy of 5l a day.