So, the hermie stopped all good behaviour and their coworkers threatened to call HR over sexual harrassment, so i had hermie cut down.
Day 42 of flowering and all seems well. Thricomes are milky with a couple ambers showing but not nearly enough to justify cutting them.
99% of pistils are still white, and the girls seem to still be thickening a bit. The smell is an amazingly sweet perfume that actually makes the house (not just the indoor) smell better.
No other hermies spotted, and a few small, lower buds look fertilized, but nothing that will ruin the day or harvest. No more powdery mildew.
Overall, im proud of how they are developing, as this is my first actual attempt. I feel proud of my girls and cant wait untill they are of an appropiate age so i can use them for my own gratification. I wonder if this is how Trump feels about Ivanka
@Legendaryseedthumb, thanks, man. I can hardly believe them myself. Before this, i only threw bag seeds around to see what would happen, never controlled or payed attention to anything. So i never expected anywhere near where this is going now.
Yours also seem like lovely girls :)
looks nice! flushing is ok. Its not bad but also not helpful if there isn't a problem like toxicity. But its a lot of effort, but it can't hurt to have done it once haha.
That harvest will be lit!