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Cookies Seed Bank
Fox Farm

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You are a magnet for blessings.
23 weeks
You are a magnet for blessings.brownbae420
+2 strains
a year ago · 36 comments
Let's GO Pinky
17 weeks
Let's GO Pinkybrownbae420
a year ago · 16 comments
Costs to Bo$$
13 weeks
Costs to Bo$$brownbae420
+1 strain
a day ago · 21 comments

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Creme de la Chem
Growing it
CDLC A (92d)(395gW/200gD) : Took me by surprise! This strain was really a concern once flower started. I felt like the pistols were little and the buds weren't packing on at all... UNTIL they did! During the last 2 weeks of this strain the buds grew huge. I wasn't expecting this plan to be desirable at all. I think it was difficult for it to succeed when grown next to the Sour Stomper x Double Grape. All that to say, the buds look really nice and dense. They aren't as frosty as the SSxDG but that's alright, I think these buds are going to end up perfect! CDLC B (98d)(340gW/79gD): Really disappointing looking lady. Just looking like a mid. But the smoke was worth the grind in CDLC A so I have a lot of hope. Once I trimmed the flowers, the buds were dense and hard like rocks. AND LARGE! Overall, I don't recommend CDLC given my experience and how the buds turned out. The smoke is pretty good though, but still there are too many great strains out there. I see a lot of new Groupies selecting this one, There are a lot of diaries out there for it. My perception is that most of those diaries are not showing CDLC at its greatest potential. Which says a lot about the genetics, either its difficult to grow well OR its just not a great strain. Do yourself a favor and get a beautiful strain for yourself. The terps are unique. Both ladies smelled like a school bus doing donuts in a grocery store parking lot. I also got the scent of powdery helium.
3 months ago
SSxDG A: Wow! This has to be my favorite strain to grow to date. She is elegant and sparkly. She grew and filled herself out regardless of the mistakes I made this grow. One phone turned the purple; the other is in the tent still and she's a real pretty green. The sweet smell and gorgeous trichomes and beautiful nugs. I prayed before I chopped her (Day 83) and I savored every moment of trim. The color of these buds in the tent were a dark robust purple. Once I took her into my living room - she looks like Judy Garland's Ruby Slippers. And looking at her as she dries - just can't get enough of her beauty. SSxDG B: Coming Soon!
3 months ago
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