
Nanda Devi Himalayan Domesticate

a year ago
Custom Breeder & Strain
Room Type
weeks 6, 10, 13-14
weeks 1, 10-17
Grow medium
00seeds2 - 00 KUSH
Nanda Devi
The Real Seed Company
Growing it
This was a breeding run. Lots of Nanda Devi seeds were produced. The crushed buds dried very fast because this is July and it is hot and dry here. The smoke was harsh from growing seeds and a fast dry. The buzz was mellow and medicine like. Probably THC converted to CBN. I like this weed. The smell is totally ORANGES. This is a small mid size sativa with u-shaped branches. It looks very ornamental. It stretches a lot through various stages of its growth. Especially at flower. The male antlers shoot way up over the canopy. Nanda Devi will grow into a tree if you grow it full season outdoor. For indoor growing it is a little like growing skunk. You will be doing a lot of LST and stem bending if you grow Nanda Devi in a tent. The plant dies not mind having it's stems bent and will cooperate with the space. The seeds take a long time to mature if you breed them. It's worth it because then you and friend's can grow Nanda Devi. Seems like a good CBD strain. The trichome production is thin, these are not sugary buds. The leaves also get you buzzed. It is resiny and you could try making finger hash or extracts. A fun Himalayan strain that is super nice as an outdoor plant and a small challenge as an indoor plant 7-9 star strain. Fun.
The Outcome
Week 17
I Always use this stuff, every grow. Don't overdose! If you give them too much they will puke out.
Commented by
mikejm mikejm
a year ago
Just getting started. I only chopped the skunk plant so far. I made this page by mistake. I will come back and edit all this when I harvest the Nanda Devi. July 10: Updates to follow over the course of a week or two. July 12. Chopped the tall hempy looking one. About half seem viable. July 12, harvested four seedless small's from a seeded plant.Juky 13, warm weather and low humidity. The buds dried overnight. I smoked them with a bong. Very harsh. THC is present. Possibly other cannabinoids there too. Feels medicine like anyway. Good for a pic nic break July 15. Harvest all but complete. The room is clear for the next grow. Still have more bud to dry but already have plenty of good seeds.
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Grow Questions
mikejmstarted grow question a year ago
What is this mutation called?
Leaves. Other
Plugged_Innanswered grow question a year ago
Not sure if theres a name for it but extreme temperatures, over watering, or other environmental stresses could cause plants to mutate. Even unusual photoperiods can also result in leaf pattern changes.
mikejmstarted grow question a year ago
I'm breeding Nanda Devi, a sativa from Indian Himalayan. How many weeks do you suppose it should take for seeds to be ready for harvest?
Techniques. Other
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question a year ago
6 weels is a good starting point. If they are falling out of the calyxes early, you can harvest. (exaggeration... if they are fully developed before that point, you don't have to wait, obviously). better to be safe than sorry and have large % of inviable seed. if you allow it to be pollinated over and over across a longer length of time, you have seeds developing at much different time frames, so try to douse them over a shorter period of time and remove the pollen donating plant / clean up as best you can, though no need to be anal about it. wipe down walls and floor / platform etc. get that excess pollen out of there so you can have a single harvest date and get 95% of the seed with the same development time.
mikejmstarted grow question a year ago
I have crossed two strains. The seeds are S1. Then if I inbreed my S1 seeds then those offspring seeds are F1 seeds. Is that the proper convention?
Other. General questions
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question a year ago

Show by Week
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resimaxweek 0
happy growing!
love_2_growweek 0
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
BudBoutiqueweek 6
Maybe topping and LST could help u next time to get more and even canopy 👏 but looks great
@BudBoutique, The only candidate for a tio chip would be the hemper. But it has only four nudes, they are widely spaced, and ni branch growth whatsoever. The plan is to bend the stem. It has a bad ohenotyoe. A recessive hemp gene. Since I am breeding these U don't obviously want to preserve as much of the original structure fur as long as possible. The seeds from the hemper will be separated from the seeds of the desirable plants. If the hemper is a male and if it is not the only male, it will get chopped and pollen from a better male will be used. If the hemper is female she can ride along but I doubt I'll use the seeds from her for anything.
@BudBoutique, I have four even's that are the focus of this breed grow. The runt could catch up. I've seen them fi this before. I use very hot soil and they get spoon fed dead fish and bird crap in a bed if worn casings. So one in a while one of them gags. The other hemper can easily be bent. No reason to top these, especially since I'm breeding.
Endemicweek 6
неплохо) 👍
Endemicweek 5
неплохо) 👍
Endemicweek 2
успехов) 👍
Endemicweek 15
неплохо) 👍
Endemicweek 13
неплохо) 👍
gottagrowsometimeweek 8
Good luck pal.. she's looking good.
Endemicweek 8
неплохо) 👍