
From Indoor to Outdoor

a year ago
Room Type
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 1
18 hrs
Light Schedule
8+ conditions after
Commented by
nonick123 nonick123
a year ago
Update! Mogollón de trabajo esta semana tras la germinacion! Las plantas se estiraron buscando la luz. Parece que el QB Led de 50W no cumple con especificaciones. He tenido que ir bajando progresivamente desde 50 cm hasta 35 cm para que no se estiren También he detectado que uno de los problemas ha sido que el estar en una zona abierta de unos dos metros He hecho una solución "casera" poniéndo papel de plata en 3 de los 4 laterales de las macetas, y a las dos horas aproximadamente las plantulas han dejado de estar "tumbadas" y se han puesto en posición vertical Debo mejorar el flujo de PPFD en la próxima germinacion! Adjunto más fotos en el día 5 desde germinacion He hecho "montaña" con substrato alrededor del tallo de la Plantula para mejorar la estabilidad Gracias @Clutch @Creepy_Steve @gottagrowsometime y todos los que me estáis ayudando con los comentarios! _________________________________________ Germinacion a las 72 horas (3 días)! Estaba estresado por germinar directamente en la maceta, pero han salido todas a las 72 horas excepto una de las Purple Lemonade que está más tímida Iré actualizando conforme pase la semana 1 en los siguientes días Las plantas han sido codificadas para hacer seguimiento Northern Lights 1 = NL1 Northern Lights 2 = NL2 Gorilla Cookies 1 = CK1 Gorilla Cookies 2 = CK2 Purple Lemonade 1 = PL1 Purple Lemonade 2 = PL2
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Grow Questions
nonick123started grow question a year ago
Hola Comunidad! Han pasado 48 horas y no ha germinado ninguna semilla de mi diario ¿Hago algo con ellas o simplemente esperar más tiempo? Esta fase siempre me causa ansiedad!
Germination. Substrate
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massivetidsanswered grow question a year ago
Keep them moist and warm and they will come! 48 hours would be really fast. With the right conditions it usually takes around 4 days. So be patient for another 48 hours and enjoy your grow!
nonick123started grow question a year ago
(se ha cerrado la otra cuestión sin querer...) Ver toda la explicación en el primer comentario
Germination. Substrate
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question a year ago
No worries pal. Eh, you can leave the lights off. But you want to make sure you're there for when they pop their head up. If they'll stretch searching for light. Having your light on won't hurt you at all. Nor will having it off.. I turn mine on after 24hrs after planting. My seeds do have tap roots. If planted directly into sub. You're gonna wait anywhere up to 3-5 days. They'll pop. About the stunted autos. Autoz are fickle. They did big pots or need to be in their final pot from the beginning. Personally I like to start out in a small pot and do a uppotting, 7-10 days i like to get them into their harvest pot before they leave seedling stage. But, ppl will say its best for autos to be in their final pot. At least early on. You just grab it by its husk from its seed mate. You only germinate to a point were there 1cm tap. Making sure it doesn't fully germ. If you have issues. Get cube starters/peat pellets/rock wool these are all great to germ in and easily placed in their new pot when you see them pop Good Growing buddy
nonick123started grow question a year ago
Parece que estas plantulas tras 72 horas después de germinacion se estiran buscando la luz La lámpara esta a 50 cm ¿Debería poner la lámpara más cerca?
Plant. Too tall
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question a year ago
In a word - YES! Alternatively, if you're running your lights at less than 100%, you can increase the strength (I run all my plants under 100% lights all the time)... These little ones have been really searching for the light and I see you've actually had to stake them to keep them upright.... I would suggest you add more soil to each pot pulling it up around the stem.... the newly buried stem will then grow more roots and will have a better chance of becoming good and strong and thick... but add the soil to the entire pot, not JUST around the stem... Good luck!
nonick123started grow question a year ago
La Purple Lemonade #1, que está siendo la planta más lenta del cultivo, muestra una zona amarilla en los cotiledones y en la dos primeras hojas ¿Es algo importante o relevante? Esta semilla tuve que retirar la cáscara de la semilla porque brotó pero no se abría...
Leaves. Color - Yellow
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Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question a year ago
i don't see yellowing in the pictures... shouldn't "need" fertilizer the first week or more. Then, your soil should have a charge in it that should last a while too. if it just sprouted, it'll fill in... if it happened after the fact, ... ?? have you fertilized? if so stop doing that until you see a need... take not of howlong before that occurs and you can start fertilizing a bit sooner next time. but, shouldn't have any nutrient caused issues this early, normally. removing shells happens sometimes.. usually a function of not planting deep enough or not tamping down the substrate quite enough... smal adjustments can avoid it in future.. it becomes memorize SOP before long. sometimes a little thin layer remains behind you have to carefully slide it off the coty's too. (when you have to remove a shell) Easiest to use a toothpick or soemthing then catch it at split of leaves and gently slide it off. (thin transparaent 'skin' can be left behind at times)
nonick123started grow question a year ago
La Purple Lemonade #1, que está siendo la planta más lenta, muestra una zona amarilla en los cotiledones y en la dos primeras hojas ¿Es algo importante o relevante? Esta semilla tuve que retirar la cáscara de la semilla porque brotó pero no se abría No ha sido fertilizada
Leaves. Color - Yellow
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question a year ago
Perfectly normal ... most seedlings will exhibit some wonkiness in their first leaves whether it's color or shape - and it's nothing to worry about! Good luck!
nonick123started grow question a year ago
Los f*cking gatos se han comido todas las plantas! ¿Alguna idea para que no se acerquen? ¿Tal vez papel de aluminio sobre el substrato?
Other. Bugs
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question a year ago
I've got a friend with the same problem... he sprinkles black pepper in a fairly wide swath around his plants (other suggestions are cayenne, dry mustard powder or coffee grounds)... cats don't like the smell and will (apparently) stay away... but it would need to be a WIDE swath so they don't jump over it... In the case of the pepper, I would think you'd have to re-sprinkle after a rain. Don't know if coffee grounds work (he doesn't use them) but I would try THEM because they wouldn't be affected by rainfall. Ask your local coffee shop for a donation of their used coffee grounds... you could even provide them with a 5 gallon bucket to collect them in... at worst, you'd have to remove coffee filters from the pile before scattering them on the ground... Good luck - MY cat only likes to sleep under them and then only when they're in flower...

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nonick123week 1
Update de la semana 1! Gracias @Clutch @Sciolistic_Steve @gottagrowsometime @mcflow @@resimax y todos los que me estáis ayudando con los comentarios!
nonick123week 0
Las babies han germinado a las 72 horas! Estaba un poco preocupado por el estrés que me genera la fase inicial y la fragilidad de las plantulas!
nonick123week 1
Las plantulas se han estirado mucho al cuarto día, y siguiendo los consejos de la comunidad he bajado la lámpara a 40 cm y he enterrado los tallos de las plantulas con substrato A ver cómo reaccionan!
resimaxweek 0
Good luck and happy growing!
@@resimax, gracias!
DeepWaterGrowerweek 0
Good luck buddy🌱🌱
Clutchweek 0
Good Luck with your grow. Im doing the exact same thing and also a Northern Lights 😄
@Clutch, gracias por los consejos! Mi experiencia plantando autos (3 años con este año) me dice que es mejor plantar la semilla directamente en la maceta final, o germinar entre servilletas húmedas y cuando la raíz mida 1 cm pasar a la maceta final Mi impresión es que cuando la semilla "toca fondo" en la maceta paraliza el crecimiento de la planta, o se estresa y le cuesta mucho recuperarse He tenido plantas enanas (10-15 cm) con geneticas de bancos premium por hacerlo de este modo Entiendo que no todas las autos se comportarán igual, pero esta es mi experiencia Felices humos!
@nonick123, I'm from Belgium and last summer we had crazy hot temperatures here too. I also had dead plants due to heat. Seedlings and 2 week old plants are still very sensitive. I dont place them outside but behind a window in my porch 😄 A constant temperature around 25° and a higher humidity, 60% to 70% is all she needs now. Im not a big expert in autos but i have grown them 2 times and i had 2 times around 75 grams from one plant. I transfer her to final pot in the 3rd or 4th week. That's 2 weeks before flowering and stretching starts and it gives me time to apply Low stress training and it gives the plants time to settle their roots. Every plant reacts different too. My Auto Jack Herer from summer 2021 was huge in height and NL is smaller but bigger buds. I wouldn't worry too much and just give her right nutrients and place her outside in week 3. Happy growing 🙏
@Clutch, gracias por los comentarios! ¿De que zona (pais) eres? Yo lo estoy haciendo de este modo porque vivo en el Este de España y llevo 3 años con años con plantulas muertas por estrés termico en las primeras dos semanas!
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gottagrowsometimeweek 0
Good luck with your in/out. Hope they turn out well..
@gottagrowsometime, Gracias! Es la primera vez que voy a probar este método para fortalecer el sistema radicular las dos primeras semanas. A ver cómo sale!
mcflowweek 1
Guess youre smoking cat for the next few weeks xD jk im sorry for your loss bro, mustve sucked big times
@nonick123, ese es el espíritu compañero! 💪
@mcflow, lo cierto es que se te queda un sentimiento de pérdida... Que se transforma en energía para el siguiente cultivo!
yan402week 1
Sorry to hear about your cat "problem"
@yan402, gracias! En el nuevo seguimiento he preparado una barrera anti gatos
mcflowweek 0
smart method with the bottles, good luck further on buddy 🍀
@mcflow, gracias! La idea es que ayuda a conservar la humedad las dos primeras semanas, ya que estoy en una habitación en la que NO puedo tener control de la humedad
MiyaguiOkPolillaweek 1
Que gatos locos 🤯
@MiyaguiOkPolilla, lo que les hubiera hecho a los gatos cuando lo vi... 😡
Wastent91week 1
Ahahah i sorry for this! I live cats but in this case yuo have got a problem with they🤣 maybe better next time! 😺😽😻🧑‍🌾🌱🌿🌲
@Wastent91, a mi me gustan, pero no que hagan estas cosas... 😡 Pero de todo se aprende!
UnorthadoxDudeweek 1
This may be the funniest diary on here.
@nonick123, better in week 1 than any other time!
@UnorthadoxDude, es una sensación de perdida...
@nonick123, I can imagine the scenario and the anguish.
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Hologramweek 1
yeah, cats love 2 be in the middle of attention so they go where your attention goes..😸 But im sorry for ur lost, growbro🙏 cats can be real assholes sometimes It must hurt, im sure 😭
@Hologram, dolió y mucho! 😤 Le tenía muchas ganas a esas cepas de FastBuds pero no pudo ser 😫 Tal vez el año próximo! 💪