
First mephisto grow

5 months ago
00seeds2 - 00 KUSH
Alien vs. Triangle
Mephisto Genetics
Growing it
It was probably the start in life I gave it. I was having ‘issues’ with seed germination and I was also only growing in a small 50x50cm cupboard so there wasn’t a lot to fill. I had really bad luck knocking off major nodes too… Oh well, what I did get smells amazing. Iv not weighed it wet but will weigh it dry. Edit after drying: she smells amazing! Not much of her there haha 24g but still, it was an AWFUL grow! I take no pride in it but fuck me does it smell good. It’s being burped a few x a day atm. She smells quite reminiscent of the OG Kush I grew by FastBuds. Tbh, it was about the same size too - maybe I got a bit more from the FastBuds one but that was in a full room setup. After the appropriate time of opening and closing jars and after its slow dry, it came out quite nice but now iv started growing and smoking photoperiod’s, I do see why the photo community say they are weak. Mind you, I don’t see HOW on earth FastBuds can get a THC count above 30%. I simply do not believe that from an auto - having been looking at seeds for fema recently a lot of them arnt even that strong! I’m on medical cannabis and the strongest they do is 30%, which has opened my eyes to the fact they clearly fudge their THC scores because I grew nothing but fast buds for about 4 years and I never once got anything that was as strong as my medical stuff is and most of that hangs around 28%.
The Outcome
Week 9
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
plant / m²
watt / m²
Yeah love it as always. Don’t always give it, mainly to plants before they go into the AutoPot system. It’s great for sick plants too
I kind of started forgetting to add this so I won’t call this as having used this tbh
Commented by
Rabidreject Rabidreject
5 months ago
Generally good. Drying conditions are pretty perfect at ambient. I just have a humidistat/thermostat plugged in with nothing plugged into them as it’s hitting the right marks…it’s hung in my old tent. I will admit that the decision to harvest was more based on wanting to switch to the 12/12 light cycle for the massive photoperiod plants in there! Also, I don’t see it getting much bigger in the next week and what I lose in that plant I’ll gain in the next 8 weeks… Okay so she dried at ambient room temperature which is around 16-17c. Depends when I put the heating on it may go up a degree or two but tbh I use an electric blanket for myself and my plants have their own radiator so…it’s all good. Illl definitely be able to get that high temp in the day to low temp at night colouration from them because the ambient in the lung room is so low. I’m also growing some Albino A+ mushrooms in a Monotub type deal - I just cased it after the spawn had been bulk spawned and grown through it all. I actually used 50:50 coco/ manure this time and used a larger surface area so hopefully, all going well, they should provide quite a good yield.
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Herbie101week 0
Good luck and happy growing buddy! 🌱🌞🍀
@Herbie101,thanks bro. Been waiting to grow a mephisto strain for ages and this one seems like a good choice.
love_2_growweek 0
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
BudBoutiqueweek 0
Happy Germination - Happy Growing Buddy 🌱 Cheers, Bud Boutique
Green_Man_420week 1
Good luck bro. Very unlikely the old bill would do anything other than take your setup. The CPS wouldn’t go through with charges with just one or two plants. ✌️👊🏻
@Rabidreject, go smash it bro. You know what your doing. Do you thing add a decent extraction and have a look at onner blocks. Not sure how it’s spelt but these are really good to help with smell etc. ✌️
@Green_Man_420,I love it when someone adds a comment like that because it shows they are actually reading the crap I am writing. I forget just how many grows iv done now. Anyway, the good news, is I’m re-opening my big cupboard up to be used again. This time I’ll stick to the 2x4 though. I will FOR SURE notice the electricity top up which is annoying but I think if I grow photoperiod plants it would be very useful. It’s a dark cupboard with no windows so when the door is shut its basically pitch black anyway so I’m not too worried about holes, I just won’t go in there in the day. I’m gonna use my fc-e3000 by MH as well as whatever is spare - at the mo it’ll be the rubbidge 100w one they do but that would be annoying coz of the lack of daisy chaining ability. Mind you, most of the power will be coming from the 300w’er anyway. I’ll figure it out. Most people would just use the tsl-3000 I have. The long one for 2x4’s but I don’t feel like there is enough light for a 2x4 when flowering with just that light.
Aleks555week 2
Good luck and happy growing
DeepWaterGrowerweek 1
Good luck buddy! Your buds will be a way bettere than the ones you find on the market!
@DeepWaterGrower, yeah - having taken this break really opened my eyes to just how bad the medical bud is in this country. We are suckling at the very expensive, very large companies and unfortunately, I don’t really feel safe without the protection. I carry round my script (if I have weed and a vape on me) with pride though. It’s pretty unusual in the UK.