
Skunk #1 - feminized

2 months ago
Room Type
weeks 7, 11-13, 15
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 12
12 hrs
Light Schedule
14+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
SensiMiller SensiMiller
3 months ago
Entry by my loyal assistant Dr Green Thums GPT Journal Update for SensiMiller: Date: March 4th, 2024 Week 12 - Mid Flowering Stage Plant Observations: Plant 1 (P1) has reached a height of 90 cm. Plant 2 (P2) has grown to 104 cm. Both plants have shown resilience and vigor post the last watering session, which had an EC of 1.5. The foliage is regaining a lush green hue, indicating a positive response to the recent nutrient adjustments. Environmental Conditions: The grow room conditions have been meticulously maintained to support the flowering stage, with stable temperatures and relative humidity levels conducive to plant health and flower development. Nutrient and Watering Schedule: The plants were last watered with a solution at an EC of 1.5, which has contributed to the reversal of any earlier signs of yellowing. The nutrient mix has been carefully balanced to support the flowering needs, and the greening of leaves suggests that the plants are now receiving an adequate amount of nutrients. Overall Progress: As we progress through the flowering stage, the plants are developing as expected, with P1 and P2 showing robust flowering characteristics. The attention to detail in watering and nutrient management is reflected in the improved coloration and vitality of the plants. Anticipation is building as we approach the later stages of flowering, with careful monitoring and adjustments to continue ensuring optimal plant health and flower development. Next Steps: Continue monitoring the EC levels and adjust as necessary to maintain the positive trajectory of growth and health. Observe the plants closely for any signs of stress or nutritional imbalances, and be prepared to intervene swiftly. Photos: This entry has been crafted to reflect the current status and progress of your cultivation journey as of March 4th, 2024. The focus remains on maintaining a stable environment and providing the plants with the necessary nutrients to flourish during the flowering stage. [Photos for 4-3 will be uploaded separately] Dr Green Thumbs Plant Wizz
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SensiMillerweek 3
My strategy is to start with 5 seeds and pot them in 0.5 L pots, eventually selecting the 2 best ones to continue with. I repot twice, first from 0.5 L to 5 L and then to 18 L. I aimed to repot for the first time after 3 weeks, and that worked out well. The last time I repot is when they are ready to bloom. Then I transfer them to the final 18 L pot. I also prune leaves at the same time, as it's already a recovery week. And once they have recovered, they switch to a 12/12 cycle.
SensiMillerweek 0
- Great White Premium Mycorrhizae 1 spoon mixed on 3 liters of canna promix and little bit in hole. - Gen200 Grow roots 1 ml per 2 liter
BudBoutiqueweek 0
Happy Germination - Happy Growing Buddy 🌱 Cheers, Bud Boutique
Skybaseweek 9
Your growing technique is impressive, and I love reading your diary about weed cultivation, especially Skunk #1. The pictures you share add an extra layer of enjoyment. Keep up the great work!
@Skybase, tnx buddy!
Dunnruss63week 7
Nice grow ! Looking healthy!
@Dunnruss63, thanks! Good to hear.
resimaxweek 0
Good luck and happy growing! 😁
SensiMillerweek 6
2nd of February - Dr Green Thumbs GPT: **Grow Diary Update for - February 2nd, 11:40 AM** **Lamp Cycle**: The lights have been back on since 6 AM, and it's been approximately 10 hours since the flush. **Plant Measurement**: This morning's check showed an impressive growth, with the plants reaching 38 and 39 centimeters in height. This quick growth spurt is a testament to the resilience and robust nature of the Skunk #1 strain. While some soil settling post-flush is expected, which could give the illusion of extra height, the measurements taken from the firm base of the soil are likely accurate reflections of genuine growth. **Leaf Recovery**: The most nutrient-affected leaves are showing promising signs of rejuvenation. The once yellowing edges are now receding, and the leaves are returning to a lush, dark green. This turnaround is a strong indicator that the plants are now uptaking and processing nutrients more effectively after the recent flush. **Overall Impression**: The actions taken to correct the nutrient imbalance - from the careful pH adjustments to the strategic flush - appear to be paying off. The plants are not only growing but showing visible signs of recovery. The Skunk #1 is demonstrating its hardy nature and ability to bounce back from adversity. **Next Steps**: I will continue with vigilant monitoring, ensuring pH and EC levels stay within optimal ranges, especially now as the plants are gearing up for a crucial phase in their growth cycle. The recent positive changes are encouraging, and I'm optimistic about the upcoming stages of development. It's been an insightful journey with these plants, and each day brings new lessons and successes. Stay tuned for more updates in this diary as we progress through the grow cycle.
Skybaseweek 6
Say hello to Dr green thumb...
@Skybase, this is his answer for you: "Yo, SkyBase, hear the beat, come close, take a stand, Here speaks Dr. Green Thumbs, not just any man. From seed to plant, each strain a new tale, Bringing green to life, in every pot, without fail. With knowledge flowing, deeper than roots in soil, Every session a lesson, see how our wisdom does uncoil. From Cypress Hill to here, in growth we find our might, Keeping it green, every day, into the night. So say hello, SkyBase, welcome to the show, Together in this garden, watch everything grow. With Dr. Green Thumbs steering, never on our own, We lift each plant up, making every leaf a throne. Check Me Later"
AcidBurn_40week 6
Sie werden sich erholen die Skunk #1 von Sensi Seeds haben eine super Genetik Sie kann dir einiges verzeihen deswegen eine sehr gute Wahl für Anfänger die den Bedarf der Pflanze kennenlernen müssen in ihren verschiedenen Stadien die Substrat Wahl der Dünger oder Selfmade Nährstoffe, Licht Intensität, Klima man muss die Pflanze verstehen von der Bildung der Seeds an der Mutterpflanze bis zum Fermentisieren. Heut zu Tage kann man sich super ein lesen in viele Themen egal wie. Buddy's können dir durch Bilder am Smartphone oder PC Ratschläge geben und nützliche Tipps aber du selber Erntest was du säst. Damals zu meiner Zeit musste ich mir noch Grow Zeitschriften im Kiosk besorgen und mein Wissen so Erweitern. In diesem Sinne mögen Sie sich schnell erholen 🙂
@AcidBurn_40, Ha ha, danke dir! Ich werde deinen Wunsch auch den Damen übermitteln🙏. TLC ist die geheime Zutat, nicht wahr? Und ich werde eins mit meiner Ernte, wie eine Borg, ha ha. Zeitschriften am Kiosk sind wohl eine andere Generation als ich denke. Wir gingen in die Bibliothek, um Bücher zu lesen und unsere Geister für viele schlechte Ideen zu schärfen. Aber ernsthaft: Wenn ich den ganzen Tag schauen, darüber nachdenken, wieder schauen, forschen, Ideen entwickeln, nochmal schauen, messen, alles messen, VPD berechnen, mit ChatGPT über den Fortschritt besprechen, Logs checken usw. kann. Aber mit ChatGPT als zusätzliches Werkzeug kann ich als engagierter Student schnell zum fortgeschrittenen Niveau kommen (denke ich zumindest jetzt noch😅). Nächstes Mal jedenfalls kein Licht für gedüngte Erde mehr für mich. Werde es selbst machen mit Torf und Vermiculit usw. nach dem Rezept von Bruce Bugbee denke ich. Ich bin ein großer Fan von ihm. Und jedes Mal wird es ein bisschen besser und irgendwann ist es sicher perfekt! 😅
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AcidBurn_40week 1
Viel Erfolg bei deinen skunkie's mögen sie brächtig gedeihen
Storkweek 0
🍀🌱🍀🌱 👌😎
Lemonhazeloverweek 0
Nice setup, happy growing and good luck buddy ☘️
AcidBurn_40week 4
Sieht doch nice aus 😎