
2nd grow! Sativa Manifolding

5 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
00seeds2 - 00 KUSH
Laughing Buddha
Barney's Farm
Growing it
Fantastic daytime smoke. Uplifting and energetic with a very high THC level that provides a moderate relief to peripheral neuropathy
The Outcome
Week 17
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / watt
g / m²
g / plant
plant / m²
watt / m²
Tastes like
Feels like
80% Sativa 20% Indica

Positive effects

Commented by
Cultus Cultus
5 years ago
I can not say enough good things about this strain. I have been looking for a sativa for a while and have tried a dozen strains and i have found several i like, But Laughing Buddha checks all the boxes. It is an excellent daytime smoke, leaving you feeling creative and energetic. You immediately want to get up and start doing things. The THC content is very high and i find it gives me moderate relief from my peripheral neuropathy. The smoke is very smooth and the taste is fantastic, immediately recognizable sativa that has a sweetness to it. A 10 star strain for me all day long No shortage of newb mistakes with this grow, but i was able to respond and recovery. To list a few of those mistakes: I left them in the germination tray far too long. The first topping took off too much and i never gave them enough time to recover. I should have removed the small one early when it was clearly behind. I was slow to train the fastest growing nodes and a couple of my main nodes ended up below the canopy. I did not defoliate the upper fan leaves until late and the lower buds did not really start to grow untill i did. I over did it trying to go full strength with the nutes. I was slow to respond to the nute burn and did not correct the problem for a week. I am sure there are more than i am forgetting. Despite my mistakes, i am very happy with the results. Once i dialed in my nutes, they absolutely loved the Advanced Nutrients lineup and they finished much stronger than i would have anticipated. They hung for 3 1/2 days they went into Cvault 2L containers with boveda packs and got burped daily and the moisture level normalized after about a week, and i took my first taste after 11 days. First smoke of the day and i was shocked at how smooth and tasty it was already. The effects were immediate and fantastic. I keep burping the containers every few days and it just keeps getting better A++ smoke! Big girl gave 205 grams and wimpy managed 11 grams giving me 7.7 ounces. Probably not enough for the time this grow took, but for the size of the tent i am every pleased with those results. I am even more pleased with the quality and effect! Thank you all for following along, Great community here on Growdiaries!! I have 2 new diaries started, so follow along and see if i can ramp up the mistakes to match the big new tent! And i am doing an outdoor coco coir grow, that one is just asking for me to screw it up LOL
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Grow Questions
Cultusstarted grow question 5 years ago
I have a nutrient question. With full strength Advanced Nutrients Sensi Bloom should i still add Sensi Cal-Mag? Starting water is RO 5ppm. If yes, do I use full strength cal-mag or just add some to top off water? Or is full strength on both too much for those minerals?
Techniques. Defoliation
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey Cultus, great questions ! You're right : for sure add the cal mag , the other nutrients dont really contain any micro/secondary nutrients that the calmag has. Second question : yes go full strength, dont worry : you cant really go overboard with the cal mag, at this stage it's very important to add micro nutrients because of the flower stretch and the flower and bud production use a lot of micro nutrients. Hope this helps ! 🚀

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SumoStrainsweek 15
They look proper good man!
@SumoStrains, Much appreciated!👊
Cultusweek 9
Thanks @johnnyblaz3. Man i love smoking this stuff in the morning!
@Cultus, muahha wake nnnnnn bakkkke. gotta love it my man.
Cultusweek 17
She hung for 3 1/2 days and is now starting to cure! Update coming soon to all those following along, plus i have 2 new diaries started! trying some outdoor im sure to fuck up plus some super cropping clones from both these girls!
JohnnyBlaz3week 7
ah some green! starting to fill in and looks great. youre only a few days behind me. how long do you plan to veg for?
@JohnnyBlaz3, Hey man, thats cool, definitely an industry on the rise in Canada. I have acrtually applied for my ACMPR licence, and less than 2 miles from my house they are building a 1.2 million square foot cannabis greehouse (yes thats 23 football fields), BUT i am only interested in growing my own. The licence will just allow me to legally grow 10 plants and store 1lb dry😃
@Cultus, awesome! cant wait dude so damn excited to see my first buds.......13 oz from one plant dried hey. 25 years growing vs my first grow. lets see what I can do! I'm gonna get my bud tested after out of curiosity and I would like to use my grow to help me to get into canadas legal cannabis industry! cant wait to see some buds on our girls dude!
@JohnnyBlaz3, I have actually, when i ordered these seeds, i shared some with a friend who has been growing for 25 years. A couple weeks ago he gave me a bag, and wow, he did really good with this strain. 13 oz dry from one plant with big fluffy buds the size of peaches. It is a fantastic daytime smoke, leaves me very energetic and the thc content seems very high. It definitely has a very sweet fruity aroma and the taste is strong with that typical sativa earthy hops flavor @Barneys Farm nailed it with this strain, now hes growing one of my Peyote Critical seeds and hes got 4 clones going of the Laughing Buddha!👍
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G4NJAG4NGweek 15
They look gorgeous! I am week 6 flower for laughing Buddha and you can tell by the buds that these are high quality genetics, good luck for harvest day!! Gonna be a good one!
@Tazard, mouth watering I bet 🤤
@G4NJAG4NG, wait until you taste the well cured flavors 🤤🤤
TheBudWhispererweek 13
As long as the defo was “selective” u should have no issues with a little cleanup at this stage of the game homie. I still trim regularly through flower and when warranted. To date 🤞no issues. She’s lookn great buddy! Her neighbour got straight bitchslapped outta the light but it happens right! Lol. Here’s hoping for smooth sailing to the finish bro👊
@Cultus, meh - I really wouldn’t worry about that at all dude. Pistil hairs can go through a number of browning phases during flower and it may not of been you.🤔 either way no grows ever perfect. 👍
@TheBudWhisperer, HAHA! yeah she sure did. Thanks brother. Doing everything too late seems to be the theme of my mistakes this build, lol. She has reacted well, with all the lower foliage darkening up with the extra light. I did have alot of pistils turn red prematurely, at least partially from my club hands banging around in there since its worse at the front, but nothing i can do now.
Tazardweek 12
WOW You have filled that tent wall-to-wall with Bud’s. Coming along very nicely looks great.
@Cultus, I tried growing two plants in a 2x2 foot tent once. Ended up with one nice big plant and one tiny itsy-bitsy plant. 👊
@Tazard, Haha! That was the goal!, now i just need space for a bigger tent....
Ganjagrandaddyweek 2
looking good with the manifolding . Beautiful strsin and can take a hell of a beating without skipping a beat. I have two going and the smell of fresh pinapple that comes off them is crazy. i am in rdwc with one who is a midget it seems. The other was a growcaps sponsored competition that i entered then exhausted the soil with a 3 month veg time,nearly killing her. I started feeding normal nutes bit thought she would not survive, i couldn't have been more wrong. She is a beast now and still has about 4 weeks to go. nice choice of strain , flowering time is a bit lengthy bit should be worth the extra yield. good luck
@Cultus, wow thats a yield. i see how though. With so long still to go on her finish and and now moved to a better spot in the room , my lady is heading that way too. Their colas go right from the bottom of the branch , so if you make sure light can reach the middle stem using manifold or cages ( i did both too allow more control while training but un restrained now) it helps form rounded colas better. The flowering time is a bit of an off putting part but the smoke should be worth the extra few weeks. watching with you mate. happy gardning
@Ganjagrandaddy, Thanks bud! I bet the smell is amazing, even now i can get a nice aroma when i open the tent, i cannot wait for flower! Good to hear on the resilience of this strain, as i am sure to cause alot more stress on these girls before they go to flower. When i got the laughing buddha seeds, i shared 1 with my master grower friend and he said it grew like a beast. He had it with some of his Critical Kush (indica) and it was overpowering them and hogging all the light so he had to top 18" off. Normally he doesn't top or anything, just lets them go. Well today he called me up, cause his Laughing Buddha finally finished and cured and ready to go. Says he got 13 ounces of dry!!! amazing! He says he never got that big long main cola but all the buds he got were like the size of peaches! Well about 2 hours ago i smoked my very first LB and wow, what a great daytime smoke, i have been energized every since. The smoke was smooth and notably fruity is flavor and aroma. I think this could be the sativa i have been looking for, now i really cant wait to get them to flower!
Tazardweek 15
Looking great brother. Don’t harvest to soon 🤤
@Tazard, Thanks man! I will try not too, lol. My good friends laughing buddha is being harvested very soon. so i can at least get an early preview!😝
JohnnyBlaz3week 11
nice! looking great my friend, your girl really stretched and now got some nice buds forming! will be smoking that buddha in no time.......wait buddha has a long ass flower time, we got another 2 months before we smoking anything ahhaha
@JohnnyBlaz3, My sampler of Laughing Buddha is about to run out, and boy am i gonna miss it! This will be my go to daytime smoke! BUT< as of today i think i am at least 40 days from harvest😢
Centipedeweek 2
Will be following, tons to be learned out of this grow. Lot's of information in your diary, thanks.
@Centipede,Thanks bud!
Ganjagrandaddyweek 4
These are going to be prize winners. looking very good
@Ganjagrandaddy,lol idk about that but i appreciate the confidence!
Wachsemilianweek 2
they look pretty healthy good job man.....will grab a chair for this one😎
@Wachsemilian,Thanks bud!
JohnnyBlaz3week 2
Hey buddy! growing the same strain, lets keep in touch. plants look healthy, I will follow along, I'm tryin to learn about training and scrog as i'm going to fill a 5 x 5 tent canopy with 3 plants. I noticed the plants seemed strethced a little in veg "week 1". does this help with scrog or kinda just happened
@JohnnyBlaz3, thanks bud, no i think the stretch is just me letting things go longer than i would have liked lol
NomNomweek 16
Looking awesome!
TheBudWhispererweek 15
Excellent! A space upgrade is always a beautiful thing dude👍😎. The girls are lookn great!👌
BigBadLionweek 8
Wow! I'm loving how they look! Everything seems perfect! :D
@BigBadLion, indeed!
@BigBadLion,Thanks buddy👍
JohnnyBlaz3week 16
soooo pretttty! we almost there!! looks spectacular
@Cultus, I started the flush last night!! picked up some flawless finish. has amazing reviews and if its all hype it was only $20 but tons of people swear by it
@JohnnyBlaz3, ready to start the flush! but i am getting a pouch of my buddy's LB tomorrow so i wont feel rushed to harvest😜 Plus working hard on the new tent! almost ready now, just waiting on a few fiitings to finish up the plumbing. Very exciting around here!
TheBudWhispererweek 14
I just caught up on the whole grow now dude. 2 things - #1: I’m stealing that eyelet idea for the lid - why I didn’t think of this myself has me vexed. Really cool👍. #2: I’m sure the pics don’t do it justice but I can see why u held on To the smaller one before realizing it was gonna get overrun. That would’ve been a tough call at any point during training. Really nice grow dude - informative with great photos👍. Cheers👊
@Cultus, u know it’s funny u mention that (and thanks for the advance tip/hack). I’ve been working with cheap plastic storage containers as well and they’re proving themselves more trouble and bs than if I’d just gone out and grabbed something thicker and stronger. And as far as the little one is concerned - is what it is when u gamble with a smaller space (sometimes it works out evenly). Until recently I was growing inside a <2sq/ft space and I always got greedy with 2 plants👍 Lol
@TheBudWhisperer, Thanks man, i appreciate it!.👊 The eyelets are very handy, its so easy to pop a new one in if needed. The rubbermaid has began to crack under the weight of my big girl, so i had to rig up an old arrow shaft and hook to prevent disaster. So i will have to rethink for next grow. Yeah, the little one. lol. I just kept thinking is was gonna get there just be a bit behind, hehe.
TheBudWhispererweek 11
And n board for this one too dude👍 Interested to see how thy do in the same res. U find the roots overcrowded or all good? Only ask cuz I’m on a hydro grow right now and would’ve gone with 2 plants in a similar container if not for some germ. Issues.good luck with the flower show they’re lookn great👌
@Cultus, holy crap I see it now - that’s all really just the one plant😳. She certainly filled out that tent eh! Lol. Mines the same size res. so it’s an easy benchmark. She’s Rollin dude👍
@TheBudWhisperer, Thanks Bud! The roots are about the only thing that isn't over crowed in there. My reservoir holds 30 litres of mix. They are, however completely intertwined. Another of my mistakes with this grow is not removing the small one as soon as i noticed it struggling. I don't want to do it now because it would cause too much damage too the other one and leave a ton of dead root material rotting. So the little one is flowering, but, it is too far from the light to develop anything more than popcorn.