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Growing it
It has been a real chore what happened with this Ak 😔, due to the cultivation palce, the abuse of nutrients and my inability to detect something as visible as powdery mildew in time, all the work put into this beautiful plant has gone to fret. This genetics is wonderful, it has responded and endured well to everything it has done to her until it has been too much, high temperatures, humidity of up to 80% some days, poor ventilation, high EC from early, many irrigations in a short period of time ... has not been able to deal with everything at once. However, how it has responded to pruning, the speed at which it has recovered from each cut, how it grows and grows without stopping and the path taken by those tails, have left me wanting to try to cultivate it again but with more care and wisdom. Without a doubt this is a robust and strong genetic that is proof of beginner's hands, as long as the minimum care is taken (as with any plant). I hope to make a better journal of this SpliffSeeds genetic in a not too distant future. ------------------ ESPAÑOL ------------------ Ha sido una auténtica faena lo ocurrido con esta Ak 😔, por culpa del sitio de cultivo, el abuso de nutrientes y mi incapacidad de detectar algo tan visible como el oidio a tiempo, todo el trabajo puesto en esta hermosura de planta se ha ido al traste. La genética es una maravilla, ha respondido y aguantado bien a todo lo que le hecho hasta que ha sido demasiado, altas temperaturas, humedades de hasta el 80% algunos días, mala ventilación, EC elevada desde temprano, muchos riegos en corto espacio de tiempo... no ha podido con todo. Si embargo el como ha respondido a las podas, la velocidad a la que se ha recuperado de cada corte, como crece y crece sin parar y el camino que llevaban esas colas, me han dejado con ganas de volver a probar a cultivarla pero con más cuidado y sabiduría. Sin duda esta es una genética robusta y fuerte a prueba de manos de principiante, siempre y cuando se tengan los mínimos cuidados (como con cualquier planta). Espero hacer un dario mejor de esta genética de SpliffSeeds en un futuro no muy lejano.
4 years ago
Dutch Automatic
Growing it
Dutch Auto is an awesome strain in every aspect, from the easiest of growing it till the final product, crossing through resistance, sanity, size and the easiness of trimming it. Those were all awesome and notable aspects of the strain. No hard prunes, no toppings nor cuts… the plant has reached 1.07 m tall, with a main cola larger than 35 cm, and a final 67 g production of an exquisite product, with one of those tastes that remain forever in your mind, and with which you will recognize her again, as happened in the past (1998) with the Skunk. The aroma and taste of the final product is very citric, you can easily recognize a strong taste to grapefruit, and in the case of the small plant, it leaves a residual taste to orange after exhaling it. About the smoke time the high is strong, felling creative and a bit hungry, i used to smoke it along day. Don't try to smoke it for sleep watching a Comedy show or you will no sleep at all 😂, at least until the TV show ends up **** Traducción a ESPAÑOL al final de la descripción en inglés*****
5 years ago
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