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Ripper Haze
Growing it
Taste/Smell: Ripper Haze got the propper strong hazey lemon aroma with a citrusy head, hints of pine and a tad spicyness. Absolutely mouthwatering when you open the bag! When smoked the haze and citrus flavours have the strongest presence. Lemony, hazey but not sweet. Just like a good amesia should be. 8/10 High: The high is exactly what i hoped to get from ripper haze. It hits me fast and strong right between the eyes. Ten mins later, waves of euphoria are rushing through and i just float in a sea of happiness. Its that kind of giggly, silly happiness i loved so much about the amsterdam amnesia. Partyweed! And boy it gets me blazed! 10/10 Grow: This Ripper Haze run was my second grow with photos. Two of three seeds germinated well, one was behind. The plants grew well and fast during the vegetative phase. After switching to flower they had a nutrient lockout, but they bounced back after that and the finish was smooth. They successfully dealed with my bad watering habits, broken branches, nutrient lockout and many other things a beginner grower could throw at them. They produced two very different phenos. One stayed green while the other one developed nice purple leaves and buds. The two plants yielded some nice but a bit airy buds weighing 95g in total. Overall i'd give this run a 8/10.
5 months ago
Pineapple Express Auto
Growing it
So i smoked some kief/scissorhash and a few testbuds. Maybe i'll add stuff when its cured. But this is my first impression: Smell/Taste: Its funny, this outdoor girl has some differences in taste compared to my indoor grow. It also smells sweet with flavours of honey and some herbal undertones. No sour smell this time. When smoked it is like cheese and honey. Sounds weird? It is, but i really like it. Not my everyday kind of smoke but something good for the evenings when you wanna treat yourself. It has really rich flavours, that are dominating when lighting up. Like some kind of fancy dessert with an "haute cuisine"-touch. Crazy but i like it. 8/10 High: For me as a mainly sativa smoker, this batch has a pretty intense body high and manages to put me to sleep when smoking too much. Not on the uncomfortable side. It just feels like your melting into this flavour of sweet honey and cheese. Nice buzz, makes your limbs go heavy and relaxed and your mind just soars somewhere. Not my usual taste but nice to have a weed like that in the stash. Good for stress and sleeping. Not for me if i want to be productive. 7/10 Grow: Easiest grow of my life. Put it in a pot. Put the pot outside, water, feed, repeat, harvest. Great! Got 42grams for no effort. 10/10
9 months ago
Hulkberry Automatic
Growing it
Taste: I taste gassy, herbal, earthy and citrusy flavours. I'd say the flavour profile is not the strongest selling point for this weed. It smells and tastes good, but not anything outstanding. After curing the most dominating flavours are gas and citrus. For me it tastes like a mixture between tastes that kinda feels a bit random, rather than a nice "harmony" of flavours. Nothing really bad, but it is just not clicking for me 6/10 Effects: I really dig the high of hulkberry auto. After the first puffs, the high is accelerrating continuosly until you suddenly realise how high you really are. It pushes you forward while keeping you awake and focused. For me it leads to a very meditative state of mind which is great for being creative. Maybe not the best if you have to do serious tasks, but great for just working on something for hours (drawing, music, gaming) or just go out for a walk and just live in the moment. A clear headed high, very little body effects and just a really peaceful but active/happy high. Absolutely loving it! 10/10 Grow: I had crazy temperatureswings during this grow. But as she was sitting outside, there was nothing i could/wanted to do. So she just did her thing and that went pretty well. I just hoped for a bit higher yield than what i actually got. 7/10
9 months ago
Hulkberry Automatic
Growing it
Taste: I taste gassy, herbal, earthy and citrusy flavours. I'd say the flavour profile is not the strongest selling point for this weed. It smells and tastes good, but not anything outstanding. After curing the most dominating flavours are gas and citrus. For me it tastes like a mixture between tastes that kinda feels a bit random, rather than a nice "harmony" of flavours. Nothing really bad, but it is just not clicking for me 6/10 Effects: I really dig the high of hulkberry auto. After the first puffs, the high is accelerrating continuosly until you suddenly realise how high you really are. It pushes you forward while keeping you awake and focused. For me it leads to a very meditative state of mind which is great for being creative. Maybe not the best if you have to do serious tasks, but great for just working on something for hours (drawing, music, gaming) or just go out for a walk and just live in the moment. A clear headed high, very little body effects and just a really peaceful but active/happy high. Absolutely loving it! 10/10 Grow: I had crazy temperatureswings during this grow. Environmental consitions were bad and i misfed her many times. She took it well, but there was a lot of potential left. So a hardy strain, wich can take a punch and still delivers 8/10
9 months ago
Pineapple Express Auto
Growing it
As the buds are still curing this is just my first impression after smoking some kief/scissorhash. Taste/Smell: The aroma of this batch is really delicious! Tastes of tropical honey, with hints of citrous and a faint sour aftertaste! It is a delight when opening the jar. Great Stuff. Definitly a flavour type i want to have in stock more. Made me wanting to buy the photoperiodic seeds to get more of that tasty sweet deliciousness 10/10 Effects: Pineapple Express delivers a smooth and mellow high. Very calming and peaceful. Good for winding down after a day of work or the right way to start a relaxing weekend with a flavoury sweet treat. Gives a noticable and very pleasurable body buzz. Its not a hard hitter, for people with decent tolerance it'd be a chill weed for the day when you need a bit of a breather. 8/10 Grow: Easiest grow i ever had, indoors as well as outdoors. Managed crazy temps, temp swings, feeding mistakes and everything a new grower could throw at them. Yielded 50 grams despite the harsh environment and eaely harvest. 10/10 Thanks Barney's!
9 months ago
Crystal METH
Growing it
Grow: It was a grow under harsh conditions. It flowered long before the other ladies and i did not adapt the nutrients. So i guess she had the wrong nutrient dosages for most of the grow. Besides that: The temps were always way too hot and peaked at 36° on some days. And i let her go for too long. So a lot went wrong and the result matches that. The buds are very light, almost not existent. But i harvested 15g of dry buds after trimming and drying. 5/10 Taste/Smell: It tastes nutty and earthy, i have never tasted anything like that. Its like you just ate some peanuts before smoking. The taste is more on the subtile side and quite the opposite of a "dank" smelly weed. Perfect if you want to have a smoke without too many people noticing, but i love strong flavours. 6/10 High: This high is a very special. It is that one weed in my stash where you don't have any stoney feeling in your body. Some of the purest sativa highs i ever had. Very unique! A very clear head high that keeps you active, awake and motivated. Very good weed for daytime and to be productive and/or creative. Exellent when you want to be high and high functioning. Crystal clear high! (pun intended) 10/10
10 months ago
Green Crack Punch
Growing it
Disclaimer: Keep in mind, that is was my first grow and i had a lot of fuckups which definitely had influence on the final product i review here. Grow: Oh well, i can't say too much about it because it was my first grow ever. But they survived everything a noobgrower could throw at them. For me they were a great strain to start, i learned a lot in the process and the final product is such a great reward for the work and dedication i put into it. Thank you RQS. It was a great experience and i think i found myself a new longterm hobby. So 10/10 Look/Taste: So the buds cured for three months now and they are looking beautiful. Still some purple shine and sparkling trychs. They are hard as rocks and really dense. Beautiful bag appeal! When you open the jar you smell lots of berryflavours and some grapey tones. Very fresh and sweet. 10/10 High: The high is a brilliant combination of the two origin strains. After the first few puffs you notice a euphoric high that rises up to your head. This feels like a nice cup of coffee with a good sip of moodbooster. You're active, motivated and happy. This high shifts after like half an hour to a relaxed state of mind with a good physical relaxation which stays for hours. Never makes me sleepy or seditated. Just comfy and loosey goosey. I love it! 10/10
a year ago