Skunk XL
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34 harvests
34 harvests
There are big yields, and then there are huge yields. If you like seeing your stash jars filled to the brim, then Skunk XL has your back. This lovechild of Skunk 1 and Afghan produces large, thick buds that feature impressive trichome density and a thick layer of viscous resin. With a perfect balance of sativa and indica genetics, a THC content of 17%, and citrusy and earthy terpenes, these buds will help you unwind without stoning you into oblivion. Enjoy a return of up to 650g/m² indoors and 675g/plant outdoors.
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Skunk XL
Growing it
Perfekt für hidro
a month ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
This is the third time we grew this strain, specifically because its such a reliable growing plant. Dense nugs, easy growing and fast flowering. They also give rather large harvests. We're happy as usual and couldnt recommend this strain enough!
4 months ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
Neskutečně odolný kmen, který je radost pěstovat. Skvěle zvládá i větší stres a dělá to z něj ideální odrůdu pro začátečníky. Biobizz 166g: Rostlina s těmito živinami měla viditelně větší květy a tmavě zelenou barvu. Na sklizeň jsem musel počkat asi o týden déle než za použití Florganics. Použití těchto živin je je snadné a při správném použití udělají svou práci. Po usušení vážily květy 166g. Florganics 167g+72g: Zde mám smíšené pocity. Měl jsem 2 rostliny. Jedna v 38l látkovém květináči. Druhá v 11l plastovém květináči. Obě měly stejné složení půdy a dostávaly stejnou vodu pomocí kapkové závlahy Blumat. Větší rostlina v určitém momentu zastavila vývoj květů a donutilo mě to k použití PK což ale nemělo moc smysl kvůli nerovnováze PH protože jsem jim ph neupravoval a dostávaly tedy kohoutkovou vodu pouze zabavenou chlóru s PH 7,8. Netuším kde se u této větší rostliny stala chyba. květy po usušení vážily 167g je to stejné jako u Biobizz. Menší rostlina byla přesný opak. Květy byly velikostí téměř srovnatelné s Biobizz ale oproti Bb se jí lépe vyvíjely i spodní květy které měly menší přístup ke světlu. Zároveň byly i těžší a pevnější než u Biobizz a měly více pryskyřice a výraznější vůni. S touto menší rostlinou jsem byl velmi spokojen. Vyprodukovala 72g Sám nevím jak zhodnotit výsledek testu Biobizz vs Florganics. Kdyby se u Florganics povedla větší rostlina stejně jako ta menší tak máme jasného vítěze ale očividně je zde prostor pro chyby které se pak dají jen těžko napravit. V testu jsem porovnaval pouze biobizz rostlinu vs větší Florganics. Váhově na tom byly téměř totožně (rozdíl pouze 1g suchých květů). Velice mě to překvapilo. Florganics měl více míst s květy a byl lépe prosvětlený a i spodní květy byly proto těžší. Zároveň byl se vice rozrostl a mel proto větší plochu ve stanu. Díky tomu zvládla dohnat Biobizz i na vzdory menším květům.. Podmínky sušení byly 17-18°C 50-55 RH a po 8 dnech bylo vše usušeno a dáno do sklenic. Vlhkost ve sklenících se pohybuje 62-65 RH. Přijde mi to dobré..
4 months ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
It grew as expected, I had some problems with mold, but the smell is very strong, very characteristic of Skunk, very resinous, very bodily and intense, very good for the night, for sleeping.
8 months ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
Smooth smoking, slight citrus tasting buds Not earthy or grassy, a bit fresh and very nice. Density is biblical. The nugs are not very big, but every bud is rock hard. Growing was very normal, but with pretty high yield. Just like last time though, some of the thickest buds fell to budrot. Will definitely grow again.
8 months ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
Celkově nepovedené kolo které začalo špatnou defoliací, pokračovalo přes nedostatky cal mag a před sklizní jsem zjistil napadení sviluškou. Aby toho nebylo málo tak se mi povedly květy usušit o trochu více protože jsem měl velký počet malých květů a bylo velmi těžké to uhlídat během sušení den sušení 6,5 byly květy vlhké a den 7 už byly moc suché a po uzavření do sklenic jsem na vlhkosti 52-56%RH. Přesto jsem se s celkovou hmotností sušených květů dostal na 230g ze všech 4 rostlin. Skunk: Žádné problémy během vegetace. Skvělá spolupráce s LST a TOP. Rostla oproti ostatním více keřovitě a po přepnutí na 12/12 se vytáhla nejméně a i přes to měly její květy větší hmotnost než ostatní. Silný kmen který jsem se spolu s White widow rozhodl pěstovat znovu hned v dalším kole. Měla neskutečné množství pryskyřice. Sviluškám chutnala.
8 months ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
I enjoy everything Skunk. All weed strains with the word Skunk in their name have always been a positive experience for me. I grew 3 seeds of this strain this time and got 2 strong plants. One of them is a desirable bushy, sturdy pheno with a massive stem. This one I selected mother plant. The other one had a bit of a skronkelly dinkelly start, but now it looks fine. Its leaves are wavy and a bit leathery and overall it is slightly lagging behind, but it looks strong enough now, so I will flower it out. One star deducted because three seeds only yielded one desirable pheno.
a year ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
Das Rauchen mit dieser Sorte ist nicht zu extrem. Wenn man was von diesem köstlichen Weed geraucht hat bekommt man ein angenehmes high das nicht zu extrem ist und einen gut durch den Tag bringt.
a year ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
She's really a Queen. Never seen a girl strong like her, but remember they are all clones from a plant well known for her strongness. Wait to see the taste and effect... Effect poor !
a year ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
Das Rauchen ist sehr angenehm, kein Kratzen. Das Weed bringt dich gut durch denn ganzen Tag, es entspannt dich und ist nicht zu stark. Am Anfang denkt man oh ok könnte ein bisschen mehr sein, und Zack kommt noch ein kleiner nach Schub von dichte. Aber sehr angenehm. Keine Angst Zustände oder Herzklopfen.
2 years ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
Growing the plant was very easy up untill I got problems in the final weeks of flower. The problems were however probably soil related and not the plants. Plants grew very nice, and the buds are extremely dense. Not huge in size, but extremely dense and heavy.
2 years ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
#5 & #9 are the better pheno's out of the 4. #6 didn't produce great bud density but overall they all performed well and grew some schtinky, resinous flowers!
2 years ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
Easy grow, good resistance, I think with a growth phase of 4 or 6 week we can got a very big plant :)
2 years ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
I had some problems growing this strain .. I'm sure I used the wrong technique. I was expecting a much bigger harvest. despite my repeated mistakes I have harvested excellent weed. The flowers are hard and compact in most parts. the taste and smell are excellent and the color is not bad either. I will definitely try this strain again because it has potential that other strains do not have. the flowers are very dark green with red hairs.
3 years ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
All seeds germinated, but one didn't made it above the soil because I buried it to deep. In the beginning, I had some CalMag problems (it was my first grow on coco), but after adding it into the fertigation mix, the girls started to grow vigorously. The plants from this strain respond extremely well to training. After just topping once and a few LST sessions, I was able to create a nearly flat canopy. I think this strain is great for a Scrog grow. It takes about 9 to 10 weeks to flower; an early harvest (8 weeks of flower) is possible, but it will probably cost you some yield. I had no problems with any kind of diseases or parasites. Apart from the first few weeks (when I didn't add CalMag to he coco) the grow was an easy ride. Leave to bud ratio is quite good, however, one of the buds of one of the three plants (I named her Iris) were a little bit worse: they had more sugar leaves compared to the buds of the other two plants. Because of this, smoking the buds for Iris does give a bit of a throat hit. As for the effect: I haven't been able to detect any difference between the girls. It's a balanced combination between a mental high and a physical stoned. After two weeks of curing, the effect is a bit more 'clear in the head' and it took 20 to 30 minutes to get into a more mellow stoned. However, after 6 weeks of curing, the effect is balanced right from the start. It is great for relaxing, watching a movie, etc., but it can also help you focus deeply. There are some couch lock effects: when doing a job, you have to get yourself started, but once you're 5 minutes in, it really seems to help me focus and do a job accurately. Also: it makes you rob the fridge. I also made some ice hash from the trim. The hash from the trim that I dried was great, but the hash from the trim that I froze directly after harvest was superior. It gives the same kind of effect, very mellow and goes on for hours. The taste of the smoke is peppery and pungent. All in all: great strain, it was able to withstand the heat and high humidity at the end of the grow (no mold). Training it is a delight, it's easy to create a flat canopy. Nice balanced effect.
4 years ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
Growing was interesting. This strain make a lot of branches😺
4 years ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
Good for people with sleep disorders. It first gives you a good Head High what slides skowly to your body. Taste is for now some fruity and a hint of earth/mint but maybe it will change after curing. The growing was all in all easy (good for beginners), but i highly recomment checking the PH with every watering. Leaves will get yellow pretty fast when the PH is too high. Royal Queen Seeds never let me down.
4 years ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
Cannot provide a smoke report yet as I will 'try' to not touch this strain until it has had 8 weeks in the jar. What I can say is that the day after jarring there is no 'green or hay' smell - just that overwhelming Skunk fragrance almost like it has already had 8 weeks curing! Really looking forward to sampling this old school classic in a month or two. Whilst there are lots of fashionable hybrids around today, growers should not overlook their hertiage and the old school strains. Whilst I have grown many modern hybrids, not many can match up to Skunk XL for smell and denseness of nugs. Would recommend this Royal Queen Seeds strain/genetics to all. Smoke Update 1 : Gave a nug or two to a desperate friend after only a week in the jar - stunk the house out and smashed him into sleepy relaxed couchlock after a single doobie. Should be rather nice after 8 weeks curing 👍
4 years ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
This lovely hybrid strain will give you a nice sativa kick when you doing something and later it will give you a great couchlook. When you smoke and don't do anything is it great too. Very strong strain with awesome effects everybody who had a taste, said it was very nice. I bought a vapbong, the name say it already a mix between vaporizer and bong and the taste was like popcorn.
5 years ago
Skunk XL
Growing it
Still a nice plant to grow. Very resistant, and a delicious smell at the end.
5 years ago