Kalini Asia
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Kalini Asia

41 harvests
41 harvests
Hailing from the famed Hindu Kush mountain range, Kalini Asia is a great specimen to grow indoors or outdoors, where she thrives in temperate to warm climates. She will develop into a compact and branchy Kush plant that will rarely exceed 1m, making her a good choice for any size of tent. The plant is low-maintenance and easy to grow, thanks to the natural resistances she acquired over thousands of years.
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Kalini Asia
Growing it
I absolutely enjoyed growing this one, put a lot of work in her and that payed off well
3 months ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
Excellent strain for waking up in the morning and jumping out of bed 😊 The feeling of hunger is huge 😁
a year ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
Super content , le changement n'a pas eu le temps le choc des températures n'était pas assez important. Mais vraiment très très grasse , une horreur mais un kiff en même temps . Je suis content du résultat de c'est deux pied . Zamnesia m'a jamais déçu de leur graines
a year ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
Good grow, nice smell, taste a bit kushy with earth, pine and citrus notes. 💚🧙‍♂️🏽
2 years ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
Smells gorgeous. Havnt really smelled each one individually yet. I’m gonna wait for them to dry a bit I think. All the lower material is really seedy but the tops seem ok tbh. Or at least better EDIT 2 DAYS LATER: I went back to the tent this morning and took some photos as well as actuallly touch some plants and get an idea of smells. These smell gorgeous. Really skunky and beautiful. There were a few coloured hues in the buds at the top but only VERY slightly. I think zamnesia really mis advertise this strain to be honest. They use a photo which is just photoshopped (really quite obviously) so that it’s pink. I don’t think iv seen anyone actually have a purple cultivar with this strain so if that’s what your after grow something else. It’s a beautiful strain and I wasn’t growing it for that but if you are just maybe rethink. EDIT AFTER 1 PLANT DRIED: Ok so it’s been about a week (just over) and I thought I’d do a quick update. I went into my room yesterday to have a feel of the plants and one of them dried really quickly…too quickly really. It’s just the Kalini Asia plants that are drier than the rest for some reason but I def found 1 culprit for the ball sacks as I found quite a few whilst harvesting this plant. I’m surprised actually I must admit, I thought it would be one fo the plants that was near the light that wasn’t taped over…. Maybe it was a genetic herm then…who knows. I most likely wouldn’t use the seeds it’s created anyway but it would be nice to know just for the sake of the next grow really. Like if there is a light leak I need to know about it and if I f’d up the timer I should probably know about that too. I’ll shut myself in with the lights off before my next round. I did also realise that my humidifier has a green light in I need to either smash or remove. WHY DO CANNABIS GROW EQUIPMENT COMPANIES KEEP PUTTING BRIGHT LIGHTS ON THEIR EQUIPMENT?! It makes no sense AT ALL!! Anyways, with regards to how the strain smells/tastes. It’s nice - reminds me of that smoothie plant I grew. Lots of myrcene but annoyingly lots of seeds as well. Isn’t the strongest stuff in the world but probably to do with them stopping making trichs and starting to make seeds. I got about the same amount of ‘buds’ than I did the popcorn buds, only the normal colas has more plant material/trichomes to seeds where the popcorn stuff has more seeds than material so I’m going to do a dry ice drive on those bits. The colas do have seeds in, just less of them so it’s not as annoying picking them out. Can’t do weight yet because iv only done 1 of 2 plants but I’ll add in what iv got so far. As I said - I split it into what I’m keeping as bud and what iv allocated to be extracted with dry ice so I’m making two piles of each strain.
2 years ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
Monster plant that makes very dense chunky flowers. Easy to grow just left her to it after a toping . Recommended strain as far as growing. Will see what the buds like in a few weeks.
2 years ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
The high is good for during the day :-). The growth was great and the taste is also good 👍
2 years ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
A very interesting strain, of a particular color that goes towards the purple but is not violet and flourishes fast and with abounded rode of resin, advisable and easy to grow. Zamnesia do good strins
3 years ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
The 2 plants ended with slightly different buds. One has purple inside most of the buds but a slightly weaker lavender aroma. The other has nice lime green buds and absolutely stinks like onions.
3 years ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
Ciao ragazzi!! Parlando della pianta stessa un ottimo strain con una crescita costante ha reagito bene al LST. Io ho avuto un po’ di problemi a farle capire che era il momento di entrare in fioritura ma c’è anche da dire che le ho dato solo 3 sett di veg lei ne ha bisogno di minimo 5!!! Però posso dire che vi darà molte Soddisfazioni! Le cime con i suoi colori molto arancioni sono risultate belle piene! Riassumendo consiglio questo strain avevo solo un seminino e ne ho tirato fuori una bellissima pianta!!!!
3 years ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
Das Rauchen ist sehr angenehm und schmeckt pflanzlich mit einem leicht erdigen Abgang 👌 Anhand der Knospen sieht man das diese Sorte sehr Sativa lastig ist, was aber überhaupt nicht schlimm ist. Das High macht auch Spaß es entspannt und runter kommen. Zudem macht es sehr hungrig😅 und der Trockene Mund kommt noch hinzu.😊 Eine sehr spannende Sorte mit einem angenehmen High Gefühl.👌👍 Und allein diese Farben😍 wundervoll!
3 years ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
The high is good for during the day :-). The growth was great and the taste is also good 👍
3 years ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
Some heavy indica!! Absolutely stinks, probably my smelliest plants yet. Definitely a smell that tests the love and patience of my loved ones.
3 years ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
Después de 8 días de secado y dos de curado, hoy he probado esta hierba comprobando su gran potencia y los intensos aromas silvestres, una cepa que dejaré curar varios meses y ocupará un lugar destacado en mi bodega de cannabis. Los cogollos son obscuros y llenos de tricomas blancos, la textura al molerla es esponjosa y duplica su volumen... perfecto. La cosecha ha sido moderada debido a un bloqueo después del trasplante por un sustrato muy mal configurado que ha impedido un desarrollo eficiente del sistema radicular, lo he podido comprobar al sacar la tierra de la maceta, aun sin superar este bloqueo fue atacada por arañas rojas que todavía la debilitaron más. Acabé con la plaga pero el metabolismo de la planta continuó siendo muy bajo, el aspecto antes de cortarla era de envejecimiento prematuro. Creo que esta cepa puede dar mucho más, me siento en deuda con el cultivo por haberlo hecho tan mal, así que esta cepa la catalogo para darle una segunda oportunidad en primavera.
3 years ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
Hi there! Finally we get it done. I just wanted it earlier but due to this corona bug I couldn't come back here.... The video and the first 2 pictures were taken last time... I had to harvest a lot, there was no time to make hundreds of pics the only difference she got fatter haha ;) Thak you to Zamnesia to provide me this amazing strain ;) Kalini Asia - Sounds good and when I saw the picture I straight fell in love hoped that I will have a purple version but with her not happened.... but is a good because my bonsai version is really nice purple so basically one is green and one is purple lol ;) Growing this strain is not hard and she looks a bit different the leaves i mean she has a similar looking like Blue Sherbet S1 from Plug Seedbank. You may understand what I am trying to say when you grow so many different strains you see differences not only in terms of growing but the structure. I really like the plant as she grows properly no really issue with her. Strechy girl, well, shit happened to be honest but it was my bad I beleive. I have an idea why she went to be a hermie a bit..... So basically, you can expect big strech when she starts flowering even if you top her. I think she is a bit more sensitive with environment but I believe I clearly remember unfortunately during flowering I have broken more times several branches so that's why I have less harvest and I think it was the reason that she got stressed and went hermie a bit.... So basically it is my fuck up... :) So even my harvest is not that much but alright because I had 10 other plants harvested and anyways I had 2 versions of this strain so ;) The smell is great sweet buds are sticky and yes it can be purple/pinky/Red whatever choose one - but I think she gets colourfull more outdoor. Flowering time can be extended with her 9- almost 10 weeks so she takes a bit longer to be done although, she is indica dominant strain. So I beleive I have stressed her and that was the reason. I was pretty lucky to have 2 plants of her so it makes the things all clear. She had 4 days darkness and 4 days without watering before harvest. It was a great experience all over and I can not wait to smoke so I can add extra info and the final review. Cheers! And the time has come with the UPDATE: Let's start with the smell which is nice sweet. Buds are cool nice "crispy"... Taste? Well, taste nothing just herbs and sweet.... I don't know . . . Effect: So the breeder says it is Indoca dominant 75% Indica and obvioulsy 25% Sativa. Yes, She is more Indica but it can take longer to flower by the way without problem. What I can say she won't give you that euphoric really really relaxed and chilling high but it gives decent Indica effect. Basically, I can say she is a normal Indica the is nothing really special but I wouldn't say she is not good. She is the okay to smoke type for me :) And yes finally 10 stars to grow especially when she gets coloured and I would give an 9 for the effect. Thanks. Happy Smokes Guys!
3 years ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
I am so happy... I checked so many diaries and saw she usually gets purple/red/pink outdoors.... and.... here we go I have an indoor Kalini Asia a bonsai version and gets colourfull.... camon.... ... really.... I mean.... I am so glad! You know it happened by accident to grow her because the other version (Kalini Asia diary) was placed to be germinated but the seed did not germinate quick so I thought she is not viable so I have put one more seed.... it was her.... Finally both of them made it and I didn't want to bin her even I knew I have no more space.... I have chosen very well.... very well... She had 4 days darkness and 4 days without watering before harvest. Alright! Firstly, thanks a lot to Zamnesia to provide me this amazing genetics and experience! I was lucky enough to plant a colourfull pheno and she did well. She is also my first plant I practiced Main-Lining on..... Nothing to complain about growing she is really nice the flowers are beautiful even with the green pheno and thick! Not hard to grow but she can require longer flowering period which is great especially now due to coronavirus bug when you can not travel back to harvest lol..... 🤣 She is anyways indica dominant but she can take flower longer ;) (75% Indica - 25% Sativa based on the breeder's description) Nice sweet smell, sticky buds dream strain lol :) Basically I wanted to harvest earlier a bit I went on holiday and stuck in my country then travelled to a different one spent time there with my girlfriend and finally got back home. Luckily, she is fine all good. Nothing really more to detail she needs to be grown especially when you choose Zamnesia genetics so do it.😉;) I will update the smoke report later guys! Happy smokes 🚬 And the time has come with the UPDATE: Let's start with the smell which is nice sweet. Buds are cool nice "crispy"... Taste? Well, I can not really taste nothing special just herbs or... I don't know . . . Effect: So the breeder says it is Indoca dominant 75% Indica and obvioulsy 25% Sativa. Yes, She is more Indica but it can take longer to flower by the way without problem. What I can say she won't give you that euphoric really really relaxed and chilling high but it gives decent Indica effect. Basically, I can say she is a normal Indica the is nothing really special but I wouldn't say she is not good. She is the okay to smoke type for me :) And yes finally 10 stars to grow especially when she gets coloured and I would give a 9 for the effect. Thanks. Happy Smokes Guys!
3 years ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
Very pungent pine aromas and a deeply relaxing yet euphoric stone.
3 years ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
it was the first time I tried to cultivate a KA and the temptation was mostly to experience the color buds. she has been through a tough girl who, despite a slight poisoning of phosphorus, recovered very quickly and has delivered a sensible harvest, considering that she is grown under 150 W FS LED light. she is on the 4th day of the drying time but as soon as she is put on glass I will state weight and other data. I have now had some time to try the lady and it is a markedly different experience. it has a very subdued aroma and taste. the taste is slightly sweet, without me in any way being able to put a name on it. the effect is pleasantly light and it follows you in your choices. if you want to stone then it stones you, you want to be active, then that is the effect you get. so that way it is a good allday / night smoker as (green) it surprises a little with the color when you have given it a go in the grinder, where the color becomes as if it were a dark hash (Afghan and cashmere) you were mixing. overall a good variety I think will give a really delicious bubble hash.
3 years ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
Kalini Asia was a really nice plant to grow. She tends to grow bushy, with tight internodes and a compact shape. It's better to train her, in order to "open up" her main arms, or she will just grow as a big ball of weed 😝. This run was pretty easy, although I was not here everyday to take care of her, she was healthy and easy to work on. She did handle nutrients pretty well and did not show signs of overfeeding. She spent 8 weeks in the flowering stage, which is less than what's recommended by the breeder, I have the feeling that the infrared strips really made the job, and did trigger the Emerson effect. Frost level is not at its maximum potential, since I was away most of the time during her final weeks, she was slightly underfed, and could have appreciated more P+K in late blooming. Despite a lack of cares/meals in her last weeks, she gave me a decent amount of great buds. After 7 days drying upside-down and 7 days on a drying-net, buds were ready for a smoke test and for a few weeks of curing. The smoke test revealed her sweet terpenes profile, a mix between kushy flavors, lemon and candies, the smoke is mouth-watering! In the end that's a very good strain from Zamnesia. I'm a bit sad she didn't turn pink, but hey I was prepared, those colors do not always pop out, and I guess my night temperature wasn't low enough. I would definitely grow her again and recommend that strain to new growers, or experienced growers looking for some original terpenes.
4 years ago
Kalini Asia
Growing it
Was a sticky smelly bud, not sure I got it to its full potential, had a few problems. Didn't seem too strong a smoke, probably best in the morning. Smelled very kushy and sweet.
4 years ago