
ETHOS Clones (Diary #8)

7 months ago
Grow Conditions
Week 8
12 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
4+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Louder Louder
9 months ago
Here we go! Bloom period begins today!! Goals for the week: • KEEP CONDITIONS THE SAME AS LAST WEEK • USE FULL VEG NUTES • Add Sensizym to feed schedule • Increase EC from 1.8-2.0 • Keep MH bulbs in until end of week • Tie branches down as they stretch • Swap MH to HPS end of week No signs of fungus gnats, either flying or new ones on traps. Mosquito dunks in every bucket of water going forward. It's like a pesticide with every watering! I replaced the sticky traps to be able to spot any new activity. Turned on the 2nd lamp and gave the girls some elbow room. It's going to boost temperatures so I've really gotta watch the humidity for the next few days. Got some big storms in the forecast so that should help. Added some 4' stakes to the 5g containers for support in anticipation of heavy flowers🤞. I'm motivated baby, let do this thing!! Aug 22 AM (no water) 🌡️: 28c ✅ ❄️: 22.8 ⬆️ 🌧️: 63%✅ ☁️: 55.1% ✅ 📈: 1.34⬇️ 📉: 0.95✅ 📊: 1.15-1.32 ✅⬇️ Aug 22 PM (1.5L @ 22c) Mix: 12ml A, 12ml B, 7.5ml Tea: 6L water = 2.4 EC + 3L water = 1.8 EC • Dehumidifier was set to 45-50% (AM) • Lamps at 400w by accident • pH 5.8 • Very little or no runoff Aug 23 AM (1/2-1L @ 24c) Mix: 12ml CaMg, 16ml A, 16ml B, 16ml B52, 12ml Sensizym : 10L water = 2.0 EC + 1L water = 1.8 EC • Bit of runoff (100ml) 🌡️: 28.6c⬇️ ❄️: 23.9c✅ 🌧️: 60.4⬆️ ☁️: 54.4%⬆️ 📈: 1.48 ⬇️ 📉: 0.95 ✅ 📊: 1.25-1.34 ⬇️ Aug 23 PM (1.5L @ 21c) Mix: LEFTOVER FROM AM EVENT + 1L water (1.6 EC/5.8 pH) • Little more runoff, but not a lot Had to use up the rest of the mix from last event. Bags were still a touch heavy. Activating the 2nd lamp has temperatures close to the mid 80's now. It's almost impossible to keep the humidity above 60% at this point. I've added one of those slow release CO2 bags to help them cope with higher temperatures, as well as a bottle of silica to reduce stress from the heat. Could be bullshit but even a little extra isn't going to hurt anything. *Exhale 365 CO2 bag inoculated (30-45 days to max ppm 1500)* Aug 24 PM (1L @ 22c) Mix: 7ml Pro Silicate, 12ml CaMg: 8L water = 1.0 EC/5.6 pH • Some plants have runoff (KC's and GS) 🌡️: 83.5F ⬇️ ❄️: 71.4F ⬆️ 🌧️: 65.8%✅ ☁️: 55.0%✅ 📈: 1.29🆗⬇️ 📉: 0.97✅ 📊: 1.15-1.22🆗⬇️ After mixing the silica, I waited 30 minutes. The pH jumped to 9.0 so I adjusted it down to 5.5. I added in the CaMg in at full strength and adjusted to 5.6 before watering. I'm changing my hygrometer probe in the room from C to F so it's quicker to reference my VPD chart. Big watering tonight with runoff measurements. Aug 25 PM (2-3L @ 21c) Mix: 28ml A, 28ml B, 24ml B52 : 14L water = 2.2 EC (+1L) "KC1 In: 2.0 EC/5.8 pH (3L) Out: 2.3 EC/5.7 pH (22c) (+0.3 EC) ✅ "KC2 In: 2.0 EC/5.8 pH (3L) Out: 2.1 EC/6.0 pH (23c) (+0.1 EC) ✅ "GS In: 2.0 EC/5.8 pH (3L) Out: 2.1 EC/5.7 pH (23c) (+0.1 EC) ✅ "ELB In: 2.0 EC/5.8 pH (3L) Out: 3.2 EC/5.7 pH (24c) (+1.2 EC) ❌ *MC In: 2.0 EC/5.8 pH (2L) Out: 3.2 EC/5.7 pH (23c) (+1.2 EC) ❌ *CG In: 2.0 EC/5.8 pH (2L) Out: 2.5 EC/5.8 pH (23c) (+0.5 EC) ❌ • ELB/MC had nearly zero runoff after 2-3L • Poured 1-2L plain ph 5.8 water in all but KC's • H202 on MC 🌡️: 82.4F✅ ❄️: 75F✅ 🌧️: 59.5%⬆️ ☁️: 56.8%⬆️ 📈: 1.34⬇️ 📉: 0.95✅ 📊: 1.24🆗⬇️ Getting nervous after measuring these runoffs. A few plants are over 3 EC...might've been dirty trays idk...No burnt tips yet anyway. The VPD is improving slightly but it's more in the range of mid-late bloom right now. Temperatures are around 83.5F so that's getting a bit hot. The heat could definitely be boosting the EC, along with the reduced amount of water over the last 3 days. Humidity is down with the increase in heat. I'm just filling 5 gallon buckets and placing them around the room during lights on and removing them at night. New flies on the sticky traps so I need to get more Hydrogen peroxide. Changed the busier traps out for now. Seems like a lot going on but they're looking good. Still getting some purple leaf stems and purple streaks on the stalks. It's on all of them so it isn't genetics. More likely a lockout than a deficiency. Tying the taller branches down to spread them out and letting the lowers catch up. All of them are pretty level with a series of trays under them to boost the shorter ones. There hasn't been a huge stretch so I'll make the switch to HPS bulbs for the second week. Phew 😅 Aug 26 PM (1L @ 20c) Mix: 14ml A, 14ml B, 12ml B52, 7ml Compost Tea, 14ml Sensizym : 7L water = 2.0 EC • Small runoff on GS/CG/ELB/MC • None from KCs 🌡️: 80.4F ✅ ❄️: 70.3F ⬆️ 🌧️: 63.8% ✅ ☁️: 52.5% ⬆️ 📈: 1.32 ⬇️ 📉: 0.97 ✅ 📊: 1.27 ⬇️ VPD is still high on average but with good chunks of time in range. Humidity doesn't get much higher than 58% during the bulk of lights on but I'm not gonna sweat it too much. I may increase the humidity threshold to 55% for lights off to allow the humidity to climb overnight. New growth is exploding and that will boost the humidity as well. Aug 27 PM (1-2L @ 21c) Mix: 7.5ml Pro Silicate, 20ml CaMg : 8L water = 1.1 EC • 5.6 pH • 2L into MC/ELB, 1.5L into KC/GS, 1L into CG • Good runoff out of MC • No runoff from ELB or CG • Very small amounts from KCs/GS 🌡️: 83.3F ⬇️ ❄️: 72.5F✅ 🌧️: 64.1%✅ ☁️: 50.6% ⬆️ 📈: 1.65 ❌⬇️ (83.3F/50.3%) 📉: 0.88 ✅ 📊: 1.12 ✅ • Dryer outside, less humidity inside • Lower temps and/or raise humidity Aug 28 (4-6L @ 21c) Mix: 28ml CaMg, 36ml A, 36ml B, 36ml B52, 24ml Bloom A, 24ml Bloom B, 25ml Tea : 10 gallon water = 2.0 EC "KC1 In: 2.0 EC/5.6 pH (4L) Out: 2.4 EC/5.8 pH (21c) (+0.4 EC)🆗 "KC2 In: 2.0 EC/5.6 pH (4L) Out: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH (21c) (+0.2 EC)✅ "GS In: 2.0 EC/5.6 pH (4L) Out: 2.3 EC/5.7 pH (21c) (+0.3 EC)✅ "ELB In: 2.0 EC/5.6 pH (6L) Out: 2.6 EC/5.6 pH (21c) (+0.6 EC)🆗 *MC In: 2.0 EC/5.6 pH (4L) Out: 2.4 EC/5.9 pH (22c) (+0.4 EC)🆗 *CG In: 2.0 EC/5.6 pH (4L) Out: 2.5 EC/5.9 pH (22c) (+0.5 EC)🆗 🌡️: 80.4F✅ ❄️: 72.3F✅ 🌧️: 64.8% ✅ ☁️: 54.6%⬆️ 📈: 1.32 ⬇️ 📉: 0.89 ✅ 📊: 1.2 ✅ Last day of week one. Runoffs are alright for the most part, dumped a gallon into each. Bags were light and I got almost no runoff from 2L. Still playing around with the environment trying to get the heat down. Not having a ton of luck and there's a heat wave coming. AC will be running so that means lower humidity lol. Here we go
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Ezzjaybruhweek 0
Sweet line up. I’m in for the long run
@Ezzjaybruh, Thanks homie! Hoping to get a few keepers out of these cuts 🤞
Wishar_Gardenweek 0
Love the genetics you are growing, looking forward to see how they grow Good luck with the germination ser 🙏🙌
Ezzjaybruhweek 4
Hate to say it but maybe the one cupping contracted a virus when cut for the clone/rooting.. hard to know for sure without testing tho
@Ezzjaybruh, Always appreciate the input dude. Looking closer into my humidity might be low for the day temps too. And I've been lowering it on purpose lol FK me
@Louder, could very well be.. you’re experienced and know different plants do different stuff. Just wanted to comment that, in case you hadn’t thought of it! Love ethos tho, excited to see how they turn out
@Ezzjaybruh, it's pretty strange for sure. I had some cupping after topping during my last run, but that was just the two main fans, not new growth. These cuts DID come from a friend but I took every measure to make sure they were clean. The mothers looked super healthy too. Looking at my daily watering schedule for the last few weeks (in notes), I was dumping a lot into them and the PPM wasn't very high either. My gut is telling me it's overwatering combined with pH spikes and underfertilizing. For now I'm just backing off the watering, increasing the PPM and monitoring the runoff to see where the pH is going.
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XII_XII_MrGreenweek 3
Beautiful garden growmie👨‍🌾😃🌲💚
@XII_XII_MrGreen, I'm pretty sure that's part of it. I already raised the lamps to about 40" from the canopy and that's giving me a really dumb, low DLI. I lowered the humidity (50-60%), raised night time temperatures to 22-23 from 20-21c...I turned down the fans ...stopped watering for a few days. It could honestly be a number of things. I've been overwatering...possibly underfertilizing...idk man lol
@Louder, that means the light is to bright for this lady.. I got one in my tent now too (sapphire), if more plants in the tent would show those signs I would turn it down.. since it's only 1 I say fk it 😜
@XII_XII_MrGreen, thanks, working at it my dude. Trying to sort out this leaf cupping.
XII_XII_JrGreenweek 9
Wauw bro this is legit shit haha wauw you're a sirious grower my friend 💪🏻👌🏻🔥 so now I look like a amature lol hahahah really lovely grow sir 👌🏻👌🏻 I'm following this for sure bro keep up the good work 👌🏻💪🏻
@XII_XII_JrGreen, Thanks homie! Big effort on this run. MAXIMUM effort. Your grows look far from amateur my dude, been watching em for a minute 👍
Crashoveriteweek 9
Good luck with your grow mate ✌️
Wishar_Gardenweek 7
Nice Line-up, good luck with the rest of the grow ser 🙏🙌
@Wishar_Garden, big thanks 🍻
WhiteEdgeweek 3
Happy growing this Ethos cultivar, hope for great harvest!
@WhiteEdge, cheers fella! 🍻
Green_Man_420week 16
Wow what a diary! Great job mate. Just took me half hour to read and I must say the work and effort you have put into this is amazing. Great looking plants 🌱 ✌️👊🏻😍
@Louder, I’m on the hunt bro. Thanks for the advise 👊🏻✌️ keep smashing it brother
@Green_Man_420, Thanks dude, I was determined to smash this run after having a brutal yield last winter. This one still wasn't perfect but I'm pretty chuffed about it. Can't complain. Ethos is blowing up right now. One of the top breeders imo. Haven't been disappointed with any of their gear. There's seed banks in North America that will ship worldwide. Brotanical Gardens might be worth a shot. I've personally never used them so I can't speak on the reliability but I've never had an issue with any seed bank I've ordered from. Happy hunting!
@Louder, honestly mate it’s a cracking diary! A lot of time and effort has gone into it. Great job ✌️ I really wanna try Ethos but not sure where to get them in the U.K.
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FrontRowAG_BrianGweek 7
Hey how much space do you have to work? What are your room dimensions? It looks custom!
@Louder, hell yeah bro you got some space to make shit happen 😎
@FrontRowAG_BrianG, Yeah! I built this area off a spare bedroom in my basement. It's all built around the 8" exhaust that runs straight through a concealed chase I made through the master bedroom closet and vented through the roof. I framed out the walls for 3 1/2" batts, insulated with R22 safe and sound and boarded it with mold resistant drywall. Ceiling is strapped out to hide some of the cables and the hygrometer probe (kinda wish I just kept the height). I installed insulated drycore squares for the floor and put flat white primer on everything. All the corners are caulked with silicone and that bitch is air tight. The poly zipper door in front of the access door pulls right in when the extractor kicks on and puffs out when the intake goes on. It measures 4' 6" W x 9' 6" L (+ door swing) x 6' 6" H. Not much headroom in there
WhiteEdgeweek 13
Wow this ETHOS clones are insanely frosty. Great work on this man!
@Louder, No daubt in that!
@WhiteEdge, thanks brotha! Been very happy with this run so far. They should really cake up in the next week or so with the lower room temps🤞
FrontRowAG_BrianGweek 16
The lemon berry and cherry Garcia turned out amazing bro. Unbelievable results with little signs of stress. I’m doing a full Sundea Driver run next and I hope the buds turn out this good
@FrontRowAG_BrianG, Thank you brotha! Can't wait to see your room full of SD!
FrontRowAG_BrianGweek 16
Been a minute since I’ve jumped on GD. These turned out amazing my friend!!!
@FrontRowAG_BrianG, Thank you brotha. Your tips definitely saved the day. Almost ready to trim up!
Ezzjaybruhweek 14
Showing out.. look so damn good
@Ezzjaybruh, thanks homie. Just a few weeks to go!
FrontRowAG_BrianGweek 13
I love how green the stem is with no signs of purpling whatsoever
@FrontRowAG_BrianG, don't think I've ever had a run without purple stems! Upward!!
FrontRowAG_BrianGweek 6
This is one of the most detailed diaries I’ve ever seen. Bro I’m officially jealous!
@FrontRowAG_BrianG, Appreciate it brother haha! It makes it easier to spot problems, or things I did wrong/right because I literally document everything. Only been growing about 2 years and still trying to learn as much as possible. This is definitely the most notes I've taken to date
Nicogreenweek 11
Prøv at bruge HORNUM GØDNING ELLER PLAGRON BROR det fuldstændigt sindsygt godt. Jeg har lige selv haft brugt advance nutriens. Så ved du vil blive meget glad for mit råd. G Flotte planter glæder mig til at du sender mig lidt haha griner 😊 😉 👍🏼 ❤️ MVH Nicogreen on please tjek it out 👌
FrontRowAG_BrianGweek 8
Hey buddy how’s you get rid of the gnats??? I think I missed it if you already gave an explanation I apologize…but would still like to know!
Qutroweek 16
Congrats on the chop. Those nugs turned out beautiful and looking delicious. Hope you enjoy the puff. ✌️🏻💨
@Qutro, Thank you. Pretty happy with the outcome. Should be a nice fall
FrontRowAG_BrianGweek 13
Caked my friend
@FrontRowAG_BrianG, I predict snow, Al Roker