
Fast Buds Tester 7 "gelato"

Approved by Fast Buds
5 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 6
20 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
2+ nutrients after
Commented by
LockDownGrow LockDownGrow
5 years ago
Well this lady as you can see exploded into a massive bush , she is double the size of the rest in the tent , so it seems as if my cock up of snapping the main stem and successfully grafting it back on has really been a positive rather than a negative increasing the plants size / yeld , I am very excited too see what this turns out like
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Grow Questions
LockDownGrowstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi my qeuistion is about internal grow space fans too circulate the air , Where is the best place too put them and what direction should they be pointed ? I am finding that the bigger the fan the higher the temp goes ? Is there a trick too where too place them ect ?
Buds. Not fattening
Budzablazinanswered grow question 5 years ago
I have an oscillating fan blowing across the top of my canopy and a fan on the floor blowing up through the canopy. Fan on floor brings the cooler air that sinks back up and also co2 is heavier than air so it helps to blow the co2 back into the canopy. Good luck, hope this helps!

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Fast_Budsweek 2
Hey there! Thanks so much for testing this strain for us ๐Ÿ’š
@FlowJack, Hi thank you , I used 10 gallon smart pots ,
@LockDownGrow, Hey Mate! Great, grow! What size pot did you use?
@Fast_Buds, Hi can you please approve this diary now it's an official strain , Thanks
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GreenBuzzNutrientsweek 6
To your Grow Question here: It's actually quite simple. A single fan is not a fan. Only when min. 2 fans to be aimed directly at each other. (eg 1x above or initially in the middle) and one in the opposite corner at the level of the pot conclusion. Through this clash arises for a certain time fruitfully for a certain time only a monotone aerial image which can simulate no natural environment, but from the point of time where the plants have reached a certain size so that the leaves protrude actively into the air flow and so through the constantly different leaves together with the fans from this Zeitpuntk represent the most natural air circulation. For your other question BUDS NOT FATTENING see our answer in your other diary FBTC1. But your plants look great in general and they are missing up to our ORGANIC MORE PK what they will be very happy after the first dose. The time is right. Furthermore, maximum success desired. Like if you see it the same way, or commented if you see it differently / have other experiences.
@GreenBuzzNutrients, yes it's time for PK especially the fbtc1 as that started too flower on week 3 / 4
3footgiraffeweek 1
Good luck ๐Ÿ‘
@3footgiraffe, thank you
Puffer_Billweek 3
Looks strong and healthy. Hope your first aid works out perfect. ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿคž๐Ÿผ
@Puffer_Bill, have alook at her now , the snapped branch has fully healed in less than a week and is 5 times bigger than it was 5 days ago , crazy how fast these plant grow
@Puffer_Bill, yes often a high stress damage will do that , the same as cutting off the top stem makes the lower branches grow up as if they where the main stem , but if you can get the broken stem too re graft it works two fold as you still get too keep the main stem too but the damage still triggers the plant too push up all branches so it actually works in your favour really even if at the time it feels as if you just made a major cock up , come check it out in a weeks time and you will see ,
@LockDownGrow, My 1st grow I snapped a stem nearly right off. I taped it up. It produced an odd shaped but rather large bud. ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿคž๐Ÿผ
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GreenBuzzNutrientsweek 2
Thank you very much to share your first diarie with our Additives MORE ROOTS & HUMIC ACID PLUS and H & G Soil A & B Fertilizer. In the first week of use, you can also use 5ml Humic Acid Plus & 0,1g from Living Organics per 1 L of nutrient solution once time, thereby significantly improving the soil life better than it already is ;) Feel free if you have any questions to contact us via chat. We wish you maximum sucess with your test.
@GreenBuzzNutrients, I cannot thank you enough , you have been very generous and your help and advice has made this grow what it is , They are all producing lovely now and all have been very happy with the nutrients from start too Finnish. I was even able too add full strength more PK with no ill effects , so it's save too say your products are very kind too plants , Thank you so very much ,
@LockDownGrow, we sent u already enough stuff, for 12 Plants. We are very very sure, that it from all enough ;)
@GreenBuzzNutrients, thank you I worked that for the first feed using your nutes I would need 40ml of your base nutrients just on the first bucket mix so there wouldn't be enough too do the grow , and sadly I cannot just use it on one plant as I mix up the same bucket for all plants , but I will give the addatives a good go this grow , Thank you so much
Fast_Budsweek 9
Banging job on this!!! Thanks so much for killing it! Happy Harvest and enjoy your magical butter =)
@Fast_Buds, The honour is all mine , thank you very much , And she was my very first grow diariys prize winner too in diary of the month :)
@LockDownGrow, It's our pleasure, man! You've done really well, and we are super stoked to have had you grow our genetics. Thanks again for all your hard work ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ
GreenBuzzNutrientsweek 2
Of course we did not know that such a large tank/bucket is available. In the case that our organic NPK-containing basic fertilizer should be added to the tank/bucket, it requires anyway a constant recirculation of it (circulating pump or ideally a biofilter providing this). For more detailed information so please note the last note under point 4 in our FAQ here: On the other hand, you do not have to pay attention to this with our additives. And you can use also our Trichoderma/Bacteria Mix LIVING ORGANICS on the bare root bevore every repot in a new container or apply later on around the stem (maximum 1 blade tip per plant is more than enought)
@CRiSPrGrow, Thank goodness, yes we are over 20 years in the buisness we know what they plants need aรญn any growing cycle and itยดs even more than synthetic nutrients and low concentrations (making it a little easier to dose them), but also wasting their hard-earned money! It's fun and fun working in harmony with nature. Who does not love to give the earthworms from the possibly added worm humus at the end of the grow cycle under the bottom of the pot into the new medium in to the next growing cycle. So our product range is so organic that you can cultivate earthworms yourself :)
@GreenBuzzNutrients, great organic line-up indeed ๐Ÿ‘Š
Nebula420week 9
Nice buds) happy harvest) oo new Fastbuds strain, I think it's will be amazing strain๐Ÿ˜
@Nebula420, it's very strong that's for sure :)
BuddingBuddaweek 9
Amazing result ๐Ÿ‘Œ il be doing this one on my next run ๐Ÿ˜†
@BuddingBudda, I was very blessed , Fast buds just contacted me and asked if I would like too test two strains for them , I hope it happened again ,
@LockDownGrow,ah wish i could be a tester ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜†
@BuddingBudda, It's very nice , The c1 tester is also fantastic
Fingersweek 9
Crushed it buddy!! Great job!!
@@Fingers, this this fbt7 is there gelato auto strain.
@@Fingers, thank you honestly this bud looks and smells incredible your in for a treat
CRiSPrGrowweek 9
Another perfect grow in the bag man, great work ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ I'm loving the sugar on the fan leafs bro ๐Ÿš€
@CRiSPrGrow, thank you , they got alittle yellow on the tips last week from the pk but I geuss that's a good sign that you are close too the maximum on nutrients , it certainly looks and smells fantastic now just the flush too get out of the way , would be nice if she is ripe at the end of week 9 but suspect all will be ripe at the end of week 10 , so close ,
CRiSPrGrowweek 4
It'll start looking real pro soon ๐Ÿš€
@CRiSPrGrow, the snapping of the branch did not seem too bother her at all , she is now the largest and bushiest plant in the space , I would go as far as saying she is double the size of the rest in the tent , so what ever the genetics she is , I am at a constant 23.2c lights on , and I am being very careful with nutrients , So all going too plan she should be healthy and cool , I already know the LEDs work so am getting excited now they start too flower , One thing I have not practiced is giving plan water between feeds , and mabey I should start , mabey give her 2 pints of clean water every other feed too limit nutrients build up , we will see , my problem is that I only go too my plants once a week , sometimes twice , so I wouldn't get too see any problems until they have well developed , Green buzz nutrients instructions are very good and easy too follow , so all I am doing is , full recommend dose of anything that does not contain N-P-K and then a 50% strength of bloom and veg feed , so far seems too be really working well ,
CRiSPrGrowweek 1
lucky 7s ! ๐Ÿ‘Š
@CRiSPrGrow, I hope so with my new lighting system ,
RonnieBweek 8
Beautiful plant. You didn't LST, FIM, or top her? Im on the mobile site and cant access all your photos. I just started my first fast buds auto grow, gorilla glue. This is my next choice.
@LockDownGrow, I highly recommend exploring JRPeters Jacks fertilizer line. They have a hydroponic 2 part fertilizer that is incredible. You only need to but Epsom salt for your magnesium and you have a complete grouping. With Mammoth P root additives. Ive seen huge growth and 8-14% increase in yields. Ive tried every popular nutrients line that I know of, and nothing is as close as this stuff. Please research all 4 separately and you'll see what I mean. The fertilizer is a little hot, compared to other nutrients. I think part A is 5-26-12. You can buy both parts of the jacks hydro and bag of magnesium on Esty. Instead of spending 200 dollars on the big bags. You get 4 pound bags from this seller. Hes got perfect reviews too. I can get Mammoth P for 40 shipped, if interested i can send you the information. its the easiest stuff i ever worked with. Just remember its not this highly diluted stuff you get from Fox, Canna. Advanced. This stuff does what it says it does. It will run your PPM towards the high end, but my plants still respond very well
@RonnieB, Hi and thanks for looking, I topped her at the 4th node and then trained her from there on I don't class that as lst as such well until you miss a branch and its become too thick and folds over lol, I had lot of issues this grow sadly with fizzing nutrients and my pH pen messed up so had too get a new one, But too be fair even after I got the blue lab pH pen I was still getting pistes brown from week one right up till the end, So I highly suspect the nutrient where spiked lol I asked someone the other day have they ever seen nutes do that and he said never in his 32 years of growing, he told me too bin them, shame really as it was a full organic range and all in ltr bottles :( But I won't make the same mistake again by using them. I gave them a really good flush and too be fair the plants seemed too enjoy just pH water than they did the feed Every flush the pistels grow white on the feed they instantly turned brown It's nice getting free nutrents but not if it harms the grow, and I have no idea what bottles where bad or good, The smoke tastes clean and flavourful because I flushed well And its heavy hitting so I'm happy , But the feed was definitely a bad batch
drop_some_weedweek 9
which technique do you used to product that fantastic oil? :O
@drop_some_weed, The magical butter machine really
TrueNorthweek 9
This excites me so much
LockDownGrowweek 9
Wow so this amazing plant won me my first ever grow diariys prize in grower of the month , So not only was I blessed with this fantastic plant and bud , But now a prize winner, so excited ,