
1st AutoFlower

5 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 2
18 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
11+ conditions after
Commented by
NAG420 NAG420
5 years ago
I grow in Roots Organics Br Coco Mix this week we have CP#3 Popped the 1st on out of 3 Critical Purples. I planted seeds straight in my medium so I didn’t do the paper towel method.
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Grow Questions
NAG420started grow question 5 years ago
I have brown spot on my leafs and the but new growth is looking good doesn’t look like anything I have experience when I touch the tips of leaf it crumbles just watered yesterday.
Leaves. Edges burnt
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Hellishjamanswered grow question 5 years ago
Thinking it could be boron deficiency. The first signs of a cannabis boron deficiency is abnormal or thick growth tips along with brown or yellow spotting on new leaves.With a boron deficiency, upper cannabis leaves display abnormal and/or slowed growth. Growing tips may not grow properly, may display twisted growth, and may die off. New leaves may wrinkle or curl. Plant roots can also be affected by a boron deficiency, showing unhealthy or slow growth. Stems may become rough or hollow. Boron deficiencies are more likely to appear when a plant is underwatered or experiencing very low humidity (very dry air). A plant with a boron deficiency may look like it has a calcium deficiency because boron is needed for the plant to properly use calcium. New growth is affected the most, and may look like it’s been burnt or scorched. A boron deficiency is often accompanied by an apparent potassium or nitrogen deficiency, as these nutrients are needed for the plant to use boron.
NAG420started grow question 5 years ago
Can I remove a lot more fan leafs off to get more light at the bottom bud sites?
Techniques. Defoliation
GreenHouseLabanswered grow question 5 years ago
Yes but for example CP#3 doesn't need much defoliation. Week 3 of flower is ideal for a good defoliation. Only remove what seems to be necessary but not any more. It's best to remove a leave here and there than to over defoliate and create a significant change/stress to the plant. At this stage of flowering you will have significant growth still ahead so pluck away 👍
NAG420started grow question 5 years ago
I’m on day 75 on all my Critical Purple number 1&2 I know are not done yet they are a few weeks behind my little 3 gallon CP fully cloudy with some Amber. Is She ready or should I wait the full 80 days
Techniques. Defoliation
Weird_Jimmyanswered grow question 5 years ago
it depends on the high you want. The more amber the more 'couch lock'. Mostly cloudy with a few Ambers is going to be a little more uplifting. My CP was harvested when mostly cloudy with about 20% amber. Its mellow creeper and is a good evening smoke and easy to sleep...if not conk out in the chair ;) My Hindu is also mostly Indica and I harvested it with mostly cloudy, still a few clear and only a few Ambers. Its more 'up' and I cant toke it too close to bed time.

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NAG420week 13
I put my CP3 in 48hrs darkness at least 15% amber it’s been hard to tell for me. My next two that I harvest I will give it more amber then because I want it to give me couch lock high for my night time sleep has I suffer from sleep ap and restless legs. Hey is my 1st time doing this and I have learned a lot. Still have more updates to come!!!!
NAG420week 13
Seems like the buds are still swelling up on my CP3 not sure to give here another week. All cloudy some amber tric. The breeder says 70-80 day from flower.
NAG420week 4
Ty you will pick some up this week. I do not you bottle nutrients I us dry top feed. I just feed my end of veg feed.
motaman311week 5
Looks like it could be a combination of things. I suggest raising your light (if the 12 inch number is right haha), toning down the nutrients a little and making sure your PH is with in range and they'll power through and be some sweet buds! 💪💪🍀
@@motaman311, Will Do Just Started it back up today. I noticed on one of my CPs that I started early LST on all the lower bud sites are starting to catch up with the top head. TY for comment and checking out my grow!!
@NAG420, Keep doing what you are doing! Growing is all about adapting to how your plant reacts. You had a deficiency and light stress.. you fixed it! I would suggest doing some Low Stress Training (LST) soon. Cannabis is an apical dominant plant, roughly meaning it grows the best at the highest point. This will let your side branches catch up and you will have more of a flat canopy. 💪
@@motaman311, I did it and they are taking off a lot better I did have lights to low I raise them to 22in letting the plants grow into it till 18in light above it ty for the advice will take and apply the rest.
@NAG420 Hi mate I popped in an answer to your grow question hope it solves your problem 💪