
First grow!

3 years ago
Bag seed
Custom Breeder & Strain
Room Type
weeks 3
weeks 3
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 3
18 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
3PointSaddle 3PointSaddle
4 years ago
Week 3 in the bag! Noticed signs of trouble this week. Yellow tips and holes in some leafs along with leaf mutations. Not 100% sure why but I’m guessing it’s due to the fact that I added in extra potassium to my water and it caused a toxicity. I’m growing in roots organic original potting soil. Great soil but this is the 3rd bag I’ve bought off of Amazon that’s infested with fungus gnats. And I know this to be true because after I throw away every bag they swarm my dumpster the next day. I am a noob and definitely have over watered my plants a few times so it may be a mixture of both. At 21 days I topped dressed with 4 Tbs of all purpose 444 and 2 Tbs of 3-9-4 bloom with dechlorinated tap water PH’d to 6.3 and I added some RAW cal-mag. Plants seem to be thriving after feeding and most recent watering as I’ve been letting them dry all the way out trying to eliminate these stupid fungus gnats. Also not sure why, but every time I add a week it deletes the previous weeks pictures and adds them to the next week so I’m sorry about that!
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Grow Questions
3PointSaddlestarted grow question 4 years ago
Can someone help diagnose my plants? I can’t seem to find anything online. Stems turn red over time, leaves are super dry and droopy even though the soil is wet. I have burnt tips on two of my side branches but that’s it. Not sure what’s going on, first grow! Please send help
Plant. Stem - Red or purple
DoDrugs420answered grow question 4 years ago
Looks like you are overstressing here mate, took a look into ur diary, don't see no burnt tips, the red could be genetic/too close light/low phosphorous. Considere these 3. You seem to be overwatering, try getting a wood stick and place it in the pot, whenever you think its watering time, lift the stick, check if there is humidity inside the soil and then if theres none or too little you water. Me personally i use the leaves method, you water, leaves go down, leaves go up and stay up untill they start going down due to thirst, ur gonna want to water them as soon as they start going down.(beware as sometimes near the end of the light cycles some strains tend to get droopy leaves in preparation for the dark period, sometimes its just a phase, other times they do that for a long time. Your soil seems like it could be very light, by this point the plant would start requesting for nutes if its the case, as it seems, so giving it a tiny portion of grow nutes could let you know if that's what she wants or not. Check ur ph if u can 6.5 will be optimal. Note: let ur soil cycle from dry to wet to dry and etc... my pots tend to get 95% dry before they are watered again as while there is humidity the roots are searching for that water and will chase it to the furthest regions of the pot if those are the only wet places, just dont let her get so thirst that she dies but better underwatered than overwatered. Good luck mate. Anything just shoot me a DM or if dms still not working drop a comment on my profile.

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NuntaBulyuweek 1
Your seedling looks fine I think your worrying to much, at this stage I would be more concerned about over watering rather then nute deficiencies.
@NuntaBulyu, dope thanks! I know I over watered recently so I’m letting the pot dry out completely and will apply a significantly less amount.
Ferencweek 1
Good Luck+ @3PointSaddle
@Ferenc, hey thanks!
heizenweek 7
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.