
FECiDA emerges as a distinctive player in the LED grow light market, with its offerings like the 8000W model that deliver a comprehensive full spectrum, including UV-IR light, catering to plants throughout their lifecycle. Their lights boast dimmable features, allowing growers to fine-tune light intensity to match plant development stages, enhancing growth efficiency.
Energy efficiency is a hallmark of FECiDA's products, achieving high luminosity while minimizing power usage. This approach not only promotes eco-friendly cultivation but also leads to cost savings on electricity for growers. Additional functionalities such as daisy chaining and silent cooling fans make these lights adaptable for a range of indoor gardening scenarios, from hobbyist spaces to commercial greenhouses.
FECiDA prioritizes durability and performance by incorporating top-grade materials in their lights, positioning them as a cost-effective solution for growers seeking professional-grade lighting. Through innovation and a commitment to quality, FECiDA supports the cultivation community in producing healthier, more abundant indoor crops, demonstrating their leadership in enhancing indoor farming practices.

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Latest reviews Show All reviews (29)

Good budget lights they have done great
3 days ago
Supplemental 80w
19 days ago
Very impressed for being "cheap" lights, love to ability to dial in lumen intensity. Works best with hand held meter for optimal light.
2 months ago
Very impressed for being "cheap" lights, love to ability to dial in lumen intensity. Works best with hand held meter for optimal light.
2 months ago
Starter light and supplemental
2 months ago
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hi guys need some help using the cr600 what hang should she be at and what % for seedling new grower here with seed under at 24in 30% but thin its stretching what height did you hang yours please help very urgent