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Blackberry Auto
Growing it
Greetings, cannabis connoisseurs! After an incredible journey from seed to harvest, it's time to reflect on the experience of growing the remarkable Blackberry Auto by Fast Buds. This strain has truly impressed with its speed, resilience, and stunning aesthetics. Let's delve into a detailed review based on her grow cycle. Genetics and Lineage: Blackberry Auto is a well-crafted strain by Fast Buds, known for its exceptional genetics. This autoflowering beauty combines the rich heritage of Blackberry with the robust traits of ruderalis, resulting in a strain that is both resilient and visually striking. Performance and Yield: Blackberry Auto's speed was truly astonishing, reaching maturity faster than any auto strain I've previously grown. Her buds were dense and resinous, promising a potent and flavorful harvest. The ease of growth, combined with her rapid development, makes Blackberry Auto an excellent choice for both novice and experienced growers. Final Thoughts: Blackberry Auto by Fast Buds is a standout strain in every sense. Her rapid growth, stunning aesthetics, and ease of cultivation make her a joy to grow. Whether you're looking for a quick turnaround or a strain that offers visual and aromatic delights, Blackberry Auto delivers on all fronts. In conclusion, Blackberry Auto has been a remarkable journey from start to finish. Her speed, beauty, and resilience have left a lasting impression, and I look forward to experiencing her sensory delights in the upcoming trim and smoke reports.
7 days ago
Epsilon F1
Growing it
Strain Review: Epsilon F1 Genetics: Epsilon F1, a masterpiece created by Royal Queen Seeds, is a genetic marvel that combines the best traits of its parent strains. With a lineage shrouded in mystery and intrigue, this hybrid cultivar offers growers a tantalizing blend of potency, resilience, and beauty. Growing Experience: Cultivating the Epsilon F1 has been nothing short of a botanical adventure. From the moment she emerged from her seed casing, she displayed a vigor and vitality that set her apart from the rest. Throughout her growth cycle, she exhibited robust growth patterns, with lush foliage and sturdy stems that supported her burgeoning colas with ease. Vegetative Stage: During the vegetative stage, the Epsilon F1 demonstrated rapid growth and development, quickly establishing herself as the queen of the grow room. With proper care and attention, she flourished under the glow of her grow lights, stretching towards the heavens with a sense of purpose and determination. Flowering Phase: As the flowering phase commenced, the true magic of the Epsilon F1 began to unfold. Her once delicate buds swelled into magnificent colas, adorned with a blanket of trichomes that shimmered like diamonds in the sunlight. Each day brought new wonders as she transitioned from bud formation to resin production, filling the air with her intoxicating aroma. Nutrient Uptake: Throughout her growth cycle, the Epsilon F1 demonstrated a voracious appetite for nutrients, eagerly absorbing each dose with gusto. With the help of Aptus Holland's nutrient lineup, she received a balanced diet of essential macro and micronutrients, ensuring that her growth remained vigorous and healthy. Environmental Resilience: Despite encountering occasional challenges along the way, such as fluctuations in temperature and humidity, the Epsilon F1 proved herself to be a resilient and adaptable cultivar. With proper environmental control and attentive care, she weathered every storm with grace and fortitude, emerging stronger and more beautiful than ever before. Overall Impressions: In conclusion, the Epsilon F1 is a strain of unparalleled beauty and resilience, capable of producing exceptional yields of top-shelf cannabis. From her vigorous growth in the vegetative stage to her bountiful harvest in the flowering phase, she has captured the hearts of growers with her charm and potency. Whether you're a novice cultivator or a seasoned pro, the Epsilon F1 is sure to delight and inspire with her botanical brilliance.
24 days ago
Cherry Cola Auto
Growing it
Embark on a journey through the highs and lows, the triumphs and challenges, of cultivating Cherry Cola Auto from seed to harvest. Join me as we recount the tale of this resilient beauty's growth, from humble beginnings to bountiful fruition. Our adventure commenced with the planting of Cherry Cola's seeds, each one a promise of greenery and possibility. With tender care and precise watering, Cherry Cola emerged from the soil, her journey officially underway. Throughout Cherry Cola's growth cycle, a meticulous nutrient regimen provided the essential building blocks for her development. From Aptus Holland's premium nutrients to the cutting-edge gear like the Lumatek 465W Zeus Compact Pro LED, every element played a crucial role in ensuring Cherry Cola's vitality and vigor. As with any journey, there were moments of triumph and moments of challenge. From nutrient adjustments to environmental fluctuations, each hurdle was met with resilience and determination. Whether it was battling pests or fine-tuning the pH balance, every obstacle was an opportunity for growth and learning. In our quest for optimal yields and flavors, we employed a variety of training techniques, from LST to topping and beyond. Each bend and twist of Cherry Cola's branches was a testament to the artistry of cultivation, guiding her growth towards maximum potential. As Cherry Cola transitioned into the flowering stage, the garden was transformed into a symphony of buds and terpenes. Her canopy filled with radiant blossoms, each one bursting with the promise of resinous delight. From the first signs of trichome production to the final swell of the buds, every stage of flowering was a marvel to behold. And finally, the moment we had all been waiting for arrived – harvest time. With reverence and gratitude, we harvested Cherry Cola's radiant buds, each one a testament to the dedication and care invested in her growth. From trimming to curing, the process was a labor of love, culminating in the ultimate reward – a stash of exquisite, terpene-rich flowers. As we bid farewell to Cherry Cola Auto, let us raise a toast to her resilience, her beauty, and the joy she brought to our garden. May her legacy endure, inspiring future cultivators to embark on their own horticultural odysseys. Until next time, happy growing, fellow enthusiasts! #CherryColaOdyssey #GrowersJourney #CultivationAdventure"
24 days ago
Apollo F1
Growing it
Greetings, fellow cultivators and cosmic adventurers! Today, I present to you a strain review like no other, featuring the one and only Apolo F1. Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a journey through the cosmos of cannabis cultivation! First things first, let's talk genetics. Apolo F1, bred by the esteemed Royal Queen Seeds, is a genetic marvel crafted for the stars. With lineage as illustrious as the namesake Apollo missions, this hybrid is a cross of top-secret genetics that promises out-of-this-world experiences. From seedling to stardom, growing Apolo F1 has been nothing short of a cosmic adventure. With vigorous growth and robust resilience, she soared to new heights in no time. From lush foliage to dense, resinous buds, every stage of her growth was a testament to her stellar genetics and the nurturing care provided. Ah, the aromas and flavors of Apolo F1! Prepare your senses for a journey through the cosmos of taste and smell. but that i will live for the smoke report . In conclusion, Apolo F1 is more than just a strain—it's a cosmic companion on a journey of discovery and delight. With stellar genetics, robust growth, tantalizing aromas, and blissful effects, Apolo F1 is truly out of this world. So grab your space suit, pack your bowl, and prepare for liftoff—because with Apolo F1, the sky's not the limit, it's just the beginning.
2 months ago
Panty Punch Auto
Growing it
Genetics: Panty Punch Auto is an autoflowering cannabis strain created by Seedstockers, renowned for their commitment to producing high-quality genetics. Lineage: This potent autoflower is the result of careful breeding, combining select genetics to produce a robust and resilient plant with exceptional vigor and potency, Using cannabis cup winning genetics from Pink Panties (Burmese Kush x Florida Kush) x Purple Punch (Larry OG x Grandaddy Purple) this is another of those very special genetic lines that can reach and exceed, 30% THC.Panty Punch Auto takes around 11 weeks from seed to harvest but you can leave her another week or so for maximum yields and potency ( 99 days in my case ). These are seriously powerful indica leaning genetics, recommended more for the experienced grower/user who is looking for extreme THC levels according to the breathers i talked during Spannabis and the web description. Appearance: Panty Punch Auto exhibits a striking appearance, with dense, resinous buds that glisten with trichomes. The plant itself boasts a robust structure, with strong branches capable of supporting heavy yields. Growing Characteristics: As an autoflowering variety, Panty Punch Auto offers ease and convenience in cultivation. From seed to harvest, she demonstrates rapid growth and flowering, making her ideal for both medium and experienced growers alike.She can get tricky to deal for new growers with her speed and size. Expect her to reach impressive heights and produce bountiful yields in a relatively short timeframe. Overall Impression: Panty Punch Auto is a standout strain that embodies the best qualities of autoflowering genetics. With its impressive growth characteristics, delightful aroma and flavor ( with i will talk about on the smoke report), and well-rounded effects, it's no wonder why this strain has become a favorite among growers and consumers alike. Whether you're seeking relaxation or inspiration, Panty Punch Auto delivers a memorable cannabis experience that's sure to leave you coming back for more.
2 months ago
Auto Big Cheese
Growing it
Strain Review: Big Cheese Auto from Seeds Mafia Overview: The Big Cheese Auto from Seeds Mafia is a testament to the excellence of modern cannabis genetics. From germination to harvest, this strain has captivated with its vigor, resilience, and exceptional terpene profile. With a flowering period of approximately 81 days from seed, she delivers a harvest that is nothing short of magnificent. Genetics: Seeds Mafia has crafted a masterpiece with the Big Cheese Auto. This autoflowering strain inherits the best traits of its lineage, resulting in a robust plant that thrives in diverse growing conditions. From the moment the seed sprouts, it's evident that this is a strain of exceptional quality. Growing Experience: Cultivating the Big Cheese Auto has been a joy from start to finish. The plant exhibits vigorous growth throughout each stage of its life cycle, responding well to training techniques and nutrient supplementation. The Autopot system, combined with Aptus Holland's nutrients, ensures optimal growth and development, resulting in healthy plants with abundant yields. Flowering Phase: As the Big Cheese Auto transitions into the flowering phase, it becomes a sight to behold. The plant undergoes a dramatic transformation, producing dense, resinous buds that are rich in aroma and potency. The flowering period is punctuated by a symphony of terpenes, with the unmistakable scent of cheese permeating the air. Harvest and Cure: At approximately 81 days from seed, the Big Cheese Auto reaches its peak maturity. The harvest is a celebration of abundance, with trichome-rich buds that glisten like diamonds. Following a careful trimming process, the buds are cured to perfection, preserving their flavor, aroma, and potency for an unparalleled smoking experience. Terpene Profile: The Big Cheese Auto boasts a terpene profile that is truly exceptional. The dominant scent of cheese is complemented by subtle notes of earthiness and spice, creating a complex and enticing aroma. With each inhalation, the flavors dance on the palate, delivering a sensory experience that is both memorable and delightful. Final Thoughts: In conclusion, the Big Cheese Auto from Seeds Mafia is a strain that stands out in a crowded field. From its robust genetics to its abundant yields and exceptional terpene profile, this is a strain that consistently delivers on every front. Whether you're a novice cultivator or a seasoned enthusiast, the Big Cheese Auto is sure to impress with its quality and potency. Rating: (5/5) Recommendation: I wholeheartedly recommend the Big Cheese Auto to anyone looking for a high-quality autoflowering strain with exceptional flavor, potency, and yields. With its ease of cultivation and outstanding results, this strain is a must-have for any cannabis connoisseur.
4 months ago
Growing it
Jealousy, our green empress from the Power Buds competition, has proven herself to be an absolute delight in the realm of cultivation. Her journey has illuminated the characteristics that make her a standout choice for growers: Super Easy Growing: Jealousy stands as a testament to simplicity in cultivation. From germination to harvest, she has exhibited a robust and straightforward growing pattern, making her an excellent choice for both novice and experienced growers. Her ability to thrive with ease simplifies the cultivation process, allowing growers to focus on nurturing rather than troubleshooting. Good Pest Resistance: Jealousy's resilience extends beyond her robust growth; she boasts commendable pest resistance. This characteristic adds an extra layer of convenience for cultivators, minimizing the challenges often associated with unwelcome guests in the grow room. With Jealousy, the focus can remain on fostering optimal conditions for her growth rather than combating potential threats. Strong Genetics: At the core of Jealousy's success is her foundation of strong genetics. These robust genetic traits contribute to her overall health, vigor, and the impressive yields she produces. The strength of her genetic makeup not only enhances her resilience but also ensures consistency in growth and the expression of desirable traits throughout the cultivation journey. In summary, Jealousy has earned her place as a favorite among growers due to her easy-going nature, resistance to pests, and the solid genetic foundation that underpins her growth. Cultivating Jealousy is more than just a horticultural endeavor; it's an experience marked by simplicity, reliability, and the joy of witnessing a resilient and bountiful green journey.
4 months ago
Growing it
4 months ago
Pink Rozay
Growing it
In the enchanted dance of my grow tents, the Pink Rozay decided to be a bit of a rebel – a hybrid of sorts, a fusion of the floral world. It's a bittersweet farewell to this pretty being who couldn't quite decide if it wanted to be a boy or a girl. Alas, my garden sanctuary is a realm of order, and there's no room for such delightful confusion. Oh, but what a pretty spectacle it was! A masterpiece of contradictions, a stunning blend of traits. Unfortunately, the tent has its rules, and Pink Rozay, no matter how pretty, had to make way for the more straightforward beauties. Here's to the charming rebel, a brief but unforgettable part of the green symphony. May your journey be as wild and beautiful as your petals. i still have her drying and will stiill do a smoke report asap.
5 months ago
Tropical Tangie
Growing it
Welcome, my fellow cultivators, to the captivating chronicles of the Tropical Tangie Lego Ninja odyssey! As we venture into the heart of this botanical escapade, prepare to be whisked away by the tales of night and day, unbridled growth, and surprises that surpassed even my wildest expectations. Our journey commenced with a humble seed, a promise of the ninja to come. As the first leaves unfolded, the Tropical Tangie Lego Ninja revealed its stealthy nature, already tiptoeing into the world with a citrusy fragrance that teased the senses. As the tropical sun kissed our ninja, its growth became a silent but powerful force. Each leaf expanded like a ninja star, reaching out in all directions. Day by day, the Lego Ninja cultivated its strength, preparing for the covert mission that lay ahead. With the fall of darkness, the Lego Ninja came alive in a clandestine dance. Its leaves, like shadowy shurikens, absorbed the moonlight. It was a spectacle, a ninja ballet under the starry canopy. The aroma intensified, a fragrance so alluring, it felt like the ninja was orchestrating a secret perfumery. Anticipation reached its zenith as the Lego Ninja entered the flowering stage. Buds emerged, dripping with the promise of tangy tropical delights. It was everything I expected and more—a stealthy ninja, now laden with the potential for a harvest that would echo through the ages. The Lego Ninja defied my expectations, its buds swelling to proportions that challenged the laws of horticultural physics. Each nugget was a work of art, a testament to the ninja's prowess. The tent, once an empty canvas, now transformed into a tapestry of resinous wonder. The moment of truth arrived, and the Tropical Tangie Lego Ninja stood before me, a masterpiece of green and orange. As I harvested each bud, I marveled at the sheer magnitude of this ninja's conquest. The aroma, now concentrated, was a fragrant victory dance, a sensory celebration of a grow well executed. Fellow growers, the Tropical Tangie Lego Ninja journey was a saga of surprises, a testament to the magic that unfolds when nature and ninja skills unite. Until the next adventure, keep growing, keep blooming, and may your gardens be filled with ninja-worthy harvests!
6 months ago
Triton Biscotto Lime
Growing it
Dense Buds: Our Triton Biscotto Lime has truly exceeded our expectations in the bud department. The buds have developed into compact, resinous nuggets that glisten with an otherworldly allure. When touched, they feel firm and weighty, a testament to their density and quality. Night and Day Delights: The experience of observing this plant during both day and night has been a joy. During the day, the buds showcase their impressive size and density, with an abundance of trichomes that shimmer in the sunlight. As night falls, the lime aroma becomes even more pronounced, creating a sensory journey that's truly delightful. Aroma Extravaganza: The aroma of our Triton Biscotto Lime has been a highlight of this entire journey. It's a citrusy symphony of lime that fills the air and tantalizes the senses. As we prepared for harvest, the scent became even more enchanting, foreshadowing the flavorful experience to come.
8 months ago
Purple Lemonade FF
Growing it
This has been an adventure—longer than anticipated, but undeniably spectacular. With a grand finale that leaves me in awe, I'm overjoyed with this round. A heartfelt recommendation to all: you've got to experience growing these remarkable beasts. They're a journey worth every moment.
10 months ago
Medusa F1
Growing it
Now, let me share some cosmic tips that have been instrumental in our extraordinary journey: Embrace Day & Night: Just like the universe never sleeps, our cannabis garden benefits from the dynamic interplay of light and darkness. Providing the right balance during these periods nurtures remarkable growth. Harmonious Environment: Our Medusa thrived in a harmonious environment, where temperatures and humidity were carefully balanced to create the perfect cosmic setting. Lunar Connection: While it may sound like a tale from ancient myths, keeping a close eye on lunar phases has had its celestial impact on our beloved Medusa. Patience & Love: In this cosmic dance, patience and love have been our guiding stars. Showering her with care and understanding allowed her to flourish in ways we could never have imagined. As we approach the zenith of our cosmic journey, it is time to harvest our extraordinary creation. With hearts filled with gratitude and a sense of accomplishment, we'll carefully cut down our beloved Medusa. A bittersweet moment, as we bid farewell to a cosmic companion who has brought so much joy. Our Medusa F1 has been a stellar revelation, proving that the universe holds boundless possibilities. She grew beyond our wildest dreams, dazzling us with her beauty and resilience. A cosmic salute to Royal Queen Seeds for crafting this extraordinary strain and inviting us on this cosmic expedition. Oh i know she is not the Cosmos F1 that is another dearie fell free to jump in and say Hi, please dont be a stranger in my life , oh and these was a Cosmic experience all the way with these one that is why so much cosmic talk <3 <3 <3
10 months ago
Auto Lavender
Growing it
My dear fellow gardeners, allow me to take a moment to reflect upon the entire journey we have shared with our beloved Lavender Auto from Seeds Mafia. From the very beginning until this bittersweet moment, let us recount the days and nights that have shaped our bond with this remarkable plant. The journey commenced with hope and anticipation, as we lovingly planted the seeds and nurtured them with care. We watched as our Lavender Auto emerged from the soil, stretching her delicate leaves toward the sun, embodying the promise of a vibrant future. The days passed, and the nights whispered tales of growth and transformation. As the weeks unfolded, our Lavender Auto revealed her true colors. Her foliage embraced the changing seasons, transitioning from a lush green to a mesmerizing palette of yellows and ambers. Though it may not have been the lavender hue we initially envisioned, we discovered the beauty in the unexpected, finding solace in the fact that nature has its own way of painting breathtaking canvases. However, it is with a touch of disappointment that I must address the matter of scent. Our Lavender Auto, true to her nature, took an intriguing twist in this department. Instead of the anticipated lavender aroma, she decided to channel her inner skunk, wafting a fragrance that was unexpected, yet strangely captivating. It was a lesson in accepting the unexpected and embracing the diversity that lies within nature's creations. But let us not dwell on disappointment, for it is in these moments that we grow as gardeners and individuals. Despite the divergence from our olfactory expectations, our Lavender Auto continued to thrive, showing resilience and strength that inspired us. She taught us the importance of approaching setbacks with love and positivity, finding beauty even in the unanticipated. Through day and night, our Lavender Auto flourished under our watchful eyes. We tended to her needs, providing the optimal environment for growth, and she rewarded us with her beauty and presence. We marveled at her intricate buds, which glistened like jewels under the gentle caress of sunlight and moonlight. Each day and night brought us closer to the culmination of our journey. Now, as we stand on the precipice of harvest, I cannot help but feel a mixture of emotions. There is a sense of accomplishment, knowing that we have played a part in nurturing this remarkable plant from seed to fruition. Yet, there is also a touch of sadness, as we prepare to bid farewell to a companion who has shared her beauty and surprises with us. My friends, let us remember that the essence of gardening lies not only in the final product but in the journey itself. Our disappointment in the scent is but a footnote in the grand tale of our Lavender Auto. She has taught us invaluable lessons about embracing the unexpected, finding joy in diversity, and appreciating the artistry that nature unveils before our very eyes. As we part ways with our Lavender Auto, let us do so with hearts filled with love and gratitude. May her legacy live on in our memories and gardens, reminding us of the wonders that await us when we embrace the unpredictable nature of life. And may we carry the lessons we have learned into future endeavors, nurturing our plants with boundless affection and an unwavering belief in the beauty that can be found in every twist and turn. With love and positivity, my friends, let us continue to nurture our green companions, for they bring us joy, teach us resilience, and connect us to the wonders of the natural world. Until we meet again on our next horticultural adventure, keep cultivating and keep sharing the love that flourishes from our gardens.
a year ago
Cosmos F1
Growing it
When it comes to the day and night cycles, our Cosmos F1 has embraced the cosmic rhythm with grace and enthusiasm. During the day, she basks in the gentle caress of the cosmic sun, soaking up its radiant energy and turning it into vibrant growth. It's a cosmic ballet of photosynthesis, as her leaves dance with joy, harnessing the power of light to fuel her cosmic journey. As night falls and the cosmic sun sets, our Cosmos F1 enters a state of tranquility. The darkness provides her with a much-needed rest, allowing her to recharge and prepare for the cosmic adventures that lie ahead. It's during these serene nights that her cosmic magic unfolds, as she channels her energy into developing luscious buds and nourishing her cosmic essence. Now, let's talk about her growth, which has exceeded all expectations. From the moment she sprouted, our cosmic queen has demonstrated her inherent strength and resilience. With each passing week, she has flourished, reaching for the stars and defying gravity. Her branches have extended with cosmic determination, forming a symphony of lush foliage that captivates the eye. The sheer beauty of her growth is truly a sight to behold. The vibrancy of her leaves, the density of her buds, and the intricate patterns of her cosmic architecture leave us in awe. She has proven to be a cosmic artist, crafting a masterpiece that celebrates the wonders of nature and the cosmic forces that guide her. Throughout this cosmic journey, we have witnessed the power of patience, care, and a touch of cosmic magic. Our Cosmos F1 has shown us that with love and dedication, we can unlock the cosmic potential within our plants, allowing them to thrive and flourish beyond our wildest dreams. As we conclude this quick report, let us celebrate the cosmic success of our Cosmos F1. She has grown with a cosmic grace that surpasses our imagination, reminding us of the limitless possibilities that exist within the cosmic garden. May her cosmic energy inspire us to embrace the cosmic wonders that await us in future cosmic endeavors.
a year ago
Amsterdam Amnesia
Growing it
My friends, the buds on this Amsterdam Amnesia Haze are simply breathtaking. They are a sight to behold, with their dense and compact structure that showcases the plant's strength and vitality. These buds are like little treasures, filled with the potent power of cannabis. But what truly takes these buds to the next level is the mesmerizing blanket of trichomes that covers them. These glistening crystals catch the light and create a spectacle of shimmering beauty. It's like staring into a galaxy of resinous stars, promising a truly potent and remarkable experience. And let's not forget about the aroma! The scent that emanates from these buds is a tantalizing blend of citrus, earthy spice, and subtle sweetness. It's an olfactory journey that captivates the senses and prepares you for the sensory delight that awaits. When it's time to savor these buds, the smoke is pure pleasure. The smoothness of each inhale allows the flavors to shine, enveloping your palate with a harmonious fusion of earthy and citrus notes. It's a flavor profile that lingers on your tongue and keeps you coming back for more. In conclusion, my friends, the buds of this Amsterdam Amnesia Haze are a true masterpiece. From their dense structure to their sparkling trichomes and captivating aroma, they are a testament to the beauty and power of cannabis.
a year ago
Tropicana Cookies Auto
Growing it
Alright, folks, let's dig into the juicy details of my Tropicana Cookies Auto buds! While she may not boast the largest size and density, this beauty more than makes up for it with her mesmerizing trichomes. It's like she took a crash course in trichome production and aced it with flying colors! Now, let's talk day and night. During the day, her buds basked in the glow of sunlight, soaking up those essential rays like a sun-loving diva. But when night fell, a true transformation occurred. The magic of darkness brought out her mysterious side, with the buds glistening under moonlight like tiny enchanted orbs. As for the overall growing experience, it has been nothing short of amazing. Tropicana Cookies Auto has been a resilient and low-maintenance gal, making the journey a breeze. She's the type of plant that thrives with minimal fuss, allowing even beginners to achieve impressive results. Now, here are some tips for fellow growers: First, pay close attention to your plant's nutrient needs, as she appreciates a balanced and tailored feeding schedule. Second, make sure to maintain a consistent temperature and humidity range, as it plays a vital role in her overall health and resin production. And lastly, keep an eye on those trichomes! They're the true stars of the show, so be patient and wait for them to reach their peak before harvesting. In conclusion, growing the Tropicana Cookies Auto has been a delightful adventure. While her size and density might not be the biggest, her trichomes are a sight to behold. She's a true testament to the saying "quality over quantity." Remember, my friends, sometimes it's the small things that bring the most joy, and Tropicana Cookies Auto proves that in spades. So, keep growing, keep experimenting, and always celebrate the unique qualities of each strain that comes your way!
a year ago
Growing it
It's time to buckle up Rool a joint and join me on a wild ride as we dive into the epic tale of my Supafreak girl also known as Madame Freak Le Chick (full time-lapse for it in the photo line). From the moment she sprouted to the glorious day of harvest, this journey has been a rollercoaster of emotions, surprises, and sheer delight. Let me tell you, my friends, this Supafreak is something truly extraordinary. From the very beginning, she displayed a unique and captivating charm that set her apart from the rest. With each passing day, she grew with grace and resilience, captivating my heart and fueling my passion for cultivation. Fast forward 150 days, and the moment of harvest arrived. It was a bittersweet moment, saying goodbye to my green companion, but the rewards were beyond measure. The Supafreak girl had transformed into a sight to behold. Her buds were generously covered in a sparkling blanket of trichomes, glistening like a field of diamonds under the grow lights. It was a mesmerizing sight, a testament to the dedication and care poured into her growth. But let's not forget the olfactory adventure she took us on during the flower stage. The Supafreak girl possessed a smell that was nothing short of peculiar and enchanting. It was a symphony of aromas, blending sweet, earthy, and hints of tropical notes. With each whiff, I was transported to a world of sensory bliss, captivated by the uniqueness she brought to the garden. In this journey, I owe a special thanks to the amazing folks at Aptus Holland for their exceptional line of nutrients. They were the secret behind the Supafreak girl's vitality and vigor, providing the perfect balance of nourishment throughout her growth cycle. With their support, I witnessed her true potential come to life, and for that, I'm forever grateful. I'd also like to give a shoutout to High Elevation Genetics, the masterminds behind this remarkable strain. They've truly crafted a gem with the Supafreak girl, bestowing upon us a plant that embodies the spirit of adventure and uniqueness. And let's not forget The Humble Seed Company, the bringers of life in the form of seeds. Their commitment to quality genetics allowed me to embark on this incredible journey, nurturing a Supafreak that exceeded all expectations. Last but not least, I want to express my gratitude to Grow Diaries, the platform that allowed me to document and share this journey with fellow growers. It's through this community that we find inspiration, knowledge, and support, creating a vibrant tapestry of shared experiences. In conclusion, my friends, growing the Supafreak girl has been an adventure like no other. From the unique qualities she possessed to the joy of harvest day, it's been a journey filled with passion, excitement, and awe.
a year ago
Purple OG Punch
Growing it
As someone who has grown Purple OG Punch from seed, I can say with confidence that this strain is truly something special. From the moment the seed emerged from the soil, I knew that I was in for a treat. Watching the plant grow and develop was a truly rewarding experience. The leaves were a rich shade of green, and as the plant matured, the buds began to develop a beautiful purplish color mixed with so many others that was truly a sight to behold. As harvest time approached, I eagerly awaited the moment when I could finally sample the fruits of my Queen. And when I finally took my first puff of Purple OG Punch, I knew that all of patience had been worth it. The smoke was smooth and flavorful, a taste that was like nothing I had ever experienced before. And the effects... oh, the effects. They were everything I had hoped for and more. As someone who struggles with stress and anxiety, Purple OG Punch was a godsend. It helped me unwind and relax, and it left me feeling happy and contented. And best of all, the effects lasted for hours, allowing me to fully enjoy the experience and savor every moment. Overall, I would highly recommend Purple OG Punch to anyone who is looking for a truly exceptional Queen strain. From the moment you plant the seed to the moment you take your first puff, this strain is a journey of discovery and wonder. So if you're ready to experience the magic of Purple OG Punch for yourself, I say go for it - you won't be disappointed. <3 <3 <3 thank you SSSC for this creation of yours truly <3 <3 <3
a year ago
Growing it
easy going and growing, she do not ask for much and doe not need any support on her fruits, and they are heavy and dense in the end and she still perform like a champion , much respect to fast buds on these creation of them, this is one i believe is very stable and probably should be out in to the market soon, i mean she was just perfect growing in all ways
a year ago