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Afghani Gold
Growing it
Welcome to my lovely Afghani Gold by Spiff Seeds diary guys! Big up Spliff Seeds for these amazing seeds that was sent to me. Cheers! And ViparSpectra for the beast XS2000 ๐Ÿ’ช Well done really great LED light guys. But now our main topic is the Afghani Gold strain. You want me to be honest after I saw how she grows and acts through her life I just got from the smoke what I expected. No disappointment at all.... Well done! When I hadย  a chance to choose different strains I just wanted to pick this one as one of them from Soliff Seeds I really wanted to experience that Afghani blood it was a sympathy lol... so... I did. Extremely easy to grow and stay short... Look at her as she appears clean Indica.... Great shape created by using constant LST and once FIMming more branches. I highly recommend it for anyone to plant it and make her real and I guarantee that you will get a real pleasure. Marked among my best strains to grow for sure. I am so high now just tried it let me date it lol 30th of December 2021 21:49. So Yeah I am on it now the 3rd joint. It gives you a straight head punch ๐Ÿ‘Š it has that great couchlock effect with deep body stone....ย  Very good no any anxiety or bad feeling...ย  Perfect! Makes you smile actually. Smell is not that very strong actuallyย  normal usual smell. Hit you hard but amazingly that's the best way to express. Hope you got me . I fucking love it guys. So after all not much but tried to put the main things together to make you understand what my opinion is..... You don't need to guess you already know the ratings If course 10 stars to grow strictly.... Amazing 10 stars for the smoke. Perfect. Nothing else to really say this is really a gold. Grow it!
2 years ago
Spliffs Strawberry
Growing it
Hello the just Happy New Year 2022 lol... And finally... The last strain to review the lovely Spliff'sย  Strawberry ๐Ÿ“ Thank you Spliff Seeds for the beans and ViparSpectra for the amazing lamp! Amazing strain, nice to grow and very strong smoke lol it takes your head away get ready. I think the strongest Sativa I have ever smoked lol..... When you grow the plant you will this is a more unique genetics but it is noticable especially when the flowers appear the smell, the plant itslef and of course the smoke bummmm :) Not hard to grow and you can easily see the sativa blood just look at the leaves that typical "saw blade" style and bushy :) I beleive you can train even harder than I did - I did only constant LST and FIMming once more branches that's all. She's got strong resistance but no worries when she enters to the flowering stage she will hardly have leaves in the end which is normal just check out the description about her here or on the official Spliff Seeds website. I really like to grow this lady a nice calm s Sativa lady :) Yes... so do not forget she streches a lot!!!!! Not much really to say I am satisfied and I know you would be as well. The flowers has a little bit of light purple colour from closer look and she created nice rock nugs as well. The smell is amazing unique, flowery, fruity, sweet yes my friend said lol it is really strawberry๐Ÿ“ haha. If you read teh description about her it really matches.1 It is said the she is 80% Sativa and 20% Indica that sounds very true to me. The taste is actually the same like the smell, flowery, fruity, sweet. Really nice.... The effect it is so strong like the Afghani Gold strain but in Sativa style. Well, it really mess up your head you just totally get high as fuck and body stone comes with it. I am not a big sativa fan actually and she is very strong lol even it is written that THC content is somewhere between 15%- 21%.... Well, for me it can compete with those strains that have 28% THC I beleive. She is really powerfull twist your head as fuck and lasts long. Be careful she can give you surprise for sure. Finally if you wanna grow a real cool plant that comes out with a unique shape, amazing quality tasty and great smelling buds and want a great resistance, easy grow session then don't wait more grab this genetics. But do not forget this is Sativa so she streches a lot when she starts flowering as I mentioned above!!!!! If you are a Sativa fan then it will be perfect for you ๐Ÿ‘Œ especially if you can handle the strenght that this genetics holds. Very crazy. So well done Spliff Seeds I have to give a big 10 stars to grow this lady and 10 stars for the smoke because is it very crazy strong and long lasting and totally.knocks you out lol. However I am not a big Sativa fan but this is my problem this smoke desires strongly a 10 star. Thanks :)
2 years ago
Afghani Gold
Growing it
Welcome to my lovely Afghani Gold by Spiff Seeds diary guys! Big up Spliff Seeds for these amazing seeds that was sent to me. Cheers! And ViparSpectra for the beast XS2000 ๐Ÿ’ช Well done really great LED light guys. But now our main topic is the Afghani Gold strain. You want me to be honest after I saw how she grows and acts through her life I just got from the smoke what I expected. No disappointment at all.... Well done! When I hadย  a chance to choose different strains I just wanted to pick this one as one of them from Soliff Seeds I really wanted to experience that Afghani blood it was a sympathy lol... so... I did. Extremely easy to grow and stay short... Look at her as she appears clean Indica.... Great shape created by using constant LST and once FIMming more branches. I highly recommend it for anyone to plant it and make her real and I guarantee that you will get a real pleasure. Marked among my best strains to grow for sure. I am so high now just tried it let me date it lol 30th of December 2021 21:49. So Yeah I am on it now the 3rd joint. It gives you a straight head punch ๐Ÿ‘Š it has that great couchlock effect with deep body stone....ย  Very good no any anxiety or bad feeling...ย  Perfect! Makes you smile actually. Smell is not that very strong actuallyย  normal usual smell. Hit you hard but amazingly that's the best way to express. Hope you got me . I fucking love it guys. So after all not much but tried to put the main things together to make you understand what my opinion is..... You don't need to guess you already know the ratings If course 10 stars to grow strictly.... Amazing 10 stars for the smoke. Perfect. Nothing else to really say this is really a gold. Grow it!
2 years ago
Afghani Gold
Growing it
Welcome to my lovely Afghani Gold by Spiff Seeds diary guys! Big up Spliff Seeds for these amazing seeds that was sent to me. Cheers! And ViparSpectra for the beast XS2000 ๐Ÿ’ช Well done really great LED light guys. But now our main topic is the Afghani Gold strain. You want me to be honest after I saw how she grows and acts through her life I just got from the smoke what I expected. No disappointment at all.... Well done! When I hadย  a chance to choose different strains I just wanted to pick this one as one of them from Soliff Seeds I really wanted to experience that Afghani blood it was a sympathy lol... so... I did. Extremely easy to grow and stay short... Look at her as she appears clean Indica.... Great shape created by using constant LST and once FIMming more branches. I highly recommend it for anyone to plant it and make her real and I guarantee that you will get a real pleasure. Marked among my best strains to grow for sure. I am so high now just tried it let me date it lol 30th of December 2021 21:49. So Yeah I am on it now the 3rd joint. It gives you a straight head punch ๐Ÿ‘Š it has that great couchlock effect with deep body stone....ย  Very good no any anxiety or bad feeling...ย  Perfect! Makes you smile actually. Smell is not that very strong actuallyย  normal usual smell. Hit you hard but amazingly that's the best way to express. Hope you got me . I fucking love it guys. So after all not much but tried to put the main things together to make you understand what my opinion is..... You don't need to guess you already know the ratings If course 10 stars to grow strictly.... Amazing 10 stars for the smoke. Perfect. Nothing else to really say this is really a gold. Grow it!
2 years ago
CBD Medi Kush
Growing it
Hi! I usually leave this part of the review in the end but I would like to start with it now.... So to grow this CBD Medi Kush is strictly 10 stars and the effect as well strictly 10 stars reached the maximum. Nice to say but she strongly deserves to be on my "favourite ones" list. Great quality for sure. So yes big thanks to SpliffSeeds providing this amazing strain! A big thank you also goes to ViparSpectra providing me that beast XS2000 that also gets 10 stars haha. If I had to choose a strain to do outdoor without hesitation I would say CBD Medi Kush. I would really see what she does outside. Strong and confident plant from the beggining and you can add you skills not only doing some LST you can go further.... I actually did that 2 LST and FIMming and it gave me a great result! You can create easily great shape she was created to be grown lol.... No issue proper genetics. Flowering as well nice buds and got purple leafs in the end. She is definitely the most beloved plant out of the 4 SpliffSeeds group for sure. Amazing bud creation with sticky well THC coated buds. She has proper strong smell but nothing unique. SpliffSeeds says she has more than 14% of CBD meanwhile she maintains a great THC content. For me I would say smthg between 16% - 22%. It is obvious that she is mostly Indica I would say at least 80% and even the shape of her growth shows that. Let me copy the breeder's description: "The high is very comfortable and pleasurable and is accompanied by a mellow body stone. This plant delivers a pain relieving dose of CBD, without the racing thoughts or anxiety that one can experience from high THC, low CBD strains." Exactly as it is I love it!!!!!! It gives you a proper body stone but without anxiety feeling and it lasts quite a long time. Nice proper Indica creation and this one marked to be on my favourite list. Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š
2 years ago
Blue Berry
Growing it
Hi there! Finally we are here it was very quick tho..... Actually started in the end if September and finsihed by Christmas lol.... Nice one. Thanks for the amazing genetics provided by SpliffSeeds and the amazing ViparSpectra XS2000.... the light on point! Great quiet operation, adjustable power output, light weight etc.... Well done ViparSpectra and I really recommend it! I am really happy to grow her however, make sure you ain't gonna use more than a simple LST or might be HST but do not perform FIMming or do not even try Topping.... She is naturally small I just read it after even the breeder recommends only light training. So I went a bit more far and gave her a great FIMming session lol.... I also beleive she is a bit more sensitive strain. So next time if she comes to my way I know how to handle to be more "productive and large. Anyways even this way I have got a slice of her juicy genetics so I was able to smoke and try. As it can be seen there was not a great quantity of buds so they dried quick and just put them in the jar but quite smokable after 1.5 weeks. Taste is for me like onion lol for sure there is something nice aroma there.... ;) I like it actually let's say unique I have never tasted this type. Effect: Haha she is a tricky one. I mean she is that sneaky kind.... you know smoke it and nothing and it takes a bit time to hit but after it gives you a nice Indica chill hit (breeder says 75% Indica 25% Sativa). I agree with it the Indica blood can be really felt. She even turned a bit purple I mean the leaves in the end. Pretty cool. The only weakness for me is the lenght of the effect it finishes quite quick. It means you need to smoke a bit more often to keep yourself high lol.... There is no big bum there but better than an avarage I love the smoke pretty much chill, Indica feeling that hits you slowly not instantly. Growing is fun but I know of course this time I could have grown a better version of her obviously but I am satisfied so no worries. So finally like I always do I give 8 stars to grow and 8.5 to smoke it. SpliffSeeds: Well done great creation I enjoyed. Great smoke ! Thaks a lot!!!! Viparspectra well done that XS2000 is amazing and also thanks for the support!
2 years ago
Northern Light
Growing it
Bummmm! I just started my Christmas day 24th of December 2021 with her as a first try and of course took a glass of mulled wine on the way as well. Next day just went for it pure and ๐Ÿ˜ด Let's see then but firstly, Thank you Royal Queen Seeds providing me this majesty. Another big thank you to ViparSpectra providing this outstanding XS2000. Great creation well done. I used to grow her autoflowering version from RQS that was a great strain I really loved that one too! So when I just strarted reading the official RQS site description about this strain I found a lot of thing was drawn the way I perfectly feel or felt so I will add those to be able to describe the clearest way. So it says "According to the legend, it was an exclusive Indica plant from Afghanistan, although some of the original eleven plants were said to contain Thai genetics." Interesting and about the strain is mostly Indica but it has sativa in its leafs. So the leaf structure is supposed to be sativa style. What is your openinion about it? I was checking other diaries as well. Just wondering anyways... Alright for me she was like the plant just need to grow and LST max nothing else. She stayed for me quite small and weak but was looking good, I did a bit stronger FIMming. Nicely coated buds and got purple in the end so was exotic style a mini one ;) It was great to grow but I also know that I could do better with her but it can happen only next time. Let's move to the smoke.... So here I would like to copy from their site: "Northern Lightsย is simply one of those knockout smokes that guarantees a couchlock session for the next few minutes. The Afghan heritage really shines through in the smoke, and anyone looking for that strong stone need seek no further than this beautiful strain." Well...... true.... it is a strong indica dominant strain and it really gives you nice strong relaxation for sure.... feeling good and relaxed.... guaranteed haha I wanna say that this strain more than worth growing and you grow out 300g or 30g beleive me it is a winning smoke you gotta try..... As I know growing part can be different and seeing great other results here I would give 9 to grow and the smoke yeah .... what do you think you all? 10 of course... Bye โค๏ธ
2 years ago
Cookies Gelato
Growing it
Hello Everyone ๐Ÿ‘‹ Time has come (again) and we are in the end of the growth journey but this time with Cookies Gelato ๐Ÿช from Royal Queen Seeds. Christmas ๐ŸŽ Thank you for providing me this great strain (again). Simply this is the 3rd Gelato type from RQS. I have already grown Green Gelato and Wedding Gelato as well... lol Big up ViparSpectra providing me this outstanding XS2000 extremely loved it! Well done great creation!๐Ÿ‘Œ So I think I would give a best vote for this one. Growing them the same 10 stars but regarding the smoke I go with Cookies Gelato ๐Ÿช As I mentioned above 10 stars to grow and really amazing genetics. Never had a problem with her very resistant and takes all the training well. Actually I used only LST and FIMming but I feel even if I had done let's say TOPping etc. I would not be disappointed at all. I highly recommend for novice or starter growers to deal with it because she is a beast and easy to grow. And.... What will you get when it is done ? Great buds, the plant even can turn a bit purple (not the flowers) and the smoke.... Bummm.ย  I managed to create great shape through the training sessions. Gelatos are great strains to be trained even hard they are extremely hardy and resistant. She is supposed to be 50% Indica and obviously 50% of Sativa strain. One thing for sure I was extremely creative and relaxed as well big points to this one. Official Royal Queen Seeds website says: "The hybrid strain contains both indica and sativa genetics, with effects targeting body and mind in equal measure. The head high is characterised by a rush of euphoria and a philosophical perspective. Itโ€™s almost psychedelic. The body high is less pronounced, but adds a relaxing touch. It is also written that "THC level ofย 28%. Such a high level of the psychoactive cannabinoid results in an immediate high. A single hit is enough to induce a high thatโ€™s capable of overwhelming novices. I did not find it that strong may be becuse of the daily smoking weed habit lolย  I should try after a bit of sober time if I had but nothing ๐Ÿ˜ณ I would not say experiencing any psychedelic effect.... Philosophical can be and I would add creativity as well One thing: Usually Gelatos make you cough but this one is smooth and "milky" lol..... I really like that I was expecting a stronger throat "scracher" feeling. I am amazed of this one and marked among my favourite ones. โค๏ธ Anyways very great smoke and even now curing it has that typical Gelato way I can't really explain I just have the experience with it (them) I grew 8 different Gelatos from 4 different seedbank lol Big 10 stars for the smoke it ain't gonna change for sure but let me get back trying after I took some rest from smoking lol and I can write more I think about it. 10 to grow and 10 to smoke! You can't get disappointed if you take any of the RQS genetics I beleive. Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š
2 years ago
Mastodon Kush
Growing it
Hello there! Mastodon Kush๐Ÿ˜Ž Thank you for Emerald Triangle Seeds providing me a great opportunity to grow this beauty and thank you to ViparSpectra providing me this beast aliasย  - XS2000. 10 stars lamp for sure ๐Ÿ‘;) A great experience to grow this strain: Especially selected to be a part one kind of experiment. I decided to grow 2 Mastodon Kush seeds in one pot and I chose a 20L one. Important that they are the same genetics not mixed. Same strains, one pot bummmm. I wanted to try it after seeing many arguments in the past about 2 or more strains in a pot saying it is very bad idea because one takes more nutritient etc... a lot of stuff got me... I just wanted to experience how it goes and I did lol Next time I will do with 2 different strains might be that is more challenging. Well, I came to the conclusion that: THERE IS NO ANY PROBLEM TO PLANT 2 STRAINS IN A POT (IN THIS CASE FROM THE SAME GENETEICS). IT IS THE SAME JUST TWO OF THEM. Easy.... So the myth has been unlocked... Isn't it? The only thing you need to consider is the size of the pot obviously you need a larger one for this show.... I didn't want to do it in aย  3.8L or even 8L pot because the result would have been similar and much smaller ... so I think minimum of 20L for 2 is recommended... So back to the growing part I am more than satisfied with this genetics as it was growing very nicely without any problem and took all the trainings easily! I used only actually LST and FIMming. The plant is quite resistant so I beleive it is also a great choice to grow for even a novice grower. Buds have great smell spicy a bit like menthol it is really great and strong. Exciting..... An important factor is that this strain being mostly Indica as I saw here 90% she streches quite well, even 2 of them in the same pot. What I wanna actually say is compared to be a pure Indica she can give you surprise. WelI am not sure it is beacuse of the 20L but I guess it is its nature. The smoke ๐Ÿšฌ is a bit weaker part of the game but still good. I did not find it to be strong it is more a medical style a calmer giving you a helathy high with a nice hit of stoned effect no euphoric feelings or deeper stronger feelings. So if someone who doesn't smoke often it won't ruin anything. For me, personally I expected a powerfull Indica punch with that heart beating effect you know or something close a strong strain but actually it is exactly the opposite of that lol... It is not bad at all it is cool but I miss a bit of more punch. Not too strong not too weak. It gives you a light high but one :) In the end we can rate this Mastodon Kush and I would give a 10 stars to grow it was a great experience and the smoke is a 8 stars for me. Great job it! ๐Ÿป ๐Ÿฅ‚ Cheers
2 years ago
Mix strains /crumb/
Growing it
Hi there! I just used some crumb it contained some seeds also so I decided to turn it to be hash for better experience. You can use normal buds as well. So it is an easy way to make hash by the isopropyl alcohol extraction method. Steps easily: 1. Place the isopropyl alcohol to the freezer at least 24 hours before you want to use it. Make sure that the isopropyl is more than 90%... the purest the better! 2. Grind your buds but not very fine just a bit because when you strain if it is too small it goes through the filter. /No need tobl decarboxylate because it will be hash that you will smoke so unnecessary/ 3. Put the grinded buds in the freezer as well for 24 hours. The reason is simple: Trichomes comes off the buds easier when the temperature is low so the extraction will be better and more successfull!!!!! 4. After 24 hours or more whatever prepare 2 jar and a filter it can be coffe filter, or cheese cloth or tea kettle (very fine)..... 5. Take out the buds and the isopropyl from the freezer and straight start the next process to keep the low temperature as possible....: Put the buds in the jar, after pour the isopropyl close the lid and start shaking as he'll for minimum of 30 seconds but I would say oke minute. After strain it with the filter you will see brownish liquid. 6. To make sure you do the best use the buds again add isopropyl and shake it for 30 sec and filter again. 7. Try to find a good large surface better to be white and pour the liquid on it. The larger the surface is the evaporation is quicker. /i didn't have a chance just for a small plate so took longer for me but it is fine. 7. Leave it in a very well ventilated area for example garage or outside and the alcohol evaporates quickly. Do not stay with it in a closed room it gives you headache and very flammable so make sure nothing is close that can cause fire. 8. Finally you will see brown leftover that is the hash there you need to scrap it woth something. The easiest way if you heat it up with hair dryer or heater like I did lol. Make the shape of your hash. 9. Enjoy!!!!!
3 years ago
12 Different Strains
Growing it
Hi! This time I just created a CBD let's say more THC oil..... I used extra virgin, raw cold pressed organic coconut oil /Sti Lanka/. As it is in the diary's name it is a mixture of 11 different strains trimmings and 12 different strain flowers...... So trimmings used from my previous harvests (kept in the freezer leaves some flowers and stalks stemps.....) CBD Blue Shark /Barney's Farm/ Wedding Gelato /Royal Queen Seeds/ Do-Si-Dos OG /Original Sensible Seeds/ Black Ghost OG /Original Sensible Seeds/ Gelato /Original Sensible Seeds/ Runtz Gum /Original Sensible Seeds/ Kalini Asia /Zamnesia Seeds/ Gelato /Zamnesia Seeds/ Red Hot Cookies /Sweet Seeds/ Red Mandarine /Sweet Seeds/ Tropicanna Poison /Sweet Seeds/ Flowers from 12 different strains: Cinderella99 (outdoor) /The Barkey Seed Co./ CBD Blue Shark /Barney's Farm/ Wedding Gelato /Royal Queen Seeds/ Do-Si-Dos OG /Original Sensible Seeds/ Black Ghost OG /Original Sensible Seeds/ Gelato /Original Sensible Seeds/ Runtz Gum /Original Sensible Seeds/ Kalini Asia /Zamnesia Seeds/ Gelato /Zamnesia Seeds/ Red Hot Cookies /Sweet Seeds/ Red Mandarine /Sweet Seeds/ Tropicanna Poison /Sweet Seeds/ I did some decarboxylation placed the trimmings in the oven a bit longer because of the water content. I kept there approx an hour set to be 110 Celsius degrees. After I did the same with the flower mix. I melted the coconut oil and just made a "bay marie" because the oil temperature went up too high over 118 Celsius and I didn't want the THC to be degraded. I put the decarboxylated trimmings and flowers in the melted coconut oil... I constantly stirred like every 30 min... and kept checking the temperature as well..... I managed to leave it on the stove without the "bay marie" method so I was able to keep the temperature 118 Celsius under.... After 4 hours it was done. I waited to cool it down and then strained off (clarified) by using a cheesecloth... It was nice dark and then I just placed it to be in the fridge overnight but I will take it back to room temperature so it will be liquidy again :) That's all I think.....
3 years ago
Runtz Gum
Growing it
Being honest she was one of my favourite lady from the Original Sensible Seeds group.... Life is not easy especially when there is a pandemic a corona bug and you can not come back on time to harvest due to flight cancellation.... But.... She was ok ๐Ÿ˜Ž Very ok.... And yes, big thanks and congratulations to Original Sensible Seeds. This creation is dope. Pictures of the whole plant and the video was taken earlier before I fought out now I didn't have time I needed to act quickly when I was back 11 plants were waiting for daddy to be harvested and some was almost fucked up so.... I saw from the beggining that she is an aggressive type of plant or let's say gentics or let's say strain. Choose one. Grows quick.... There is no problem loves training LST, Fimming, Topping this plant can be tortured hard trust me..... Growing level is normal not really big requirements when she is in veg it is normal. Flowering yes, she is strechier not crazily but she adds to her size so.... Flowers are crazy she produced so thick ones just check out the pictures I tried to put in front of the beer it was really thick but not that kind of very shiny but very sticky! Basically I wanna say is that she was not that frosty looking instead thick as fuck but still very very sticky and of course - strong smell. Smell is amazing the real strong like e otoc spices.... really nice! I assume she is strong lol.... As it can be seen flowering time can take longer without any problem so may be you won't be ready in 8 weeks :) I am very satisifed Original Sensible Seeds has done a good job! More info comes when those buds are cured and smoked so happy growing!
3 years ago
Runtz Gum
Growing it
Being honest she was one of my favourite lady from the Original Sensible Seeds group.... Life is not easy especially when there is a pandemic a corona bug and you can not come back on time to harvest due to flight cancellation.... But.... She was ok ๐Ÿ˜Ž Very ok.... And yes, big thanks and congratulations to Original Sensible Seeds. This creation is dope. Pictures of the whole plant and the video was taken earlier before I fought out now I didn't have time I needed to act quickly when I was back 11 plants were waiting for daddy to be harvested and some was almost fucked up so.... I saw from the beggining that she is an aggressive type of plant or let's say gentics or let's say strain. Choose one. Grows quick.... There is no problem loves training LST, Fimming, Topping this plant can be tortured hard trust me..... Growing level is normal not really big requirements, normal cycle. Flowering yes, she is strechier not crazily but she adds to her size so.... She seems to be heavy yielder strain! Flowers are crazy she produced so thick ones just check out the pictures I tried to put in front of the beer it was really thick but not that kind of very shiny but very sticky! Basically I wanna say is that she was not that frosty looking instead thick as fuck but still very very sticky and of course - strong smell. Smell is amazing the real strong like a mix of spices.... really nice! I assume she is strong lol.... As it can be seen flowering time can take longer without any problem so may be you won't be ready in 8 weeks :) They say she is 60% Sativa and 40% Indica. I am very satisifed Original Sensible Seeds has done a good job! More info comes when those buds are cured and smoked so happy growing! UPDATe: Nice, cured - it has a deeper green colour and the smell is just amazing really nice spicy! And the effect yo: Sneaky! Taste is similar to its smell spicy I don't know exactly how to describe bit really nice! Well, strong weed for sure but tricky. It hits you from the beggining but truly getting stronger gradually. Starts with Sativa effect.... you are not tired more concentrated meanwhile it hits you with the Indica comfort. Sometimes Indica part takes over but it has a perfect balance and ratio that can be felt. Breeder says it is 60% Sativa and 40% Indica which I agree with... :) I also agree with the strength of 28% THC this Runtz Gum has ๐Ÿ”ฅ! Finally I give 10 to grow and another 10 to smoke nice creation again. Thanks Original Sensible Seeds and people here! Happy Smokes!
3 years ago
Growing it
The journey has ended. It was really great I wanted an earlier harvest but due to coronavirus I couldn't fly back so just managed to do it now surprisingly she was okay. Pictures of the whole plant and the video is taken earlier not much changed just got fatter buds there lol.. Very easy to grow....! Nice stable genetics congrats to Original Sensible Seeds and thank you as well. I can not really go deep with things because she is a ususal growing plant all good you can train easily she is easy! Fimmimg, LST, Topping.... whatever you want to use feel free.... She grows normally nothing special to mention..... Her strech is normal and flowering is the same she made nice buds and she was thick as well. Smell is a bit more exotic. All over I am happy with her I am just waiting for the buds to be cured and then I can do the full review after. :) Happy Smokes! UPDATE: Time has come! So I smoked and now I am ready to give the final review and ratings ๐Ÿ™ƒ Well, the smell is like fresh mowed grass or i don't even know a bit spiky. The effect is heavy handed as the breeder says but I did not experience any euphoria..... What I can say is she is nothing special gives you heavy head high and makes you very stoned so it is better to have in the evening. Typical strong indica style.... I didn't really find information about ratio of the type but here it is stated as 55% Indica and 45% sativa.... Well I don't agree I think it is 65%-70% over Indica.... In other hand, it doesn't give nothing that need to meantion as a great effect or speciality or good feeling that I personally look for it just makes you stoned and stoned..... It is not my best ever I could say not really my type. She is alright but I wouldn't choose this strain to grow for smoking. Apart from my opinion, the final rating is 10 to grow because let's be honest she is an easy one but perform well. The smoke yes, that can receive an 8 stars..... So let's say altogeher 8.5 lol :) This is my review. Thanks to Original Sensible Seeds and the people out there for the likes. Happy Smokes!
3 years ago
Black Ghost OG
Growing it
Finally..... We got here a bit late but not because of me it happened because of the corona bug I could not fly back so the harvest was delayed she should have been harvested earlier.... it was not too late but late a bit.... So yes managed to be back and then straight I had to cut 11 plants so I used the pictures and video that was taken earlier to represent the whole plant the way she looked like.... So Yes, My dear Black Ghost OG... Thanks for Original Sensible Seeds for the seeds really nice genetics. Nice calm and tame plant I can not make big stories because she was a good girl.... very good girl... :) Lovely structure those little jagged leaves hmmm Easy to grow no issue at all you can train easily she is hardy so no problem at all..... I am trying to recall about veg stage but she is so calm really so nothing really to mention as a problem or issue.... Easy to grow really.... :) Let's speak about flowering.... So yeah luckily She is not strechy lady or just because of topping however, I run 4 different Original Sensible Seeds genetics at the same time and She was the only one without significant strech so she was the calmest we can say. No need to worry about her absolutely easy to grow her she is more kinda short indica plant style even if she is a hybrid with 60% Indica 40% Sativa features based on the breeder's description. Flowers are nice and the plant has nice smell not typical strong weed let's say a bit more exotic.... Unfortunately due to this pandemic and its effect my flight was cancelled so I was not able to be back on time and she was ready ready..... I managed to harvest but I had to throw away some from the top buds it went totally brown but luckily not all the top buds just some parts and the lower ones are fine. This is how it is thanks to 2020/21 corona comrade... I am excited to try but I am a bit scared that some parts are really amber so it can hit me hard lol..... Nice plant and loved to grow her more info comes as the buds are cured and smoked lol... Until then Happy Smokes! UPDATE: Alright so the buds are cured and smokable so I did. Cured buds are really nice the smell not that strong and not that typical marihuana more like earthy or spicy whatever I can not really describe.... Breeder says earthy Kush aroma (I don't know that if that is yes I do from now) with strawberry overtone - I didn't feel that strawberry one. Effect: That really amazed me.... It hits you slower not straight it takes like 10 minutes but as it is described by the breeder exactly matches..... It says psychedelic upbeat high which leads to a more relaxed tranquil sensation perfect for the relief of pain, tension, stress and depression. I do totally agree with it it comes up and gives you proper relaxation and tranquil sensation, chill, relax. Perfect to just lie down and listen your music and chill. Perfect to use after hard times and tough days..... As it is written by the breeder you can feel that 60% Indica 40% Sativa feeling obviously more Indica but it is very nicely balanced.... She is now among my favourite smokes ๐Ÿšฌ ๐Ÿ˜ Well done I am more than happy if you look for a very easy to grow strain with amazing tranquil effect choose her..... And finally.... I give 10 stars to grow her and of course after all I experienced a big big 10 stars for the effect. Thank you!
3 years ago
Do-Si-Dos OG
Growing it
Bummmmmm! Hi there! Wao it was a real rock n' roll! Growing this strain is amazing!!!!!! Get ready she is strechy nasty lady haha! Loved it! Thank you and congrats to Original Sensible Seeds company ๐Ÿ‘ This strain is crazy and amazing! Well, she was ready approx 1.5-2 weeks ago so approx on the 15th 16th week but I didn't have a chance to harvest because I was away and I couldn't fly back due to corona buddy. So I was back and straight went to harvest 11 plants it was almost too late for some including my Do-Si-Dos OG.... I was still lucky enough I managed to harvest but some needed to go to the trash because it was overmatured from the top buds. I was in a rush so I couldn't take fresh pictures of her and honestly she was in dying condition so just used the last time taken pictures and video to represent the whole plant. Difference is not much so all good :) And then let's talk about the experience.... Well, to grow her till the flowering stage is okay all good nothing really special to mention. Taining methods such as LST, Fimming, topping etc is alright.... ;) The game starts when the flowering does. She streches a lot lot. Never seen like that... So better to be ready whatever you do she is mad girl.... That's why I set it to be hard level to grow because she can expand and can cause problems someone who does not have experience..... And another thing..... the buds man... Beautiful crystals THC everywhere and the craziest thing is that there was THC sitting everywhere even on the tip of the fan leaves it was crazy but I lost those leaves due to late harvest the leaves dried off lol.....๐Ÿ™„ Harvest by the way it was late unfortunately I couldn't come back so some parts of the top buds started getting bad needed to cut out and some parts has a bit more amber colour but the lower ones are fine. Smell is sweety and the buds look very strong and potent (they say that she is) I can imagine now with some part with more amber colours it will send me to the moon..... So this plant is just fucking amazing to grow and really the bud structure and the THC crystals are like diamonds even you don't have to trim the fan leaves because it is full of crystals as well. Crazy! I will be back with the smoke report and the final review when she is cured and consumable haha:) Amazing genetics! UPDATE: Cured and smoked โœ”๏ธ Nice nugs and the smell is great flowery and fresh pretty nice not that typical strong stinky weed smell. Easy to cure this one ๐Ÿ‘Œ EFFECT: I was really thinking it will be so strong and I was a bit afraid of smoking it plus some parts I knew a bit amber so it made me worry But.... OMG.... She comes straight to my favourite list. It is similar to the Black Ghost OG but the difference is that it hits you instantly and harder. The taste is again somrthing unique. I could say the closest strain is Fruit Tree from the Bakery Seed Co in taste but this one is less sweet. So it is sweet (middle) and fruity and as the breeder says with a touch of diesel... exactly matches! Really nice calm relaxation and tranquil effect. So amazing guys..... As the breeder describes it gives your body and mind a relaxing euphoric treat..... True.... The Indica part can be detected strongly absolutely amazing and there is yes a sneaky twist of sativa vibes as well there .... This is a unique strain to grow - to smoke - and the effect.... such a perfect really really high quality strain I am totally satisfied and amazed โค๏ธ And of course in the end what else left other then rating this creation... There is no question at all to give 10 stars to grow one of my best experince I have ever had - and you know what? The same with the smoke the taste, the effect.... unbelievable and unbeatable obviously 10 stars for that as well. Nice to have an experince like this and really - I can say that if you are a truly weed lover these strains show you the real quality when you grow and smoke it not the street sprayed thing. You can never get (or very hard) a qulity and experince like this without growing yours. It shows marihuana real side when you get here you will experience that you didn't know existed. Congrats that's really great job Original Sensible Seeds it was the most unique starin I have ever connected and tried lol ;) I also want to thank you to everyone who liked or will like this amazing creation! Happy Smokes!
3 years ago
Tropicanna Poison F1 Fast Version
Growing it
We got here finally! Thank you Sweet Seeds for the seeds and for this amazing creation! A bit late with the harvest as I mentioned in my other diaries that were harvested this time I couldn't come back really due to pandemic called corona shit so I was able to do it now... I was afraid of being late but surprisingly not! The video and the pictures of the whole plant was just taken right before I went on holiday not a big change happened with her just got older and fatter a bit... I saw some other diaries the plant had nice red flowers I missed it with her I had a green pheno.... No problem still beautiful and great experience! She received 4 days of darkness and 4 days without water before I cut her. Easy to grow similar to Red Mandarine no issues at all grows nicely not spoiled so great for begginners as well. Training is alright with her LST was done with FIMming and topping as well. By the way topping stopped her a bit to not to strech basically you can expect a normal streching during flowering.... Flowers are normal sticky and smelling usual strong weed a bit citrus mix. Not much to mention she is a an ordinary plant and worth growing as well plus you can also have a red pheno that makes the things more beautiful :) I gave her 4 days darkness and those days she was not watered neither. Full review will be done when the smoke is cured so I can rate the effects as well :) UPDATE: The last strain I am reviewing out of the 12 lol.... Not a secret she is my favourite from the Sweet Seeds strains I planted. Let's see why. Well, Inneed to be more specific I mean the favourite in terms of effect. Starting with the nugs nicely structure I managed to cure properly. Smell: fresh flowery a bit sweet. I like it actually. Effect: Well based on the Sweet Seeds' description she is a 60% Indica and 40% Sativa lady with the THC content of 16% to 24%. I say she is over 20% for sure.... She is quite strong! What I detect is the Indica part more she gives good relaxation, but also can talk I think proper to watch movies also. Strong for sure but nicely. I can say she is nice creation really great achievement. Congrats to Sweet Seeds. And final score a 9 stars to grow and 9 stars smoke.
3 years ago
Tropicanna Poison F1 Fast Version
Growing it
We got here finally! Thank you Sweet Seeds for the seeds and for this amazing creation! A bit late with the harvest as I mentioned in my other diaries that were harvested this time I couldn't come back really due to pandemic called corona shit so I was able to do it now... I was afraid of being late but surprisingly not! The video and the pictures of the whole plant was just taken right before I went on holiday not a big change happened with her just got older and fatter a bit... I saw some other diaries the plant had nice red flowers I missed it with her I had a green pheno.... No problem still beautiful and great experience! She received 4 days of darkness and 4 days without water before I cut her. Easy to grow similar to Red Mandarine no issues at all grows nicely not spoiled so great for begginners as well. Training is alright with her LST was done with FIMming and topping as well. By the way topping stopped her a bit to not to strech basically you can expect a normal streching during flowering.... Flowers are normal sticky and smelling usual strong weed a bit citrus mix. Not much to mention she is a an ordinary plant and worth growing as well plus you can also have a red pheno that makes the things more beautiful :) I gave her 4 days darkness and those days she was not watered neither. Full review will be done when the smoke is cured so I can rate the effects as well :) UPDATE: The last strain I am reviewing out of the 12 lol.... Not a secret she is my favourite from the Sweet Seeds strains I planted. Let's see why. Well, Inneed to be more specific I mean the favourite in terms of effect. Starting with the nugs nicely structure I managed to cure properly. Smell: fresh flowery a bit sweet. I like it actually. Effect: Well based on the Sweet Seeds' description she is a 60% Indica and 40% Sativa lady with the THC content of 16% to 24%. I say she is over 20% for sure.... She is quite strong! What I detect is the Indica part more she gives good relaxation, but also can talk I think proper to watch movies also. Strong for sure but nicely. I can say she is nice creation really great achievement. Congrats to Sweet Seeds. And final score a 9 stars to grow and 9 stars smoke.
3 years ago
Red Mandarine F1 Fast Versionยฎ
Growing it
Hi there! Red Mandarine... Well, I missed the red colour this time she was a green pheno but it doesn't change much maximum she would be more attractive :) By the way I am a bit late with harvest due to corona shit I couldn't come back but I was surprised she was not overmatured in the 9th week neither. I was a bit stressed that it will be a big problem.... The video and the pictures of the whole plant was taken right before I went on holiday but now I couldn't take more because I had so many plants to cut at the same time so basically she was just a bit fatter.... Great job Sweet Seeds again well done nice strain! Easy to grow reacts well to the trainig methods at least those ones I used LST, FIMming, Topping so it is all okay. There was also no issue with anything makes it clear that she is cool to go... Buds are nice this time for me the red colour didn't show but still beautiful.... I properly cut all stems removed I always scale the buds like that only clean flowers. Not much but totally alright for me I wanna try and I had 10 other strains at the same time so I am happy I am more into growing than smoking. Topping stops her fairly so she doesn't strech that much. Smell is spicy strong the buds were well coated with nice THC crystals :) 4 days darkness was provided and she was not watered neither before the harvest.... Growing level is easy and you also have a chance to have nice red flowers ๐ŸŒน ๐Ÿ’;) More review comes after trying the cured buds ;) UPDATE: Finally, we are here. So the smell for me is not stinky and strong weed it is more like fresh cut grass i do not really smell the tangerine style. Buds are okay nicely cured they look cool ๐Ÿ˜Ž And the effect: Yes, she is not that very crazy powerfull but effective hybrid. Stated as a 55% Indica and 45% Sativa on the breeder's page with 17% to 20% THC. I feel more Indica style but I personally do agree with the THC content. It has more relaxing effect yes the great thing is that the potency I mean it won't make your heart beating and stuff. So basically it is a nice weed worth trying I say :) Nice to smoke ๐Ÿšฌ I am happy with it actually.... Finally let's give a 9 stars to grow and the same 9 stars to smoke. For me if we consider the Red Family from Sweet Seeds and the strains I tried form that family makes me put Tropicanna Poison for the 1st place Red Mandarine to the 2nd And Red Hot Cookies as a 3rd gamer. Happy Smokes ;)
3 years ago
Red Hot Cookies
Growing it
Finally! Supposed to be harvested 2 weeks ago but I couldn't because I came back from a holiday and went to an other and then I couldn't come back because of the corona bug.... unbelievable... Oh yes, the video and the first 2 pictures was taken right before I went on holiday I could not take more when I was back because I had to harvest so many plants thanks to the current situation I was held in a different country 2020/21 ๐Ÿ™„ so I just took from the harvest but she has not really changed just got a bit fatter :) So the reason she was harvested in the 9th week is because I couldn't come back to do it....๐Ÿ™„ Basically she is fine in 7-8 weeks.... Anyways I was still lucky there was some part I needed to throw away due to overmaturing from the flowers especially from the top buds and some get a bit more amber trichomes as well.... ๐Ÿคซ However, apart form the bad luck in the end this strain is lovely and I would like to say thank you to Sweet Seeds for the nice seeds and congrats to this amazing genetics! I can't wait to cure and smoke :) Growing this strain is nice no issue she does well I can not mention any problem she is totally alright! I can say any level can go for it great experience and you can get some nice red flowers really beautiful and quick strain! I was lucky to get the red pehno so my colour is really lovely!!!! I checked other diaries not everyone has a luck getting this strain red 1but I had the same with my other strains (Red Mandarine, Tropicanna Poison) were green phenos. Training is strictly okay to be used and what I can say that she can be strechy so even if you top expect some strech. Reacts well for every training methods I used FiMing, topping, LST... by the way I topped her multiple times at the same time so no problem but still she streched nicely :) Flowering is normal and yes she can finish quick 7-8 weeks but do not leave longer expect if there is a fucking pandemic or WW3 and you can not get back home to get it done. The flowers nice sticky and stinky the typical strong weed so I expect strong effect also especially now with a bit more amber ratio lol..... She also received 4 days darkness and "waterless" days before execution... All good if you decide to grow Sweet Seeds genetics and you wanna choose a pheno definitely need to be this one haha :) Smoking report comes when curing is over so I can give the final ratings. UPDATE: Here we go nice dark nugs with a sweet, flowery, earhty? aroma smell.... Taste can be just normal flowery I can't really taste that much easier detectable flavaours :) Let's get to the point straight the effect. It is stated as a 60% Sativa and 40% Indica strain with the THC strenght of 17%-25%. Absolutely right it is nice sativa but also the Indica lart can be felt quite good mixture by the way. Back to the strenght it is more than 17% I would ace somewhere to 22- 23%..... Starts with relax and goes to head make you think. I am not sure what I could say it is great to have when you hang out with friends BBQ and all that shit not really for home things well watching movie might be. The strain nice well this is not the weed I am looking for but the quality is great. Final points will ve 10 to grow for me especially because she got that colour lol and 9 to smoke. For me if we consider the Red Family from Sweet Seeds and the strains I tried form that family makes me put Tropicanna Poison for the 1st place Red Mandarine to the 2nd And Red Hot Cookies as a 3rd gamer. Alright thanks a lot and.... Happy Smokes ! ๐Ÿ˜
3 years ago