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Fast Buds

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Green Crack Auto
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Green Crack AutoMissBling
Fast Buds - Green Crack Auto
5 years ago Β· 21 comments
Auto Grow 2 - Green Crack
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Auto Grow 2 - Green CrackMissBling
Fast Buds - Green Crack Auto
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Double BerryMissBling
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5 years ago

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Advanced Seeds - Blueberry Twist
Growing it
And its finally here....Harvest time 😁... Sorry the pics are not as good this week. My flash was not working and it wasn't a very bright day, so they dont look as Blingin' as they are in real life... but last weeks pictures were pretty good so you can see the frosting much better in them πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘Œ BTA (Blueberry Twist A) harvested 3.5 oz of dry bud... BTB (Blueberry Twist B) Harvested 4.7oz of dry bud. There was quite a bit of popcorn on both ladies... which has gone into my freezer to make hash πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘Œ... I'd say over an oz in popcorn on top of what's on the scales. Grand total of 2 plants in my stealth style set up 8.2oz πŸ˜πŸ‘ I am super happy with this as it's my first attempt at growing photoperiod strains. Iv only grown autos and I'm pretty new also. So I am absolutely made up!! Buds are not as dense as other strains Iv grown but they are good enough. And they smell super sweet and delicious ... Full smoke report to come tomorrow. She took 5 days to dry. Iv just rolled a tester. Will update you guys tomorrow πŸ˜πŸ‘ Thank you for all the support guys Much Love, Miss B πŸ’•
5 years ago
Cash Crop Auto
Growing it
Well. What a plant this has been to grow. I broke all the rules with her. I topped her as she likes to stretch and I have a stealth grow set up. I defoliated regularly throughout the grow and I let her go way longer than 10 weeks as recommended. She could have gone another 2 weeks I'd say to 15/16 weeks but due to the sheer size of her and the shortness of space in my grow cupboard... she had to go. She she stealing too much light from my 2 blueberry twist ladies who are in mid flower! (Check out my other diary 😊) She was chopped after 2 weeks of flushing....Full dry weight and smoke report to follow.... UPDATE- She took 6 days to dry fully. After removing stems, removing bottom loose, airy buds off side branches and put to one side to freeze along with my trim for my next experiment... Making ice hash 😊. Iv Never done it before so anyone who can make any suggestions on this subject please do comment Id be grateful for any input 😁. She weighed OVER 7oz dry (what you see on the scales plus approx half an oz I removed last week as a sample!!) My Best yield yet. Over 7oz from 1 plant is a big deal for me as I struggled a lot with my first few plants, I am made up. The bud quality is also spot on dense, trichromed filled buds... yum 😊: 1:πŸ’Ž SMOKE REPORT. Firstly The experiment I did with how smooth the smoke was after 1 weeks of flushing vs 2 weeks was that I really cant tell much difference!!🀣🀣 Both were super yummy, potent as hell and as smooth as each other .... or as smooth as you would expect from any uncured bud. Please bear in mind that I grow with organic soil and organic nutrients... A one week flush with other nutrient lines may not be sufficient. I did this test with a small branch rather than chop after 1 weeks flush and hope for the best... Its been helpful for me to know this for my future grows incase I need to harvest early unexpectedly. Ok so this smoke was really really nice, even uncured!! Its a potent /strong strain... I felt happier, uplifted as well as more settled and relaxed after a few mins of smoking. Most buds were pretty dense.. some of the lower buds were airy and better suited to hash making. But over 7oz of dense nugs is ok by me! After smoking I Wanted to listen to tunes and relax in the bath with a nice fat blunt rather than get creative and decorate my living room or organise my wardrobe🀣🀣. Nice to relax with after a shitty day. Strong enough to take the edge off for sure πŸ˜‰ Great for pain relief and anxiety. All my symptoms subsided and I was able to think clearly and relax fully for a while. So in my opinion this is "The shit!!" exactly what I was looking for 😎 Overall super happy with the yield and quality of the buds from both ladies in this diary πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ Eery grow I do seems to be improving so thanks to everyone on GrowDiaries... You guys continue to inspire me and show me the way and all the love in the world!! You guys rock!! Drop me a comment if you stopped by. I view and comment on everyone's diaries who comment on mine. It's nice to be nice πŸ˜ƒ. Much love,πŸ’• Miss B x
5 years ago
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