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Moby Dick Auto
Growing it
THC - 23% 30% Indica/ 70% Sativa I quite enjoyed this grow. Smooth and no major issues with the automated watering/drainage system. All three plants started flowering around the same time. The phenotype is a little weird. One plant grew like typical sativa similar to Dynafem's genetics, but the other 2 grew like indica. But the bud structure for all three plants are great. Responded very well to LST and defoliation. They rebounded back fast despite aggressive training and even when I accidentally cut the main stem. Quite impressive for an auto. The terpene profile during bloom was quite pleasant. By week 5 of flowering, strong sweet and mango smell. But not too overwhelming that the air filter cant handle. Harvested when the majority of trichomes were cloudy and some amber. Did wet trim and dried for 6 days, then placed them in Grove bags. The yield came to 833g for 3 plants. If I had grown 4 plants, it would have yielded more than 1kg. Crazy impressive for an auto strain. So did the UVB help increase the trichome production? Hard to say objectively as there is no control plant. But subjectively from 4 years of grow experience, UVB seems like it helped in the last 3 weeks. Used a dry herb vape for first smoke test after 2 weeks of curing. Earthy and sweet profile. Quite pleasant. The THC percentage is slightly higher than Dynafem's Moby Dick, so the initial high is a little intense but not too overwhelming. Great mood boost. The coming down effect is pretty good. Not too heavy. I'm so happy I can get a reliable Moby Dick genetics from Fastbuds after Dynafem closed down.
3 months ago
Blue Auto Mazar
Growing it
THC - 15 - 20% 75% Indica/ 25% Sativa I quite enjoyed this grow. Smooth and no major issues with the automated watering/drainage system. Good plant genetics but cant say the same about the autoflowering side. 1 plant failed to flower despite waiting for almost 4 weeks when the other 3 are in full bloom, which forced me to change the light timing from 20/4 to 12/12. They grew like typical indica. Responded very well to LST and defoliation. They rebounded back fast despite aggressive training and even when I accidentally cut the main stem. The terpene profile during bloom was quite pleasant. By week 5 of flowering, strong sweet and mango smell.But not too overwhelming that the air filter cant handle. It was monsoon season where I live during mid bloom period and the AC couldn't bring down the RH effectively. And I didnt have a dehumidifier at the time. This definitely affected the first 3 plants that got harvested. Most buds are loose and airy. But the one plant that failed to flower by itself escaped the high RH period and the bud structure is more dense and solid. And that one plant yield came up to 230g! All together the total yield is 718g. How??!! That's just insane. They are just autos. Harvested the first 3 plants when the majority of trichomes were cloudy and some amber. Did wet trim and dried for about 4 days. Then placed them in Grove bags and the RH was at 65. After bagging them, if the RH goes more than 65, I take them out of the bag and spread them on a tray to dry. Once the RH stabilizes at 60-62, I stop burping and let Grove bags to continue curing. Hoping this would help to maintain the terpene profile later on. The last plant I harvested, decided to do dry trim instead and dried for about 8 days. After curing for about a month, the buds appear more dense and thick. Used a dry herb vape for first smoke test. Earthy and pine aroma with a hint of spices. Cheerful and giggly initially. Very pleasant high. After an hour or so, it turns to a more relaxed and calm effect and perfect to fall asleep. I really like this strain. Perfect for evenings after a long days work. The THC is not excessively high like the more newer strains and to me this is exactly what I want. I'll be taking few months off from growing to focus on other things in life. Thanks to the ones that have been following my grow.
a year ago
CBD Auto 20:1
Growing it
THC - 0.3 - 0.85%, CBD - 10 - 20% 50% Indica/ 50% Sativa My first grow with 2 different strains in a tent. 2 Strawberry Pie Auto and 2 Auto CBD 20:1 by Fastbuds. Also my first grow in coco with high frequency fertigation and self draining system. By far my favourite method for growing cannabis.🙂 The plants were struggling the first 3 weeks due to over watering. I started high frequency fertigation too early without allowing the roots to establish first. Silly mistake I know. But after transplanting to their final pot, they caught up fast just in time for the beginning of flowering. And after that, it was just a matter of setting up a container large enough to last few days for automated watering. This grow has been the most uninvolved I've been in growing cannabis. Just had to pop in every few days for training and defoliation. No daily nutrient mixing, no draining after after every watering, no backache from trying to reach the plants at the back of the tent. Automated watering rules! I was a little concerned if both strains will start flowering around the same time OR they would even flower at all. But Fastbuds autoflowering component of their genetics is pretty good and both strains started flowering around the same time. They responded well to LST and defoliation. No high stress training done. Both plants growth were consistent. Not much issue compared to the Strawberry Pie strain. Their buds grew really big! I think this is the biggest buds I've grown thus far. But it came with a cost. Noticed one of the chunky buds has mold in it during trimming. This strain is quite leafy and because of the thick buds and perhaps poor air circulation could be the cause. Just that one bud was affected and the others were fine. Plant 1 yielded 102g and plant 2, 122g which totals to 224g for 2 plants. Quite impressed with the yield considering how fast this grow has been. The smell was quite prominent after week 3 of flowering with earthy with mild fruity aroma but still manageable with inline carbon filter. Harvested when the majority of trichomes were cloudy. Did wet trimming this time. Dried whole plant for 5 days before taking them down and bagging them in Grove bags. The stems were still bendy. I would rather do frequent burping/airing than have the buds crisp dry like my previous grow. I don't think the standard advice to dry until the stems snap is a reliable method. So far I have found if I dry for that long, the buds get too dry and doesn't cure well. The terpene profile diminishes significantly. So my main indicator is squeezing the buds itself rather than bending the stem. But mainly I go by RH. After bagging them, if the RH goes more than 65, I take them out of the bag and spread them on a tray to dry. Once the RH stabilizes at 60-62, I stop burping and let Grove bags to continue curing. After curing for another 10 days, the buds appear more dense and thick. Used a dry herb vape for first smoke test. Earthy and mild fruity aroma. I didn't notice any psychoactive effect. Slightly uplifting and improved mood. This strain was meant to be processed into oil for consumption though. So the review for that coming soon. Overall this has been an awesome grow. Will be growing more autoflowers after this. With high frequency fertigation of course.🙂
2 years ago
Strawberry Pie Auto
Growing it
THC - 26% 85% Indica/ 15% Sativa My first grow with 2 different strains in a tent. 2 Strawberry Pie Auto and 2 Auto CBD 20:1 by Fastbuds. Also my first grow in coco with high frequency fertigation and self draining system. By far my favourite method for growing cannabis.🙂 The plants were struggling the first 3 weeks due to over watering. I started high frequency fertigation too early without allowing the roots to establish first. Silly mistake I know. But after transplanting to their final pot, they caught up fast just in time for the beginning of flowering. And after that, it was just a matter of setting up a container large enough to last few days for automated watering. This grow has been the most uninvolved I've been in growing cannabis. Just had to pop in every few days for training and defoliation. No daily nutrient mixing, no draining after after every watering, no backache from trying to reach the plants at the back of the tent. Automated watering rules! I was a little concerned if both strains will start flowering around the same time OR they would even flower at all. But Fastbuds autoflowering component of their genetics is pretty good and both strains started flowering around the same time. They grew like typical indica. Responded well to LST and defoliation. No high stress training done. Plant 2 had issues since the beginning. The growth was slow and its lower nodes for some reason stopped growing. Since it started flowering at week 4, I had to resume its grow with a single cola. Such a shame because the buds that grew from the single cola was covered in trichomes and super dense. But still it yielded 49g from a single cola. Not too bad I'd say. Plant 1 yielded 150g and the total for both plants came to 199g. Quite impressed with Plant 1's yield considering how fast this grow has been. The smell was quite prominent after week 3 of flowering with earthy with spices aroma but still manageable with inline carbon filter. Harvested when the majority of trichomes were cloudy. Minimal amber for plant 1, but plant 2 was showing more amber trichomes. Did wet trimming this time. Dried whole plant for 5 days before taking them down and bagging them in Grove bags. The stems were still bendy. I would rather do frequent burping/airing than have the buds crisp dry like my previous grow. I don't think the standard advice to dry until the stems snap is a reliable method. So far I have found if I dry for that long, the buds get too dry and doesn't cure well. The terpene profile diminishes significantly. So my main indicator is squeezing the buds itself rather than bending the stem. But mainly I go by RH. After bagging them, if the RH goes more than 65, I take them out of the bag and spread them on a tray to dry. Once the RH stabilizes at 60-62, I stop burping and let Grove bags to continue curing. After curing for another 10 days, the buds appear more dense and thick. Used a dry herb vape for first smoke test. Earthy and spices aroma. No fruity or strawberry terpene noticed. Good head rush initially but turned sedative after half hour or so. This is a seriously heavy smoke due to the high THC. I might have had a little too much, as the effect was still present the next morning. Awesome sleep though. Just gotta titrate the dose accordingly to my preference. But really good stuff. No paranoia or anxiety. Overall this has been an awesome grow. Will be growing more autoflowers after this. With high frequency fertigation of course.🙂
2 years ago
Strawberry Cough
Growing it
THC - 15 - 20% 20% Indica/ 80% Sativa This was an enjoyable grow as it was my first time growing fully organic. Solid genetics by Dutch Passion. Not the typical lanky Sativa phenotype and quite easy to manage the canopy. But I still needed bamboo stakes to support the heavy buds. This was also my first self built automated watering/ drainage system. It was exactly what I needed because if I had to manually water them, I would surely have spilled the nutrient water everywhere and fishy smell for days. One of my complains on organic nutrients. The other would be fine tuning Biobizz nutrient doses based on plant symptoms. Unlike synthetic nutrients like GHE Flora Trio, it's quite challenging to add or decrease certain nutrient to correct the plant issues. On top of that, growing in soil made it even more difficult to identify and correct malnutrition. I'm not criticizing Biobizz, just personal preference. I prefer more control and faster recovery from training. I shouldn't have gone for mainlining while growing in soil. The recovery period took much longer than in coco or DWC. I'm more confident now that 36 hours of darkness prior to flip sends a strong signal for flowering. This is the third grow I've tried it and consistent result where all plants starts flowering the same time. This makes it much easier during harvest time. The smell during grow was only noticeable when I accidentally touched the buds. Mainly fruity. 4 plants after drying for 10 days came to a total of 531g. Quite pleased with yield.🙂 The buds are dense and thick. Used a dry herb vape for first smoke test. Fruity and spices aroma. Good head rush initially then plateaus after about 2 hours later. Immediate noticeable effect is boost of energy and calmness. Creativity is improved and more social as well. The only unfavorable effect is dry eyes. No paranoia or anxiety. Otherwise Strawberry Cough is awesome! So my impression on full organic grow is just meh. I was expecting stronger terpene profile but I dont see much difference compared to synthetic nutrients. This wasn't a side by side grow comparison to give more objective view but would I grow full organic again? Not anytime soon. So far after trying various growing methods, I'm most comfortable in coco. With automated watering/drainage system, I can still leave the plants for few days, maybe up to a week. AND maintain high frequency fertigation
2 years ago
Harlequin feminized seeds
Growing it
THC - 6%, CBD - 15% 25% Indica/ 75% Sativa This strain has been truly a pain from the beginning. So many issues even since seedling stage. Slow germination, slow growth, nutrient issues, inconsistent phenotype, one plant turned out to be a dud and I had to get rid of it! Only after drying I noticed plant 2 hermied and developed seeds. I'm not sure if it's due to my fault causing stress or lousy genetics. I think it's the latter. It was doing relatively well during late veg to early flower, but after that it was one issue after another. Mainly nutrient related. It was displaying lockout property with its multiple nutrient issue. During late flower, plant 1 started leeching out water and drying out . As I mentioned, extremely inconsistent phenotype. And growing in RDWC just made it worse as I couldn't customized each plants nutrient requirements. It's quite disappointing really after putting in so much effort on my RDWC system build and the first grow turned out so unsatisfactory. With 3 plants the total yield came to 298g. But the buds are loose and airy. Not too bad of a yield but still could have been more and better quality buds. The smell during grow was only noticeable when I accidentally touched the buds. Mainly citrus and fruity. First smoke test after 10 days of drying and 7 days of curing. Plant 2 and 3 buds are more dense than plant 1. Earthy and spices aroma with citrus and sweet mango undertone. Uplifting and energetic effect but not overwhelming. Lasted for about 2 hours and the coming down was smooth and not heavy. No unpleasant effects noted. The review for medicinal effects like pain control and anti inflammatory effects will be coming soon after infusing it with olive oil.
2 years ago
Critical Jack
Growing it
THC - 15 - 20%, CBD - 0.01 - 0.2% 40% Indica/ 60% Sativa It was fun growing this strain. This grow was meant to be grown fully in Autopot. But because of its nutrient hungry nature, its caused frequent nutrient lockouts in coco which made me flush every 2 weeks or so. Just after flipping, i started manual top watering for the rest of the grow. So much more improvement after that. If I had continued growing in Autopot, it would have been impossible to obtain such yield. Responded well to mainlining and multiple supercropping. Seriously impressive how this strain rebounds back so fast after every high stress training. Even though her genetics is 60 percent Sativa (just like Moby Dick) but the phenotype is more like Indica. All 4 plants were short and stocky. Did a simple comparison of mainlining - 8 colas vs 16 colas. 16 colas gave an average of 20-30g more. 16 colas would be great with scrogging. No support needed for this strain as they grew short and with Silica supplement, the stems were strong enough to hold the bud weight. The smell is only prominent during late flowering. Earthy and piney smell with a hint of citrus and fruity. The terpene profile is not as strong as Moby Dick. I was going for high yield for extracts experimentation and boy this plant deliver. Very happy with the yield. 529g and together with Critical Jack 1.2kg total yield for this grow!!! Never would have believed it more than a year ago when I was still smoking shitty brick weed and if someone told me that I would be growing more than a kilo of premium buds.🙂 Dried for 7 days and cured for another 7 days before smoke test. The buds are dense and thick. Earthy and spices aroma with a citrus and pine undertone. Quite an intense head rush initially then plateaus after about an hour later. I managed to complete my RDWC build for my next grow immediately after smoking it, so is productivity one of the effect?🙂 No paranoia.  Strong munchies though. UPDATE: After 4 weeks of curing both strains, 2 plants from Moby Dick and 2 Critical Jacks were used for hash extraction. I used the dry ice method with bubble bags because it looked way less complicated than ice water. Not very happy with the result though. 3 bag sizes used, 73, 160 and 220 micron. Even the 160 has so much plant material in it that it made it impossible to roll/ press with hot water bottle. 73 micron extract came out alright though far from melt quality. But the 160 was just impossible to press. I can either turn it into puck OR rosin extraction. The terpene profile from 73 and 160 micron is just amazing.
3 years ago
Gorilla Cookies Auto
Growing it
THC - 27%, CBD - <1% 55% Indica/ 45% Sativa An easy plant to grow, especially on Autopot. Nutrient requirement is average. Responded well to LST and HST. It even recovered from an accidental topping early in flowering, though it did affect the yield significantly. Overall yield was not great but satisfactory. It could have been more if I wasn't too aggressive in training them. The buds were dense and covered in trichomes even in the beginning of flowering. Beautiful colours. Every time I walk pass the grow room, it smelled like freshly baked cookies. But other times it smelled like someone was cooking spiced meat or sausages. Weird terpene profile. Tastes minty and mildly sweet with an earthy undertone. A little harsh on the throat because it has been curing only for a week. Starts off with typical sativa intense head rush and euphoria which lasted for about an hour. I smoked it in the evening and with the initial head high, it was perfect to enjoy a little music and Netflix. After about 2-3 hours, the indica effect sets in and it was just nice to fall asleep. Perfect evening smoke.
3 years ago
Blue Dream CBD
Growing it
THC - 10%, CBD - 10% 35% Indica/ 65% Sativa The 1:1 ratio of CBD/THC gives off a mild head rush then plateaus to clear and energizing effect. The coming down is not too heavy and tolerable. Smells citrusy and a little fruity but smoke is still rather harsh considering it has just cured for a week. Perfect for daytime smoke and to get things done. Great for anxiety as well. I grew this mainly for my mom who suffers from chronic rheumatoid arthritis. Will update her review later on as she'll be consuming by infused oil. This is a hardy and vigorous strain. My first plant to grow in DWC. She performed really well and endured all the intense training I put on her. With all the topping and mainlining, heavy defoliation and multiple supercropping, she took it well and recovered fast. Veg was longer as expected. Not much nutrient issues. Just kept nutrient regime dosing on the low side. She smells sweet, citrus and earthy throughout flowering but it was never overwhelming. Plant 1 buds were dense and dripping with trics while Plant 2 buds were airy and loose.
4 years ago
Northern Lights Autoflowering
Growing it
Starts off with mild euphoria, followed by deep body relaxation. Strong munchies. Great for insomnia. Perfect for evening and night time use.
4 years ago