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Surfer Girl F1
Growing it
Similar to the white Karen this strain has also proven potent. Very true to some its skunk roots as well with a prevalent odour profile and a strong bake effect. I really didn’t want this particular cross to be one of the worthy strains for further experimentation but she’s proven such regardless. We’ll see where it goes in the future but she isn’t the priority for the breeding program. All told - happy with it.
a year ago
White Karen F1
Growing it
Overall and despite the challenges on the grow - this strain remains one worth exploring more. Potency was not affected and she’s been real good in terms of effect. This was the first strain we tried on the squish and yields were even better than a a stock breeder strain we tried in tandem for comparison purposes. If there’s opportunity to try and drill it down to an F2, I’ll take it all day👍👌👌
a year ago
B-Dubs Beans - Northern Spice F1
Growing it
Initial harvest report on this one is pretty basic. For all intents and purposes this entire run was an abject failure. We lost the initial tester run and were left with this one plant that we brought in from outside. So there are no growth benchmarks or details on nodal spacing, flowering times, overall plant structure or even potentially bud quality. Another problematic development was the presence of WPM, the NL part of the cross just can’t seem to escape it on any grow but I can’t exactly blame the plant itself for this. The only real good measures we got off this girl are such that the trichome development on the buds is definitely above average. As is overall density at maturity. One other positive outcome was that the plant requires very little in the way of water/nutes and it Carrie’s a somewhat subdued scent when in full bloom. These are all testament to the northern lights roots. One unexpected outcome however was the scent profile post chop. It was like unlocking Pandora’s box when you open the trim bowl - an incredibly strong, terpy fresh scent that I’d almost equate to a mint type of profile. The strength was surprising and usually bodes well for any strain once it’s time to jar it up and cure. Only time will yell and we’re now waiting on the dry. ***post-dry update*** Well, the buds dried up lighter and airy-er than preferred likely due to its time outdoors and an inability to maintain canopy uniformity when it was inside. The grow itself would be a complete and total failure if not for the effects - cerebral awareness with a physical “lightening” effect I would equate to a half decent day time high. Not mind flaying by any stretch but it wasn’t really supposed to be either. The scent profile is pure nail polish remover which is only prevalent when it’s chopped up. These two positive qualities alone will require that we test this further before axing the whole genetic line and moving on to something different. We’ll see what happens in the next couple years. There are definitely other crosses that need to be run first.
2 years ago
Pineapple Express
Growing it
Our last of the 3 to come down l, this week be was noticeably fluffier than the others. Not quite as dense but certainly with a scent profile true to its name - this was a great plant to grow all around. Nice colours in fall and flowered relatively airy. Lowest maintenance of all three for sure👍. Only knock is on the bud density here. That said, I think this is specifically due to being directly under the SF1000 and not the VS2000. It is indeed suggestive of a better lighting fixture, even despite the difference in power. Overall though, it was a great grow and this one’s gonna be a treat to try👌.
2 years ago
Growing it
Great plant minus the incredibly long flowering time at about 11 weeks. Deep rusting and purpling of the fans in late flower. It was topped like the borderliner and immediately flipped to flower. Unlike its companion plant however, this one recovered really really well and probably held off the stretch for an extra week as it repaired itself. The topping maintained her stretch and final height perfectly to fit the available headroom in the cabinet. The buds are extremely large, numerous and very dense as well. On the last week the stems just couldn’t handle it anymore and she started to topple👌. Have to say that these genetics are quite on point and we’ll likely have close to, if not more than 4oz post-dry. She’s on the dry now and smoke report will follow once we get through the cure a bit. Overall - it was a great option to squeeze into our last cycle and while we would’ve liked a shorter flowering period, that could also easily be due to the 12/12 light schedule and/or the topping which took place on the flip. Smoke report to follow.
2 years ago
WalkerBerry OG (F1)
Growing it
Finally brought this run of clones to an end - well past 2 weeks of expected flowering time due to the light burn issue we experienced in mid-flower. Overall, it’s a disappointing way to see these F1’s finish. We truly have no idea on the strength of the genetics that we’ve produced. There were supposed to be some show quality photos as well but again- that got pooched when they all stretched far more than was ever expected. The above said - we definitely have a strong hybrid cross with some reliable stability across all specimens. They also produced comparative to their mothers and while some were weaker specimens similar to their parent, others were beastly and would’ve yielded very well. It’ll be a range of half oz to up to 1.5oz across em all. What could’ve been? Who knows🤷. Full smoke report to follow after they’re dry and ready for the jars. At least we’ve got some stock to see us through the next cycle👍👌. ***Update Smoke Report*** Pre-cure and approx. 10 days post-dry. I’m only going to rate based on our best plant of the lot. No comment on terps or flavour until we give the whole batch a few months. Gave it a good rip in the bong and I must say I was pleasantly surprised. I wasn’t expecting much - both due to the untested nature of the cross and the botched grow cycle itself. But the bud smokes smooth, even fresh off the dry and the high hits hard and quickly. With my current tolerance, when a strain hits this hard it generally means it’s good stuff. Definitely moving to the next generation of F2s. I could’ve had a better end result on these clones but I do have an appreciation for what consistency the cross did show during late flower.
2 years ago
WalkerBerry OG (F1)
Growing it
Obviously no trip report here. This was a straight run of seed from our F1 generation. From the batch we pulled 6 individual females and let 3 of the males simply do their thing. Plant and phenotypical details as follows; #1. Sativa dominant with the strawberry. Our most vigorous grower through the whole cycle. She demonstrated unexpectedly large amounts of stretch through transition. But she was also finicky, showing early nitro deficiency and heavy feed requirements in comparison to the others. We won’t be moving ahead with the seed on this plant for the F2 generation - despite its excessive vigour. Green bud hues with slight pinks as well. #2. Similar in nature to #1 but this plant developed early stage phosphorous def. during transition. A seemingly quality clone of her suggests that this could’ve been medium or pot size related but still - there are other, better options to choose from. #3. Our last of the sativa dominant females. The best of the batch overall - inclusive of the resilience her clone has shown of late. Moderate stretch, excellent trich. Development and seemingly heavy yields. Internodal spacing I would say is moderate, again - leaning to the sativa side of strawberry. Fantastic plant all round, with abundant dull pink hues in the buds, deep purpling of the sugar leaves and rusting of the fans in late flower and fade. Overall feeding requirements were typical in a coco medium. #4. Indica dominant with green hues in late flower, trace pinks here and there. Not a winner plant based on the other similar phenos but still relatively consistent growth characteristics . #5. Stunted early on and the black sheep of the whole grow. She buds similar to #6 but with a little more leaf mass (and hence, less desirable). We’ll take whatever her clone gives us in bud though : 1:. #6. Our second best of the lot and lucky enough to differ from #3 as an indica dominant pheno. She grew very consistently with the rest of the plants but had the squat structure and pink/purple hues of the Skywalker mixed with the heavy yield colas and scent profile of the strawberry. We’ll definitely be testing the F2s on seed derived from this plant. Overall - each plant represented similarly and expectedly in green or pink hued bud colours. Despite some individual plant challenges I couldn’t really ask for a much smoother run. Now it’s just finding the time and space in a packed grow schedule to run some of the F2s on a full test cycle. Another 3 months of drying and they should be good to go: 1:👌: 1:. Can’t wait to give the buds a try and see what we’ve actually got here🤞🔥🤞.
2 years ago
Blue Berry
Growing it
Great plant, easy on the water and grows short and squat. The terp profile is what really makes this strain shine. The blueberry fruit is so prevalent and would be a key trait to draw out in future generations of the cross. We’ll call it spiceberry for the sake of ease. Only hope that there comes an opportunity to give it a test run. All told, it’s been a fairly uneventful grow and they pretty much just did their thing until the finish. We’ve got a ton of pollen and a crap ton of seed all around. Final pics there to follow shortly along with the full background update. Background ***see spicy bitch harvest week for smoke report and harvest photos*** Fingers crossed that these Spicy Bitch regs provide at least one male so that we can back build some stock of it. In the event that does take place we’ve got a single clone of each strain from the previous pollen chuck to sit in the tent with them so they can make babies for the next few months. The whole point of the last year was to start making some foundational genetics for a third generational cross we could call our own. If you’ve been following along than you’ll know that it’s been anything but easy. Our previous pollen picks didn’t pan out at all so we’re back to the drawing board with a new option from ExoticSeeds. This’ll be a 10 plant run with 5 regs and 6 strains for pollination including the strain itself. We’re running in a 2x4 MarsHydro grow tent all powered by a Mars Sp6500. That’s a little more than 600w packed into half the recommended footprint😳. Why? you ask - because we like our buds big and overcompensatory😂. Really, I’m just of the mind that we can pack more light into this space than recommended and get much better results. The math doesn’t lie. At least not as long as I wasn’t high when using the calculator again….. Many thanks to @MarsHydroLED for the opportunity to test run the equipment👊. ***Tech update: the 600w of power in this small space has shown no major issues or over abundance. Quite the contrary actually - the light still has ample headroom to move up and for your typical short veg plant - the results and bud quality are impressive to say the least. The tent itself has proven both durable and easy to clean. It’s held up really well so far. I really can’t complain about Mars Hydro products. They haven’t shown any really significant down sides👍.*** In addition, we’ve also moved to a new nutrient system - Druid Nutrients out of the Netherlands. They don’t really have a presence on GD yet but you’ll be hearing about them very soon I’m sure. The beauty of this system is that it’s literally a 1 (one) component system for the entirety of the plants grow cycle. It really has changed the game in terms of ease of feeding and maintenance. It’s also very versatile and seems to provide everything needed across multiple different strains in the same ratios. Keep your eyes peeled for these folks. Pretty much a guarantee that they absolutely blow up once more people know about them👍👌😎. ***Full disclosure, we moved over to a more traditional maxi series nute by GHE for a large portion of this grow. This was a value decision to stretch the Druid nutes longer and keep ‘em in back for a full fem. Cycle.*** Strain Background Spicy Bitch: predominantly sativa, heavy yielder with a daytime kinda trip profile. It’s a cross of Queen Mother and a Pre-2000 AK47. We’ll pull what pollen we can and hope to have a female run out a larger supply of seed for the future. Many thanks to @Exoticseeds for the chance to give these beans a go👍👊. ***Harvest Update: This strain is so typical of the stuff exotic seems to put out. Seems every single one of their plants always runs a light show of trichs and late cycle colouring. This plant was certainly no different. She’s sativa dominant and yields are decent with longer internodal spacing. Takes to typical nute strengths and shows great signs of resilience against WPM. Pollination Strains: Holy Surfer S1 - this is one of the focal points for this cycle. A fellow growmie was kind enough to ship over some S1 genetics I took an interest in. The only ask back was that if I did cross it to send a few his way for testing👍. Shoutout and cheers to @blendmedmedman. Hoping to have something back to ya in short order. For full details on this alluring hybrid option check my buddies link at seedfinder - ***Harvest Update: She grew short and squat with a singular defining cola and a large amount of leaves. Formed one massive bud with impressive girth suggesting a potential winner to try out on her own👍. She was also quite resistant to WPM. An injection of sativa genes could be a winning combination for this hybrid🤞.*** Northern Lights - this came from a particularly interesting batch of seeds that have shown a very dependable variegation trait. It’s a compact and squat plant requiring very little maintenance. Typical for the strain really. It’s been chosen as an option to potentially mellow out the high , shorten the stature of the resulting hybrid and inject it with some of that mellow indica effect. ***Harvest update: Any thoughts we had about mellowing out the cross with this strain we’re wishful. For a classic NL, this particular plant packs a massive sledgehammer of a high. Very surprising and no idea how it’s going to translate in the F1. We’re hoping to get a run of this in soon🤞.**** Boogie Nights - total shot in the dark. Still haven’t even tried the strain myself yet but it was available at the right time and interesting enough to make a salad with. Big thanks to AMS who’ve been nothing short of an excellent seedbank to collaborate with. Expect similar growth characteristics to that of the Northern Lights. Better resilience however. ***Harvest update: This one’s a sativa leaning strain in terms of effect. A great day time, head high option that won’t leave you sleepy👍. She’s got some colour to the buds in this pheno and should compliment the spicy bitch rather well. I don’t expect a major change in effect when blending the genetics but if we can get a little more resilience into the strain via the spicy bitch pollen then it’ll be all the better.*** Blueberry - this particular clone is from extremely strong stock. Spliff seeds broke the mold with this strain. She’s lower maintenance than the NL, more resilient than anything else we’ve got on the menu and the terp. Profile on this girl is out of this world. If we can bring any of these qualities to the cross, then it could be magic👌. ***Harvest update: No real change in our expectations post-harvest. Should be a great blend of indica and sativa characteristics for the effects and what we really want in terms of grow features are the benefits of the blueberry terp profile mixed with some of the colouring we’ve found in the spicy bitch. Both are resilient and resistive so this should be a very solid and reliable foundation for future generations.*** White Widow - garrghh, I just can’t get away from this particular plant. Again, still haven’t even tested the buds yet and all I can say is that the growth characteristics are extremely vigorous and desirable. This plant is one of 3 unicorns that I have yet to tame due to a combo of extremely bad luck and circumstance. ***Harvest update: This is our max hybrid vigour cross if you will. This WW strain is super strong and grows like wild fire. The effects are predictable and strong like that of any widow strain and when mixed with the sativa leaning spicy bitch we expect very good things. Both are resilient, both have tons of trich production and both appear to yield generously. Between this and the BB cross, we expect these two to be the best bets for a final new hybrid to drill down on👍. All told, it’s still the same story: a VERY experimental breeding project designed to shotgun a broad swath of genetics against a reliable and dependable Breeder who’s put out proven fire 🔥🤟😎👍. ***Update*** All told, the whole runs been a resounding success. It wasn’t pretty and the nute sched. Shoulda been cutoff much earlier than it was but ultimately - no impact and we have a massive final seed harvest. It’d be nice to say that they’re all getting a try asap but that’s just not the case. If we were to make any of these a reliable final product we’d be in for at least another couple years of dedicated pollen chucking and back crossing. We’ll see where the shedule takes us and u never really know for sure🤷. Regardless, it’s nice to have a ton of new potential fire to give a go to👍👌. Many thanks to everyone who tagged along and bothered to comment and discuss. Keep it growing, keep it green👊
2 years ago
White Widow
Growing it
They were the strongest producers of all the clones based on their size and final output. Great plant and it’ll be sad to see this one reach it’s end. Excellent growth all around for every cutting and these were really the only ones that showed any real colour throughout the cycle. Gonna guesss about 2oz total once alls said and done.👍
2 years ago
Boogie Nights
Growing it
Of all these girls, this poor thing took the worst of the lighting mishap. After the partial reveg she just exploded into a mess of stringy branches. Even the biggest buds on er are likely to be very small and this will be a hugely reduced yield if a yield at all. She also got decimated by WPM. We kept it under control but just barely. I was questioning whether or not she’s even worth saving and once we get through the trim, we still might chuck the whole thing. We’ve still got a clone running out of er which should give us a better idea of what we’ve got here. Sad really - AMS has been good to us and our only attempts with their genetics to date have been met with really shitty luck. Not to worry though - as I said, we’ve still got another candidate on the flower for a proper review and a number of other strains in the mail so that we can sample the full breadth of the line up. Stay tuned on that one for sure. I refuse to sample these at the moment - we can do so much better than this…. ***Update - final numbers are now in on this one and it’s disappointing to say the least. First time in 3 years we yielded less than an ounce and all due to how bad this girl took to the reveg light mishap. Such a shame too cuz we did end up keeping it anyway and the effects are fantastic. Definitely got that I’m stoned feeling in the eyes (not a recommended strain for places where you’d prefer not to look ripped). It’s a mellow indica, baked kinda high and really decent, smooth draw smoke. Can’t wait to see her clone finish out under better, more consistent conditions. The poor rating on this grow is all due to grower error - I think AMS has some quality buds here: 1:😎: 1:***
3 years ago
Lemon Haze Auto
Growing it
She just came down this week - delayed like the others by easily a couple weeks but trichs were absolutely perfect at chop. Quality testing to follow👍 Update - full evaluation of effects and temps still to come but, the finished and dried product is somewhat of a disappointment. She’s quite fluffy and larfy all around. Hints of a typical pine scent coming off er that id consider indicative of a haze strain. Really feel like we could’ve done better with this one. No slight against Emerald for a single bean grow, this one just wasn’t the outcome we wanted and def. some grower errror mixed in. All good - got a couple others from these folks on the go right now and expect much bigger and better things👍
3 years ago
Growing it
Even for a tester bean this plant was a great grow. She showed stability and strong development all the way through👍. It’s more evening than day time stuff and I would’ve preferred it be a little harder hitting. That said, she’s certainly not a slouch and she’ll be a great addition to the cupboard stash while we wait for the next run to finish the flower cycle. Full props and a shoutout to BudXs for the bean share. Always nice have’n a growmie who’s willing to spread the love👍😎👊.
3 years ago
Herz OG Auto
Growing it
So ends what was an extremely fast auto run. One of the fastest plants we’ve seen from seed. She didn’t disappoint at all and Exotic is grade “A” in my book👍👌🤟😎. Taste & Smell: 🍭🍭🍭🍭 Effects: 🍭🍭🍭🍭 This girl is an absolute terp. Monster. Stickier than GG and a very complex scent profile for a kush strain. Not really earthy, more piney and citrusy. She’s already demonstrating this only a few days post chop. Can’t wait to see what she cures out to. It’ll be a real treat. I’d recommend anyone growing this to consider pressing it for rosin. Not only would the terps be amazing, the yield will be ridiculous👍. As far as effects go - definitely a relaxing kush. Further testing required but she ticks all the boxes on what we’re looking for in an indica. Pretty strong body buzz with an added touch of cerebral dumbness😎👍.
3 years ago
Pure Africa
Growing it
This one was a throw in to the grow sched. This year and she almost got trashed after a rough start out the gate. However, she proved her worth all season in a 5gal. She got wayyyyy too big for it early but still put out an impressive haul despite the close confines👍. She caught some late stage aphids too but the bud wash took care of that right quick. End of the day she’s an extra 5 ounce addition to this seasons total haul of 2.5lbs👌😳🤙🤟. Winter can come any time now. She’s gett’n a middling rating of 7/10 as a decent sativa. Not too mild and not to strong. The high is somewhat short lasting though as well. It does seem to make for a really solid day smoke so there may be a place for her yet🤙. Further testing to come.... Buds are a pale green with a spice road, peppery kinda profile. Should cure our pretty nicely.
4 years ago
California Orange
Growing it
Gotta say that this run went off like clockwork. Humble beginnings and about the most truncated veg. period possible. Yet these girls bulked out like champs. They may be small at about 14” for the tallest, but what they lack in height they made up for in girth😎👌😎. Literally giant football size head buds on each🤙. Alls we can do now is pray that no one swipes the momma at the side of the house. She’s a straigt up monstrosity. Can’t even figure yield there at this point but we’ll be in the pound scale for sure👍😎. Ive always found seedsman to be reliable as a seed bank and if this is any indication of their strain quality, we’re gonna be in for a real treat😋. Any hoo, the deets are below as per usual. Taste & Smell: 🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭 Effects: 🍭🍭🍭🍭 Full marks for seedsman’s nose on this one. She definitely reeked of a distinctly orange kind of citrus scent. If my busted ass sniffer can pick that up, then she’s a stinker fo sho😃. It’d be great to see this profile round out in the cure but only time will tell. Update - 7 days into the dry and she’s already starting to present some profile. Sniff’n good👍. First quality assurance test - took a heavy rip of the bong and oh man, this one’s a winner. Initial thoughts are it’s a high energy smoke which is awesome. But it’s got a real good mix of cerebral and body buzz. I’m actually pretty surprised with the first taste test. The strain description is 100% spot on. Only 12 days dry and she’s nice and smooth with a hint of citrus already👌😎. Seedsman has struck gold here. What a straight up rock’n freebie👍👍👍😎. I don’t usually kick out a 5-er rating unless it’s something special and the scent and flavour profile on this is exactly that.👌
4 years ago
Blue Fire
Growing it
Pretty much a text book, perfect, almost no issues at all grow👌👍. We avoided certain disaster on clone #2. Late in flower the net pot failed and fell right through the lid into the res. as I was changing out the bucket. We had to think fast and the wife came up with an alternative use for our steel BBQ stakes👍😎🤔💡. We built a makeshift crib with em after pushing the net pot back through the lid. She can talk all the shit she likes about “saving the day” but I was the one who backed it up with a fuck ton of gorilla tape😉👌. Aside from that, both clones showed incredibly well for a side by side of the differences between LST and topping. The grow gets an 8/10 for ease, maintenance and performance overall. As always, full deets are below. Taste & Smell: 🍭🍭🍭 Effects: 🍭🍭🍭🍭 The terp. Profile so far isn’t much to write home about. We’ve got another 3 months before anything legit comes out in terms of taste. I will say however that the scent profile carries a lot more earthy kush than it does berry. This could just be the pheno here but I was really hoping that berry scent would be more pronounced. More blueberry like. 3/5 lolli’s on the scent profile. Either way, if the goal was a high THC, couchlock effect; mission accomplished. With the munchie effect on top, this is a hard hitting indica that’ll remind you of dem high school Dayz🤟. You know... when it took 2 puffs to get blazed as shit, hit a bag o lays and pass out for a few hours.... yeah, that happened last night😃. I’m not big on sedative indicas yet we always seem to have at least one on the shelf at all times😎. 4/5 lollipops for these girls being exactly as advertised👍. Update - fast forward a few months and the earthy kush scent remains with a little more depth of the berry👍. This one is a knockout - super sedative and great for just about anyone who needs to sleep. Not really my kinda strain personally but the rating remains regardless. This girl does what she does and does it really damn well.
4 years ago
Sapphire Scout
Growing it
Hell yeah, what a grow! That’s the summary we’ll go with on this one. She wasn’t the biggest or stinkiest, but she was definitely the prettiest and most manageable plant we’ve grown to date. Humboldt seems to put out some incredible genetics and this one was so much fun to watch. She did go longer than planned and the extended flush may have added a little too much stress - she was showing signs of a very late flowering hermie and the nanners were starting to show when we brought ‘er down. Thankfully, she held on long enough to avoid disaster, the trichs rounded out nicely and I don’t think much of anything suffered from it. Despite the late stress hermie issue she’s pretty close to a 10 here: 1:😎: 1:😎 Taste & Smell: 🍭🍭🍭 Effects: 🍭🍭🍭🍭 The scent profile on this girl was entirely true to her lineage. There was an obvious and earthy kush smell and at the later stages of flower the fresh baked cookies scent started to come out. While not overly strong, it’s still got some complexity and definite bag appeal. Above average 3-lolli rating here. Post-dry update - As far as effects go, this ones a brain bender. My initial thoughts are a cerebral euphoria but well see what the final verdict is with more testing: 1:. For now, a three lolli rating without a proper sample size. Update - date unknown - sweet holy fuck terds I wanna ride a train load of this shit alll day! She’s an absolute knockout of a sativa. Secretly, this strain is everything that I wanted Humboldts 707 to be, hardcore, mind numbing confusion and euphoria. This might be one of the best any time strains I’ve ever had: 1:. Def. gotta bump the rating to 4 lolli’s cuz I can’t feel my face right now👌.
4 years ago
Crystal White
Growing it
Spliff does it again!👍 - helluva grow for sure. This one was surprising in a lot of ways actually. Scent profile was amazing once she hit full flower, buds were dense and packed with resin. And she grew - like a bowssss! The widow in er was obvious from the start for sure. We did have a late reveg on er - looks like a light leak might’ve stressed out in the last few days. All told - no damage to the harvest and we def. got max value on this beast fo sho👌👍😎💪. The overall on the grow is definitely at least 8/10. Waiting on the full cure to re-evaluate my rating🤟. Taste & Smell: 🍭🍭🍭🍭 Effects: 🍭🍭🍭 You can definitely give this one an A+ for scent profile. Totally true to the description too - fruity, gassy and strong. Put the carbon filter to test. Can’t wait to see the profile round out on the cure. She already smokes real buttery and smooth, as-is, right now. Higher marks here for sure. Effects are at a middling rating until she’s rounded out a little better. Definitely indica leaning but wouldn’t say it’ll blow away the experienced stoner. More testing required here....
4 years ago
Lava Freeze
Growing it
It’s a bittersweet end to this grow for sure. She was a strong plant all the way and grew with ease at all stages. We did have a lighting snafu at the start of the grow which necessitated a replacement to a lower wattage quantum board. We utilized our typical nutrient regimen with the addition of Terpinator this time around just to see if there’s any truth to all the hype. All told and from a growers perspective, there were simply too many variables at play on this grow and one horrible mistake in late flower to allow for any kind of criticism. I’ll definitely have to grow it again to truly know what SSSC has here - she was a one shot wonder so I still have 7 more tries😉. I’ll give er 7 out of 10 overall, middling marks due to grower error mostly. The rest of the deets are below. Taste & Smell: 🍭 Effects: 🍭🍭🍭🍭 Whether it’s a result of the late stage nute burn or not - she didn’t round out with the kind of gassy scent that we were hoping for. In fact - the smell is quite subdued and lacking. Well see how it cures out but not holding much hope for improvement🤷‍♂️. I gotta say though, the effects are unexpected for a 90% indica - super heady but still with that indica bake😌😌😌. Medium/strong for sure👍. I’m real impressed with it and wish I had more... Update - starting to taste a bit of the lava cake coming out in the early cure. Still not much scent to ‘er.... other than grass of course....
4 years ago
Bruce Banner #3
Growing it
And so ends our foray with the biotabs lineup. I have to say I’m pretty impressed with the nutrient system as it seems she had most of everything that she needed for the majority of the grow. Method suffered a little as she didn’t take to the FIM as initially hoped. Still got 2 mains but 3 or 4 wouldve definitely been preferred. The plant itself was a champ. EXTREMELY resilient and manageable in terms of foliage. That said, organic growing is not without its pitfalls and for the reasons below we will be sticking to hydro and soilless applications indoors. Taste & Smell: 🍭🍭🍭 Effects: 🍭🍭🍭🍭 Her odour wasn’t particularly strong for any part of the cycle but there was definitely a notable diesel scent coming off ‘er both pre and post chop. Maybe even a bit of an earthy, peppery scent too. Gonna go with 3/5 lolli’s until we really know what we have post-cure. Same applies to the taste, definitely prominent diesel in ‘er but so far - I’m not seeing anything overly different that what I would expect from other mediums🤔. As far as effects go; ripped the bong real good and laughed hysterically like I hadn’t in some time👍. For now and until further testing is complete - she’s strong and very uplifting with an average/typical come down. Still not sure where I’m putting her in the hybrid spectrum yet but 4/5 lolli’s at this point for sure👌. Update - after a couple vape sessions she’s quickly starting to prove herself a notable any-time sativa. Uplifting and euphoric, relaxing but yet not quite sedative. Update - after some curing time in the jars I have to say that the terp. Profile is impressive. She’s easily the dankest, stickiest nugs we’ve grown to date. The strawberry has definitely come out with the diesel now too. Not the densest, but definitely living up to the all organic benefits touted by its proponents👍. I’m Happier about the turnout on this grow with each passing session😉😎
4 years ago