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Strawberry Nuggets
Growing it
STRAWBERRY NUGGETS VAPE REPORT 6 Weeks Cure is where it shines. Pheno #1: Deep pink/purple. Medium to firm density and oily. Pheno #2: Dark purples, loose to firm density and sticky. Pheno #3: Light green and pink. More dense than the others. The calyx are dusted with very tiny trichomes giving them a frosty look. Fruity cheesy scent. Smells more sweet than pungent up close but opening a bag quickly fills the room. Very sweet taste with a light berry essence. Produces a lot of vapor which stays smooth to the end. A mild initial buzz sets in quickly and stays a while, creeping until I suddenly realize that I am very high. Strong euphoria. Face and behind my forehead feel like they are glowing. Develops into a dizzying narcotic high with great body effects. It effectively reduced both chronic pain and recent broken ribs. Later sessions take me even higher. Helps with insomnia. ------------------------------------------ The main challenge both growing and harvesting these plants was the sheer density. Short thick branches full of foliage. The short purple plant was so thick that I could not clean up the inner growth through the life of the plant. The top buds are firm but everything below is airy. The other 2 were a little bit more manageable. A surprising amount of trim came off on harvest day. Sifted into nice hash. Is that a banana I see? Little purple yielded 31gm. The big pink and the green yielded 50gm and 45gm respectively. Yup. That was a banana.I found at least 7 ripe seeds. A small yield of very good weed. 4½ ounces with over ½ ounce of popcorn and 4-5 gm dry sift from the trim 🙂
2 months ago
Death bubba
Growing it
Update: 8 weeks cure is the sweet spot for this strain. This report is from a better bag. Vapor and smoke are smooth and the taste has developed nicely. Trichomes are abundantly visible. Most buds are medium-firm density. * Very strong, narcotic effects, especially vaporized. I am a seasoned user and I have to mind my dosage. Note that smoked it is a bit brighter, slightly less sedative and more "up". I compared this to some top shelf expertly grown organic 26% Death Bubba from a licenced producer. Theirs is denser, prettier and slightly terpier but not by much. In terms of perceived potency, mine are quite a bit stronger. The strain averages 22 to 28%. I was calling it 22%, though I don't have tests I am revising you estimate to be closer to 25%. The high is very narcotic, even to the point of dizzying. No body pain whatsoever. Calm spacy and at times confused. Sedated. I am yawning a lot, and it's not even suppertime yet. Later top-up doses bring me higher than the first. Numb. Calm. Sleepy. Exactly the medicine that I need. I will grow it again.😀
5 months ago
Pink Kush
Growing it
Thought it would be an ounce, turned out to be 46 grams. 3 weeks cure in grovebags. Small to medium buds, frosty. Smells sweet, pungent like peeling garlic while sitting in a florist shop. Add a bit of fuel funk. Smokes smooth all the way to the roach. Tastes sweet oily and floral. Vaped, produces a lot of very tasty vapor. Very sweet. Floral garlic and fuel with a slight skunk. Effects are heavy. Sedative, narcotic, hungry and sleepy. Pain free for hours. Creative but nothing will get done. Edit @5 weeks cure in grove bags: All in all, I am very happy with the strain's taste and very heavy indica effects. Performance was all right considering the diseased environment, and I am sure next crop will be even better. If I can get the same cut, I will definitely grow this again but in a sterile environment. I estimate that 3 healthy plants in a 3'x3' and 5 week veg could produce ~8-9 oz. And I do love these Grove bags.
9 months ago