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LSD-25 Auto
Growing it
Let me take you on a journey through my experience with LSD-25 from FastBuds - a strain that truly lived up to its name, morphing into a massive beast of a plant that left me in awe. From the moment I planted the seeds, I knew I was in for something special. As the days turned into weeks, LSD-25 exhibited vigorous growth, quickly outpacing its peers and establishing itself as the queen of the garden. With each passing day, LSD-25's branches stretched towards the sky, reaching for the heavens with an almost insatiable appetite for light and nutrients. Its foliage was lush and vibrant, a testament to its robust genetics and hearty constitution. But it wasn't just the sheer size of LSD-25 that impressed me; it was the quality of its buds. Each cola was dense and resinous, coated in a shimmering blanket of trichomes that sparkled in the light. The aroma was equally mesmerizing, with hints of citrus and pine that tantalized the senses with every whiff. As harvest approached, LSD-25 stood tall and proud, a towering monument to the power of nature and the art of cultivation. When the time finally came to chop her down, I was met with a bountiful harvest that exceeded my wildest expectations. In the end, LSD-25 from FastBuds proved to be more than just a strain; it was a force of nature, a massive beast of a plant that left an indelible mark on my grow room and my memory. If you're looking for a strain that delivers on both quantity and quality, look no further than LSD-25. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.
3 months ago
Purple Punch Auto
Growing it
Long overdue review! fruity hard nugs... truly amazing rerolled for myself a large batch for curing in blunt paper and will have it in my cigar humidor.
4 months ago
Gorilla Glue Auto
Growing it
I may have had a one in a million dud but the plant had me running circles from the start to the finish. super fragile and delicate compared to the rest of the tent. that been said, the flavour... Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to get stuck in the sweetest of situations with Barney's Farm Gorilla Glue Auto. If you've ever found yourself in a sticky predicament (and let's face it, who hasn't?), this strain is here to save the day with its potent effects and autoflowering convenience. Why Gorilla Glue Auto? Let's peel back the layers of this sticky situation, shall we? Gorilla Glue Auto is the lovechild of Gorilla Glue #4 and Ruderalis, resulting in a strain that's as potent as it is convenient. With its autoflowering capabilities, you can kiss goodbye to the hassle of light schedules and say hello to a harvest that practically grows itself. The Nitty-Gritty: Now, let's talk about potency. Gorilla Glue Auto isn't messing around when it comes to THC content. This bad boy packs a punch that's stronger than a gorilla on steroids (hence the name). One hit and you'll be glued to the couch faster than you can say "sticky icky." But fear not, fellow tokers, because this strain also delivers a euphoric buzz that's as uplifting as it is relaxing. It's like a warm hug from your favorite gorilla friend (minus the fur). But here's the kicker: Gorilla Glue Auto is also known for its resin production. I'm talking sticky, icky, gooey goodness that's guaranteed to leave your fingers feeling like they've been dipped in honey. It's the kind of resin that's so potent, you'll be tempted to start your own arts and crafts project (though I wouldn't recommend it). The Comedy Corner: Now, let's talk about the name. Gorilla Glue Auto sounds like something straight out of a DIY disaster waiting to happen. I can just imagine a group of stoners trying to fix a broken bong with Gorilla Glue Auto, only to end up accidentally gluing their hands together (not that I speak from experience or anything). It's like the MacGyver of cannabis strains, always ready to save the day with its sticky, sticky resin. Conclusion: In conclusion, if you're in the market for a strain that's as potent as it is convenient, look no further than Barney's Farm Gorilla Glue Auto. With its autoflowering capabilities, potent effects, and resin production that's second to none, it's a strain that's sure to leave you feeling stuck in the best possible way. So grab yourself a pack of Gorilla Glue Auto seeds, fire up the bong, and get ready to get glued. Remember, folks: Stay sticky, stay icky, and may your harvests be as resinous as they are righteous. 🌿🦍
2 years ago
Moby Dick Auto
Growing it
Ahoy, mateys! Prepare to embark on a legendary voyage through the high seas of cannabis cultivation with Barney's Farm Moby Dick Auto. This strain isn't just a fish tale; it's a towering titan of THC that's ready to set sail on your next grow adventure. Why Moby Dick Auto? Let me paint you a picture: imagine a majestic white whale breaching the surface of a crystal-clear ocean, surrounded by a swirling mist of euphoria and relaxation. That's the essence of Moby Dick Auto. With its impressive genetics and autoflowering capabilities, this strain is like the Captain Ahab of your grow tent - relentless in its pursuit of dankness and glory. The Nitty-Gritty: Now, let's dive deeper into the abyss. Moby Dick Auto is the offspring of two legendary strains: Moby Dick and Ruderalis. It's like crossing the Seven Seas in search of the ultimate cannabis treasure, and boy, does this strain deliver the booty. With its sativa-dominant effects, you can expect a cerebral voyage that's as uplifting as a stiff sea breeze, followed by a gentle descent into a state of blissful relaxation. But that's not all! Moby Dick Auto is also known for its impressive yields, making it a favorite among both novice growers and seasoned sea captains alike. Whether you're sailing the high seas of your backyard garden or navigating the treacherous waters of an indoor grow room, this strain is sure to make waves. The Comedy Cove: Now, let's talk about the name. Moby Dick Auto sounds like the title of the greatest cannabis-themed maritime adventure ever told. I can just imagine Captain Ahab himself shouting, "Thar she blows! Pass me the Moby Dick Auto, me hearties!" It's like the Great White Whale of cannabis strains, leaving a trail of euphoria in its wake wherever it goes. Conclusion: In conclusion, if you're ready to set sail on a cannabis journey of epic proportions, look no further than Barney's Farm Moby Dick Auto. With its potent effects, impressive yields, and legendary genetics, it's a strain that's sure to leave you feeling like the captain of your own cannabis ship. So hoist the sails, pack your pipe, and prepare for the adventure of a lifetime. Remember, sailors: Keep calm, puff on, and may your harvests be as bountiful as the ocean itself. πŸŒΏβš“
2 years ago
Tangerine Dream Auto
Growing it
Tangerine dream was, is and likely will be my favourite strain, PERIOD. first discovered ages ago on a trip to Amsterdam. I had several issues in terms of watering/nutes dosage vs plant age.... you name it. It was my first grow after all and she performed very well. I am sure the next 4 seeds left will be included in my new run. Just love everything about this strai, its resilience, its unique aroma. EVERYTHING. Get ready to embark on a citrus-infused journey of epic proportions with Barney's Farm Tangerine Dream Auto. This strain isn't just a dream; it's a juicy, tangy reality that's sure to leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle whatever the day throws your way. Why Tangerine Dream Auto? Let's peel back the layers of this citrusy delight, shall we? Tangerine Dream Auto is the lovechild of G13, Afghan, and Neville's Haze, resulting in a strain that's as potent as it is flavorful. With its autoflowering capabilities, you can kiss goodbye to the hassle of light schedules and say hello to a harvest that practically grows itself. It's like a tropical vacation for your grow tent, minus the sunburn and the questionable cocktails. The Nitty-Gritty: Now, let's talk about flavor. Tangerine Dream Auto is like a burst of sunshine in every puff, with notes of sweet citrus that dance on the taste buds like a flamenco dancer at a fiesta. It's the kind of flavor that's so mouthwatering, you'll find yourself reaching for the bong again and again just to experience it all over again. But here's the kicker: Tangerine Dream Auto isn't just delicious; it's also potent. With its balanced effects, you can expect a blissful blend of euphoria and relaxation that's perfect for kicking back and soaking in the good vibes. It's like a tropical sunset in a smokeable form - warm, inviting, and utterly sublime. The Comedy Corner: Now, let's talk about the name. Tangerine Dream Auto sounds like something straight out of a psychedelic fever dream, doesn't it? I can just imagine a group of stoners passing around a joint of Tangerine Dream Auto and suddenly finding themselves on a magical journey through a grove of citrus trees. It's like Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, but with weed instead of candy. Conclusion: In conclusion, if you're in the market for a strain that's as flavorful as it is potent, look no further than Barney's Farm Tangerine Dream Auto. With its autoflowering capabilities, mouthwatering flavor profile, and balanced effects, it's a strain that's sure to leave you dreaming of citrusy paradise. So grab yourself a pack of Tangerine Dream Auto seeds, fire up the bong, and get ready to drift away on a cloud of citrusy bliss. Remember, folks: Stay juicy, stay dreamy, and may your harvests be as vibrant as a tangerine sunset. 🌿🍊
2 years ago