
Monkey Nutrients


Monkey Nutrients is a UK-based company specializing in plant nutrition products, specifically tailored for growers. The brand was developed with decades of experience and field testing to provide the highest quality plant nutrition available on the market. Their product range includes Grow A+B, Bloom A+B, Boost, Root Shoot, Stress, Magical, PK 9/18, and Resin, each designed to support various stages and aspects of plant growth.
Their philosophy is simple yet effective: "Give your plants what they need to get the results you want." Monkey Nutrients products are developed and tested in the UK, ensuring they meet the specific needs of growers in that region and beyond. Their product line is versatile, catering to both small-scale hobbyists and larger commercial operations.

Monkey NutrientsMonkey NutrientsMonkey NutrientsMonkey NutrientsMonkey NutrientsMonkey NutrientsMonkey Nutrients
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Best nutes that I've used, no deficiencies bio Synthetic. Resin is definitely a winner. The team at Monkey are always helpful when you reach out. I Fed heavy throughout top end of feed chart. I never checked my run off that much, became complacent. I should of Flushed more frequently as salt build up EC level was high in week 6 6.5EC. My fault. Just wish they would offer a schedule to auto flowers also as so many are people are doing those now. Great guys thank you very much..
6 months ago
Always use this after training
a year ago
Always good to use after topping 👏💚
a year ago
Always good to use after training such as lst or hst
a year ago
This is always good to use I find it very helpful after topping my girls
a year ago
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