
White Satin


White Satin is a robust indica/sativa hybrid that combines potency, top-quality, flexibility and fast flowering.

The plant doesn't need a special care and feedinng. It is easy to grow and ideal choice for any grower from beginner to experienced. The strain develops a medium-sized structure with a strong central stem and mass of resinous buds that make it ideal choice for hash-makers. The harvest comes at the end of Septenber bringing the amazing yields of 850-1000 gr/plant outdoors. The flowering period indoor is 10 weeks and the average crop is 400-500 gr/m2. It is recommended to control humidity to avoid the mold appearance.

The smoke brings a well-balanced intense effect that makes you clear-headed yet wonderfully stoned. The aroma contains sweet-fruity notes with a touch of apricot.

White SatinWhite Satin
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Family Tree

White Satin
India - Hybrid
India - Indica
India - Sativa
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